Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1265: The bachelor does not rub the sand in his eyes

Intelligence, or information, is of different value in the hands of different people.

Such as the price of garlic

Suddenly it skyrocketed from one yuan three to thirty yuan a catty

For the neighbourhood aunty, she might be so angry that she would swear at the street, but that’s all, this news is worthless to her

But for businessmen with a keen sense of smell, it means a lot of wealth, and this news is worth tens of thousands of dollars.

The fastest and most timely access to information not only means wealth, but also means always one step ahead, always taking the initiative, and being able to bridge the nose of others

The asymmetry of information is exactly the expression of power

Only powerful people can have timely and accurate information

Ordinary people can only understand what happened in the world just after reading the newspaper news

And when they woke up, it was too late

The benefits have been taken up by well-informed people

Simply put, for example, a certain wasteland is planned to build a national road

Those who get the internal news in advance will buy this wasteland that no one cares about at a very low price, and take a huge amount of compensation for land acquisition and make a lot of money in an instant

And the original owner of this land may just be counting the money to rejoice, that idiot actually bought a useless swamp. After the government's plan was released, he wanted to smash his head immediately.

In fact, this is also a way for many politicians to give disguised benefits to those who support their businessmen.

What’s even better is that profiteering based on the asymmetry of information is completely reasonable and legal, and no one can find a problem.

On the mainland, no matter smart people, they recognize this problem very early

But they can do nothing

In this era, communication basically depends on shouting, and sending letters basically depends on walking. Entertainment basically depends on hands (it seems a bit evil)

A piece of news is sent from Leiria in the west of the mainland to Parthia in the east of the mainland, and it will take half a year to cultivate the broadband network at the earliest.

Those strong organizations, in order to deliver information as quickly as possible, all did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to establish their own information delivery system

For example, the speedy relay eight hundred li to the tired people like the three grandsons, and the expensive magic messaging system that can make the king painful.

In the Holy Light Continent, there are rich and powerful, and only powerful organizations and countries such as Vantino and Ruman Empire have built this post system.

Lord Lorraine knows the importance of intelligence, which is one of the necessary conditions for victory

Therefore, he did not hesitate to establish his own intelligence transmission system-Feiying Railway Communication Company, referred to as Tietong

After more than a year of crazy construction, this set of systems with a wired telegraph network as the backbone has basically connected Vatican Maple Leaf Danlin, as well as major cities in Ruman, Almohad and other countries. Important cities in other countries

In places where the limited telegraph network cannot cover, the intelligence personnel of Feiying Salt Industry Company are used as supplements.

What needs to be mentioned here is that due to the close relationship between Sir Alex Ferguson and the Holy See, the intelligence personnel of Feiying Salt Industry used the dedicated communication station of the Holy See, which is extremely convenient and almost the same as that of their own home. To the point of intimacy

These kinds of communication methods are united together, like a huge fishing net, covering most of the mainland

The advantage is that it can be adjusted flexibly, and agents of the Flying Eagle Group can be sent to hot spots at all times to conduct various activities.

Relying on this set of high-efficiency information transmission system, the business activities of the Flying Eagle Group are not profitable, and they can always seize the most profitable business opportunities. The judgment of the international political situation is not accurate.

The intelligence personnel use the password to write a document and give it to the professionally trained Harriers, who spread their wings and fly high, and in the shortest time, send the intelligence to the nearest telegraph station

After receiving the information, the agents of the venture capital company first judged the authenticity by professional means, and then sent it back to Nydal City by telegram.

At the same time, there will be one copy each to Rumancheng and Constantine

Through this kind of network-style information transmission, in order to avoid the transmission process, the telegram is blocked and intercepted, resulting in unacceptable situations

Lord Luo was very proud of this. Lord Ferguson did the work of the US Department of Defense Vision Research and Planning Agency alone.

Guide the world and successfully took the first step towards the international information Internet~!

With this networked connection, in the future, even if a war breaks out and the direct contact between Ruman City and Nyan is interrupted, then a new connection can be established in a short period of time through other nodes on the network.


At 4 pm on the second day of the Ryder City coup, Belem walked into the study of Governor Lorraine with documents

Everyone in Naian knows, find their respectable governor, don’t go to the governor’s office in the office building

There are indeed people dealing with state affairs and summoning representatives of officials at all levels, but those who are sitting and working hard are Her Royal Highness Princess Catherine and Miss Adele, the Governor’s administrative secretary.

Also dubbed the East Palace and West Palace by the government staff

The Governor himself usually handles the business operations of the Flying Eagle Group in the study room on the second floor of the back house.

After Belen knocked on the door of the study, it took a few seconds before Lorraine's voice came from inside, saying: "Come in."

Pushing open the door, the first thing Belen saw was Miss Vera with a blushing face, just like Apple.

Vera wore a tight office girl outfit, a gray lapel waist suit, and more and more held up Vera's towering plump **** that were flying away from her clothes.

