Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1295: Great power

"Like Hardu 20 years ago. m" Belen suddenly shouted and jumped up. There was a suddenly realized expression on his face, and his eyes shone brightly.

The expression was as excited as having solved a puzzle after all the hardships.

He squeezed the file in his hand, beat it **** the desktop excitedly, and said repeatedly: "Yes, that's right. It's like Hadu, Hadu...

I finally understand why I always feel a little weird. "

The analysts at the table all stopped, turning their heads, looking at Belen who was suddenly mad in surprise, with puzzled expressions on his faces: What is this old guy talking nonsense? Hardu? Hasn't he been dead for almost two years?

"Hadu~!?" Lorraine was also extremely surprised, and then looked at Belen, waiting for him to explain.

With a triumphant smile on Belen's face, he nodded vigorously and said, "Hadu~!"

He paused, then picked up a few documents, and placed them on the table one by one in order, saying, "The timing and method of the undead’s landing, the high priest’s just issued Huairou policy, are all consistent with Hardu’s 20th. It was almost a year ago."

Lorraine touched her nose, frowned and thought back, muttering: "Twenty years ago..."

Twenty-three years ago, it was Hardu's battle of fame.

At that time, the new ruler of the Ruman Empire came to the throne, and the hearts of the people in the country were floating. The barbarians in the north are invading south again, and the Parthian Empire in the east is also ready to move.

At this time, the veteran imperialist power Almohad Empire also saw that it was cheap. This empire that had a feud with the Ruman Empire also made a decisive decision and sent its own gold medalist and double bonus red club-General Hadu.

Hadu led a lone army and suddenly landed on the Ruman Empire, defeating the crusades organized by many governors.

Since the main force of the Ruman Empire was in the north and the barbarians were dead, the Eastern Legion was also entangled by the Parthian Empire Corps in Constantinople. So that the interior of the empire is empty.

Hadu went all the way into the land of no one, straddling Ruman's provinces, fought for nearly a thousand miles, and touched the imperial city of Ruman Empire just the last point.

Although because Grand Duke Rulue led the army back from the Eastern Front. As a result, the defeat of General Hadu made countless people of insight who hoped that the Ruman Empire fell.

But even so, as the first and only one in the thousand years since Ruman Empire was founded, he could touch the tiger's **** of Ruman Empire. However, he is still unscathed, and his name goes down in history.

Hundreds of thousands of lives and blood of the soldiers and civilians of the Ruman Empire have successfully forged his prestigious name as the first general of mankind.

Mention of this name can stop children crying at night.

The Ruman Empire hated them all and regarded it as the enemy of the whole country.

However, this man is as a god, and he has a lot of wits, and he is amazing. And with a heavy hand. Although Emperor Rudrun regarded it as a life-long shame, he still dared not retaliate against him for more than 20 years.

Until the birth of Lord Luo Jue, they still only dared to use humble words and bend their knees in courtesy in order to seek peace.

Even after the defeat of the Northern Crusade Army, in order to avoid the empire from being harassed again, there was a plan to use peaceful means. Marry the eldest princess Catherine to avoid the invasion of Hadu again and seek a respite.

Ruman emperor Ruderen, although he holds power. As a supreme, but in the face of all the insults and hardships, he can only lose his teeth and swallow blood.

Until a few years ago, the Emperor Almohad made a faint move and sent a large army to attack the Maple Leaf Danlin, causing the world to furious, and then Maple Leaf Danlin formed a coalition and pushed back.

Weak its national power, cause infighting, and cut its military power. Differentiate...

It took two full wars, exhausted countless manpower and material resources, spent several years and exhausted countless means. Only then did the ruman Empire finally get rid of the big troubles.

Even so, the veterans of the empire who had experienced the war in those years would occasionally be awakened from nightmares by that name.

From this we can know how powerful that person is.

Lord Luo Jue did not understand. Although Haduna Old Bangcai was indeed a bit difficult to deal with, he had been killed by Sir Alex Ferguson for almost two years.

Why does he mention his name again at this time, is he really lingering?

Belen fell back on his chair at this time, rubbing the thick stubble on his chin, and recalled: "At that time, I was also under the command of the Grand Duke. We marched all the way from the east, on average, marching more than 100 miles a day.

