Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1290: Good news

The old officials caught bandits in Lorraine and Leo! Rear. At the first time, send someone to send a letter to the governor's office.

And the one I wrote fully shows that Princess Catherine attaches great importance to Princess Leo. The officers and soldiers worked hard together and persevered, fighting for a day and night, and finally knocked out their entrenchment in the vicinity of Green Water Town for many years. When the bandits who oppressed the people reported victory, the magistrate who was in charge of the report was also very bitter.

In the past five years, local officers and soldiers have worked hard. Repeatedly mobilizing the teachers, they did not destroy this gang of gangsters and robbers, but Her Royal Highness only walked through the bottom road, and handed over the nest of bandits.

What does this show?

Regardless of the people of the Li people, the governor, or higher-level officials, what did you local officials grow up with?

It's really a bunch of dry rice

Although there are all kinds of coincidences, such as the bandit leader who wants to go down the mountain to grab women, such as the hunting hobby of Governor Lorraine and His Royal Highness Leo;

But everyone knows that the people above will not be so considerate of you.

And get reports from subordinates in the first time. After learning the news that the eldest princess team had encountered the bandits, the Lord of Freetown, regardless of his fifty-something years, jumped up from his female secretary’s bed, and suddenly looked like thirty years younger. The family members who came to report rushed to the city lord's mansion.

The officials of the Princess Suihu team are still very capable of doing things. The letter sent back explained in detail everything they knew so far?

Seeing that the eldest princess's team was intact, but Governor Lorraine and His Royal Highness Leo caught a group of bandits, the Lord of Freetown was the first sigh of relief.

He knew that if the eldest princess’s team were attacked in his jurisdiction, even if one of the heads were dropped, he, an old city lord, would only wipe his neck and commit suicide.

But that's it. The Lord of Freetown also knows that things are getting worse.

All levels of officials in Freetown were summoned to the city lord’s mansion overnight. Freetown’s city lord hadn’t come in a hurry to discuss countermeasures with his subordinates; at this time, a group of arrogant guards had ignored the guards of the city lord’s mansion. Kicked open the door of the conference room and broke in directly.

Seeing a group of soldiers in armors and swords coming in, they were all stunned by the Freetown officials who had just sat at the conference table and hadn't covered their butts?

The officer of the Imperial Guard for Wei gave a coldly glance at the crowd, and then with a cold face, he showed a warrant signed by Her Royal Highness the princess, "Pop." It was photographed on the table.

Immediately afterwards, he sternly said to the officials in Freetown City: "After investigation, the Freetown City Sheriff Baron Peter Anker colluded with the robber. The evidence is conclusive. He has been arrested now. There is a fellow party, and the Guards are now in charge of the prisoners. Local officials at all levels guard their posts. They are not allowed to leave Freetown. Those who violate the order dare to whistle and spread rumors casually,"

Under that series of extremely cold and murderous orders, all officials in Freetown were shocked that they hadn't closed their mouths, and the guards had turned and left the meeting room?

At this moment, the officials who had just reacted looked at the city lord of Freetown in panic.

The Lord of Freetown heard this. The news fainted very directly, and there was such a big Louzi. He is the end of the cast.

The subordinate officials watched sympathetically as their boss was carried away, and then everyone was in danger.

You know, everyone sitting here has accepted the benefits of Baron Peter Anker, and his position of sheriff was purely paid out.

For the first time in their lives, these officials took the initiative to work overtime without the request of their superiors, and urgently discussed countermeasures.

They know very well that none of your **** is clean. If Baron Peter Anker made up the idea of ​​not being lonely on Huangquan Road, and bite him, all of them would have trouble eating.

What if this. The baron is in their hands, and everyone sitting here can guarantee that he honestly pleaded guilty and obeyed the law, and then sorry to the people, sorry to the empire, and was successfully killed by suicide.

But now that the people are in the hands of the eldest princess, they can only be in a hurry. There are a few ghosts in their hearts, and they have used all their minds to make up their own small abacus, considering whether to abscond with the money?

But under the rescue of his family, the old city lord who finally awoke opened his eyes and looked at the officials around the bed. The first sentence was: "I have."

These subordinates are now slandering in their hearts: This is not nonsense, of course you are guilty. If you are not guilty, how can you get promoted? How come those bandits can't be eliminated? How did Baron Peter Anker climb to the top? But these tell us there is a fart

But they also know this. At that time, this old guy must be stabilized. As long as he is alive, he can withstand most of the guilt. At the moment, he said some things that he didn't believe in, comforting Lord City Lord.

The Lord of Freetown handed a letter of commendation to him at the first time, and the next one was a confession and resignation.

The main point above is: I don’t know people, I’ve been deceived by an adulterer, and I’m responsible for leading the affairs of Baron Peter Anker and the bandits.

