Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1285: Eagle over Maple Leaf Danlin (middle)

The air combat instructor Paulos had a confident expression on his face.

He understands the level of the captains of these war fortresses, although these young men are still a little immature and young, with an average age of only their early twenties. However, none of them are outstanding among the Master Fengye Danlin. All of them are flexible, hard-working, and proud to be a captain.

Only such young people can quickly accept this tactic that humans have never had before, and implement it without hesitation.

Paulos quietly glanced at Jelena next to her, and saw a rare smile on the corner of her blushing mouth, and there was a light of [excited] flashing in her eyes.

Under the iceberg-like expression of Mage Jelena, there is a volcano-like hot personality hidden. At this moment, her beautiful eyes are staring at Paulos without blinking. The first thousand two hundred and eighty-five chapters of the eagle over the maple leaf Danlin (middle)

Although I know that the beauty in front of me has no other thoughts, and also clearly knows that she is already married and her baby is already able to use soy sauce, but when Elena’s beautiful eyes fell on her body, Pauls still A little excited in my heart.

He straightened his chest and said boldly, "We are all ready, Master Rowena, please give your order, how are we going to fight this battle?"

Luo Linna turned her eyes, glanced over the faces of the excited young people one by one, and finally looked at Paulos, saying: "For professional things, let professional people come.

I'm just here to inform you that you are ready to fight. As for how to fight, I will leave it to you, Instructor Paulos. "

Paulos was taken aback, and then nodded in admiration to Rowena: There are not many smart leaders like Lorraine, Leo and Rowena these days.

Many leaders are either flattered by Er 13's subordinates and do not know what to do, or they are 13 themselves.

I always think that ‘the bigger the official, the more he understands’ is a universal truth.

They all like to intervene in everything to show their authority.

But in war, especially the air battle between the Eagle (Middle) war fortress above the maple leaf Danlin in Chapter 1285, it is a very professional thing, not in a flying war fortress. Never understand the use of the tactics of a war fortress.

Disregarding the actual blind command, the final result will inevitably damage soldiers and soldiers, and even the destruction of the entire race~!

Although Luo Linna is also a mage, leading all of Fengye Danlin's war fort forces. But her focus is on building war fortresses, and just supervising the construction is enough for her.

Moreover, there are instructors in the class of Pauls, and she never asks about tactical training.

This is also the reason why the Flying Eagle Company can thrive.

Because they are all smart people.

The so-called smart does not mean that they know everything well, but that they know when. Give something to someone to do.

This is really smart~!

Pauls raised his arm with a little excitement in his heart, and solemnly saluted Lorina, and said loudly: "Yes~!"

This was the first battle with the demons and the first large-scale air battle in the history of world war.

Anyone who directs this battle, even a sow, will definitely go down in history in the future, and then let a bunch of screaming beasts write a history book and pass on forever.

And now. Rowlingna gave this honor to herself before handing over her hands.

He took a half step back, then turned around. Looking at the captains who are eager to try.

All those young faces were full of longing for battle. Longing to use both hands to get his own merits. Desire to kill those enemies who invaded their land.

"My dear disciples." Paulston gave a moment, and then said in a loud voice: "These days, you have all undergone the most rigorous training. Now, it is time to test the training results.

You will use your actual actions to prove your strength~! "

Having said that, his tone couldn't help slowing down, and he insidiously taught: "This is your first battle. This is also the first battle with the undead in the millennium.

Don't look at each of you who are really good at urinating now. During the battle, there will definitely be rookies panicking and even peeing in their pants in fright. "

The captains couldn't help grinning. Laughing. Then they jokingly looked at their colleagues with malicious eyes.

Before they knew it, the trace of tension in their hearts that had been on the battlefield disappeared.

Paulos also laughed, and then continued: "Many people will inevitably fall into panic, but don't be afraid, let alone nervous.

Don't forget, your enemy is also on the battlefield for the first time. They are also rookies. I will also be nervous. Everyone is actually half a cat. "

The captains laughed in a low voice again.

Paulos suddenly looked stern, and said in a deep voice: "So, if you want to save your life and defeat the enemy, you must keep in mind the tactics you master and follow the rules in the tactical textbook.

Believe your teammates, unite and fight, strictly forbid..."

Paul Sgaard's voice specifically instructed them: "I said it is strictly forbidden to leave the formation~!

It is strictly forbidden to fight alone~!

If you find that you have fallen behind, immediately rise to the limit height and return to Fengye Danlin to stand by. Fengyan will point the way for you, understand it! "

The captains shouted in unison: "Understood!"

Paulos nodded solemnly, and said, "It is about the lives of more than 30 people in each of your captains and the crew. There is no room for negligence."

Each war fortress is equipped with more than 30 artillery, priests and wizards, and some of them have many staff members.

This is equivalent to saying that the lives of dozens of people are controlled by the captain's thoughts.