The legs are almost worn off, tired like a dog. "

Having said this, he suddenly laughed out ‘haha’, probably thinking of his youthful demeanor.

"At that time, seeing the people in the inland of the empire were in misery, the brothers all blushed, yelling and preparing to catch Haddou and drag him into the parade of Ruman City." Belen curled his lips, looked unwilling, and shook his head dissatisfied. : "Who knows, this guy saw something wrong with his feet~!

We have carefully studied Hardu's tactics and governance, after years of research. His strength is that he can always make a sudden move in unexpected places and unexpected times. And the political skills are flexible.

Don’t you think it resembles today’s undead race?

Shen Yun, the actions of the undead have this kind of charm. "

Lorraine thought about it for a while and nodded affirming General Manager Belen's thoughts.

Regarding Hadu’s intelligence and research on Hadu’s report, there are many rooms in the Ruman Empire. The Ruman people have already figured out Hadu’s old bottom clearly. Similarly, Hadu has a better combat style. Is the key point.

Back then, the Royal Army of the Almohad Empire made a sneak attack on Maple Leaf Danlin, which was simply a classic sneak attack.

Like a poisonous snake lurking in the grass, it accidentally launched a fatal lightning strike.

Not long ago, the coalition forces attacking De Rossi were also defeated by the sudden attacking enemy after encountering the Semitic army.

The two wars... the two wars are indeed similar in the same way~!

Belen frowned and thought for a moment, then slowly said: "I think the enemy must have studied Hardu carefully. They are imitating Hardu's tactical style.

I had this feeling since the time the undead landed, but I couldn't say it. I saw the report today and suddenly remembered, like, very similar, it's so alike. "

Lorraine nodded silently.

Belen closed his eyes slightly, thinking slowly, and said, "I think, beside the high priest. There must be an expert who is good at strategy."

Lorraine thought for a moment: Since the beginning of the war, the various styles of the undead really did not resemble the usual style of the high priest or the undead.

I have played against them before, and the liches are not smart politicians. In contrast, they have always liked to use direct methods. Use your powerful spells to solve problems.

"Let us people pay attention." Lorrain folded his hands together and looked at Belem intently, instructing: "If there is such a character, it will undoubtedly be an important character, and it may have an impact on our war."

Belen's eyes condensed, and he nodded heavily, he knew what Lorraine meant. That is to use the inside line lurking beside the high priest.

The identity of this person is top secret, only four people know so far.

"Critical moment," Lorraine narrowed his eyes and said flatly: "Kill him at any cost."

Belen smiled. This is the style he likes. The nickname "Hidden Blade" is not for nothing, and then he said: "I will list this as the focus of the next paragraph."

At this time, the door of the meeting room creaked open. Deipoll pinched her nose and walked in, her eyes could hardly be opened because of the choking smoke of the room.

Deipoll couldn't help but wave his little hand, fanning the thick smoke in front of him. I felt itchy in my throat, coughed and coughed twice, and the irritated tears came down.

She glared at Lorraine fiercely, and said in her heart: The smell of the whole body, don't want to go to bed tonight.

Then he ran over quickly, pulled open the curtains, opened the window and poked his head out and took two deep breaths. Deipoll felt that the dirty air in the room almost killed himself.

The men in the dazzling sunlight couldn't help groaning in pain, and then hurriedly raised their hands to cover their eyes.

"When does it dawn?" someone murmured in surprise.

Belen stretched out and rubbed Famu's cheek. Said: "I stayed up all night again."

Before they knew it, everyone had spent the whole night in the conference room.

Deipule suddenly turned his head and stared at Lorraine and Belem in dissatisfaction, and said: "You are not choked to death by your own taste. It is a miracle."

The proprietress and deputy general manager became angry, and the analysts smiled slyly, and quickly squeezed out the cigarette butts. Button up your clothes and sit down at the table solemnly.

Lorraine threw away the documents in his hand, put his hands behind his head, stretched his waist on the chair, and said, "What's wrong?"

Deipole said quickly: "The United Nations is holding an emergency meeting. They want to organize the army to counterattack back. Someone suggested that you, the deputy commander in chief, go back."

