Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1274: Night attack

In the huge and noisy noise, Leiria King De Rossi's team blatantly passed through the main road of the capital Ryder, and after exiting the city gate, they headed westward violently. m

In the secret room of the venture capital company, Julie and Corbiers and other agents stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Pidro held a gun in both hands and sat down at the window with his head down-he was a little depressed because he had not won the highest honor title, which was unprecedented.

It is written at the top of the internal title list, claiming that as long as it is completed, it will become a legend. It is the ultimate dream of every sharpshooter.

It is said that this honorable title was personally drawn up by Lord Lord Lorraine, the owner of the company, although everyone does not know who this hapless Kennedy is.

However, Sir Alex Ferguson has laid down hard and fast rules, even if it is the king of sniper, but if you want to achieve this highest achievement, you must actually kill a king.

And just now, this title passed him-Pidro.

Thinking that he almost became a legend, Pidro gritted his teeth in hatred.

At that time, the head wearing the crown was firmly set in the center of the crosshair of his sight. Through the sight, he could clearly see the pale face of the target person.

At that time, as long as you slightly pull your finger, you can send the other party to the west. At the same time, it can also give him the highest glory of a sniper

What a pity, what a pity...

Thinking of later, Pidro kept biting his nails like a child.

Julie watched by the side, but almost laughed out loud.

She and these agents lived under one roof for almost a month.

Although as a reporter, through previous information and various word of mouth, I already knew what venture capital company people were bold, but I didn't expect them to be bold enough.

Actually dared to assassinate the king in a heavily blocked city.

"They didn't think about the consequences?" Julie whispered in her heart, turning her head to look at Section Chief Kobeles.

I saw him sitting at the table, frowning his eyebrows, as if thinking about some major problem. obviously. He didn't care about the assassinations that had just passed, which could even be recorded in history.

Julie immediately changed her mind: No~! When they assassinated, they had already thought of the consequences. Otherwise, it will not stop.

Thinking about the tense atmosphere at the time, Julie felt her little heart almost jumped out of her throat, still a little afraid.

"You only need an iron pipe, a few parts, and a distance of two or three hundred feet. You can kill a person." Julie glanced at the weapon in Pidro's hand. Secretly said: "Doesn't this mean that venture capital companies can kill whoever they want to kill?"

Soon Julie laughed blankly, they had already done this.

When fighting for the seat of the pope, the death of the cardinal who competed with Hilmelia for the seat of the pope was unclear.

The archbishop in red was sitting in his yard, drinking tea and basking in the sun, and he was dead in the blink of an eye.

There have been various speculations about the cause of his death. What a flying fairy. The meteorite fell from the sky, the Tianma meteor fist struck, the mobile turtle moved Qigong wave...

Anyway, the more you talk, the more mysterious. The more you speak, the more unreliable.

However, it now appears that the poor red bishop was killed by this weapon.

Just as she was thinking about it, Kobils frowned, tapped his fingers on the desk unconsciously, and muttered: "Grandma's, who are these reinforcements... That night, thousands of miles away, The staff of the Fengye Danlin Peacekeeping Force Command are also thinking about the same issue.

The huge staff is in chaos.

The coalition staff occupied a four-story stone building in the corner of Fengye Danlin that had been vacant for a long time.

It was originally used as a warehouse. Store something that will not be used in a hundred years.

Since the establishment of the coalition staff, with the help of Lord Lorraine, the Maple Leaf Danlin Academy has collected a huge amount of rent, and very generously leased it to the peacekeeping forces.

It is said that after a group of small staff officers saw their own office, they were poured a bucket of ice water on their heads with excitement and enthusiasm.

These poor children originally thought. Waiting for them is a good job.

Although they do not expect to be like the legendary British Empire, everyone is a high-end massage chair, a magnificent boss table, a beautiful female secretary with a big buttocks and big wavy hair, and a roll of ten gold coins... …

But... but the minimum office conditions should be there too?

