Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1289: The longest 1 night (continued)

Above the Maple Leaf Danlin campus, spells and shells were flying wildly. m

Bright and deadly rays of light flashed across the night sky, exploding from time to time, like fireworks at a carnival.

Nearly two hundred war machines, representing the pinnacle of magic and alchemy, were chasing and fighting in the dark night sky.

Each of them consumes huge manpower and material resources of the maker, but the mission that the maker gives them is destruction.

Either to confuse others, or to be destroyed by others.

The fierce battle has lasted for four hours, and more and more captains of the war fort have discovered that they are about to run out of ammunition and urgently need to replenish them.

Each war fortress is prepared according to a base number, and the total number is 120 shells.

In the tense air battle, the captains of Maple Leaf Danlin were all extremely excited under the adrenaline stimulus. They had never even thought of saving ammunition in their hearts.

On the contrary, they could not wait to shoot all the shells out at once, so they didn't hesitate to start fire, regardless of whether they hit or not, they hit it first.

Anyway, my artillery fire is stronger than the enemy’s, and the flight is faster than the enemy’s. At this time, it is natural to clean up the enemies in front of you.

Let those bone sticks know that the sky of Maple Leaf Danlin will always belong to Maple Leaf Danlin.

Due to their unrestrained crazy attacks, although they have achieved considerable results, at this moment, many captains found that their artillery shells were about to run out, and if they did not replenish them, they would soon be unable to attack.

Without the cannonballs, what else would be fought in this battle?

The panicked captains then remembered to land to supplement.

In peacetime, it is a very simple matter to supplement the energy of the shells, and they don't even need to worry about them.

As long as they land, the adjutant will tabulate what they need. Report to the logistics department. Then the ground servicemen installed the war fortress for them.

Taking advantage of this time, the captains can even go to the officer’s club for a drink, chat, spank, and whistle to the beautiful waitress.

But at this time, it was on the fierce air combat battlefield.

Cannonballs flying all over the sky, explosions one after another, the screaming screams of the liches, the painful howls of wounded soldiers...

This is a perilous land of killing.

A little careless. Will be hit by the enemy. The end of a plane crash.

The captains were all anxious for a while, where should we go for supplies?

Below the battlefield is where the war fortress is parked, but to slow down and land at this time is to turn yourself into a living target for the undead.

But as the battle continued, their ammunition inventory gradually bottomed out.

The captains who were feeling helpless suddenly found the square on the campus of Fengye Danlin. A neat row of lights is lit, and the lights form a wide square, which is the sign of the landing field.

See here. Everyone was overjoyed.

This landing field was temporarily opened in the campus, with the direct cover of the magical giant cannon, naturally there is no need to worry about the time of landing. Suffered by the enemy's sudden attack.

Therefore, the war fortress desperately in need of supplies withdrew without hesitation and went straight to the landing site on the campus.

Before their cars touched the ground, a large group of students pushing trolleys poured out from the woods or houses next to the landing site.

They quickly carried the wounded off. Loaded the cart and pulled out.

Immediately, the cart full of shells and crystals was parked at the gate of the war fortress.

The students lined up in a row, delivering ammunition inward in a relay.

At the same time, more people rushed up with tea and drinks, cakes, snacks, and even large clean towels to provide thoughtful service to the tired and half-dead combatants, and help them regain their energy as much as possible.

Although this set is a bit cumbersome, but when Lord Luo led the crowd in the Jingshui Lake chase and used magicians to chase down enemy warships, the students on the ship had already served those exhausted magicians in this way.

Although many years have passed, many of them have graduated, but the current students have basically heard the bragging of those old students, and they have some understanding of what happened back then.

Therefore, they are now doing the same things. Although some are not very skilled, they are basically methodical.

Because of their KONE work, the supplementary efficiency of the war fort is extremely high.

Originally it took half a day to complete a war fort, but now it only takes a few minutes to complete it, and then lift off again.

Pauls, who had been commanding on the battlefield, also discovered this situation and immediately ordered the captains to retreat and shrink, hovering over the maple leaf Danlin to cover the war fortress that needed to be supplemented.

