Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1266: Vita's Sum

"This is unacceptable~"

With a loud shout from the delegates, it was like pouring a scoop of cold water into a hot oil pan, and the venue of the United Nations Headquarters instantly exploded.

The representatives of the ambassadors of various countries were all filled with righteous indignation. They swept away the elegance and calmness of the nobles in the past. All of them clenched their fists, jumped up in anger, and shouted hoarsely.


"Strongly request to investigate the truth"

"Armed Intervention"

"Upper peacekeeping force"

"Keep their peace"


Look at their excited expressions, as if De Rossi is really right in front of them, everyone will spit him to death.

The representatives of various countries were excited, and looked like progressive young people who saw the government sign a traitorous treaty. This is understandable.

Now is not the world of later generations, but a complete feudal aristocratic society

The bosses are all imperial kings. In their opinion, all the rebels and thieves are the most annoying~

As the little brothers who are closely following the boss, if you encounter this kind of messy coup d’état, if you don’t jump out the first time, draw a clear line with the enemy and start a heroic struggle.

Then the suspicious eyes of the bosses will fall on them——*, what do you want to do? You actually sympathize with rebellion, do you want to rebel too?

Immediately afterwards, the shimmering dog head in the hands of the boss will put it on his neck. If you encounter a violent temper, you will directly click the person without even saying hello.

Therefore, although the textbooks have always been devoted to such things as coups, riots, and uprisings, so that they can see the progress of history, the rolling wheels of history can not be blocked, but it is politically motivated. Correctness, the main thing is to keep one's job and head, all consciously, voluntarily, spontaneously criticize and severely criticize, criticize and criticize, and then step on 10,000 feet, so that it will never turn over

Don’t mention that everyone doesn’t have the slightest affection for De Rossina.

That dog is stirring up troubles all day long, and he puts on a stinky face all day like a two-five-eighty-thousand person. If it wasn't for everyone who was busy picking up girls and spending public money, they would have been screaming with big mouths-a little 13 boy, and Not his own son, what kind of big radish is actually here, who doesn't smoke him?

Therefore, although the ministers and ambassadors of various countries were angry, their eyes were full of unconcealable smiles. They all geared up and prepared to do a big job.

Even some representatives were so moved they almost cried

They folded their hands together and thanked the great God of Light from the bottom of their hearts, saying in their hearts: "His grandma has a leg. He has been in the United Nations for so long and finally waited until this time.

This is the division in the legend~"

So that a certain young, excited and uncontrollable representative waved his fist and exclaimed excitedly in his loudest voice: "Hit De Rossi, everyone divides the field, grabs money and land to grab women~"

However, he was punched and kicked by the representatives next to him.

Everyone pointed at him, and sternly criticized: "*, just know it by yourself, you can say it, you are shameless, we still have to face it~"

For a while, the whole hall was full of voices and it was extremely chaotic.

What is the most anticipated official event in the United Nations?

Ask a hundred representatives and you will hear a hundred affirmative statements, "Armed intervention,, is to maintain peace."

Since Lord Lorraine first created the Laohe army, everyone in the United Nations has no longer quarreled with his mother. Instead, a final curse has generally been adopted, that is: "Beep again, beep again, and maintain your peace."

Everyone who heard this sentence suddenly changed color

Lord Lorraine took the first expedition to Almohad with the Maple Leaf Danlin Expeditionary Army, copied the small vaults of the emperor and prime minister at that time, made the first pot of money in his life, and established the world's largest trust monopoly consortium in one fell swoop. —The foundation of Feiying Group

Lord Lorraine used his own actions to set an example to the vast number of mainlanders. The most profitable business in this era is not collusion between government and business, nor monopoly, but robbery...Bah, baah, and safeguarding world peace~

Everyone is crying: Sir Alex makes money, he is much harder than himself

When it came time to put down the Battle of Hadu for the second time, many people saw that they were cheap, and they turned their hearts on them. They were also following Lord Luo’s buttocks and flaunting the banner of the peacekeeping force.

And the countries that participated in the war all made a lot of money

The corps of knights from the Holy See of Illumination is better. After all, their elder Pope and Queen Almohad are sisters, and they will restrain the troops.

Grand Duke Julian is also passionate about adultery, and he controls his subordinates not to grab too much

Besides, under the leadership of professionals like Lord Lorraine, the robbery of the Ruman Legion is always the most efficient.

Pick up the most valuable items as soon as you come up, such as the treasury, the official warehouse, Hadu’s military supplies, etc., but look down on other small things

Other countries are not so polite. As long as it is what they are looking for, they will all confiscated in the name of enemy supplies. Even if they **** a chicken, they want to send it home as soon as possible.

A thief is like a comb, a soldier is like a grate

Wherever the army passes, the southern vegetation is withered, and all industries are in decline, and it will not be relieved in ten or eight years.

When the peacekeeping forces triumphed with clinking gold coins, they regretted not being able to see this peacekeeping operation.