Although they felt that they had lowered the requirements, they never expected that the office of the joint staff of the University of Nova Scotia would be a warehouse. And the best chair among them has only three legs.

In desperation, these puppies had to hold hands and clean themselves. It took them half a month to clean up the house.

The advantage of this house is that it is cold in winter and hot in summer, mice are running around and cockroaches are flying all over the sky.

But at any rate, this group of staff members who only have a dime and a dime on their shoulders, with the lowest rank of officers and the meager salary, living in the expensive Maple Leaf Danlin, have a nest.

Although the weather is sweltering now, people want to take their skin off, but this group of staff who have just graduated from Fengye Danlin are all soldiers and all officers.

Therefore, I had to demand myself in accordance with the dress code of soldiers. Each one is meticulously dressed.

Although all the windows are open, the room is still more than 30 degrees Celsius, and everyone is sweating profusely, just as hot as the third grandson. The clothes were all wet and transparent, and even the tongue came out.

But one by one they were enthusiastic.

Aksud and Polentin also just graduated this year, but they did not return to China. Instead, they directly entered the staff of the peacekeeping force through their relationship and became small staff officers.

Because of the relationship with Lord Lorraine’s classmates and friends, Aksud was a hegemon in the staff, and he even wanted to walk sideways.

At this time, looking at the documents in his hand, Aksued slapped the table, and in the posture of a general, angrily cursed: "What kind of intelligence is this? Just say it is reinforcements. How large is it? The personnel composition? Weapons and equipment? These. Where is everything?"

"This. According to the information from the Elf Kingdom, there are 15 large transport ships and 21 medium transport ships. If they are all loaded with troops, they can transport 20,000 to 30,000 people at a time. Of course, it may not be that many. "

"Compared with peacekeeping forces, isn't it a lot..."

After listening to the discussion between the two people next to him, Aksud nodded and said, "This is also true. He is giving De Rossi three to fifty thousand people, and he can't turn over. Alas. What a pity."

"Boss, why do you say it's a pity?" the surrounding little staff asked puzzled.

Polentin shook his head regretfully and smacked his lips: "I knew that De Rossi was so cheap. When he was in Maple Leaf Danlin, he should put him in a sack and crush him. Then he threw it into Jingshui. In the lake, dip his pig cage."

His words immediately caused everyone to burst into laughter. A few guys still ran over with a sad heart and patted Polentin on the shoulder.

obviously. ‘Set sacks and sap’, these have just been transferred from the little hooligans. The guys who have become the staff have never done less before.

Aksued grabbed a few paper fans and slapped them, and said, "The idiots in the Elf Kingdom, if they can get on the ship and check them carefully, they won't let the enemy's reinforcements get ashore."

"If they really dared to board the ship for inspection, they wouldn't be able to send back any news."

Aksud curled his lips, nodded and admitted, "That's true."

The Elf Navy is just a patrol team, if they dare to check, I'm afraid they would have been killed by that huge transport fleet long ago.

"Who the **** are these guys? Don't they have eyes? The coalition is besieged by more than 100,000 troops, but they ran to support De Rossi. These puppies are too long to live. Did they come to die on purpose?" Polentin Said with a frown.

"First of all, it is not around or near Leiria. At least I don't want De Rossi to fall or the peacekeeping force to win."


"Impossible, they can't make it through."


"They are too busy to suppress bandits."

"Hardu remnant?"

"Those guys are still playing peekaboo in the rain."

"The barbarians of the north?"

"They have no relationship with Leiria."

"Is it a bunch of international mercenaries?"

"It's really possible. Under the heavy reward, some desperadoes were brought in... Everyone had no clue in the middle of the night. The identity of De Rossi's reinforcements was still shrouded in mystery.

Aksud waved his hand impatiently, and said: "If you can't think of it, just ignore it, wait for the information in front of you, and notify the front troops of this news to remind them that it is best to encircle Ryder as soon as possible.

Everyone negotiated and decided, and then, in the name of the staff, went to the front to generate electricity.