In a word, it is not that the subordinates are too incompetent, but the empire has been the wise and martial emperor and the wise majesty. And the high-ranking officials of the empire conscientiously governed so well. Anyway, they can’t walk a lot, don’t they close their homes, and their families are peaceful. As a result, they lost an empire in the heart of a peaceful environment. The fearfulness of officials.

I have made an extremely profound review here, as well as digging deep into my soul, a flash of thought, deep-rooted self-criticism. I hope that the bosses can take this review and give themselves a way to continue "serving the people." machine

A few days later, after seeing this letter, the governor said only one word:

However, when he was moving upward, he reported the incident in private letters to the Imperial Council, the Senate, and His Majesty. He almost did not say anything when he reported the incident. He copied the flattery of the Lord of Freetown again. It can even be said that I just changed my name at the last place

Because the royal guards and those bandits were not on the same level at all, Lorraine and Leo's Qingshan Suppression of Bandits only played for one morning, and it ended.

Before lunch time, Leo happily took the so-called tatters that he and Vera could not see, and returned to the camp.

On the contrary, Melina felt that this trip was worthwhile, and it was an eye-opener.

These nobles, Xiaoxu, who have been spoiled since childhood, except for a little special back, were captured by robbers as the wife of the village, they really had no chance to see what the bandits and their camps look like.

And Vera also used her own personal experience to prove once again that the legends in those dragons were mostly deceived by Xiaolong.

Those who can beat and become thieves are mostly poor people. To put it bluntly, they are working hard to eat. Anyone who engages in manual labor has ever seen those who can become rich and wealthy. On the contrary, it is the ones who sell the stolen goods.

This is understandable.

Because no matter the bandits or the pirates, most of the goods they can get are the goods transported by the merchants, and the banking industry of the empire is not too backward, and no one will run around on the road with a lot of cash.

The cloths, utensils, specialty products and the like that were snatched would be of no value to the bandits if they were not exchanged for money. But how much money can these things get to those black market merchants?

Those responsible for selling stolen goods are not open shantangs. They can get 30% of the original price of the goods. These robbers can all laugh.

Vera made up her mind to return to Long Island in the future. You must tell those silly boys that there is no future to **** the small landlords or robbers who live in the castle, or to **** the stolen goods, they are the rich and oily.

Generally speaking, this time, everyone has their own gains.

Although it is not as exciting as the imaginary bandit ransacking his home, he has experienced an addiction anyway.

Because Leo didn't say hello in advance, after returning, Catherine was pressed on the stool immediately, and he received a solid butt. It hurts so much that this little ruffian bounces on his feet.

But he was beaten too much, and he became skinny, and even felt itchy all over his body without being beaten for a day. As soon as Catherine finished the fight, he patted his butt, feeling a lot easier up and down, then wiped his nose and chased Melina to play.

Lorraine was scolded by Catherine and got a few kicks on her calf, and she got two pink punches on her belly and it was all right.

Adele was very angry with Lorraine. How could she not call her for such a fun thing? Her eldest lady hasn't seen what the cottage looks like. Isn't it true that she will use the material in the future?

Vera sighed and said to Adele, there were only a few thatched houses, which was not as good as the tenant farmers of Lorraine.

Lorraine and Leo wasted another morning. The Guards could only set off after lunch, but no one thought that at noon, the residents of Lushui Town would beat the gongs and drums to Princess Catherine and Lei. His Highness Ou sent a letter of thanks.

The few people sitting in the tent looked at each other, and Catherine wondered: "What's the matter?"

Leo Haha laughed and said: "I didn't expect my reputation to be so good, these dead people support my Highness so much, hahahaha."

Lorraine said: "How about we go and see?"

Catherine thought for a while, and said, "Forget it, let General Philip come forward. We had a lot of rules when we went, but it was troublesome."

Leo blinked and begged Catherine: "Melena and I will look outside. I haven't seen a thank you letter. I promise not to make trouble."

Catherine waved her hand and said: "Whatever you do, we have to hurry up and try to get to Freetown today. I have enough sleep on this camp bed."

It's been a long time until everyone is on the road. Adele was still giggling.

Leo put his hands on his chest, black and angry.

Catherine looked at Leo's face, touched his forehead, and said, "Who is angry with you like this, take a long time to remember, knowing that these things are made by people below to fool you."

Leo snorted and said, "It's so irritating. They are creating public opinion. This is a serious deception. I want to punish the nine tribes. Give them three thousand knives, light their sky lanterns, and dip them. Pig cage"

Everyone in the carriage stopped paying attention to Leo who was thinking about it. Lorraine tore the thank-you letter in his hand with a stab, tore it into pieces several times, and threw it out the window.

This letter was written as a literary talent. It praised Catherine, Leo, and Lorraine as if the gods descended to the earth. The bad thing is that the letter is sent to the residents of Lushui Town, but the beginning is a place. official.