A string of beautiful gemstone necklaces hung on the delicate and fat neck, and a sapphire the size of a pigeon egg was attached to the open chest.

In the sun, the gems exude a blue light, which more and more brings out the white and pink skin

The short skirt fits above the knees, and under my feet is a pair of shiny black high heels, which are capable and charming.

Just looking at Vera’s face, Belen guessed what fun game the two of them were doing in the house just now

Belen couldn't help but sighed in a low voice: "Fiery youth~!"

Vera's ears were very pointed, and she saw Belen's smiled eyes, shyly raised the file to cover her face, kicked Lorraine under the table, and ran out with a snort

Lord Luo rubbed his nose in embarrassment. No one came when he was reprimanded, but Belen’s duties were important. He was also a close friend of Lorraine’s family.

Just now, Lorraine managed to convince Vera to play a game of doctors and patients...Bah, baah, devote yourself to the great medical career

Let Ferguson use the stethoscope just made to help Vera listen to her heartbeat and see if there is any noise or something

As a result, Sir Ferguson was interrupted by Belém just as he took out the stethoscope.

Lorraine hurriedly took the stethoscope off his ears and raised the teacup on the table to conceal his helpless look

"Excuse me," Belen said with a smile: "But it's a big deal. It's necessary to let the adults know the latest chapter of Pirate Xiantu as soon as possible."

With that, handed over the file

Lord Lorraine shook the thin document in his hand, took a sip from the teacup, and glanced at the content on it.

Lorraine’s eyes glared, "Puff" and a sip of hot tea was sprayed out. The hot water choked on the trachea, and could not help but cough.

Belen had expected it a long time ago. He put the folder in front of his face for the first time and waited until Sir Alex Ferguson coughed. Then he put down the folder in front of his face and swept the back with his sleeve. Water drop shrugged gracefully and said, "I was stunned when I saw it at first sight."

Lorraine dropped the teacup and beat his chest hard. Regardless of the tea splashing on the table, he shook his head and sighed, "It's ruthless~! It's ruthless~!

This kid can do it even his own father, but I underestimate him, it's a person~! "

Belen glanced at Governor Lorraine, and said in his heart: This kid is only five or six years older than you.

Although the report did not specify how King Leiria and Duke De Rossi died, as a true statesman, they all have amazing insights.

As long as you look at the result, you can guess a seven or eight points (just like classmate Hillary Clinton suddenly fell ill, the official report said, walking fainted, but some bad guys The Truth Party is not indifferent to malicious guesses: Is it Clinton? Ke Ge did his hand too hard?)

Belen smiled and said: "For De Rossi, this is indeed the best choice. My people have evaluated De Rossi's possible actions, considered the possibility of a coup, but finally made a conclusion. Time to give up"

Lorraine was startled, and then asked: "Why?"

Belem stretched out his chair and sat across from Lorraine, with his hands on his chest, with a confused expression on his face, he said, "This is exactly what we don't understand.

The evaluation team agreed that: De Rossi and his sons did not have the ability to initiate a coup, let alone a successful coup.

They are unpopular in the Kingdom of Leiria. Except for hundreds of private soldiers, they have no army in their hands, and there is no strong opposition force in Leiria that he can use.

In addition, the death of the archbishop is very puzzling. The influence of the bishop on Leiria is very weak. There is no need to kill an insignificant person.

This will attract Vantino’s attention and even revenge.

I think there must be a problem here~! "

Belem gave his own judgment from a professional point of view

"Well," Lorraine nodded in agreement with his opinion, and then couldn't help but looked down at the report and said in admiration: "I have to say, that girl did such a beautiful job, she acted secretly, and acted decisively. Like the style of a dude

But...could it be that the archbishop was just in time, and the result was affected? "

Belen stretched out his hands helplessly, saying: "The current information is too little, there is no detailed process of the coup, no way to judge, but I personally think that the death of the archbishop is very strange, and it may be crucial in it."

"Do you have any plans for the next step?"

Belen suddenly slapped his thigh, smiled happily, and said, "I have a good thing."

And handed over a not-thin document

The title of the document reads "The Truth About Leiria Coup," and the authors of the article are Julie and Ernst

The above mentioned in a sharp tone of Leiria’s court coup and what happened in the city on the day of the coup.

The grammar is fluent, and it reads as if in person. The author doubted that this kind of court tragedy happened when De Rossi was about to obey the law. It was undoubtedly abnormal.

According to the principle of whoever benefits and plans, the target is up to Little De Rossi, and the end of the article also questioned the cause of death of old De Rossi.

Although I didn’t say it clearly, but intentionally or unintentionally, it led the reader’s mind to the direction where Old De Rossi was killed by his son.

Once people have finished reading, they will be excited and come to the truth: Son De Rossi has lost his conscience, killing his father and killing the king is really a big treacherous man.

"Is it well written," Lorraine praised: "Who are these two authors?"

"Julie is our person, the reporter of Economic Observer, and the other is from Fengye Danlin" Belen said: "But there is also a bad news.