Immediately, the telegram was delivered to the legion ahead at the fastest speed.

Legion commanders saw the intelligence sent from the rear, and it was already the seventh day that the transport ship had landed.

Some people take it seriously, but some people disagree, thinking that the gang of rookies in the staff who have not grown up are alarmist.

The commander of Casmonria, the Marquis of Burden, scoffed at the intelligence of the staff.

Now two hundred thousand troops encircle Leiria from three sides, and there is a legion every few tens of miles.

Wherever the coalition forces went, Wang Qi pointed out that the local government of Leiria was all looking forward to the wind.

Along the way, the Marquis of Burden rarely encountered resistance.

At most, the militia guerrillas will harass and attack the unsold soldiers.

The Marquis of Burden is very experienced in dealing with these people.

He readily recruited a large number of people from the surrendered Leiria troops, acting as doglegs.

Those Leiria locals who surrendered were more effective than their peacekeeping forces. They knew their compatriots better and dealt with them more ruthlessly.

After the iron-blooded means of destroying the door and punishing the company, the ruffians in the occupied area knew that few of these coalition forces were doing nothing for nothing, and they all calmed down immediately.

Seeing the Marquis of Burden, he was very pleased with Long Yan.

As Leiria's largest neighbor, he is determined to win this coalition operation.

The Kingdom of Casmonria has long been greedy for the land of Leiria. Now, the rare opportunity for annexation in hundreds of years is before his eyes. If he missed it, he would regret it for a lifetime.

To this end, they did their best, and all the elites participated in the war, including most of the royal guards.

Although the United Nations stipulates that each country can only send 10,000 troops, the Marquis of Burden secretly brought 5,000 more people. Disguised as auxiliary migrant workers.

Burden also knows that other countries are doing this, but more or less.

When he received information from the General Staff, he blew his nose casually.

The Marquis of Burden has been on the battlefield for twenty years. There was no need for a bunch of young men in their early twenties to remind him how to fight.

He reined his horse to stop, and then looked at the unseen army around him, very satisfied. Then quite a few students wanted to create a poem, but opened their mouth a few times, but because the stomach was too rough, except for a ‘ah~! Apart from the words, a complete sentence was not figured out.

but. This does not prevent him from being happy.

Now, they are familiar with Leiria because of their close distance, and they are currently the most profitable, occupying a full one-fifth of Leiria's territory.

And they are all densely populated rich areas.

The King of Casmonria has agreed to the Marquis of Burden, and the king will seal him as many places as he can.

It was equivalent to saying that all he had shot down were his own, so the Marquis of Burden was very careful. Maybe you can directly duke it.

After occupying the city of Phil Xianda, the Marquis of Burden focused his next target on the city of Kalangra to the west.

According to this, Calangola is more than a hundred miles away and is the gateway to the east of the capital Ryder.

Take down the city of Calangola. Behind is Ryder, and the occupied area of ​​Casmenlia can be doubled.

The battle he fought with the Principality of Ripoll was actually to fight for Carangra.

The Marquis of Burden triumphantly recalled his victory over the Duchy of Ripoll.

The frontal lure the enemy deep, and then 500 armored cavalry flanks assault, defeating Ripoll's army in one fell swoop.

This big victory in the decades of Marquis Burden's military career is also a wonderful one.

This battle was fought with momentum and awe-inspiring. The Principality of Ripoll retreated fifty miles away dingy, afraid to appear in front of the Marquis of Burden.

The five hundred armored cavalry who made great contributions are the darlings of the royal family of Casmenlia, composed of all regular knights, commanded by the king himself.

The Kingdom of Casmonria gave them all to the hands of the Marquis of Burden, which shows the importance of war.

The Marquis of Burden is in the respectful farewell of the local nobles of Phil Xianda. Leaving the city, led the army to Calangra.

Behind his prosperous army, five thousand Leirias formed an uprising army.

Under the banner of the rebel army, they are actually local armed forces.

There were local troops who surrendered, and there were private guards from the nobles.

