Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1286: Eagle over the Maple Leaf Danlin (Part 2)

Time passed by every minute and every second. m

The sky gradually turned from bright to dark.

Fengye Danlin's alarm sounded for almost five hours.

At this time, the sun had sunk below the horizon, the sky was dim, and only the last red cloud remained in the western sky. The earth will soon plunge into darkness. But in the vast sky, there was still no unusual movement.

The Maple Leaf Danlin people on the campus were already ready to fight.

They held their necks and looked up at the sky until their necks were sore, and they didn't find the Lich who was about to attack Fengye Danlin.

The enemy did not arrive as expected, and most people's excitement faded little by little over time.

Especially young people, when the alarm goes off, they are all enthusiastic, but the enthusiasm comes quickly and goes very quickly.

Two hours later, many people had given up monitoring the sky and gathered loosely in twos and threes to discuss when the **** undead tribe would arrive.

Everyone agrees that the fastest undead is the good undead.

Because, come early, everyone can naturally solve them cleanly. This way, you can also catch up with the evening celebration party, and then install a 13 by the way to make a girl or something.

If you are lucky and won the favor of girls, maybe you can find a place to talk about life with beautiful girls and discuss the philosophical dialectical relationship between postmodern behaviorism and the third stage of social ethics. And it's the kind of deep, deep, deep...

Every time I think of this, everybody has wretched smiles on their faces. Then I wished that the undead would all grow wings and fly right in front of him.

But everyone was like a silly bird, straightening their necks for a long time, but the dead spirits were as despicable and shameless as the history books...They just couldn't come. A waste of precious time of the uncles.

Therefore, many people became impatient and began to yell at them.

When it gets dark. The undead still did not come.

At this point, everyone has been scolding for most of the day, and all of them are dry and dry, and they don't even have the strength to scold.

Almost all students have given up.

Many daring students even threw the college's evacuation warning behind their heads, and went in groups to find a place to solve the dinner.

No matter whether the dead come or not, people always have to eat.

At this time, the students were already discussing whether the undead would come to attack them Maple Leaf Danlin. But is Lord Lorraine’s prediction accurate?

Could the undead not come at all?

Could Sir Alex issue a false alarm?

Or this is just a realistic exercise. Let everyone go to the game in vain, and see everyone's resilience?

In any case, many people are extremely pessimistic, thinking that this time it was a dog biting a pig urine bubble, so Kong liked it.

In the towering magic tower, the noble teachers were also a little impatient.

Someone dared. Quietly said to Dean Lester, who had been looking at the sky, and said, "Your Excellency, the Great Magister, it's getting late. We have waited for a few hours. Shall we let everyone rest and eat some food to replenish their energy?"

Lester's face was stern after hearing this. With a dissatisfied "um" in the nose, he said, "Don't worry, they will definitely come."

Unlike the hesitation and suspicion of the students of Fengye Danlin, Dean Lester insisted that the undead must come to attack Fengye Danlin.

Because his old man made a bet with Lorraine. So it's better for those undead gangs to get to know each other, come quickly and let his old man kill.

Then he could go to laugh at Lorraine without guessing at all.

For this reason, Lester's Forbidden Curse Master was like a young man in love, staying motionless under his lover's window, patiently guarding the magic tower, even forgetting the passage of time.

Seeing Lester's unhappy face, the talking professor was scared and dared not say anything.

But Lester also felt that it was not appropriate for everyone to be hungry like this. He thought for a while, then waved his hand and said, "I have a hunch that the enemy may be here soon."

Those fifty or sixty-year-old veterans looked at each other, all seeing the helplessness on each other's faces.

No way, although the Magic Academy is known as the ivory tower among the ivory towers. But there is a saying: "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes."

Where there are rivers and lakes, there will naturally be rivers and lakes bosses.

In the Maple Leaf Danlin Academy, Lester, as the dean of the Magic Academy, is the famous leader.

