Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1296: Strangulation in the air

John, Hals is a humble little figure in the kingdom of Strath. m

In this small country located in the middle of the mainland, I worked hard to cultivate my own palm-sized land.

Every day under the scorching sun, facing the loess and facing the sky, the beads of sweat fell on the ground and broke into eight pieces, tired like a horse like a cow. And in order to save food, only eat two meals a day.

Even so, at the end of the year, he can't earn much, and can only barely mix himself with food and clothing.

But just like this, the self-employed Hals had a very fulfilling life. The ones who climbed up and climbed in the middle of the night, bowed to plant, weeded and fertilized, and when everything was fine, they wandered around with a basket on their backs, picking up horse dung, so that they could turn around and put them in the ground.

For this barren cropland, he almost calculated it into his bones, even gritted his teeth, sweating to catch up to three or five miles, just to be able to put the fart into his own field. Add a little nourishment to the crops in the field.

Because, compared to the others in the village, he is also lucky-because he owns this small piece of land.

At the end of the feudal period when the nobles were everywhere, landlords were as many as dogs, large-scale land annexations had revealed cruel and cruel teeth like evil wolves. Every time it opens its mouth, it will leave behind a sea of ​​corpses.

He can own this land without being swallowed by the evil wolves surrounding him, thanks to one of his ancestors. One of his ancestors who had been a junior officer.

Back then, the little officer, like other little men, had to get ahead in the **** battlefield, beheading countless, and by chance, rescued the commander-in-chief at the time in a mountainous defeat. This finally resulted in the blue smoke rising from the ancestral grave. Got this land.

Although the land is barren, the wild grasses that fly wildly here are also listless and stunted. But this is enough for Hals to have a sense of superiority that belongs to him.

And it makes Hals more conservative and dull in this. It seems that the small village that has remained unchanged for ten thousand years is respected because he has been studying for a few days and can write a few words.

Occasionally, he can still get some newspapers from the local noble lords. At this time, when Hals is the most glorious, he will read aloud this newspaper, which has been overdue for several days, in the center of the village. A tenant farmer like a goose, explaining the major events that have happened in this world.

Although those tenant farmers are like listening to the sky. Only the eyes occasionally round. To prove that they are a living creature. Whenever they talked about the old sow next door, they were all excited. Spit flying wildly.

World events are too far away for them. So that it has a sense of detached isolation. Let these tired people who have been tortured by life feel numb.

But Hals can still get satisfaction from the awe of those people.

Although the tenant farmers didn't understand what the world events were for them, they knew that Hals was just like the noble lords. Learn some news that only aristocrats know.

During these days, Hals was particularly satisfied.

Because the news in the newspapers has gradually increased, although many pages of the newspapers still have those ‘old military doctors’. Treatment of flowering willow, treatment of syphilis, circumcision. There are very discordant advertisements such as "Remove illnesses from hand to hand", but the various nobles eloped on the main news page, duels, scandals and other news are much less, and there is a lot of information. Big serious report.

For example, the last two days. I heard that the Demon Race is coming again.

The noble lords were panicked, and even the king lords who lived in the royal city seemed to be afraid and prepared to escape.

Hals knew what the demon was, and the pastor in the town would go down to preach every few days and read the stories in the "Divine Canon".

Although according to the requirements of the People's Gospel Propaganda and Guidance Department of the Inquisition of the Holy See, all stories must maintain the correct orientation of public opinion. Therefore, the demons, the undead and other dark and evil races will eventually be eliminated by the God of Light.

But in order to highlight the power of the God of Light from the side, when they set up the Dark Clan, they also put a lot of effort into their dark qualities.

Therefore, through that kind of propaganda, the common people know that the God of Light is indeed very good, and the Holy See is indeed very good. But as the deadly enemies of mankind, the demons, although they have repeatedly failed, are not eating soy sauce.

They are cruel and bloodthirsty. They don't keep dogs and dogs wherever they have gone. I heard that they will eat children and turn people into bone shelves. In short, the demons are here and everyone has to die.

It is no wonder that the noble master in the manor wants to run away when he hears that the demon is coming. Who is not afraid?

Hals was also scared, but he knew he had nowhere to go.

He was just a poor farmer, and his family had no more than ten copper plates.

What did his family eat and drink after leaving his land?

How far can a poor man like him escape?

If the same is dead, Hals at least hopes to die in his own home.

Right now, regardless of whether the demons came or not, his family had to eat a few mouths every day, and his first task was to take care of his land.

Maybe... the demons also have to cultivate land?

The wheat should be harvested in more than a month, and the family's livelihood in the coming year will all be based on this harvest.

Looking at the green wheat field in front of him, Hals sighed helplessly and bitterly. This year is a rare good year, but he has encountered such a bad thing again.

Hals raised his head and looked at the sky, doing what farmers in the mainland would do when they encountered difficulties, praying.

Seriously and sincerely, pray wholeheartedly to the benevolent God of Light.

At this time, a group of black spots in the sky entered Hals' eyes.