That is, they are still trapped in Leiria, and we are actively planning rescue work."

Lorraine nodded approvingly, and said: "I can rest assured when you do things, and you must ensure the safety of the people in front of you.

As for the rest..."

Lorraine rubbed his chin and groaned for a moment, drew his fingers on the edge of the teacup, and said: "Procedural justice is still to be discussed and left to the United Nations."

"That's what I meant." Belen stood up and pulled his clothes, and said: "Leiria is too far away, and we can't get away and let their dog bite the dog."

Lorraine pointed a finger at the article written by Julie, and said: "In the newspaper, the front page headlines spread the news."

Belen bowed, then turned around and left

Lorraine thought for a while, and suddenly stopped him again, and then said: "By the way, when Julie comes back, remind me that I will give her processing money"

Belém immediately bowed deeply and said: "As you wish, the adult Laozi is the latest chapter of the village chief"

The news of Leiria’s coup d’état spread along the telegraph line.

The information network constructed by Lord Lord Lorraine showed its unparalleled power. Before most of the citizens of the Kingdom of Leiria knew it, the United Nations and the Holy See had already grasped the news of the coup and acted quickly.

The news came out and the world was in an uproar

The United Nations held an emergency meeting overnight

Representatives of various countries were pulled over from the wine table or bed

Usually this time is the end of the day of arguing, spitting, throwing water glasses, throwing tables, chairs and benches, and even the hard work of real PK, enjoying the leisure time after work.

Everyone will choose to drink small wine, find a beautiful female secretary to exchange work experience, kindly give advice to the new interns, etc. things that benefit the country and the people

Of course all this is for work, so it's logical to spend public money

Fengye Danlin also prospered a lot because of the ambassadors of the United Nations.

Lester sat on the rostrum, staring coldly at the ambassadors of various countries to Fengye Danlin who had not yet woken up.

Some people are dizzy and slumped on their seats, some are still yawning, complaining about not sleeping well, and some are desperately wiping the lipstick marks on their necks and faces with their handkerchiefs

All the people are asking each other what's going on, we must urgently summon everyone

The focus of attention is naturally the Ruman Empire, Vantino, Almohad, Parthia and other big countries, and only they are well informed.

But looking at them, they seem to be at a loss

Seeing that the people were almost there, Lester knocked on the hammer to signal the audience to be quiet, and said: "If you don't come, don't wait for them. We at the United Nations just received a message."

Lester glanced at this neck, and the ambassadors like the goose snorted with satisfaction, and slowly said: "The coup d’état occurred in King Leiria. The king and the prince's family were killed. Little De Rossi has Ascended to the throne as king"

Lester briefly said the news that he had received, and the venue was silent for a moment, and everyone looked at each other in surprise.

They all have a common idea: it’s too sudden, it’s too sudden

In the past, coups always saw some trends or signs before they happened. For example, Achaemenis usurped Parthia’s throne. Everyone knew that he was going to usurp the throne. So when the day comes, everyone will feel relieved. It’s like knowing the final grades, this matter finally came out, whether it’s good or bad, and finally a worry

But Leiria’s coup went beyond everyone’s expectations

That kid De Rossi, who doesn’t say anything, does such a big job. This is too capable.

As for the so-called truth that De Rossi disclosed, well, I can only say that De Rossi’s ability to compose stories needs to be strengthened.

No one in the meeting believed the truth announced by De Rossi

Everyone came out and mixed, all of them are bachelors who don’t rub the sand in their eyes. If you don’t even know this, you might as well go home and hug your kids.

They just secretly joke that De Rossi’s methods are clumsy. It’s better to fake a shipwreck or fire, which sounds more like that.


Suddenly there was a loud shout from the crowd, and the angry eyes of all the country representatives were all watching, as if they were about to tear him apart with their eyes.

Several have already rolled their sleeves and prepared to teach him

Are you kidding me?

What a shit~!

Sitting here are the loyal representatives of the leaders of various countries. The so-called **** decides the head. What everyone hates most is these random coups.

As a feudal kingdom, coups are the most taboo, especially military coups.

Every coup means a big a transfer of interests

Everyone is a person with vested interests. Suddenly one day it came out that his boss was killed by someone, and the new adversary was on the stage.

Who doesn't hate the street

Not only was the good job of the UN ambassador lost, maybe even the family property was robbed when I returned, and even worse, maybe my wife and children were robbed.

Who dares to say that the coup d’état is good, whoever is fighting against the ruling class of the vast feudal society, against the whole continent

We must knock him to the ground, and then step on ten thousand feet severely, to make him end of the disaster

The person who was speaking was stunned for a moment to react. When he was happy, he directly said what was in his heart. Looking at the people around him as if he was going to eat raw, the over-excited ambassador hurriedly jumped up and said loudly, "No, I It means, this is a tragedy"

Turning his eyes, he exclaimed in his loudest voice impassionedly: "This is a blatant provocation to the international order.

It is unacceptable~! "To be renewed, you are welcome to vote for a monthly recommendation ticket,

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