Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1280: Defeated like a mountain

Black and green spells are intertwined in the air, weaving into a large gorgeous net, and throwing them down in front of the tens of thousands of peacekeepers.

The rain of death fell from the sky.

All the soldiers of the peacekeeping force looked inexplicable at this time, raising their heads and staring blankly at the war fortress that hung over them.

When the light of magic was shining, out of human instinct, the soldiers of the peacekeeping force suddenly felt bad.

No matter how ignorant they are, they know that this is not a firework or a ribbon to welcome them.

Especially the black smoke and the dark green of the unknown color, the soldiers suddenly became confused, they subconsciously held their heads, and panicked to avoid the light falling from the sky.

In the queue, a messenger came forward.

He ran up to a small hill next to him, and then desperately waved the flag in his hand. At the same time, he shouted hoarsely: "Wrong, wrong. We are the peacekeeping force, our own..."

At this time, the spell shot from the magic cannon fell on the ground and burst out like fireworks.

When the black poison spell falls on the ground, it will immediately form a cloud of condensed but not dispersed poison. Shrouded the scope of several meters in radius.

All the soldiers shrouded in it fell silently.

Once the green corrosion spell hits the ground, it will splash around like raindrops.

You don't need to be hit by the spell directly, you just need to be sputtered on it. As long as the vicious spell sticks to a person's body, it will immediately cause a fatal effect.

Corrosion art will cause the soldier's skin to collapse at a rapid rate. Within a few seconds, the flesh and blood of a living person will melt, go straight to the bone, and then the bone will also emit off-white smoke.

In this process, all emergency measures are useless.

The soldiers soaked in venom could only watch their own melting. The intense pain caused them to fall to the ground, screaming and rolling fiercely.

Finally, it was corroded by the venom and turned into a pile of tragic bones.

Even if they were fortunate not to die and escaped their lives, the toxin would spread through their blood. If there is no holy technique, it is purified in time. They will die slowly in extreme pain.

In just a short salvo, more than half of the soldiers who were shrouded in the shadow of the war fort fell to the ground, and the other half was stunned by the horror in front of them.

They stared at the war fortress in the sky, desperately trying to figure out: Why would these friendly forces attack themselves?

The whole battlefield fell into a strange silence. Only on the hills not far away, the messenger shouted hoarsely: "NMLGBD, you made a wrong call. This is your own. You gang of blind bastards, see clearly. It's your own. ..."

While waving the flag, he yelled at him, doing everything he could to get the news.

Although the battlefield area is extremely large, his slightly crying voice clearly spread to everyone's ears.

So many years later. Those who have survived the war fortunately can still vaguely hear his voice ringing in their ears when they remember.

At this moment, I saw that the war fort on the head of the messenger only responded with cold silence, and then some place directly in front of the war fort station began to shine with ominous light.

Everyone on the battlefield involuntarily turned their heads to look at the messenger, and in the faintly they all seemed to know what was about to happen. But they could only watch and couldn't even make a sound. It was like being immersed in a terrible nightmare.

In the next second, a green light fell from the sky, completely engulfing the silhouette of the messenger...

The soldiers of the peacekeeping force looked at each other. Suddenly I didn't know who made a loud shout: "Flee~!"

They all woke up immediately, then shouted together and dropped their weapons. He quickly turned and fled.

War fortresses are simply not something they can contend with, even if they are brave, there is a power gap in levels.

These soldiers are like frightened rabbits, running backwards at their fastest speed, trying to escape from the war fortress above their heads as much as possible.

The commanding combat generals from the rear looked at the tragedy on the battlefield, and they were all stunned.

They looked at each other incredulously, not believing their eyes.

How could a war fortress attack one's own people?


Why? ? ~!

Everyone desperately wants answers and wants to know what is going on, but all people have the same expression. Shocked, terrified.

Maybe someone thought of the terrible answer, but because the answer was too terrifying, so they didn't dare to think about it, just a flash in their minds. Then disappeared.

At this time, seeing the troops in front of them collapsed like a disintegration, the commanders who woke up immediately put their doubts behind their heads. Immediately begin to do what they should do most-to withdraw the troops from the fortress of the war and recover as many losses as possible.

But they also knew in their hearts that people could not escape the fortress of war.

These generals who basically never went to the Holy See all prayed secretly in their hearts, praying to the God of Light with their utmost sincerity, the war fortress would not fly over and kill them all.

Although reason tells them this is impossible, there is a trace of luck in their hearts. People have to do something at the moment of life and death.

There was a rapid horn on the battlefield, but at this time the peacekeeping force in front had collapsed.

The soldiers were frightened, lost their weapons, lost their armor, lost everything they could throw away, and ran back crying and crying for life.

In the large camp at the rear, the remaining peacekeeping troops saw that the situation was not right, and they also fled.

After a wave of death rain, the originally hovering war fortress suddenly moved.

They rushed forward, passing over the heads of the peacekeeping forces, past the continuous camps of the peacekeeping forces, and intercepting the retreat of the peacekeeping forces with the most direct action.