Now, seeing the hard time coming again, I can’t let it go

Although the Kingdom of Leiria is not big, it is enough for everyone

"Peacekeeping, peacekeeping~"

Gradually there was only one voice left in the venue, and the representatives chanted the slogan "Peacekeeping" in unison to show their firm determination

Lester had an old black face and a bad expression. He stared fiercely at the representatives of the various countries in the venue. He was so angry that he secretly cursed: "You said peacekeeping is peacekeeping. When the United Nations is opened by your home

*, this is obviously my house~"

As a member of the Bureau of the United Nations, Lester’s Great Forbidden Curse Magister has always attached great importance to maintaining the authority of the United Nations in order to establish his prestige as the chairman of the United Nations General Assembly. He hates the messy statements of delegates.

In the view of Lester’s Great Forbidden Curse Magister, these puppies are deliberately trying to take the opportunity to kidnap a fair, fair and open United Nations.

Lester raised the wooden hammer and banged it a few times, saying, "Silence, give me silence."

After a few minutes, the venue gradually became quiet

Lester glanced at the venue and said, "Are the representatives of Leiria?"

A chubby guy in the crowd stood up and said excitedly: "Yes, I, I am"

"Since it's your country's business," Lester leaned back in his chair and said slowly: "I need to listen to your opinion first."

The representative of Leiria ran out of the crowd. When he got on the podium, he was too excited and stumbled on the steps with his foot and fell firmly.

Regardless of touching a broken nose, the representative of Leiria wailed and said: "De Rossi was frantic and murdered our noble king and prince.

I ask the United Nations to uphold justice for our Leiria people"

He couldn't help but not rushing to owe Fengye Danlin to several five-star hotels, which were about to expire. Where would he take the public funds to spend on the boss?

In case Prince De Rossi is firmly seated on the throne and sends another ambassador to the United Nations to take office, he will not even be a fart at that time.

Therefore, at this time, I can only grit my teeth and criticize De Rossi.

The ambassadors next to each other exchanged glances and nodded in agreement: This guy is on the road~

"Make a proposal now, we vote" a representative shouted impatiently

Lester stared at the speaker fiercely with a "bang" and slammed the hammer, and said in a deep voice: "According to the UN working procedures, a joint investigation team must first be sent to investigate the truth.

After the conclusion of the joint investigation team, the General Assembly can formulate an action plan"

"I need to investigate..." Many people lamented regretfully

Taking advantage of De Rossi’s unreliable foothold, he immediately formed a coalition and sent troops to Leiria, defeating De Rossi with a destructive force, in order to obtain the greatest benefit at the least cost.

The so-called joint investigation is not just to give De Rossi some time to breathe, and it has caused dissatisfaction among many people.

Lester was dissatisfied, blowing his beard and staring, and said: "This is how the UN procedures are stipulated. Who of you has an opinion to say, I am a very democratic person, and we will change it if it doesn't fit."

As soon as this statement came out, the hall immediately calmed down. The delegates were silent, sitting on the chairs honestly, not even daring to raise their heads, like a middle school student waiting for the teacher to ask questions, for fear of being seen by Lester and thinking of himself I had an opinion on him and was called out by name

Lester said that he was democratic, and the great dictator of Ruman Empire, Emperor Rudrun, would laugh.

In all the world, who doesn’t know, this old guy is the least minded and most domineering

He most likes to squat in the corner when he is okay, draw circles and curse something

If it's an ordinary person, that's all right, but he is a genuine great wizard, who can suffer from his high mana?

In case, when I was drawing a circle, I suddenly thought of myself: "I was offended by so and so", and then came a voodoo curse, letting myself injure a syphilis, a flower willow, a rotten little jj or something, at that time, it was It's too late to jump into the river

"Since there is no opinion, let's discuss how to set up this joint investigation team." Seeing everyone obediently and obediently, Lester nodded in satisfaction, and secretly said in his heart: I, the chairman of the United Nations, is still very useful.

The resolution of the investigation was passed quickly, but when it came time to send someone to go, everyone was in trouble. Leiria is now a pan

The kid De Rossi dared to slaughter his own father, who else would not dare to kill?

The investigation team went up on the front foot, maybe the back foot was killed as if he pinched a chicken.

The meeting was stuck here, even if Chairman Lester proposed to hold lots, it was fair to see who was unlucky, but it was resolutely rejected by the delegates.

What a joke, everyone is delicate and expensive, even if it is one-tenth dangerous

The seemingly smooth agenda is stuck here. It’s already late at night, and the delegates are desperate. If they can’t get the results, the day will be wasted.

And I don’t know if we can reach an agreement the next day

There is a rule in the United Nations: if things are not resolved in the first meeting, they will not be resolved in more meetings in the future.

Seeing everyone downcast, Obaham, a member of the presidium and plenipotentiary representative of the Holy See to the United Nations, suddenly received a note. He was happy on his face and stood up and said loudly: "Everyone, we can work around this matter."