No one dared not listen to this old school bully's words.

Disciplinary funding, everyone's salary and bonuses, job title evaluation, research project approval... all the financial and personnel powers are in the hands of the old fellow Lester.

As long as you want to receive two more graduate students, get more funds, do more projects, get more results... Then you have to flatter Dean Lester. And you have to make the photos he gave you comfortable~!

Therefore, although everyone felt a little tired, they had to hold on to the magic tower.

The setting sun spewed the last rays of light and disappeared below the horizon. Unconsciously, the boundless darkness struck like a tide, covering the entire land.

There is only one round like a crescent moon.

Summer night is here~!

At this time, the anxiety in Lester's heart became stronger and stronger.

Night combat is a weakness of humans, but it is a strength of liches. Lich's vision is not affected by night. Once they strike at this time, human combat power will inevitably be greatly reduced.

Just as disturbed as Lester was Paulos, who had been waiting for a fighter plane at an altitude of 3,000 meters.

Until now, the investigative team sent out has not returned. Calculated by time, their farthest may have flown nearly a thousand miles.

Paulos stood at the window with his hands behind his back, looking at the dark sky outside the window, waiting quietly. He is not worried about whether the dead will come today. Even if they don't come, this time as a drill is not bad.

Because, those undead will always come~!

Even if it is not today, it will be tomorrow, the day after tomorrow~!

The duty of Paulos and the captains is to fight, no matter when the Liches come. They must use the highest fighting spirit to deal the heaviest blow to those liches.

He was as worried as Lester. Darkness is not good for human wizards.

Although the captains have been trained in field battles, they are not lich after all, and the night will inevitably affect their performance.

Liches all know this, and they are not idiots, they will definitely take advantage of this and deliberately choose to attack in the dark~!

And the deeper the night...

Thinking of this, he looked at the waning moon in the sky and silently thought in his heart: The weaker the visibility. It's getting worse for oneself.

at this time. In the deep blue sky in the south, a little twinkling starlight lit up. Although unremarkable, it was immediately caught by the vigilant Paulos.

He couldn't help but shook his body, and hurriedly looked at it.

The stars in the distance flashed again, seeming brighter than before.

After a few seconds. There were a few more flashes.

Paulos saw clearly, two long and one short.

Other people in the war fort also found the flash at this time. Exclaimed: "Boss, it seems to be a signal."

Paulos looked solemn and nodded. Shen said: "It's finally here."

A long flash means that an enemy has been found, and another long and short flash means that the number of enemies is about one hundred and fifty, which is twice and a half as many as them.

The enemy finally came~!

As a soldier, although he is always eager to make contributions. But at this moment, it was finally confirmed that the enemy had arrived, but there was still a trace of chill deep in his heart.

The world war has finally arrived~!

Although this war is expected by everyone. But as the saying goes, ‘the achievements of the first battle have been lost. ’

Once this world war starts, how many creatures will be smeared, how many heroes will be stained with blood, how many families will be broken and scattered...

But then, he shook his head vigorously, and threw the thoughts that were consciously disgusting.

In the next second, Paulos calmly commanded loudly: "Turn on the lights and prepare to attack."

The general is the courage of the soldier. In the battle, the master will be calm and steady, so that the soldiers can be full of confidence in victory. Although Paulos's heart beats wildly at this moment and the blood vessels in his forehead suddenly jump, he still holds his mind and deduces the battle in his mind. plan.

The lead plane that Paulos commanded first lit the lights above his head and the four corners.

The war fortresses lined up behind him lit their lights one after another. The bright red and yellow lights are particularly bright at night. Seen from a distance like a bright star.

This is also no way. In order to maintain the formation and avoid collisions, they can only light up the anti-collision lights, which of course will become eye-catching.

Paulos glanced back through the window, and dozens of lights behind him illuminated the outline of the war fortress.

"Go!" Paulos commanded loudly.