Seeing this situation, the hearts of the peacekeepers all sank to the bottom and became cold.

Obviously, the God of Light did not hear the prayers of the peacekeepers, and the enemy had to rush to exterminate them.

The officers and soldiers of the peacekeeping force all understand that they have only one road left, running and running non-stop. Run desperately, as much as you can.

They hulled like mercury dripping to the ground and scattered in all directions. Fleeing towards the deserted land.

As they dispersed and broke through, it also marked the complete loss of the 200,000 peacekeeping force. It represents their complete failure.

But at this moment, a shrill scream once again spread throughout the battlefield.

The war fortress in the sky suddenly sprinkled a black spot, and the black shadow quickly swooped down from the sky.

Soon people on the ground could clearly see that they were all mages wearing black robes.

They were as dense as a swarm of bees, rushing up to face the retreating peacekeeping troops, and unscrupulously carried out the killing.

Various dark spells were shot from the hands of the black-robed mage. Like raindrops on the peacekeepers soldiers on the ground.

Once the soldiers who were fleeing were hit, they would scream and fall to the ground, struggle and howl, and then die.

When the other people passed by them, they didn't even dare to turn their heads, they could only flee forward desperately.

Julie in the city can't see everything behind, she can only see deadly spells pouring out from the war fortress. Hear the painful wailing and screams of the soldiers on the battlefield.

At this moment, Julie's face was pale. There was no blood, his hands and feet were cold, and he bit his lower lip tightly. The body has been trembling slightly.

She didn't even dare to think about how miserable the battlefield would be under the bombing of the war fortress.

She has seen too many human tragedies this month and knows the terrible wars and battlefields.

"What should we do? What should we do?" Julie just kept muttering to herself, repeating this sentence, her little hand clenching Kobils's arm.

Agents like Kobils and Pidro have a gloomy face, although their psychological quality is far better than ordinary people, and the sword will not change color.

But the sudden arrival of the demon army still made them lose their calmness and sense of measure.

Kobils's always wise mind was also chaotic, and he tried to think about the connection between De Rossi and the demons, and the consequences of the sudden attack by the demons. The more I think about it, the more I am afraid.

Kobils suddenly understood that the enemy had planned to drive Lorraine from the United Nations for a long time, and they absolutely had a comprehensive plan.

Before that, there was no warning that the Mozu successfully deceived all their intelligence agents.

For Corbiers. This is the shame of his career.

He took the initiative to ask Ying to monitor De Rossi, but failed to discover the collusion between De Rossi and the Mozu, and failed to issue an early warning to the company.

Julie shook his arm anxiously, and finally awakened Corbiers from his contemplation. He sensibly told himself to calm down and began to think about how to transmit the news of the Demon invasion as soon as possible.

Kobils took a deep breath, looked up at his war fortress in the sky, and said decisively: "We must rush to the intelligence station outside the city as soon as possible."

Pidro anxiously stomped his feet again and again, and said, "Boss, how to get out? We are now locked inside the city gate. We are surrounded by demons' troops. If we are delayed for two days, the consequences... consequences, I even thought. I dare not think about it."

"If it doesn't work, kill it." The agent next to him clenched the short sword and said with a firm expression: "We are making trouble in the city, boss, you can take Julie out."

Kobils stared at him blankly, then raised his hand to pat their shoulders, shook his head and sighed: "No, how can we run past the war fortress?"

Pidro shouted anxiously: "You can't wait to die here~!"

When everyone was at a loss, the defenders in the city suddenly burst into cheers, and a large group of people rushed across the street and clustered on the street in front of the city gate.

They shouted excitedly: "Go!"


Kobils' eyes lit up and he couldn't help but smiled in surprise. He was trembling when he talked happily. He stumbled and said, "Quickly, Leiria uniform, uniform~!"

Julie and Piedro looked at Corbiers puzzledly.

Kobils said excitedly: "They are going out of the city to chase and kill the peacekeepers. Let's follow them and get out, hurry, hurry~!"

The gate of the inner city opened, and the Ryder defenders blocking the gate rushed out of the city screaming.

They were crushed and beaten by the peacekeeping forces for a month, and they had been stunned for a long time, and they finally waited for the opportunity to counterattack. Everyone can't wait to make a contribution on this continent.

Corbyls and Julie looked for a hiding place, changed into Leiria soldiers' clothing, and smeared their faces with dust.

Corbiers checked their outfits one by one. Seriously instructed: "Remember, we are from the local army. We are approached in the city. Follow me."

A group of seven or eight people took up their weapons and ran along the street towards the inner city gate.

The inner city gate was open, and there was no peacekeeping force outside the gate.

Only a few soldiers remained on the wall, poking their heads and looking out, talking and laughing excitedly.

Corbiers and the others trot all the way with their heads down, and Julie looked up at the guard soldiers on the wall. He lowered his head quickly in fear, and said in his heart: "Are they the demons? They look no different from humans."

Several soldiers on the front of the city glanced at Corbiers strangely, as if wondering why they were still here.

Kobils exclaimed in an excited voice: "We have won!"

Pidro and the others yelled together.

