Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1282: Red Alert 2

Accompanied by the sound of dripping, telegraph signals spread on the telegraph network at the fastest speed in the universe. m

At the beginning, Lord Luo Jue did not hesitate to spend a lot of money, and tried his best to establish the strict system of Feiying Tietong Company, and carried out the most rigorous training for all personnel, and finally got the reward.

At this critical moment, the staff of the Telegraph Company demonstrated their qualities.

All telegraphers stopped all work as soon as they received the signal and forwarded the telegram with the highest priority.

The telegrams of the red channel will be handed over to the agents of the venture capital company as soon as possible for professional processing.

Through the concerted efforts of the employees of Tietong to work efficiently, although the distance between them is thousands of miles away, although the middle has to pass through the layers of various telegraph stations, the short telegram is transmitted back from the front line in only forty minutes. Naidel.

This efficiency is more than an hour faster than the previous average time.

Although it is only an hour, no one can estimate the significance of this hour.

Because, in this war that concerns the fate of the mainland and mankind, every second may be of decisive significance.

The telegrapher of Nyan's head office skillfully recorded the contents of the telegram, and then handed the document to the correspondent of the venture capital company waiting aside.

Although the correspondent was young, he was not as lively as a young person should be. No matter what, he was always a dead face, and his personality was quirky and unkind.

After receiving the telegram, without even thanking the telegrapher, he turned around and walked out of the room quickly. Go to another room, close the doors and windows, and then take out the codebook from the safe. Then sit at the table and translate word by word.

After just a few minutes of translation, the correspondent of the venture capital company, like all colleagues who received this information, showed a shocked expression on his face.

Afterwards, he rushed across the corridor at a speed of 100 meters. Ignoring the strong obstruction of the female secretary next to him, he rushed directly into Belém's office, and then panted heavily and placed the telegram in front of Belém.

The general manager of the venture capital company that led thousands of special agents looked down. Then he stood up slowly and said calmly as usual: "Where is the Governor?"

Someone hurriedly replied: "My lord is okay today. He should be in the study in the backyard."

"Call everyone to gather." Belen skillfully clipped the telegram into the folder, and then continued: "If the wives have already gone out, go get them back and find the little father-in-law. Find all the people on the red list.

Red alert, all doors cancel all vacations. Enter a state of wartime. "

After giving a few brief instructions, Belem walked straight out of the room with steady steps.

Two minutes later, Belen walked into the residence of the Governor's Mansion and came to the second floor under the guidance of the maids, then knocked on the door, and then directly opened the door.

He saw Lorraine the first time he walked in.

Lord Lorraine was lying halfway in the chair, with his feet folded on the large desk, holding a thick document in his hand.

Vera, in a white white-collar overall, put her blue long hair on top of her head. Sven buried his head delicately and sorted out the documents beside him.

There are two huge ice cubes in the corner of the room, making the room cool and pleasant.

Lorraine looked up at Belem who had burst in suddenly. Throwing down the file in his hand, he stretched his waist and said, "What's the matter?"

Belem gently placed the telegram on Lord Lorraine's desk, and whispered: "From the front of Leiria."

Lorraine picked it up and took a look. Like everyone who understood the news for the first time, Lorraine couldn't help but stunned.

After a while, he suddenly laughed softly and said, "They are here."

"Yes, they are here." Belem nodded with a serious expression.

Lorraine sighed slightly, and threw the file on the table again. Muttered: "The one that should come will always come."

"This is the fate of our generation." Belem said with a firm expression.

Although in the War of Defending the Saints, the sons and daughters of the heroic human race went forward and succeeded in the **** battlefield, drove the demons and the undead out of their homes and out of this continent. But they all know that the undead high priest is immortal. The high priest like a devil, the high priest with a grudge, the high priest with greed and shame... the terrible demon finally returned.

Not now, or in the future, it is impossible for the Human Race to escape this battle.

Whether you want or not. This is their fate~!

Thinking of this, Belen couldn't help but sighed softly, and repeated softly: "This is the fate of our generation."

Next to Vera suddenly raised her head and said in surprise: "That gang of liches have really come? By the way, what does that one hundred spades mean?"

"It's the war fortress of the Lich. The code name in the company is spades, and our war fortress is coded square." Lorraine explained to Vera.

Belen couldn't help but glanced at Vera, secretly wondering: Why didn't Vera know what was written on it without reading the note?

However, there are too many weird things in Lorraine's family, and Belém was just curious, and then added: "The news is from Leiria. The enemy should have landed from the coast there."

"De Rossi~!" Lorraine blurted out the name that was familiar to all mainlanders.

There was a weird expression on Belen's face, as if it was irritated or admired, and slowly said: "It should be him. It should be him who has become a traitor to our human race."

Lord Lorraine put away his legs, touched his chin and laughed, and said: "This kid deceived everyone, and he is considered a talent.

I can't help but admire him for being so outstanding. "

Belen's unwilling flat mouth, self-blaming softly said: "Lord, this is our negligence. We did not find him in time..."