"I'll arrange the tactics." Paulos followed: "The enemy is likely to appear in clusters, up to one hundred or even two hundred."

The captains suddenly showed solemn expressions on their faces.

They are eager to fight, but it does not mean that they are reckless. Faced with more enemies than they are, no one can relax in their hearts.

"My plan is, let's hit them in an ambush first." Paulos's face showed a flying look, commanding air combat is his passion.

Paulos' bold plan surprised Rowrina and the captains at the same time.

Opposing an enemy with absolute superiority in number, the first thing he thought of was ‘offense’~!

Only Elena and Ben are not surprised. Although Paulos himself looks a bit boring, he is a good offensive man. And the aggressive tactician is full of aggressive desire in his bones.

"The first regiment went out to investigate in eight directions." Paulos looked at Ban and said, "We are faster than them. We will report back as soon as we find the enemy and we are not allowed to fight."

Ban nodded, looked solemn, and said solemnly: "Leave it to me."

Investigation is one of their important training subjects, and the captains already knew it well.

Pauls said: "Others lifted off and stood by in the sky above the Maple Leaf Danlin. After spotting the enemy, they followed my flank and circled around. To make a quick assault, you must fast in and out.

At that time, the enemy will definitely follow us until Fengye Danlin.

At this time, you must strictly abide by the tactical rules, fight in teams, cover each other, and maneuver at high speed.

The main purpose of the battle is to protect yourself. Try to draw the enemy within the attack range of the magic tower.

Let our magic heavy artillery deal with them.

No one should venture out.

If anyone dares to commit a crime, even if I don’t deal with him, I believe you all know the virtues of the old Bangcai of the Great Sorcerer Lester..."

The captains listened. Could not help laughing again.

Paulos paused for a while, and waited for the laughter of everyone to lower down, then said: "You must be prepared for a long battle. This battle is likely to last a long time.

Did you hear it clearly? "

"Yes~!" the captains roared in unison.

Paulos glanced at them and said, "Boys, the chance to become famous in World War I has arrived. After you land, don't be laughed at as a joke."

Paulos looked at them and shouted: "We want to be heroes~!"

"Drink~!" The captains were enthusiastically ignited by Paulos's heroic words, young people in their twenties, who don't want to be an indomitable man. Great hero praised by the world.

Like Lord Lorraine, he has unprecedented achievements and is admired by everything. People have so many girlfriends, and the world has never felt abnormal.

The big hero should be like this.

"Now, lift off." Paulos shouted.

More than fifty captains could not wait to take off. Fly to your own war fortress at the fastest speed.

Ivennaz felt his heart mobilize violently, 〖excitedly〗 he couldn't help himself, full of anticipation for the upcoming battle, and at the same time he was uneasy.

These novices who have only trained for a few months, will they be opponents of the undead race?

For the life-and-death battle, Ivannaz was also afraid in his heart. This was no longer a drill and was hit by a virtual cannonball. At most, it was just a few jokes.

This will really be deadly.

A figure surpassed Ivanac, the captain Joseph glanced at Ivanac's white face, and laughed and said: "Oh, Xiao Bailian, you are scared."

Ivennatz snorted coldly and said, "You are scared."

Joseph chuckled slyly and said, "It's a man's job to fight war. You should hide in your little girlfriend's arms for comfort."

Ivennatz glared at him, and said, "Dare to make a bet, come back with a few results and invite the whole team to drink, Caesars Palace."

"Okay" Joseph laughed and said, "I bet with you, don't run away when you come down."

Ivanac smiled and replied: "I think you are going to run. Our boss is the Empress."

"嘁" Joseph said disdainfully: "It's not the life of our boss."

The two-person war fortress appeared in front of him. Joseph turned his head and flew towards his car, while still looking at Ivanac, shouting: "Hey, don't die, I'm still waiting for your treat."

Ivennaz smiled and shook his head, and landed on his rude No. 1 plane.

The adjutant who was younger than him immediately surrounded the crew members, and they all knew the news of the invasion of the demons.

"Boss, what is the order above?"

"Do you want to do it with them? We are all waiting for that."

"Dare to hit Fengye Danlin's idea and kill them."


Looking at their excited faces, Ivanac suddenly felt a lot more at ease in his heart. He knew his crew and knew that they were the best, and they could well complete every requirement of the training syllabus.

"According to the academy, take off and fight." Ivennatz shouted: "Brothers, take action."

"Launch." The adjutant shouted 〖excitedly.

"Artillery. Get on the fort." The fire crew officer followed with a loud command.

More than 30 people immediately took action.

Within two minutes, the arrogant number one with a mighty wild boar head trembled slightly, then slowly lifted off the ground and rose straight into the air.

Beside it. More than fifty war fortresses were activated at the same time and flew into the sky.