Seeing that after the battle fortresses landed, and then immediately re-launched to fight, and those students who volunteered to participate in the operation, like hard-working soldiers, still sent all kinds of urgently needed materials from the rear continuously, Luo Linna wiped Sweating from his forehead, he sighed slightly, and secretly said in his heart: "Finally caught up."

The complex situation of the battlefield far exceeded her expectations, Luo Linna did not expect that the battle would last so long, but fortunately, their Maple Leaf Danlin people are fighting at home, and they can supplement on the spot.

If it is a long-range attack and the attack is intense, and suddenly it is discovered that there are no shells and the energy is not enough to fly back to the base, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Luo Linna suddenly remembered what Lorraine had said, on the battlefield, she never knew what would happen in the next second.

Therefore, every battle must be regarded as a decisive battle, with full force.

At this time, another war fortress landed on the ground, the door opened, and the strong class instructor, who looked like an iron tower, walked out quickly.

The students in charge of the supply rushed forward, some carrying cannonballs on their shoulders, and some holding a basket of crystals in their arms.

Ban stopped the person carrying the cannonball and said loudly, "As long as the crystal, we don't lack ammunition."

However, a student carrying a cannonball grinned and said: "You are not short of it now, but you will be short of it soon."

After speaking, the sweaty student had already rushed into the war fortress carrying ammunition.

Ban couldn't help but startled.

At this time, a slightly tired voice sounded next to him: "Class instructor, we must be prepared for a long battle, and there is no harm in adding more."

Ban turned his head and took a look. I saw Luo Linna standing behind her.

Because of being too busy, her neatly combed hair was a little messy, and her voice was a little hoarse.

Ban hurriedly raised his hand, saluted her and thanked her for hosting on the ground.

Luo Linna smiled: Ban finally came back, which means that the gang that sent the investigation has finally rushed back.

On the air battlefield, Maple Leaf Danlin's war fortresses were more than half, and more than 60 were all here.

The addition of a new force in an alliance can immediately reduce the pressure on your side.

but. Some people are happy and others are worried.

While Rowlingna was happy. In the war fortress of the dark wizard on the opposite side, Lich Enes had a cold face like ice, and the soul fire in his eyes flickered. Obviously he was in a bad mood.

Enes suddenly discovered that he had seen more than one hundred war fortresses appearing in his original plan. The Fengye Danlin people who are not possessed will be scared, and then they can easily use the power of the war fortress to crush the enemy into pieces.

In the end, I achieved a great achievement. Laughing on the ruins of Fengye Danlin.

However, he did not expect that Fengye Danlin would have been prepared.

And they have so many war forts.

And the firepower is stronger than his own. Flying faster than one's own, turning more flexible than one's own.

That's fine, anyway, because there are so many people, he can slowly kill them.

But now, the more they fight, the more they can fight. The more you hit, the more people.

This is a bit vomiting blood.

Just now they were able to break through Fengye Danlin's interception and fired two cannons into the campus indiscriminately. But now, with more than one hundred war fortresses, they can't even break through the periphery of Fengye Danlin, and they can only circle the campus back and forth.

The battle fortress belonging to the Maple Leaf Danlin is obviously much more than just now.

But the most annoying Lich Enes was the Holy Light Tower, which made his heart palpitating. His soul told him that it was best to stay away from the milky white tower.

The strong light on the magic tower, like the sun, seriously affected the sight of Lich Enes.

As long as Fengye Danlin's war fortress hides behind the light of the magic tower, it will be difficult for them and liches to see.

It is precisely because the lich has the convenience of night vision that they choose to attack at night, but now, the convenience of this day has been reversed.

And here is the home of the Maple Leaf Danlin people, of course the location is in the hands of the Maple Leaf Danlin people.

As for humanity, the dark wizards have never trained in joint operations, and they don't even have the awareness of cooperation. This is related to the unique growth environment of the dark wizards.

In order to compete for limited resources, compete with the same family, and even kill each other, it is commonplace for the dark wizard.

They must always be careful of the cold arrow shot from behind.

