Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1273: Sniper's highest achievement


In accordance with the standard procedures for naval patrols, fleets that perform ship **** and anti-piracy patrol missions on the high seas generally have a mission cycle of seven to ten days.

At the same time, in the same sea area, there is more than one patrol fleet cruising.

The purpose is to be able to communicate with each other and comprehensively monitor the entire sea area.

Once a patrol fleet fails to return to the port within the time limit, or no information is sent back, the naval headquarters of the Elf Kingdom will know that something has happened.

Afterwards, the Admiralty of the Elf Kingdom will raise its combat readiness level, and an entire naval fleet will immediately set off to search for the disappeared patrol.

In the absence of instant and convenient means of contact, the rigorous system of the Elf Kingdom has proved to be effective.

Any wind and grass on the ocean can not escape the eyes of the wizard kingdom navy.

Therefore, when Titus' transport fleet rushed out of the patrol fleet's sight, a magic bulletin was sent from the patrol fleet of the Elf Kingdom.

The letter was first sent to another nearby patrol fleet, and then received and forwarded by the magician on duty, and then passed to the further patrol fleet.

The letter was forwarded layer by layer and finally passed back to the navy headquarters.

The news of the emergence of a large fleet of transport ships flying the flag of Leiria did not attract much attention in the Naval Headquarters of the Elf Kingdom.

After all, the center of interest of the Elven Kingdom is not on the mainland. This peacekeeping war has little to do with the Elven Kingdom.

They will not get themselves into trouble for the benefit of others, and let the humans fight to death.

Anyway, when I finally picked the peaches, I had a copy of the Elf Kingdom. This piece of information has gone through the due process, analyzed, sorted, and filed. It should have ended here. Then he lay quietly among the old paper piles and became moldy and rotted.

However, since the Elven Kingdom signed a treaty with the human race not long ago, everyone has the obligation to share information according to the treaty.

So on. When this information was sent to archive, it was picked up by an officer again, and a copy was sent to the Magic Association of the Elven Kingdom.

Subsequently. That copy was piled up with other documents.

In the afternoon of the same day, these documents were sent to the United Nations by the Magic Association.

When it arrived at the UN Letters Division, it was piled up with various documents sent from other countries.

In that noisy and busy sorting office, because the copy was marked with the words "Military Secrets" in red, it was picked out by the sorting staff in the first time. Loaded a small cart. Then quickly pushed out.

After more than a dozen people changed hands in the middle, it finally lay quietly on the desk of an intelligence officer of the UN peacekeeping force staff.

Unlike the Elf Kingdom, the staff of the peacekeeping force paid considerable attention to it after receiving this information.

And in the first time, the news was passed on through the Feiying Tietong telegraph system.

However, it has obviously not attracted the attention of peacekeeping forces.

This is understandable.

All coalition forces are either busy robbing things, or are busy looting turf, or are busy fighting. Where does the demons have time to care about the traces of a transport fleet?

So on. On the fifth day when the Elf Navy encountered the Leiria transport fleet, it was lurking at the intelligence station in the city of Ryder, and the staggered one received a notification from the rear. Remind them that a fleet of transport ships is about to arrive.

When he saw the contents of the note in his hand, Kobils made a ‘pop’ and slapped the table hard.

The cups and saucers above the shaking clinked.

The people next to him were also taken aback and looked at him.

Kobils shook the note in his hand and said dumbfounded: "*, what do the dogs in the back eat?

I have only been notified now that a fleet of transport ships is approaching Leiria, asking me to pay attention.

These **** bureaucrats.

It's been five days, and they would have landed long ago.

Leiria said it was big, and it was not small. I can't even get out of the city, so where do I find it. "

Zhu lì leaned over and glanced at the note cheeky.

She didn't have the right to contact this kind of secret information, but these days, she has become acquainted with this group of people.

And Zhu lì is a reporter. A woman, but willing to take strange risks, resolutely stayed and shared the joys and sorrows with them, which really made them admire.

In this era of male superiority and inferiority to females, a woman who can be such a man is a cherished animal that is on the verge of extinction.

Even though these guys are all CIA agents, but when they see Zhu Lì, they still have to look up at an angle of forty-five degrees.

Therefore, every time everyone has any action or intelligence, they do not cheat her.

After reading it, Zhu lì scratched his messy hair and said: "The large fleet, they are not small boats, they can't hide.

Besides, they always have to trade at Ryder, right?

There will be news. "

Corbiers shook his head and said, "If it were you, would you come to a city that was immediately surrounded to do business?"

Zhu Lì was taken aback, then shook his head honestly: If it were her, of course he would hide as far away as possible.

She thought for a while, and then said: "Then there is no way. It will be fine if you explain the situation to the above."

Kobils shook his head in distress and said: "It can only be this way..."

With that, he brought the note to the candle next to him and lit it. Then carefully hold the corner of the paper, and constantly adjust the angle so that the flame can burn it completely.

At this moment, suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Everyone at the scene unanimously stood up, drew out their weapons, and pointed them at the door, "Papa, papa, papa......"