With an order, his car took the lead and rushed toward the south. The others quickly followed in a neat formation.

The people of Lorraine once captured and drove back a war fortress in the demons. Although it belongs to Lester, the academy has conducted detailed tests on the war fortress and left various data.

Paulos knew that the war fortress of the undead could fly at a maximum altitude of about two kilometers. No matter how high it is, energy consumption will increase greatly, which is not cost-effective.

Liches generally choose to fly at an altitude of about one kilometer, so that the terrain can be used as a reference to determine the location.

In comparison, the improved war fortress produced by Maple Leaf Danlin has a high degree of advantage, and Paulos decided to maximize this advantage.

A few minutes later, Paulos and the war fortress that sent the signal met in the air. When the two war fortresses were approaching, the captain of the war fortress who was sent to investigate under the strong air current, ventured into Pauls's long plane. .

The white and fat round face of the mage was flushed by the cold night wind. He couldn't help but rub his hands and quickly said: "The enemy is coming from the south-southwest. The number is estimated to be around one hundred and fifty. They were found around 5:30 in the afternoon, and now it is estimated that they are less than three hundred miles away from here."

Paulos nodded calmly, thought quickly, and secretly said: "Three hundred miles, that is, my speed is one hundred to one hundred and twenty miles ahead of them, very good~!"

Paulos turned his head and asked the adjutant: "How long will it take for the enemy to reach our position?"

The adjutant took a pen on the paper and immediately replied: "A conservative estimate, forty minutes."

Pauls thought about tactics in his mind, and after a few seconds, he decisively ordered: "You can't fight this battle above Fengye Danlin, and go one hundred and fifty miles ahead. We ambush them there."

"Yes," the adjutant agreed immediately and immediately notified the comrades behind him with a light language.

Paulus led a team of forty war forts, drawn an arc, and flew to the battlefield.

The adjutant pinched the meter to calculate the flight distance. Ten minutes later, the war fort set out from Fengye Danlin hovered in the sky and turned off his lights.

The whole team is like a poisonous king cobra. Lurking under the black night. As soon as their prey appears, they launch a deadly attack.

In everyone's perception, the passage of time is slower and much slower than usual at this time, and every second seems to be as long as a month.

Pauls and the captains were in the same mood, waiting excitedly and nervously.

This will be their first battle, training for a long time. The results will be seen soon.

How advanced their equipment is, whether their tactics are effective, whether their crews are brave and fearless... will all be proven in battle.

Ten minutes later. A little green light appeared in the dark night sky.

"Here." Paulos let go of his sweaty fist and yelled in excitement.

After the green light flashed, within a few seconds. Suddenly, a large swath of light spurted out of the night sky, shaped like a flock of flying fireflies, and the number was too large to estimate.

The war fortress of the undead finally appeared in sight~!

Paulos finally took a sigh of relief, and the facts proved that his arrangement was correct, the speed and direction of the enemy. Sure enough, as he expected.

Then Paulos smiled easily to his adjutant and said: "These liches are really a bunch of fools. They don't use their best advantage, and they don't turn off the lights in the night."

The adjutant shrugged, guessing: "Probably they think it's unnecessary."

Paulos smiled and shook his head, instantly bursting out strong confidence, and said with a sneer: "Since it is delivered to the door, I'm not welcome."

Then calmly watched the green light composed of the war fort across the sky, passing dozens of miles in front of him.

Paulos estimated the distance and kept counting down secretly in his heart. Seeing the undead war fortress lined up in a scattered formation, flying past him, he suddenly shouted and said, "Light up~!"

The lights on the five corners of the war fortress were on at the same time, and then behind him, the war fortress, which was also lurking and waiting, lights up at the same time.

"Rush up~!" Paulos waved his hand vigorously, and the war fortress under his feet trembled slightly, and then suddenly accelerated. The huge inertia made Paulos stand unsteadily and retreated two steps.