Leo sent a second and second soldier to the top to talk with the residents of the town. Only after weeping did he realize that the thank-you letter was actually made by the official. Everyone who participated has ten copper plates.

The original words of the common people are: Why were you busy five years ago? We thank

In the eyes of these people, since tax is paid to you, it is only natural for the empire to protect them. We didn't ask you that the five-year damage fee is considered good. Thank you?

For this true and simple public opinion. Even though Leo was aggressive and domineering, he couldn't say anything. He just looked at the pretending magistrate in front of him with a gleeful and flattering magistrate, pretending to be vomiting.

After Leo came back and talked, Catherine clapped her palms and said, "Should I just say it, it's the same thing again."

Adele looked at Leo both disappointed and angry, and laughed.

After Lorraine spilled the paper out of the carriage, he clapped his hands and said to Leo: "Okay, okay, don't take it seriously, who will be one in the future. I praise you so hard, you just think about it, is it right? It hurts me. Then there will be no problems."

No longer wanting to camp in the wilderness, Catherine asked General Philip to speed up. This afternoon, the Guards protected Lorraine and their carriage, drove for thirty miles, and reached the gate of Freetown. By then, it was all dark.

The troops of the Janissaries rode on horses, blocking the entire avenue with a few carriages in the middle.

Behind them are the followers. The torches lit by the team illuminate the vicinity of the avenue like a burning river.

The gate of Freetown is also brightly lit. Numerous lanterns and torches are lit under the city. Officials of Freetown, large and small, endure mosquito bites and transpiration at the gate of the city. They have been waiting to welcome Catherine and Lorraine.

The city lord of Freetown, who has always claimed to be young and can serve the empire for twenty years, was twenty years old in one day. At this moment, he is like a trembling old man, still fighting spirit, leading the officials under him, old Honestly Hou is here.

Near the city gate was guarded by the garrison of Freetown. From the early morning, the gate was ordered to be closed, and the pick-up work had been prepared a few days ago.

To this end, the Lord of Freetown, who is very interested, wants to leave a good impression on Her Royal Highness Princess Leo and Her Royal Highness Leo. There was a voluntary general cleaning of the whole city, and the lord of the city personally waved his broom twice at the gate of the city lord's mansion.

However, he also ordered the houses on both sides of the street to be repainted uniformly, and the places where the poor people gathered that could not be painted were also temporarily blocked by the construction of walls.

In particular, the hotel where Her Royal Highness the Princess will stay is funded by the city of Freetown to renovate and refurbish it to ensure that it is equipped with a royal identity.

This move was unanimously praised by the officials of the city lord, avoiding the construction of another building, praising the city lord’s wiseness,

Now it seems that the old city lord's hard work these days is in vain, and the thoughts of the officials in the city have also turned to picking themselves out of the Baron Peter Anker incident.

The troops of the Janissaries passed the city gate in mighty force. Lorraine and Catherine's carriages were escorted by knights on the left and right, passing in front of the officials waiting here, without even moving the windows.

The whole team didn't stop in front of so many officials at all, nor did they look straight at them. But the servants of the imperial army who followed, pointed at these big and small officials who were stupefied here and made fun.

The officials of Freetown, large and small, gathered at the gate of the city. The cold sweat came down at the time. This means that the Royal Princess was extremely dissatisfied with them. It seems that Her Royal Highness has a lot of opinions about these problems in Freetown.

In a short while, General Philip rode up to these officials, and General Philip didn't need to be polite to the city lord in front of him. Moreover, they, the royal guards, had always looked down upon these local officials.

General Philip rode on a horse, looking at the various officials in front of him, he felt amused in his heart. Some people looked at the bereaved dog in panic, some frowned and didn't know what they were thinking, and a few others smiled and gloated. To his colleagues.

General Philip said with a stern face: "My's getting late. Your Royal Highness asks the elders to go back and rest first, and talk about it tomorrow."

The Lord of Freetown and the officials on the left and right looked at each other, and the Lord of Freetown said dryly: "Thank your Royal Highness for your understanding."

Under the leadership of the local officer, the Janitor came to the hotel that had been arranged, and immediately protected it under the command of General Philip. All those local troops were driven back.

The attendants pushed open the door of the room, Catherine and Adele walked into the room, threw the bag in their hands, collapsed on the soft sand of the room, and sighed contentedly?

Adele kicked twice, kicked the shoes on her feet, curled up on the sand, and said to Lorraine, "I don't want to move anymore. I always sleep on the camp bed and kill me."

Catherine nodded, put her feet on the pedals, yawned, and said: "Early dinner, we go to bed early, anyway, we have to stop here for two days, so we can have a good rest."

Leola was holding Lorraine, and at that time, he found Podoch and the others who had been dispatched, and began to inquire about the arrest of Baron Peter Anker, especially concerned about whether the baron's family property had been sealed.

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