Hearing the rhythmic knock on the door, everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief: it was their own.

Then someone walked forward and opened the door.

Immediately afterwards, a figure hurriedly walked in.

As he walked, he shouted: "Big news, boss, big news~!"

Kobils and Zhu Lì had just sat down, and after hearing what he said, they immediately jumped up from their chairs again. Kobils grabbed Pidro and said anxiously: "What news?"

Pidro squinted and smiled. Said: "According to the people in the palace, De Rossi personally admitted that his army has arrived."

Kobils froze for a moment, and said in confusion: "De Rossi's army? His current subordinates are running away. Mutiny and mutiny. Almost all of them are bare commanders. Where is the army?"

Pidro shook his head and said, "I don't know, but De Rossi must say so.

how about it? Boss, the value of my thirty gold coins, right? "

Kobils's face changed in an instant, and he grabbed Pidro by the collar, and pulled him to his face with his arms, his forehead almost touching his forehead.

Corbiers yelled angrily: "Thirty gold coins, I gave you one-third of the office expenses. You just exchanged for me with such an endless news."

Pidro closed his eyes tightly, enduring Kobils' saliva, and hurriedly shouted: "De Rossi is going out of town~!"

"Huh?" Kobils let go of Pidro, stepped back and clapped his hands, and smiled: "De Rossi is going out of the city, so valuable information, you said so early?

With a disgusting expression on his face, Pidro wiped the spit on his face. Sui Sui Nian complained: "You didn't let me have time to say..."

Zhu Lì suddenly laughed with a "puff", and he trembled in joy.

Kobils curled his lips in a shameless slander, turned his head and glared at Pidro. Said: "Boy, when will De Rossi leave the city?"

Pidro shook his head and said, "No..."

Zhu lì interrupted him suddenly, looked up at the window, and said, "I think it's now."

Kobils listened carefully, and there was a loud noise outside, and someone was yelling: "Get out, get out~!"

"Make way for His Majesty the King."

"Untouchables, get away~!"


Accompanied by that loud shout. There are also the ‘pop’ of leather whips and the screams of the people.

Kobils gave a sneer and said: "The God of Light is here, but I'm waiting for you.

Brothers, copy guys, go to the attic~! "

"Good~!" The agents in the room eagerly agreed. Act immediately.

Someone opened the bed and took out a steel pipe from under the mattress.

Someone kicked down the pyre and picked a handle from the wood.

Someone overturned bottles and jars and poured out packets of spices.

Pidro pulled out something like a short ruler from behind his waist, held it in his hand and waved it, "Finally let me wait until this day."

After spending a few days with them, Zhu Lì recognized this weapon as a musket.

It is said that at close range, gods block and kill gods, demons block and kill demons, and even liches can be killed. It is an exclusive weapon for employees of venture capital companies.

Kobils, Zhu Lì and the agents crowded together, rushing to the attic in a hurry.

The house they are in is facing the main road in Ryde City.

An alley intersects the main road perpendicularly, and after extending several tens of meters, the alley turns in front of the house.

Looking out from the window of the attic, you can just see the narrow section of the main road ahead. De Rossi will inevitably pass by going out of the city along the road.

At this time, the avenue was under martial law by the army, and soldiers of the Imperial Guard guarded all the intersections on both sides of the avenue.

Pedestrians on the original road were all driven into the alleys on both sides.

Pedestrians crowded together, peering into the avenue, wanting to see what the new king looked like.

Since De Rossi became the throne, he has never appeared in front of the public. In the eyes of Corbiers and others, this kid is obviously afraid of assassination.

Looking at the posture of martial law, it is clear that De Rossi will pass this road.

Kobils patted Pidro on the shoulder, and said, "Hurry up, put the guy up."

Pidro smirked triumphantly, and picked up a part that didn't know what it was used for.

Like a juggling, Pidro turned the steel pipe in his hand, inserted it into the brown wooden crank, picked up pieces of strange-shaped metal and springs, and inserted them into the iron pipe.

Within a few minutes, something weird appeared in Pidro's hand.

It has a long iron pipe at the front and a curved wooden handle at the back, with several iron pieces protruding into it.

Zhu Lì found that this thing looked like a fire stick from a distance. But if you look closely, you will find that this is a large musket.

Kobils cherished open a small box, and five rounds of conical copper bullets were exposed in the tufts of cotton.

Kobils was holding the bullet and was about to confess a few times, but Pidro impatiently snatched the bullet and filled it into the barrel quickly. At the same time, he muttered: "I know, I know, I will pay attention to closing the insurance first, and I will never shoot if I am not sure."

Kobils pouted helplessly. Said: "If it weren't for us here as long as your kid has the certificate of'marksman', I would have to kick you out."

Pidro smiled triumphantly, and said: "Boss, I know you are jealous of me, so I don't know what you are."

At the same time, he raised his hand and placed the spear on the attic window and aimed it at the street not far away.

Pidro's temperament changed in an instant. The expression was calm, his eyes were firm, and he looked straight at the direction of the muzzle.