The soldiers on the wall clapped their hands and laughed, "We have won."

Kobils led the people straight through the city gate, and Julie kept her head down and stared at the ground, not daring to breathe.

Finally stepped out of the inner city, before everyone came to breathe a sigh of relief, the Ryder defender on the wall suddenly lay on the wall and shouted downward: "Hi. Brother~!"

Kobils stopped abruptly, and Julie and Pidro also stopped, everyone's heart tightened. All hanging in the air.

Kobils suddenly smiled and turned to look at the city.

The soldier on the wall waved his fist and shouted: "Kill a few more humans for us."

"Definitely," Corbiers raised his sword at them and exclaimed, "I will kill them this time."

The Ryder defender in the city clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "Good point."

Kobils swung his long sword forward and said to Julie and Pietro: "Brothers follow me. If you run slow, you can't pick it up."

Pidro and the others took a big step and ran out of the city quickly, looking like they could not wait.

Julie was wrapped in the crowd, and only then did she dare to look up at the outer city.

The scenery in front of her made her unforgettable.

There were burnt houses all around. The whole street became a black-haired ruin.

The rubble is full of traces of battle, arrows are stuck in the gravel, swords and spears are scattered on the ground, every few steps you will encounter a corpse lying down on the street, the corpse has been soaked with blood.

Julie even saw more than one peacekeeping soldier who was not dead, lying on the street soaked in blood. Weak moan.

Julie couldn't help her stomach churn again, even though she had already emptied her stomach.

Kobils pulled her arm and said solemnly: "Keep your head down, don't look."

This was a life and death moment, Julie bit her lip tightly and followed closely behind Kobils.

Everyone passed through the dilapidated city, through the half-destroyed gate, and walked out of Ryder City for the first time in more than a month.

The scene in front of them made Corbyls and Julie think they were in hell.

Corpses everywhere.

And his death was terrible, and many corpses showed bones that had lost flesh and blood.

The camp of the peacekeeping force ahead was burning violently, and the fire spread for dozens of miles.

I could see the black heads in front of the camp, as if they were fighting.

In the distant sky, the war fortress was suspended at low altitude, forming a coherent blockade, and groups of dark shadows passed by at high speed in the sky.

All this clearly tells Julie that the peacekeeping force has been defeated.

Under the overwhelming attack of Mount Tai, the demon war fortress, they could not even escape.

"Is this the power of the war fortress..." Julie murmured in confusion.

Kobils' voice was low and lost, saying: "This scene will continue to be played on the mainland in the future, unless we defeat them."

Julie clenched her hands, stared at her eyes with tears, and whispered: "Can we win?"

Kobils froze for a few seconds.

Then he smiled from the heart, and said affirmatively: "Yes!"

"Why are you so sure."

"Because we have Nyan and Maple Leaf Danlin." Corbiers said slowly, looking at the eastern sky.

Everyone crossed the battlefield all the way, and even a black-robed mage flew past from time to time, and no one came to stop them.

In the chaotic battlefield of more than 200,000 people, no one will pay attention to a squad of seven or eight people, or the winner.

People in Leiria uniforms were busy chasing the escaped peacekeepers, and the Dark Mage dismissed them.

Corbiers smoothly passed the camp of the peacekeepers and came to a small town on the outskirts of Ryde City.

There are only two streets in this small town. Although it has gone through wars and disasters, the preservation is still intact. There is no single figure in the town. Compared with the noisy battlefield outside, it is surprisingly quiet.

Kobils drew out his weapon and cautiously touched it into the town. This is the battlefield, so you can't be too careful.

But it seemed that the people had really run away, until they walked into a farmyard on the other side of the town, and they didn't even see a personal picture.

Kobils stepped forward and pushed open the door, but the scene in front of him shocked Kobils.

I saw a few soldiers in military uniform hiding in the corner of the room shivering.

They were also stunned when they saw Kobils. Seeing them wearing Leiria's military uniforms, the faces of these soldiers showed amazement.

Pidro reacted quickly, and immediately put his long sword in front of everyone and assumed a fighting posture.

The soldiers of these peacekeeping troops looked at each other suddenly raised their hands, knelt down with a thump, and shouted in a panic: "Don't kill us, we surrender."

They have been frightened by the war fortress and the dark wizard.

The agents stepped forward to hold them down quickly, but the soldier of the peacekeeping force was frightened and cried out, begging for mercy: "Don't kill us, we surrendered, really surrendered."

"I still have a wife and children. Don't kill me. Let me do anything. I will give you all the money I have. Just beg you not to kill us."

Several soldiers from the peacekeeping force lay on the ground, crying and crying with miserable voices.

Kobils ignored them, rushed into the room, pulled out a package from the inside, and hurriedly walked out, frowning at the peacekeepers on the ground.

Then said to Pidro: "Let them stay here for a long time, then give them a civilian costume, let them go, it is safer to walk west to the sea."

Kobils then spread out a small note, lifted the pen and carefully wrote on it: "Code thirteen, 100 spades, this is not a drill." (To be continued. You are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. .)

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