Sometimes the liches are just boring to have fun in order to cultivate students who satisfy them, and they are happy to see their disciples fighting.

Dark wizards are powerful, cruel, and cold, but at the same time eccentric.

On the other hand, the Fengye Danlin people, they command orderly and coordinated operations. Although the number is small, their combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of the undead.

Lich Enes originally thought that their army would be killed, and with just one charge, they could kill the poor Maple Leaf Danlin.

Then the war fortress and the dark mage came out together, razed the Maple Leaf Danlin to the ground, and made the first contribution after the war began, and performed well in front of the undead high priest.

The lich Herod did not know where he ended up now, and Edwood, who had been jumping for joy, seemed to suddenly change his temper and acted as a turtle.

Many elder liches are eyeing the undead high priest to sit down in the first position, fighting fiercely.

He didn't believe it, three of them were hit, and they couldn't get down the war fortress of the Fengye Danlin people's undead clan.

The undead have played war fortresses for more than two thousand years. In this respect, they are ancestors, and humans have only worked hard for two years.

But the current situation of the battle was completely beyond his expectations. It seemed that the Maple Leaf Danlin people were experts in war fortresses, and they were novices.

What Lich Enes hated in his heart was that he had proposed the idea of ​​Night Fight, but it had no other effect.

"I really underestimated the Maple Leaf Danlin." By now, the Lich Enes had to admit that the Maple Leaf Danlin people were more tenacious than he expected, especially the three high towers in the center of the campus, which made it difficult for them to approach. .

"But the victory still belongs to me." Lich Enes said to himself. He seemed to use these words to strengthen his shaky confidence.

So far, the initiative in the air battlefield is still in his hands, and the Lich Enes believes that if he persists, he will defeat the Maple Leaf Danlin.

A dark mage bowed his head, walked respectfully behind the Lich Enes, and said carefully: "Master Kai."

Lich Enes said without looking back, "What's the matter?"

The dark mage licked his lips and swallowed his saliva. A nervous expression: "Our crystals are running out."

The Lich Enes looked back at him. The green light in his eyes suddenly brightened, his voice was cold, and he slowly said, "What do you mean by running out?"

The dark mage's waist was lowered in fright. In the world of the dark mage, it is not unusual for an angry lich to kill a little mage like him to vent his anger. Especially the lich Enes in front of him was always known for being vicious.

The Dark Mage can only bite the bullet and said: "Not much means. If we continue to fight, the remaining crystals are very likely, and we can't insist on returning to Leiria.

The Lich Enes was taken aback. The anger in his heart soared, and he waved his sleeves and shouted: "Get out."

The Dark Mage flew backwards, hitting the wall heavily and landing on the ground.

But he quickly got up and ran away with his head in his arms.

Because to ensure the success of the raid. The Great Demon Temple worked hard, and after all kinds of precise calculations, set up a midway supply station to avoid the patrol fleet of the Human Navy...

The planning alone took half a year.

They used countless personnel and spent countless materials to ensure that such a huge war fortress flew over from the Semitic continent, and the energy reserves were even accurate to the sky. Just to ensure that Fengye Danlin was caught off guard and pulled out the central fortress of this human race in one fell swoop~!

But no one in the Undead Race had expected that a surprise attack on a Maple Leaf Danlin would last so long in the battle and the casualties would be so great.

From the beginning of the battle, the battle has lasted for more than five hours, and it won't be long before dawn.

The infinite entanglement in the heart of Lich Enes was hesitating whether to continue the attack or retreat now.

Continue to attack? This battle seemed to continue for a long time. Who would have thought that Fengye Danlin's war fort could be fought so well.

Moreover, the defensive ability is super strong, and there is nothing wrong with two or three magical cannon attacks. They turned and fled quickly, and their undead clan couldn't catch up with full horsepower.

"But if you retreat..." The Lich Enes couldn't help but shudder.

The high priest of the undead took this battle very seriously and ordered them to eradicate the war fortress of Fengye Danlin, which is related to the victory or defeat of the war.