The red-yellow ray of Maple Leaf Danlin built a war fort and rushed towards the enemy team as quickly as possible.

The distance of dozens of miles passed in a flash. In Paulos' eyes, the enemy seemed to have not reacted. They still maintained the same speed and flew northward as if they had not been spotted.

This made Paulos's heart secretly strange, and he said to himself: Do they have any tricks?

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and a few minutes later, Paulos can even see the vague outline of the Undead War fort.

Until then, the enemy seemed to have discovered the movement here, and the outermost war fortresses were able to turn around and face Paulus and the others, while the large number of troops still flew straight.

Paulos couldn't help licking his lips, and exclaimed in surprise: "Good opportunity~!"

It was as if the enemy sent his softest abdomen to the head of Fengye Danlin.

After a few breaths, against the backdrop of the dark blue sky, Paulos could already see the dark appearance of the enemy, and at the same time, a signal came from the turret that the enemy was in range.

Paulos grabbed the phone and stared at the opposite war fortress, shouting loudly: "Stay steady, get closer. Hold steady, hold steady..."

Paulos must ensure that the artillery can accurately hit the target and kill him in one shot.

Ten seconds later, Paulos, who was at the top of the Fengye Danlin charge team, was only a few hundred meters away from the nearest enemy.

With the green light on the opposite side, Paulos could even see the shaking figures in the enemy window.

The enemy slammed into him straight, and a green light shot out from the middle of the enemy's war fortress, drew a clear arc in the air, and flew past several tens of meters away from the Paulus flight.

The enemy opened fire first.

Paulos sneered, waiting for the Dark Mage or the Lich to charge the magic cannon again, there was at least ten seconds left.

"Enough." Paulos secretly said in his heart, squeezing the intercom with his big hand, and shouting with exhaustion, "Fire~!"

The two guns on the upper weapon platform roared at the same time.

The fire from the muzzle illuminates the night sky instantly, and a "boom" followed, causing pain in the eardrums of the people in the trembling war fortress.

The undead war fort that was rushing over suddenly sparked a splendid spark.

One of the shots hit its front door.

The heavy shell penetrated the outer wall and penetrated deeply into the interior.

A fierce flame spewed out from the war fortress, and the violent explosion opened the upper part of the whole. The burning flame burst out from the war fortress, illuminating only half of the dilapidated war fortress.

There seemed to be human bodies falling from the sky in the fire.

The war fortress that was hit decelerated instantly, and then suddenly sank, billowing black smoke, flying in a strange spiral, and falling rapidly toward the ground diagonally.

"Okay~!" Paulos slapped his palm hard, starting the victory.

His adjutant danced happily, yelling beside him.

Paulos grabbed the phone and yelled, "Don't worry about it, fire on the enemy in front of you, fire, fire~!"

In the midst of his frantic roar, the artillery in the weapon room all had red eyes. It took only four seconds to push the artillery prepared nearby to the front, and quickly aimed at another close war fort and fired.

The muzzle flame flashed, and the undead war fortress less than 500 meters away from them did not explode. It was missed Just when the officer commanded the artillery to rotate the artillery and prepared to continue shooting, the undead was the target The fortress of war exploded. It was broken into pieces in an orange flame.

The captains following Paulos also started shooting.

The team of the Maple Leaf Danlin people formed a sharp triangle, with Paulus as the sharp dagger, pierced into the battle fortress team of the undead.

The enemy's team is too dense, and they seem to rush into a honeycomb. For a time, they are the enemy's war fortresses, and the artillery is even frantic by choosing targets.

The captain kept in mind the tactical rules, each team focused on attacking a target, regardless of hit or miss, maintain a high-speed state, and find the next closest target.

Gorgeous sparks burst out one after another in the air.

What surprised Paulos and the captains was that the enemy hadn't fight back, and their magic guns seemed to be misfired. RS

Shumilou is the fastest update, please collect Shumilou (m).

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