The Marquis of Burden drew away most of the Leiria armaments that could be hit in the occupied area, even if they were unruly. There is no power to cause chaos.

However, the morale of this troop was low, and it was unbearable, and could only be used as a coolie for transportation. The Marquis of Burden did not count on them either.

With a bright moon overhead, visibility is good. An army of 20,000 people lined up a long line along the straight road on the plain, marching unhurriedly-no way, the weather during the day is too hot, the big guys are all strong He asked for a break, and organized a union, clamoring to strike at every turn. As well as high temperature subsidies, we will also distribute the Eagle Lauder Advanced Nursing Sunscreen for UV protection and anti-acne.

Although the puppies in the army kept arguing, the Marquis of Burden was not in a hurry. He had already sent someone to contact the local nobles of Kalangra.

As soon as his army arrived, the nobles of Calangola opened the gates and welcomed the Marquis of Burden into the city. Everything was as simple as cutting cheese with a hot knife.

The Marquis of Burden even thought to recall that charming little girl last night, and did not know where the nobles of Phil Xianda found the little beauty.

"When the fight is over, I have to hide a beautiful girl in every city in the territory, and there are mothers in towns and towns." The Marquis of Burden secretly planned.

He did not notice that on the horizon to his side, a black line suddenly appeared, and this unknown black line was fast approaching him.

The rumbling of horseshoes caught the attention of the Marquis of Burden. When the unknown enemy was two miles away from him, the Marquis of Burden finally found the enemy that appeared suddenly.

The opponent was rushing towards him with cavalry at high speed. In the dim night, it was impossible to see how many people there were. Judging by the sound of horses' hoofs, it was no less than three thousand.

The face of the Marquis of Burden changed suddenly, and he did not expect that someone would ambush him here.

"Asshole, what are the scouts on the flanks doing?" The Marquis of Burden was so angry that no one found the enemy.

The officer next to him was already dumbfounded.

The Marquis of Burden kicked him violently, kicked him off his horse, and shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze, ready to fight~!"

The messenger immediately blew the horn of battle, and Casmonria's army instantly panicked.

"The infantry contracted, formed to meet the enemy, and the cavalry mounted their horses and prepared to charge." Borden calmly issued the order and shouted loudly: "Let the Leirians be in the forefront, what? They don't want to go?

Instead, they sent me the supervising team and chopped off the heads of a few cowards. "

The distance between the two miles had passed, and Casmonria's army had not had time to form a complete formation, and the enemy cavalry clearly appeared in front of the Marquis of Burden.

There is no banner, no horn, no shout, only silent charge.

"Who are they?" Borden asked in a puzzled voice: "Leiria? Impossible~!

Ripoll's revenge? It's not like those gangsters, hell, who is it? "

Suddenly a strange slogan sounded on the opposite side, and the cavalry suddenly accelerated.

The tip of the sword of the supervised team was pointed, and the Leiria in front was only tens of meters away from the enemy.

The earth was trampled by rumbling horseshoes.

Seeing the iron armored cavalry on the opposite side swooping forward like a mountain whistling a tsunami, the Leiria soldier finally couldn't bear the fear in his heart and screamed in panic, threw down his weapon and fled.

A phalanx of three thousand people collapsed instantly. UU Reading

Although the supervising team hacked and killed dozens of deserters, it was still useless, and the army of Casmonria immediately faced the enemy cavalry.

"Raise a gun, raise a gun~!"

The officer's hysterical roar sounded from the array.

Seeing that the enemy's cavalry was about to collide with Casmonria's spear formation, they suddenly split from it, like two torrents bypassing the square formed by the Marquis of Burden.

The Leirians who were fleeing were instantly swept into the torrent and disappeared.

The Marquis of Burden shook his heart, and secretly said badly: Damn, it's elite~!

The cavalry crossed the line of the Marquis of Burden and quickly turned his horse's head behind him.

Behind the cavalry, the infantry unit lined up in a neat formation, striding forward, and also silently killed. RS

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