Lorraine put down his hands and sat upright on the chair. After thinking about it for a moment, he shook his head and said, "You want me to go back to command.

First, discuss the conditions clearly with them, command with full authority, and cut first and then play the power, even the king can cut it at will.

Otherwise, don't do it~!

I don't want to play bureaucratic games with a bunch of old ghosts.

*, they were very agile when they drove me away.

Now that the situation is not right, let Lao Tzu go back.

Is it such a big deal? "

Deipole covered his mouth and smiled, full of charm, a pair of talking eyes showing a smile, and said softly: "Yes, Uncle Luo. That's how I returned to them... Maple Leaf Danlin

The special emergency meeting was held for the second time, and the meeting lasted from midnight to dawn.

The United Nations conference hall has been quarrelsome, and the ambassadors are filled with indignation. Whenever they mention demons and undead creatures, they are all impassioned.

I can't wait to roll up my sleeves and rush up now, and challenge the undead high priest.

If De Rossi was in front of him, he would slap the human traitor to death, and then slap ten thousand feet on his face.

"I ask everyone present to act immediately," at this moment, the king of the government in exile of the Kingdom of Leiria spoke on the stage.

Since he became the king of Leiria in exile, he immediately organized his own government in Fengye Danlin. The officer made a wish and won a large number of little nobles.

After a period of time, the whole person got fatter, and it seems that the king's life is pretty good.

The king was angry because of Holt II. His long golden hair shook with his voice. He looked like a lion from a distance. He clenched his fists excitedly, waved his arms, and shouted impassionedly. Said: "We firmly do not recognize the so-called De Rossi Empire.

The De Rossi Empire is a pseudo-dynasty. The so-called Emperor De Rossi is a pseudo-emperor, a scum who betrays humanity~! "

King Inholt II held his heart beating wildly. He felt as if he was going to faint with excitement. He took a deep breath and said loudly: "I ask the United Nations to immediately pass a bill to declare the De Rossi Empire illegal. All countries of the United Nations must not have any relationship with it. Otherwise, it will be collaborating with the enemy. , It is traitorous, it is rape~!"

In response to King Holt II’s indignant words, the delegates on the venue stood up and applauded vigorously. Shouted in unison: "That's right."

It was the secretariat of the United Nations General Assembly that presided over the meeting. The chairpersons were busy arranging the defense of Fengye Danlin. Of course, the ambassadors of various countries raised their hands and feet in favor of such absenteeism.

Maple Leaf Danlin doesn't defend well. They, arrogant and expensive ambassadors, don't have a comfortable place to meet and spend public money. Mocking female secretary, unspoken rules intern.

The Secretariat immediately drafted a plenary statement, which was publicly read at the conference. The De Rossi Empire was declared illegal and the strictest sanctions were imposed.

The General Assembly adopted a vote by show of hands and passed the whole statement immediately.

Seeing everyone supporting himself in this way, King Holt II was so moved that he shed tears, bowed deeply to everyone on the stage, and said loudly: "Thank you, thank you all, my compatriots, the enemy is right in front of my eyes. Plead. We all unite. Some people will pay, and the rich will pay. We will send troops when the enemy is unstable to destroy the evil demons and the evil De Rossi~!"

Because of Holt II's words, several representatives gave loudly approval.

They are all neighboring countries of Leiria. The demons have reached their doorstep, and the kings, nobles and people are fleeing in large numbers.

They urgently need the rescue of the UN army.

But more national ambassadors fell silent, looking at Inholt II with solemn expressions.

Inholt II immediately became anxious, and stretched out his hands and shouted loudly: "Don't you understand, the enemy has come, and if we don't act, we will have no chance."

He looked at the ambassadors in the venue with imploring eyes. As far as his eyes were, the ambassadors unnaturally avoided Inholt II's eyes. It's like a banker who owes money and doesn't plan to pay it back.

"My poor people..." Inholt wept sadly and said: "Why are you still not sober, it will be your turn soon."

Inholt walked off the podium with tears in his eyes, and then cried with his own ministers in the meeting place. The scene was miserable.

His words made the ambassadors shudder together, but they are only ambassadors, they are the puppets of His Majesty the King, the sounding tube and the rubber stamp, although they have not been to the poor baby who has not sat on the throne of Inholt for a day. Very sympathetic, but there is no order from the country, they can't do anything.