Lorraine waved his hand and interrupted him, saying, "The agents are not gods, but just a bunch of people who know how to collect and analyze information.

So when we discover shortcomings and failures, we should self-examine, find the reasons, and finally turn them into our own experience. "

"Master Xie." Belen replied loudly.

Miss Vera was successfully awakened by a ‘lich’, and she kept pouting her ruddy little mouth. At this moment, he finally couldn't bear it, and said angrily: "Lich is the most annoying~!

Auntie, it's good if I don't trouble them, but they dare to come here, master. We want to drive them away as soon as possible. "

Whenever I think of it, she, a proud daughter of the dragon queen, was almost taken prisoner by a neurotic lich, which is simply too shameful.

Count it seriously. Has become the third indelible stain in her life. (The first one is young and invincible. I was... uh, I was fooled by the dragon. I used all the lucky money to buy a lot of useless books like "Guide to Robbery".

The second is that they were deceived by the elders of the Dragon Clan and used the bursting crystal as a ruby ​​to blow up the luxuriously decorated Dragon Clan Conference Hall. )

In this case, even if she carries tens of millions of gold and silver jewelry in the future. Back to the dragon clan. Still have to be...well, being laughed at by dragons for a thousand years. Therefore, Miss Vera is determined to find this place back.

Seeing Vera's angrily appearance, Lorraine patted her ruddy little hand and comforted: "Don't worry, the Lich can choose how to start this war, but they can't help but end this war.

That will be up to us~! "

Lorraine's words were arrogant. But Vera and Belem didn't feel surprised, because Lord Lorraine did have this ability now.

Only people like Nian know how powerful a force is hidden under the calm water.

"The peacekeeping force is over." Belen said calmly. It was as if the 200,000 continental coalition forces trapped in Leiria had nothing to do with him.

Lorraine thought for a moment, then shook his head, and said helplessly: "Liches are not all idiots. There are also smart people among them. After a little thought, you can know the advantages of combining war fortresses together.

One hundred war fortresses, gathering them into one assault group, and dispersing them on the battlefield of a million troops, can play a very different role. "

Speaking of this, Lorraine suddenly jumped out of the classic "blitzkrieg" tactic, which is undoubtedly the most suitable high-speed and powerful war fortress.

"It seems that after the failure of the previous war. The dark wizards also summed up their own experience and lessons, and a hundred war fortresses went on the battlefield together.

Those coalition forces didn't even have a chance to escape.

These poor guys. "

Lorraine couldn't help but sighed in a low voice, then frowned for a moment, and slowly said, "But...I remember, there are more than a hundred war forts for Lich. So where are the rest?"

At the same time, Belen used his brain to think quickly. Of course, he knew that the undead high priest had more than one hundred war fortresses. This number may even be three hundred.

For this war that is exhausting the two continents, the undead high priest will not fail to send all his fighting power.

Judging from the tactics of the Dark Mages assaulting Leiria, they obviously have realized the advantages of gathering the war fortress to attack. Naturally, it will not be used intensively to achieve the greatest results. But now only a hundred have appeared there. Then...

So where is the remaining war fortress of the undead high priest?

Which target on this continent is worthy of the dark wizards using one hundred or even two hundred war fortresses to attack?

Vantino, the enemy of the dead? Ruman City, the heart of the mainland? Or their rear industrial base Nian?

"Maple Leaf Danlin~!" Lorraine said in a low voice: "At present, the only thing that can pose a threat to the war fortress of the undead is the Maple Leaf Danlin.

The first target of the air force's strike is always the opposing air force. "

Vera suddenly became nervous when she heard this, she firmly grasped Lorraine's hand and said anxiously: "Sister Lorraine is still there."

Luo Linna stayed in Maple Leaf Danlin because she wanted to preside over the production of the war fortress.

Belen nodded clearly, Fengye Danlin currently has the main force of human war fortresses stationed, and most importantly, Fengye Danlin has a workshop for rapid production of war fortresses.

As long as the production workshop is there, humans can continuously create war fortresses and fight the undead in the air.

Relying on the huge population and production capacity of mankind, it may take only one year for the war fortress made by Fengye Danlin to be comparable in number to the undead, and the war fortress made by Fengye Danlin is more powerful and attacking. Win

Air supremacy will be reversed at that time. This is something the undead clan dare not see.

As long as the production workshop is there, humans can continuously create war fortresses and fight the undead in the air.

It may only take one year to rely on the huge human population and production capacity. The war fortress made by Maple Leaf Danlin can match the number of the undead, and the war fortress made by Maple Leaf Danlin is superior in performance and attack power.

Air supremacy will be reversed at that time. This is something the undead clan dare not see.

Only to completely destroy Maple Leaf Danlin’s war fortress and production workshop. The war fort of the undead can gallop on the mainland at will.

Of course, the premise is not to include the Flying Eagle Group.

Belen said decisively: "I will notify them immediately."