"Workaround?" The ambassadors looked at Obaham, the seemingly kind old man in surprise, but he was actually the worst of the few. This old man always gave people a fatal blow at the most critical moment and fell down. The representatives in his hand don't know where they are

Obaham blinked and smiled gently and said: "Since we can't go to Leiria for investigation, it is better to ask Leiria people to come to the United Nations for investigation."

The ambassadors suddenly realized that they sincerely admired that Jiang was still an old hot man or an old poison.

In this way, it is completely in line with the procedure, without them having to take risks, it is the perfect solution.

Lester and Obaham colluded, and slammed the wooden hammer hard, saying: "Resolution 171, passed

The Kingdom of Leiria must explain the situation at the UN General Assembly within two days today and tomorrow.

Before the delegates had time to cheer, they suddenly noticed the weirdness in Lester’s words. They must come to the United Nations within two days today and tomorrow.

From Leiria to Maple Leaf Danlin, it will take 20 days at the earliest, unless it is a war fortress or the ambassador of the Kingdom of Leiria is in Maple Leaf Danlin

The ambassadors suddenly realized: Lester was on the same side with them. This old guy was afraid that De Rossi would have been displeasing to his eyes.

People who offend Lorraine naturally offend him Lester's Great Forbidden Magic Master


Julie sat at the table, struggling to write with the faint light, stopping from time to time to bite the pen and meditate for a while

Reporter Julie is doing a follow-up report on Leiria’s coup, and now her article has become the only channel for the outside world to understand Leiria’s current situation.

The name Julie is also constantly mentioned among the senior officials of various countries. Maybe she does not know it. She has already become famous in the first battle and ranks among the world-renowned journalists.

Ernst, the reporter of "Red Maple Leaf", guarded the door, listening vigilantly to the movement outside the door. Every neat footstep heard, Ernst was nervous for a while, for fear that it was here to catch them.

Only two people from the Feiying Group office were sleeping in the basement, and the others went out to "work"

At this time, the top door of the basement clicked, and the two clerks lying on the ground immediately opened their eyes and jumped up, taking out weapons from their arms and aiming at the door.

After a few more long or short taps, the top plate opened with a creak and Kobils walked in

He shook the rain on his body and said: "The most news, De Rossi has just imprisoned six generals of the Janissary Army, disbanded all government officials, and must be reappointed."

Julie nodded to express receipt, rubbed her hard wrist, and then raised the brush to write

Ernst stepped forward and grabbed Kobils by the arm, and asked nervously, "Get in touch with Count Montzenberg, what did he say?"

Kobils nodded and said: "I got in touch. He has just been relieved of all his duties today. After I know what interests him, he is willing to follow us."

Ernst breathed a sigh of relief, took two steps back and fell onto a chair, muttering: "That's good, thank God..."

Kobils rubbed his brows. He hadn't closed his eyes for two days, his face was sleepy that could not be concealed, and said: "The time and place of the retreat have been notified to them. Let's leave at night."

Ernst patted his chest and said gratefully: "I can finally leave this ghost place"

Corbiers smiled wearily and said, "Yes, I can finally leave this ghost place"

At this time, Julie threw down the pen, looked at her article with satisfaction, stretched her waist, and said: "Finally finished."

Then he stood up and handed the article to Corbiers, he smiled and said: "Look at what I wrote? When we are done, we will send it back."

Corbiers smiled and shook his head, and said: "When Miss Julie withdraws from Leiria, you can go to Telegram."

Julie tilted her head to think, clapped her hands and said: "That's right, then wait."

In the boring waiting process, time passes by every minute

The gloomy sky darkened faster than usual, but Ernst felt it was the longest day he had ever spent

After the night enveloped the earth, the showers began to crash again

I don’t know how long it has been. A clerk next to him awoke the sleeping Kobils and whispered in his ear: "Head, time is up"

Kobils was agitated, turned over and jumped up, rubbed his face vigorously, looked left and right, and said, "Okay, take them away."

Ernst picked up his bag excitedly, watching Julie rushing to pack things aside, and couldn't help but urge: "Hurry up."

Julie hurriedly swept the woman's odds and ends on the table into the bag, slung the bag on her shoulder, and said: "Okay."

Kobils smiled and nodded, saying: "I wish you all the best."

Julie raised her head in surprise, looked at Corbiers, and asked: "Aren't you leaving?"

Kobils smiled and shook his head and said: "We can't leave yet"

The young people behind him also sneered and said, "We still have the account."

Ernst froze for a moment, and finally affirmed that these people are the legendary agents

He pulled Julie's clothes and whispered: "Go"

Julie nodded silently and followed Ernst up the stairs

Corbiers they waved to Julie to say goodbye

Ernst dragged Julie out of the basement, took a breath of rainy night, wet and cold weather, and said with a smile: "Now your Pulitzer Prize will definitely not run away. I guess I can get a promotion when I go back. "

Julie grinned reluctantly and turned to look at the entrance of the basement. The little girl suddenly gritted her teeth and broke away Ernst's hand, saying: "I won't go."

Ernst didn't seem to hear clearly, and was surprised: "What did you say?" To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation)

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