"It doesn't matter, they can't count on it. We can save ourselves." Ripoll's ambassador jumped up and shouted angrily: "Our kingdoms will form a coalition army. Please come back to command Lorraine Deputy Commander."

These few neighboring countries of Leiria knew that it had come to the point of life and death, and put aside all scruples, and bite the bullet.

"*, you don't go, let's go. But for the sake of God's face, giving us some arms and assistance is not too much, right?" Representative Ripoll stared at the bull's eyes and slapped the table angrily. .

The representative of the Ruman Empire said abruptly: "Our army is gathering, and we will go abroad to fight when we are ready."

There was no sound in the meeting room that was suppressed by a single sentence. This is the strength of the old imperialist power-we are a responsible imperialist power. This sentence is not for nothing.

Although we often bully men and women to grab food and things, our main responsibility is to maintain world peace~!

The representative of the Ruman Empire glanced contemptuously at the representative of Ripoll, and said leisurely: "We will still bear the responsibility of this great power. But this will take time, as short as four to five months.

Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. "

"The Holy See is deploying its own army of millions."

"Almohad, under the order of the Queen, is preparing to organize 300,000 people to fight across the sea."

Several major forces have spoken one after another, and they have all begun to fully mobilize their strength, but as Representative Ruman said, this will take time.

Representatives of Inholt II and Ripoll, representative of Casmonlia showed joy, and said in his heart: "I'm saved~!"

It seems that they only need to withstand the demons for a few months, and reinforcements from various countries on the mainland will continue to arrive.

With the advantage of human beings, it would be no problem to gather two million troops, and then they would drive the demons into the sea to feed the fish.

"Deputy Commander-in-Chief Lorraine called back." The secretary of the secretarial group who had just received the telegram stood up and read aloud: "The deputy commander-in-chief requires absolute command over the theater, otherwise..."

Although the secretary didn't say anything otherwise, everyone understood the meaning. If you don't give this power, people won't come.

Of course, Ripoll, a country facing annihilation, didn't even think about it, and shouted: "We agree."

Not to mention all the power, just give the queen princess to Lorraine, the fire will burn into the crotch, and the egg will be cooked immediately. At this time, nothing can be ignored.

But the few countries behind them hesitated, and someone muttered, "Do you think about it again."

"I think the deputy commander-in-chief's comments are good."

The representative of the Ruman Empire laughed angrily, while the ambassador of the Holy See looked at them like an idiot. It was these people who drove away Lord Lorraine under De Rossi a few months ago, but now they can only scold them for what they deserve.

After all, they are still unwilling to give up the power in their hands. With the kingdoms of Ripoll in front of them, the demons cannot beat them for a while. Whether to escape or resist, you can observe and observe again, and then hesitate. .

The absolute command power of the theater is simple to say, just a few words, but this power is too great.

To put it bluntly, personnel, political affairs, war, economic affairs, everything has to be under the control of Lorraine, the king and nobles all stand aside, the war zone has nothing to do with them.

Of course these people are not willing. They can be wary of the Ruman Empire taking this opportunity to annex them. In their opinion, it is almost certain.

The Ruman Empire’s wolf ambition to annex the mainland is not a day or two. They have been screaming about world peace, but no one is a Who doesn't know that their world peace is to make the world their family. In that way, no one would compete with them for turf, so peace would be natural.

The hall became noisy again, and Leiria's exiled government officials stepped forward angrily to grab them and beat them up.

The news of the conference immediately conveyed the deployment of the chiefs of operations. The three old men shook their heads with wry smiles. They were immortal. With the urine of these politicians, it is impossible to delegate power.

"Let them go," Dean Wabador said with a calm expression, as he had expected it, and waved his hand: "I didn't count on them, I just hope they can buy us three months."

Dean Lester shook his hand indifferently, and said: "Don't care about this, the enemy will be at most twelve hours away from here."

News came from the telegraph station in front. Someone witnessed a large group of war fortresses flying eastward. According to time speculation, there was only half a day away from Fengye Danlin.

A special sentence was added to the telegram: The number is staggering and it is hard to count. RQ

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