"This season, the wild goose is early..." Hals put his hands on his eyes, staring into the sky,

It was a patch of scattered black spots, huge in number. Looking at the trajectory of their flight, it was very strange. They were neither straight nor herringbone. They were probably, definitely not like animals~!

"What the **** is it?" Hals scratched his head and tried to use his brain.

After a few minutes, the black spots in the sky were getting closer and closer, and Hals could tell with the naked eye that they were some black squares with pointed tips.

"War fortress~!" Hals immediately jumped out of this name.

He had seen the appearance of a war fort in the newspaper. The newspaper said that this was a terrifying murder weapon. Once ordinary people saw it, it was best to hide in the cellar immediately.

Hals also made a special note for this, in case he didn't know to escape when he really encountered it in the future.

He raised his head and stared closely at the war fortress in the sky, watching them fly over his head, head straight towards the east, and finally disappear into the sky.

Hals dropped his **** and ran towards the manor without touching his feet. Report this situation to the local noble master.

This sixty-year-old aristocratic master is very caring. He is also a graduate of Fengye Danlin's strategy department, and specially sent his own carriage to send Hals to a nearby town.

There is a telegraph station of Feiying Tietong. Although it is a mere transfer station with only two people, it is also enough to send the telecommunications.

Hals reported the disappearance of the war fortress to the supervisor of the telegraph station. After verifying it, they immediately issued a warning to Fengye Danlin-more than one person saw the monster flying above his head. When this person is flustered. Hals is not the only one looking at the sky and praying to the God of Light.

As the first person to come to report the news, the supervisor of the telegraph station also rewarded Hals with a gold coin.

This especially made Hals overjoyed. This was the first time he saw gold in his life.

This makes Hals very fond of them: these flying eagles are really particular~!

The telegrapher recorded in detail the time when the war fort was discovered. Then it was shot and posted in the shortest time.

Fengye Danlin attached great importance to it after receiving the alarm, and then made a roundup calculation based on the alarms received elsewhere, and quickly calculated the enemy's distance and the time of arrival.

The enemy is expected to arrive at the Maple Leaf Danlin at midnight~!

The entire campus immediately started to prepare for the war.

The maintenance personnel check the status of all war fortresses. The logistic unit distributes double ammunition and energy for each combat unit.

Dispatch reconnaissance troops, make battle plans... etc.

At the same time, the college also took action to evacuate the elderly, weak, women and children on campus, and moved important facilities underground.

Under the leadership of Lester and Paulos. Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

With the experience of the previous battle, the Fengye Danlin people are confident to repel another enemy attack.

The young captain Ivanac sat in front of his war fortress, and became a little impetuous because of the long wait for the lift-off order.

They have been guarding their war fortress from noon, ready to take off to fight.

This is the hottest time in summer. Although the sun has set, the heat from the ground is unbearable for people who are still roasting, as if blood is about to boil.

Ivennaz looked up at the tile-blue sky, the half-curved waning moon was still pale, and the goddess of water star was shining in the sky, and no flying objects were visible.

The commander was also lying lazily on the ground, and a captain of the third squadron of Zhutou was also anxiously turning around.

This period of waiting for the battle is the most difficult. Soldiers who have participated in the battle will inevitably think about it.

In the first battle, Fengye Danlin lost two war fortresses, injured two seriously, a dozen lightly, and more than 60 casualties.

Seeing the victim's body covered with a white sheet, even the bravest person will feel sadness in his heart.

"Is it myself the next to die?"

Questions like this arose in the hearts of every combatant, making them uneasy. They didn't have time to think about these things until the battle started.

Ivennatz glanced at a bright red shot down sign on his car, smiled slightly, and suddenly felt much better.

With this record, no matter where Ivanat goes, someone will greet him, making him feel like a star now.

Ivennaz straightened his waist, took a deep breath, looked at his car with satisfaction, and then recalled another pre-war preparation in accordance with the standard operating procedures.


Twenty-six, it's all here.


200 rounds, the supplement is complete,


Twelve hours full.

power system.




Signal lights,

normal. "

Everything is ready, just wait for an order to launch into the air.

At this moment, a pretty figure appeared between the magnificent war fortresses and leaped towards this side with small steps.

Even at night, Ivennaz could recognize this familiar figure at a glance.

Ivennatz shook his head helplessly when he heard a whistle from the neighbor captain and a presumptuous laugh. Secretly cursed in his heart. This group of dead houses, if they are guilty and not guilty, they will molest other people's girlfriends.

Holding an antique rattan basket in her hands, Lindy hopped like a bunny towards Ivannaz, the night wind blew her loose long skirt, and the white skirt swayed with the wind. It's like a fairy fairy who only appears at night in the legend.

The captain of the same squadron next to him jokingly molested the thin-skinned Lindy. Lindy blushed without saying a word, and ran past them with her head down.

Came to Evenac. Throwing the basket into his hand, he whispered like a mosquito: "I will make the land by myself, and give your people a point."