Lich Enes didn't want this task to be messed up in his own hands, otherwise the high priest would doubt his ability.

"But if you don't retreat in time..." Lich Enes felt as bitter as he had eaten Huanglian, secretly regretting, and said in his heart: "I knew it would be like this, I won't follow this trip, and leave it to that Damn Liberati. It just so happens to watch Liberati's jokes."

It's too late to say anything, the Lich Enes knows he has to make a decision. .

At this time, a dark wizard walked to the side of the Lich Enes and whispered: "Teacher, I have an idea."

This person is a direct disciple of the Lich Enes, and only he dares to speak in front of Enes at this moment.

Enes glanced at his apprentice displeasedly. If a arrogant dark mage dared to be in front of him at this time, he would have sucked his flesh and blood.

However, his own apprentice had a flexible mind and was very comfortable with him. Enes also tolerated his faux pas. He just waved his hand displeased and said, "If it's nonsense, you don't need to talk about it."

The Dark Mage whispered respectfully: "Teacher, Maple Leaf Danlin is here. It can't run, nor can it run. But you, teacher, lead the main force of the war fortress that the high priest and the old man have high hopes for."

Lich Enes snorted coldly, unable to hear what his attitude was.

The Dark Mage raised his eyes and glanced, and then said: "If these war fortresses did not return to Leiria safely, what would the high priest and the old man think?"

Lich Enes froze for a moment, and said to himself: What else can I think, if these more than 150 wars are lost, their undead clan will still spank, run home as soon as possible, clean up their ass, and wait for the humans to kick it. .

The high priest wanted to win by relying on a huge number of war forts.

At that time, the lich led by him, I'm afraid it will be drained by the angry high priest to make a magic weapon, inlaid on the Great Demon Temple.

The Dark Mage whispered: "Compared with Maple Leaf Danlin, preserving our strength is more important."

If the energy is not enough, you have to fall halfway, close to Leiria, but if you fall two or three thousand miles away from Leiria, it will be a living target for the war fortress of mankind and Maple Leaf.

They have dozens of witches and more than a thousand dark wizards, but they can't beat the human country on the ground.

Not to mention that humans can mobilize an infinite number of priests.

Thinking of this, Enes took a breath of air, which is tantamount to giving the war fortress of the undead to mankind, so there is no need to fight this battle.

The lich Enes immediately understood which was the lighter and the heavier, but he still had doubts and said distressedly: "However, we have lost more than 30 war fortresses, and we have not achieved any results. How do we go back and explain to the high priest? ."

The Dark Mage smiled slightly, blinked, and said meaningfully: "It's all the fault of that arrogant Liberati."

"Liberati, isn't he dead already." Enes the Lich said puzzled.

Liberati's seniority is higher than Enes, and he stabilized his head. It should have been Liberati who was leading and directing the battle, and the High Priest of the Undead made the same decision.

But Liberati rushed too hard when attacking the Maple Leaf Danlin, and was struck by the lightning from the magical cannon and turned into powder on the spot.

In that case, even the Lich could not survive, and Liberati's phylogeny in Enes's estimation became scum, and Enes took over the command.

The Dark Mage smiled and said, "Teacher, it is his death that is his responsibility."

Lich Enes suddenly realized, he laughed and patted his disciple on the shoulder, and said, "Yes, it's all that **** Liberati's he led us into the ambush of Maple Leaf Danlin. , Resulting in heavy casualties, we were unable to attack Fengye Danlin."

"Then we now?" The Dark Mage asked in a low voice.

"Retreat~!" Lich Enes decisively ordered: "As a teacher, we must turn the tide and save the war fortress."

"The teacher is wise."

A scream spread throughout the battlefield.

Hearing this voice, the war fortress of the undead tribe was like an amnesty, no matter what, the Maple Leaf Danlin people who were fighting with them were left behind and flew towards the west.

The sudden situation made Paulos also stunned for a moment. He did not expect the fierce fighting, the undead race said to withdraw.

Paulos unceremoniously led the team to catch up.

After a few minutes, the sky above Fengye Danlin's head became clean, as if nothing had happened. . . )


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