Seeing his subordinates slowly lifted into the air, Paulos put his hat on and saluted Rowrina, and said: "The matter of contacting the dean is left to the master. We may continue to fight, please keep the supply operations on the ground at any time."

Rowlingna said sternly: "Leave it to me, the instructor can rest assured. I wish you all victory."

Paulos barked white teeth. With a confident smile, he turned around and walked towards his car.

Elena and Ben also nodded to Rowrina, and walked firmly towards the war fortress.

Pauls winked his eyes at Ban on the way, and the honest and kind instructor smiled and turned to leave the two of them.

Paulos took a step across and leaned in front of Elena, his expression stern, pretending to be deep and said: "Elena. This battle will be tough and dangerous."

Jelena squinted at him in disgust, and said impatiently, "Speak well."

Paulos rubbed his nose slyly. Squeaky said: "I mean to say, say, that, this..."

Mage Jelena snorted, flicked his sleeves and turned away.

Paulos stretched out his hand to hold Jelena's red sleeves, and said anxiously, "Wait."

Jelena's slender beauty stood up, staring at him majesticly, and asked: "What the **** are you doing?"

Paulos licked his lips, looked at the ground flusteredly, and then gritted his teeth. Recklessly, quickly said: "When this battle is over, let's get the certificate."

"Proof?" Mage Ilena frowned and asked in confusion: "What certificate?"

"Marriage certificate." Pauls exclaimed anxiously when he saw that Irina was so confused.

Jelena's face turned dark for a moment, and she waved her sleeves and shook off Paulos's hand and said annoyedly: "You..."

Then involuntarily a blue light burst from the slender hands, enveloping Paulos in the Orchid arc.

Paulos screamed, fell to the ground with a thump, his hair was stiffened by electricity, and he looked at Elena with a sad expression.

"I'll talk after the battle." Abandoning this sentence, Mage Jelena waved his hand and strode proudly into his flame car.

The baby-faced adjutant Lucian sighed quietly inside the war fort, and said, "Boss, she's also very impatient."

"That old bull Paulos still has no chance." A little mage next to him said with a smile.

"You know what a fart" Lucian raised his hand and knocked on the little mage's forehead, and said, "You must have failed the electric magic. This spell looks scary, but in fact, it's like a comb pierced on the electric."

"I am a fire specialization..." the little mage muttered in a low voice.

The little mage saw the instructor Paulos bounce from the ground, and shouted at the back of Jelena: "We have agreed, Elaine."

Then he walked faster than the young man, as if he was about to fly, and hopped into his car.

Seeing all the war fortresses rise in the air, Luo Linna turned and rushed to the construction site quickly, ordering them to suspend work and hide in the basement.

Then go straight to the magic tower to inform Lester and the magicians of the academy.

The students in the academy have all received news of the undead invasion.

Different from the optimism just now, the students of Fengye Danlin became worried at this moment. Although they were ordered to take refuge in the basement, they were all treated as deaf ears.

The students were still standing on the street, looking up nervously at the sky.

More than fifty war fortresses lifted into the sky one after another, their huge bodies obscured the sky, shadows cast on the ground, and the Maple Leaf Danlin people shrouded the ground, forming a spectacular scene of "They are going to fight~!"

I don't know who shouted, the students couldn't help but cheered loudly towards the war fortress in the sky.

"Show the bones a little bit of color."

"Get rid of those **** dead souls."

"Come on, eagles."

The cheers alarmed the administrator of the large library. Brakerella rubbed his wistful eyes, pushed open the door and walked out, muttering: "What's wrong with this today? It's noisy."

He pricked his ears and listened carefully for a moment. After learning what had happened, Brakerella's wrinkled old face showed a troublesome expression, and said displeased: "It's really messy, can't I finish this safely. Decades.

Alas, there are so many things in my turn, Vera’s little girl is enough for me to have a babbles like a nagging old man, his blue nightgown Suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Rowlingna rushed to the magic tower as fast as she could and explained Paulos' battle plan to Lester in detail.

After listening, Lester touched his beard and nodded, and said, "Okay, let's just do it. I will operate the Magic Cannon myself. Everyone, if there are still fish that slip through the net, I beg you for the rest."

The professors behind Lester bowed and nodded at the same time, saying in unison: "Yes, Dean."

Maple Leaf Danlin's mage power is no less than that of the Mage Association headquarters, especially after building a war fortress, many high-powered mages took the initiative to work in Maple Leaf Danlin.

In less than half an hour from Lorraine's warning telegram, Fengye Danlin had completed preparations for battle and turned the college into a fortress.

The flying troops waited quietly in the sky. For one hour, two hours and five hours, the sky had become dim, the sun sank below the horizon, and the maple leaf Danlin people, who were about to lose their patience, began to wonder whether Lord Lorraine’s prediction was inaccurate. ? (To be continued!!!

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