Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1281: Red channel

Augustine stood on the hill, looking up at the sky, the sky was gloomy, and the earth was covered by gray clouds. m

A cool breeze blew by, blowing all the beautiful long hair peculiar to the Augustine Elves, floating gently like silk.

Augustine immediately felt several pairs of burning eyes staring at him, he could not help but cut his hair in annoyance, pretending not to see the enthusiastic huā girls not far away, nor did he hear their loud screams and A faint sigh.

At the same time, after he secretly made up his mind to go back, he looked for an opportunity to cut the long hair that was in the way.

In the past few days, he has been harassed by those bold and unrestrained girls.

As an elf, he is not a handsome scumbag character in the elf kingdom. There was no such trouble before. But Nai He... Nai He is now above the human continent.

His handsome appearance, blue eyes, slightly pale face, tall body... made him extremely popular among women on the human continent.

Wherever he went, there were many silly girls, young women, and even fat aunts who rushed over to watch him cruelly.

The enthusiastic and hot eyes of the girls reminded him of an elegant beast in the forest—the snow wolf. And he is the prey.

If they are not careful, they will rush up and tear him to pieces, and even the bones of the belt will be swallowed into the stomach and digested.

What made him even more frightened was that on the mainland, many men with shaved heads and white robes, as well as many nobles, looked at him with such squinted eyes.

Fortunately, in this place, he did not meet those men. There are only a few young girls with youthful breath all over their bodies.

They are at the age of Cardamom, and they are a little shy. Only dare to be bold, stare at him from a distance, and then shout and play loudly, to attract his attention in this way.

Less the harassment of those women. Therefore, these few days are the most comfortable and happiest days that Augustine has had since he came to the Human Race Continent.

But at this moment, Augustine was not in a good mood.

His sword-like eyebrows wrinkled tightly. Slightly squinted his eyes, carefully searched for every black spot in the sky, and muttered to himself in a low voice: "It's late. Could something happen?"

Thinking that hundreds of miles away is the battlefield where more than 200,000 people are fighting fiercely, Augustine's heart becomes more entangled: anything can happen on the battlefield~!

"My dearest Ray, don't do anything wrong." Augustine held his hands on his chest. Pray to Mother Earth God with a pious attitude.

Under the gloomy sky, a sharp eagle suddenly sounded.

The transparent sound penetrates the clouds and spreads throughout the earth.

Augustine was happy, and happily squeezed his fist and waved to the sky, haha ​​said with a smile: "I'm back. My Thunder is back."

He put his finger in his mouth and blew a loud whistle vigorously.

A black spot appeared on the distant sky.

Immediately, the black spot pierced through the clouds as fast as an arrow. Speeding towards this side.

In just a few breaths, the black spot has grown bigger, showing its true meaning.

That is a cyan flying eagle~!

It came over Augustine's head. Spread wide wings and hover in the sky.

Then there was a scream, followed by a flap of wings, and dived down towards Augustine.

Augustine hurriedly put a thick cowhide armguard on his arm and stretched out his arm.

The cyan flying eagle arched its wings, threw a rabbit hooked on its paws to the ground, and then vigorously flapped it several times in front of Augustine, with its sharp claws firmly grasping on Augustine's arms.

A strong wind blown by the wings, Augustine's hair suddenly flew.

Augustine didn't care, and raised the eagle on his arm. Laughing.

But when his eyes fell on the eagle's body, his pupils couldn't help but shrank, and he exclaimed in a low voice, "You are hurt~!"

I saw a burn mark on the eagle's back.

Augustine stroked the feathers of the eagle heartily, gasping in his nostrils, and said angrily: "Who hurt you? Ray, tell me. I'll avenge you."

The cyan eagle whispered and touched Augustine's arm.

"It's a human being? Well, no matter who this guy is, you will take me to recognize someone after the war." Augustine's domineering master: "Dare to provoke us, I will give him a lesson that will be memorable for life."

As he said, he stretched out his fist and waved angrily in the air.

Immediately when he saw the rabbit on the ground, he couldn't help but was taken aback, and said, "Oh, yes, there is still business."

Augustine bent down and picked up the soft rabbit body, with an eagle on his arm, ran down the hill quickly and rushed into a yard not far away.

Next to the yard, a wooden pole with a height of three meters stood. There are a few wires on the wooden pole.

Those slender wires, passing through wooden poles, extend eastward. All the way to the end of the horizon.

This is the nearest flying eagle group telegraph station to Leiria, but this so-called close is also five hundred miles away.

It is also the Feiying Group Tietong Communications Company, the only telegraph station in this area.

Although it is a bit remote, it happens to be the border of the surrounding duchy. Through here, those countries can be fully covered.

Therefore, all the information sent to the mainland center of the nearby principalities and kingdoms are all sent from here, and it is also the headquarters of the southeast area of ​​the venture capital company.