Ivanac only knew the smirk with a big happy grin.

Lindy turned around and ran away. It was also a young female mage under Ivannatz, who approached Lindy affectionately.

The crew also rushed out, grabbed the basket from Ivanac's hands, instantly grabbed the snacks inside, and finally stuffed the empty basket back into Ivanac's hands.

Captain Ivennaz could only give a wry smile.

The night is getting darker. However, the campus of Maple Leaf Danlin was still dark. Because of the implementation of light control, the beautiful lights on the campus were gone, leaving only three tall towers with dark figures in the night sky.

There were chirping insects all around, and the happy laughter of his companions beside him, Ivanatz seemed to have returned to his carefree school days in a trance.

Suddenly a swift and bright alarm bell sounded, and Ivanac was taken aback, and a hoarse roar came from the side: "lift, lift, lift~!

"Ready to fight~!"

The crew members who suddenly awakened immediately rushed into the war fortress. Ivannaz waved to Lindy, beckoning her to go back quickly, and plunged into the war fortress without even seeing Lindy waving to him.

As the ground trembled, the floating soil was rolled up by the air current, and the huge war fortress slowly left the ground.

It stopped for a while at a height of two meters from the ground, then shook it suddenly, and pulled it up vertically, bringing up a strong whirlpool of wind, blowing Lindy's clothes hunting and flying.

Ivennatz followed Paulos' commander to ascend to the limit in one breath, and then hovered in the air and waited quietly.

The night sky is full of strong lights of anti-collision lights, which are as brilliant as stars, reflecting the Milky Way overhead, which is truly spectacular.

The rest was waiting again. Ivannaz felt as if a lifetime had passed. In fact, an hour later, the war fortress anti-collision lights flashed in the northern night sky.

The war fortress that sent the reconnaissance hurried back, and while flying fast, the signal lights in the window flickered.

"North, forty minutes..." Without an interpreter, Ivennatz could understand the meaning of flashing expressions of different lengths.

"The number is two hundred...whispery!" Ivannaz took a breath.

The last time there were 150 seats, the Maple Leaf Danlin was exhausted, but this time there were 200 seats, so how should we fight?

Ivennaz looked at the commander of Paulos ahead.

The command leader's lights flashed, and he rushed out first, and Ivanac also hurriedly led his formation to keep up.

After dozens of minutes, the formation stopped in the air, and the adjutant opened his eyes wide, poking his head and asking: "It's time to come, where is the enemy?"

"Those stars are." Ivannatz raised his finger to the stars in the sky and said in a deep voice.

The light of the undead war fortress is mixed with the stars, and their number even exceeds the stars in the northern night sky.

If you don't look carefully, you can't tell it at all, and you can only see a dense starlight from a distance.

The enemy obviously also found Fengye Danlin.

Those light spots stayed in the air for a while, then suddenly split into two parts and spread to the left and right.

"The enemy is divided." The adjutant shouted.

One team directly greeted the Fengye Danlin people, and the other pair began to detour towards the campus.

"Oops~!" Ivanac's heart sank, and he smashed the console with his fist.

It seems that the undead suddenly learned to be smart. As long as one person stepped forward to entangle the war fortress of the Maple Leaf Danlin, the remaining half could calmly bomb the Maple Leaf Danlin.

The undead hit the Fengye Danlin's weakness with one blow, and the number was inferior.

Enemies can divide their forces calmly, but their Maple Leaf Danlin can't.

"How do they break this tactic?" Ivannaz clenched his fists, nails deeply embedded in the flesh, and wringed his brows to ponder. At the same time, he looked up at the lead plane at the front of the team, waiting for Paulos' order.

The commander's commander sent out a series of signals and started it first, crossing an arc and turning sideways.

"Retracement." Ivannatz ordered to his adjutant at the same time. Paulos seemed to have no good way to break this move, and had no choice but to return to the defense of Fengye Danlin.

Fengye Danlin's team turned and turned back at their fastest speed.

The war fortresses of the two groups of undead races, one on the left and the other on the right, followed them closely.

Back in the sky above the maple leaf Danlin, UU reading Ivanac and the formation steadily stopped within the attack range of the magic tower.

The war fortresses of the two groups of undead races also stopped in due course, one east and the other west, sandwiching the Fengye Danlin campus in the middle.

The two sides face each other across the sky more than a dozen miles away.

After a few minutes of silence, a harsh scream suddenly sounded, and the war fortress of the undead race rushed up at the same time.

"The squad fights on its own, blocking the enemy on the periphery and expelling it." Paulos had no choice but to order it.

Ivennatz pursed his mouth tightly and stared carefully at the rapidly approaching green light. He thought for a moment in his heart, waved his hand down, and said: "Send the wingman a signal, follow me, go up~!"

The Fengye Danlin with the anti-collision lights rushed forward sturdily. Between a few breaths, the war fortresses of both sides were inserted into the opponent's team at the same time, and a battle of skill and courage began. RQ

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