Lorraine nodded, and said: "With the careful character of the old fellow Lester, he may not take your and my opinions seriously. To be on the safe side, you send the report in the name of Adele."

"Who is using my name?" Adele's clear and sweet voice came from outside the door, and a fragrant wind hit. Adele and Catherine walked into the room arm in arm.

Catherine looked at the solemn expressions of Lorraine and Belen, her heart sank, and she asked uncomfortably, "What happened?"

"The undead landed in Leiria, and we speculated that there may be a large army of the enemy's war fortress on the way to the Maple Leaf Danlin."

Catherine and Adele froze for a moment, and Catherine said blankly: "Is it finally here?"

Adele rushed to Lorraine's desk like crazy and grabbed the penholder. Shaking his arm and quickly wrote a sentence, then turned around and patted Belem, screaming: "Send it to my grandpa. Send it to my grandpa~!

No, wait~! ! ! ! "

Adele snatched the note from Belen again, and added a line underneath. "Lorraine said that the enemy appeared, not necessarily attacking an unimportant place like Fengye Danlin.

I'm so angry, I bet with him."

Then he took a picture of Belen and said anxiously: "Quickly, let my grandfather and Lorraine reply me personally."

Belén nodded, grabbed the note and turned and ran out, limping.

Lord Lorraine couldn't help but curl his lips. Adele is really a fairy-like woman, this is to pull hatred on herself.

Now that the world is peaceful, the news of the invasion of the undead is suddenly released. It is estimated that most people will think that they are alarmist and will not care at all.

With the temper of the old man Lester who likes to compete with him, it might not necessarily be taken seriously.

And after Adele added such a sentence. The old guy's urinary **** is still frustrating. Must be crappy, seriously challenged.

Adele looked at Belen's back, stepped back and leaned weakly on the desk, her hand was forced to cover her mouth, her eyes became red, and she said worriedly: "Will my grandfather be in danger? Rowrina will Will it be dangerous?

No, I'm going to Fengye Danlin~! "

Lorraine stood up and hugged the emotional Adele, stroked her smooth back, and said quietly, "Don't worry, there will be no danger. There is no news from Fengye Danlin now, it means there is still No attack.

If so, Telegram will bring the news back as soon as possible. "

Vera knew that Maple Leaf Danlin was still squatting with a mature old dragon Blankrera.

The Dragon Race's concept of territory is very strong, and its own chassis does not allow anyone to intervene. The old guy guards Fengye Danlin's large library, guarding the fire of world knowledge, and will never allow others to destroy it.

If the situation is unfavorable for Fengye Danlin, Blankrera will definitely take action.

Vera also stood up and took Adele's little hand, and said softly: "Don't worry, I believe the teacher will be able to defeat them, besides, there is a magic tower in Maple Leaf Danlin."

Adele felt relieved and said inwardly: Yes, the Great Magic Tower of Danlin Maple Leaf may not be able to attack, but defense should be fine.

Adele smiled reluctantly, kissed Lorraine and Vera each on the face, squeezed their hands, and said, "I see."

Catherine frowned and thought for a while, she had been thinking about what she should do right now.

Although Maple Leaf Danlin was in a critical condition, they were beyond their reach, and being able to notify Lester, Wabador, and Obaham in time, and to give them warnings was the best they could make.

Catherine believed that with the abilities of the three major deans, he knew how to fight. They have been preparing for this war for two years, Fengye Danlin is not without plans.

"Have you notified my father and uncle?" Catherine asked Lorraine.

Lorraine nodded and said, "I believe they have received the news, and there will be telegrams from Ruman and Constantine soon.

Not only them, but the capitals of all provinces of the entire empire, and the countries and regions to which the telegram extends, should have received news of the undead invasion at this moment. "

Catherine let out a long sigh of relief, and leaned on her chest with her hands on her chair, and said with joy: "Fortunately, we have Tietong."

Lorraine smiled proudly and said: "I guess the telegram will buy us at least half a day. This will be twelve hours that can change the fate of the world.

Compared with it, Tietong's huge expenditure is worth it. "

Vera pulled, pressed her on the chair, comforted her intimately, and poured Adele a glass of wine to help her calm down.

Catherine leaned forward, grabbed Adele's cold little hand, and said, "Dai'er, you can only be a nervous granddaughter when you return to Maple Leaf Danlin. You can play a bigger role in Nian'an. Don't rush back. Let’s wait for the news."

Adele nodded vigorously and said, she manages the industry and coordination of Nian's fast-growing province, and her work is not unimportant.

Adele calmly looked at Lorraine, her tear-stained eyes were pitiful, and her voice was slightly hoarse: "Lorraine, what should we do now?"

"It's time to let this war machine run at full speed." Through the window, Lorraine looked at the rows of slender black shadows on the horizon. They were the chimneys of Nian's Workshop, and they were spitting into the sky day and night. Black smoke.

Lorraine's eyes were piercing, and he sneered and said, "Let you see the combat power of the industrial society. This is not the era of wielding the staff." RQ

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