The news from Leiria's front line is all forwarded to Fengye Danlin through here, and then forwarded to various countries. This also includes the city of Nidal, which is thousands of miles away.

Augustine came to [Room], first put his precious eagle on the shelf, then carefully cut a few pieces of fresh beef, and fed the eagle. Then he held the rabbit and walked quickly to another room.

There, a tall and mighty butcher-like man with a cruel expression sitting at the table without a word.

He is nearly two meters tall, has a big waist and a round waist, and weighs more than 300 kilograms. At first glance, people will agree that it would be a pity for such a character not to kill pigs.

But what is surprising is that he is wearing glasses and holding a thick book in both hands. Look through it carefully.

After entering the room, Augustine instantly became cautious, he didn't even dare to lift his head, he seemed a little afraid of this person.

"There is something today. Chantrell" Augustine threw the rabbit on the table in front of Chantrell. After a quick comment, he glanced at the book in Chantrell's hand.

Sure enough, there was a picture of the stomach of a person who had been cut open. The cut skin and intestines were all clear, even scary.

Augustine suddenly felt a little sick, and said silently in his heart: "Great goddess of life, these people are monsters. Some people actually like to mutilate the human body."

Chantrell's eyes lit up when he saw Augustine, as if he had seen a long-awaited prey. He closed the book and smiled gently: "Xiao Ao, are you willing to come over and touch me today?"

It's okay for him not to laugh, and Augustine's calf is shaking with a smile.

In the eyes of the thin Augustine, Chantrell, who was interested in digging human internal organs, was more terrifying than those squinting priests and nobles. Especially when he opened his mouth and laughed, his mouthful of teeth were exposed. It's as scary as a demon.

His greatest interest at the moment is to touch Augustine's bones to see the difference between the elves and humans.

In Chantrell’s words, this is for science. But Augustine had stomach cramps every time he remembered, and goose bumps fell all over the place.

"My Ray is injured, I want to go back to take care of it." Augustine dropped this sentence, and rushed out of Chantrell's room as if running away.

Chantrell curled his lips helplessly, dropped the book with "Anatomy", and muttered: "This is for science. This kid has no dedication to science at all."

Chantrell himself likes to tease Augustine the most, and he laughs at his pale face in fright.

This fierce and mighty man is actually a gentle humor in his heart, but everyone doesn't seem to appreciate his humor.

Bullying the new Augustine has become his pleasure.

Augustine was hired heavily by the Flying Eagle Group. These elves have a specialty, training animals and communicating with animals.

In the Elven Kingdom, this may be a kind of folk custom, but for the Flying Eagle Group, this skill is very useful. It is used to provide point-to-point information transmission for the foremost intelligence agent.

For venture capital companies, it is a very important means of information transmission.

Although venture capital companies have been cultivating their own animal messengers, their current progress is not at all optimistic.

And the appearance of these elves successfully solved that problem.

Although these people are old friends of Lorraine, the elves' most famous hero and ranger Palentine recruited for Lorraine, but they are only responsible for transmitting information, and they will never know what is written on it. I don't want to know.

Chantrell took out a box dearly and carefully took out a lancet from it.

Then use a sharp knife to cut open the rabbit’s stomach accurately, and take out a copper tube with thick fingers from the inside. After washing away the blood stains, Chantrell's surprisingly stable hand slowly unscrewed the copper tube, and then gently Knock the copper tube and pour out the paper strips little by little.

"Oh, today there is no article by Xiao Zhu lì, what a pity~!" Chantrell murmured softly, slowly unfolding the strip of paper with both hands, as if the piece of paper in his hand was fragile. Shattered.

A line of disordered letters and symbols was written on a narrow piece of paper. Chantrell wrote down the symbols, stood up and pulled out a "The Book of Gods" from the shelf behind him, and turned to one of the most classic articles, "On How many angels can stand on a needle."

Comparing with the proficient translation of the code, after writing the last sentence, Chantrell's pen in his hand was smashed by him with a click. Chantrell, who was as strong as an iron tower, was pale and his hand still held the pen. Posture, his eyes stared as if he was going to be canthus.

After staying for a few seconds, Chantrell slammed the table and jumped up. The heavy log desk was cut into two pieces under his palm. The chair he was sitting on flew out and hit the wall. Smashed to pieces.

Chantrell didn't care about this, he squeezed the note in his big hand, and strode out of the room like a madman. Rush to the telegraph station of the Flying Eagle Group as quickly as possible.

Chantrell, with red eyes, rushed into the street, waving his big hand and shouting anxiously: "Get out, give way."

Looking at Chantrell, who was like a mad cow, the pedestrians on the road dodge in a panic, while those who couldn't dodge were knocked out by his strong body.

Chantrell ran a distance of hundreds of meters at his fastest speed, right in front of the back door of the telegraph station. His speed did not decrease in the slightest, and one shoulder hit the door of the room, knocking the front door to fly out.