From a glib young man, he suddenly became a battle-tested veteran.

Zhu lì seemed to have guessed a little in his heart, but he still asked puzzledly: "What are you doing?"

"Of course it was to kill De Rossi." Corbiers casually said.

"Ah~!" Zhu lì exclaimed and said, "You..."

Kobils hurriedly added: "The premise is that we won't open fire if we have the conditions. This guy has been hiding in his mouse hole for too long, and finally let us catch the opportunity."

Zhu Lì glanced at the end of the alley. Where densely packed civilians are pushing and shoving with the soldiers on the opposite side.

From the attic to the avenue, the straight-line distance exceeds one hundred meters.

Zhu lì has heard of some powerful archers who can pierce Yang with a hundred steps. But this simple weapon with only one tube can do this?

Kobils saw Zhu Lì's doubts and comforted him: "Don't worry, Pidro has passed the test of a special shooter. He can accurately hit a cockroach two hundred feet away.

This is what our boss often says, one bullet changes a war. "

Zhu lì muttered this sentence silently.

"Of course, this sentence can't be written." Corbiers promptly dispelled the big reporter's idea of ​​leaking secrets.

At this time, a loud noise came along with the neigh of horses, and King De Rossi's motorcade appeared at the intersection.

The first to appear in Zhu lì's realization was a team of tall horse knights.

They wore the bright armor of the Imperial Guard. A bright red helmet was inserted on the top of the helmet, and he walked at the forefront of the team.

Following behind was a team of equally dressed Janitor knights, holding up the flag of Leiria.

It seemed that De Rossi had already cleaned up the Janissaries.

After the long line of guards passed, there were luxury cars. In this sweltering weather, the curtains inside the car were firmly closed. I can't see who is sitting inside.

Kobils cursed in a low voice: "Damn it. That's the De Rossi kid."

The agent in the crowd in front seemed to have seen something, [excited] raised his hands and bounced.

Kobils was pleased and said: "Attention, De Rossi is about to appear~!"

This is the signal sent back by the people ahead.

Zhu lì felt strange. They were all heavily shielded cars. How could he know which car was taking De Rossi?

How can you tell where De Rossi is sitting?

Without knowing this, it is impossible to kill in one shot.

In the next second, Zhu saw the [Answer] case.

De Rossi clearly appeared in her eyes, and the King of Xinnun was sitting on a bright open wagon.

The young King De Rossi smiled, wearing the king's cloak and a gorgeous jewel crown on his head. He looked back to the people on both sides of the road from time to time. He was graceful and luxurious, handsome and handsome.

It is the standard image of Prince Charming in the dreams of girls.

On both sides of De Rossi, there was a beautiful young girl, dressed in looming light gauze, nestled on both sides of De Rossi. This has greatly reduced De Rossi's image.

The two girls obviously enjoyed being watched by the public, and pointed at the Ryder on the side of the road and laughed.

"I trapped him, do you fire?" Pidro's eyes locked the target tightly, and asked nervously.

Kobils stared at De Rossi stubbornly, his fists clenched tightly, his nails stuck in the flesh, but his mouth could not make a sound.

Pidro urged: "Do you want to fire? I promise to hit him."

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Corbiers, waiting for his order, De Rossi's carriage had already passed the center line of the alley.

The people crowded in the alley bowed their heads and bowed to their king.

The concept of the supremacy of kingship has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The king is the king, even if he is a usurper who kills his father and his uncle and his brother.

Zhu lì didn't realize it was a bit funny. The king whom the Leirians saluted was the sinner who dragged them into the abyss of war. These Leirians didn't seem to realize it at all.

"Fire? No chance?" Piedlow urged Corbiers again. The front of the De Rossi carriage was blocked by the corner. Corbiers licked his lips, clenched his palms and released them, then clenched them again. Tight, my heart is also struggling.

"He is going to disappear~!"

Kobils frowned, suddenly raised his hand to hold Pidro's spear, shook his head and said: "No~!"

The figure of King De Rossi disappeared at the corner of the street.

Pidro sighed regretfully, took the spear off the window sill, and said dissatisfied: "Boss, I'm almost about to achieve the achievement of'Sniping Kennedy'.

Boss, why don't you let me shoot? This is the first-class title that our sharpshooters all dream of. "

Pidro gestured with both hands: "Tsk, this angle is simply great."

Kobils shook his head, glanced at Zhu Lì, and said, "It's too dangerous. The first rule of venture capital companies is safety first."

Pidro returned the bullet and said helplessly: "Well, I can only hope that there is another chance."

Corbiers patted Pidro on the shoulder, and said: "If there is another chance, it will be yours. By the way, why did you say De Rossi was out of town?"

"Inspect the army, his reinforcements have arrived." Piedro said.

Kobils and Zhu Lì looked at each other and blurted out: "There is a problem with that fleet."

"What fleet?" Pidro asked puzzled.

Corbiers quickly rushed downstairs, and said as he walked: "That's for De Rossi to transport reinforcements, the grandmother of the gang of elves~!"



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