The security guard guarding the back door was stunned at the big guy who had broken in, before he could react. Chantrell's figure has flashed into the staff channel and rushed straight into the busy telegraph room.

Several telegraph operators are working nervously with their heads down. There are buckets of ice cubes on the table to cool down, but the room is still hot like a steamer.

As the telegrapher looked at him in surprise, Chantrell held the note tightly in his palm, with a sullen face, and whispered: "All out. Right away!"

The mage in charge of the telegraph station gave Chantrell a surprised look, then nodded to everyone, and said, "Stop work and go out for a drink."

The telegrapher let go of the key in confusion and walked out.

Chantrell sat in front of the telegraph without a word, took a deep breath, calmed himself down, pinched the key with his fingers, and quickly sent out several signals of different lengths.

The mage who was observing Chantrell's technique whispered to himself: "Red Channel. The highest priority. My God, what happened?"

This means that all telegraph stations that receive this signal stop all their work and prepare to forward the content of the next telegram.

Chantrell released the key. Rubbing his sweaty palms, he took out a handful of ice cubes from the wooden bucket beside his feet and stuffed it into his mouth to calm himself down.

Then his big hand pressed the power button again, frowning and sending out the telegram in full concentration.

The electric keys sounded rhythmically, and the signal beams along the wires to the next telegraph station.

Each telegraph station is a node in the network. They turn information into telegrams and spread it throughout the entire network organized by telegraph lines. The telegraph stations spread across the entire continent. Within two hours, all urban areas with telegraph stations will receive the news.

"Code thirteen. One hundred of spades, this is not a drill, repeat, code thirteen, one hundred of spades, this is not a drill."

The telegram of the red channel will be given to the agents of the venture capital company as soon as possible. The agents will understand this message, and Chantrell is certain they will act as taught in the emergency manual.

After sending this short telegram, Chantrell waited with bated breath, staring at the signal indicator of the telegraph without blinking.

One minute, two minutes...

Just as Chantrell's cold sweat came out, the indicator light flashed.

Chantrell received a confirmation signal sent back by the rear telegraph station, the telegram has been received, and they have been forwarded.

The other party's signal was as clean and stable, obviously as steady as Chantrell's hand.

Chantrell took a long breath and collapsed weakly on the back of his chair, looking tired, sending this telegram seemed to exhaust all his energy.

Chantrell raised his head and glanced at the slip of paper in his hand that had been soaked with sweat. He suddenly smiled with satisfaction and muttered to himself in a low voice, "Fortunately, I have done my duty."

At this time, the signal light of the telegraph flashed again, indicating that the other party had sent a report. Chantrell immediately tightened his body and quickly took notes on the contents of the telegram.

The other party used a clear code with only one sentence: Doctor, take care, hippo.

These three words made Chantrell knowingly smile and couldn't help rubbing his nose. The intelligence station he led was called Doctor in the venture capital company, and Hippo was the intelligence station code that received the signal.

A wretched middle-aged uncle appeared in Chantrell's eyes, in his heart: He was obviously a thin man, but he called himself a hippo.

The mage lowered his head curiously and glanced at the note in Chantrell's hand. The handwriting was blurred, but it was vaguely recognizable.

"Code...Thirteen, one hundred of spades, what does this mean?" The wizard asked Chantrell with a look of confusion.

Chantrell stood up with a solemn expression, and slowly said: "That means the demons have invaded."

The mage laughed and pointed to Chantrell, "What are you kidding?"

Chantrell shook his head slowly, and looked at him seriously: "The highest combat readiness, we will take over here, prepare to destroy equipment, and immediately transfer personnel.

This is not a drill~! "

The mage still kept a smile at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were already showing a look of horror. After a while, he stammered: "Mozu, Mozu, are you here?"

Chantrell nodded, and his voice was as flat as ever, saying: "They landed from Leiria and have a hundred war fortresses."

The mage's body trembled because of fear, he suddenly jumped up like an electric shock, and shouted loudly: "Evacuate, evacuate, today is closed."

At the same time, he ran to the door quickly.

When he stepped on the threshold, the mage suddenly turned looked at Chantrell solemnly and said, "Where are you?"

Chantrell shrugged, smiled relaxedly, and said, "We can't go yet."

The mage licked his lips, finally nodded to Chantrell, and said sincerely: "Take care."

When the mage disappeared behind the door, Chantrell turned and walked towards the corner, took several small tubes from a sealed metal box, and placed them one by one in front of the telegraph machine.

In an emergency, they can burn the telegraph to ashes with a fire.

After doing all this, Chantrell sat back in his chair and stared at the telegraph in front of him. When the enemy troops did not kill the door, they would stand there and wait for the message to be delivered.

When the demons came in, they still wanted to hide and continue to work.

Chantrell stared at the telegraph in a daze, and could not help but secretly said: "How long can we fight for this world?" (to be continued

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