Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1297: Strangulation in the air

More than two hundred war fortresses filled the night sky. m

Looking up, their silhouettes flicked across the dark blue sky at high speed like meteors.

The shining lights of the war fortress were mingled with the stars in the sky. From a distance, it seemed that the stars in the sky had come to life and danced wildly in the night sky.

They turn, ascend, dive, and the messy flashing light draws pictures like surrealism. It's crazy.

Facing an enemy with a strong superior force, Paulos clearly knew that this would be the biggest tough battle he encountered in his life.

However, he was not afraid at all. With the support of the Maple Leaf Danlin Sea God's Halberd Magic Cannon behind him, he led the Maple Leaf Danlin's war fort to defend the inside line, calmly coping with the crazy siege of the enemy.

After the battle started, the young Ivanac commanded his car, circling and chasing constantly over the Maple Leaf Danlin.

Although he is not very old now, some people are born on the battlefield.

Beside him, the command adjutant was also sullen. Although his face was a little immature, he straightened his back and stood beside Ivennaz, secretly observing the famous captain-his responsibility is to study hard. , And become a real captain in the future.

Ivennaz, who has a record of shooting down, is undoubtedly an excellent role model.

Everyone in Fengye Danlin knew that there was a pig head third squadron in the flying team, and there was a pig head squadron in the pig head third squadron whose name was Ivannatz. Is a ruthless person who dares to kill his life.

In the military exercises, in order to win, he dared to be red-eyed, drove the war fortress and crashed into the imaginary enemy, and died together. Really counted as a strong and fierce character.

Precisely because of this, their Pig Head No. 3 Squadron was not drawn by Lei Erye as a shameful and conspicuous fat pig's head, but Luo Jueye personally operated it. Draws a wild boar head crookedly wearing a steel helmet, dangling a cigar, with blood red eyes and two sharp fangs.

As the saying goes, one pig, two bears and three tigers. In other words, in the wild, wild boars are more dangerous than bears and tigers.

Since being branded with the stigma of the Pig Head Three Team, this unit has gradually formed a character like a wild boar. Once this force has fought. Extraordinarily brutal and brave.

Before the battle begins. Ivannatz is a young and handsome, gentle, and even a little shy mage. He speaks with a serious face, drinks to face, and girls blush when they joke with him. I can't sleep all night because I worry about fighting.

But once the battle started, Captain Ivennaz immediately became another person.

He completely forgot everything except the battle, and devoted all his energy to the battlefield. His expression was focused and solemn, his eyes kept patrolling the battlefield.

When chasing the target ahead, Ivennaz can still see six paths. Listen to all directions and observe the chasing soldiers in other directions at any time.

At the same time, he always follows the command of the commander and maintains precise consistency with the large forces.

This is an incredible skill, in a battlefield where the situation is complicated and ever-changing. Most people's attention can only be used in one aspect, and it is difficult to balance both ends.

They usually found the undead chasers on either side or behind them when they were biting an enemy to chase. At this time, I had no choice but to leave. If you are unlucky, you might be in an ambush by the enemy.

Captain Ivanac seems to have a pair of eyes that can see 360 ​​degrees. Although the visibility is low during night battles, which is extremely detrimental to humans, he can still catch the shadow of the enemy in the chaotic battlefield at a glance and avoid it. Get into the route surrounded by the enemy and actively cooperate with the comrades around you. Attack the enemy.

"Turn to the right seventy degrees and lower it a hundred feet. I caught one." Ivanac's face was full of strange expressions, and he commanded loudly.

The fortress of war turned quickly with his instructions, completing sharp turns and lowering actions in a few seconds.

It happened to hold the **** of an undead war fortress.

And it is chasing another war fortress of Maple Leaf Danlin.

The flight path Ivennaz chose was just above its back, and the enemy hadn't noticed that they were being stared at, and they were still chasing the Fengye Danlin people ahead.

Amid the huge roar, the distance between the two sides quickly narrowed, and the speed advantage of the human war fortress was undoubtedly evident at this time.

Less than a minute after the air chase took place, the artillery sent a signal: the enemy was in range and requested to fire.

Ivennaz hurriedly grabbed the communicator and shouted: "Wait a little longer, come closer."

The enemy is unaware of himself at this time, so it is best not to disturb him. When you get closer, the accuracy will be better.

The two sides circled the campus of Maple Leaf Danlin. The distance between Ivanac and it was shortened to 500 meters, and he felt that he could no longer get close. He decisively ordered: "Fire~!"

‘Boom! ’Two cannons sounded simultaneously.

The enemy's did not explode in the air as Ivannaz expected. The fiery cannonball crossed the orange line of fire in midair, then flew not far from it, and finally fell on the ground and exploded.

When the enemy saw the muzzle flames behind him and heard the sound of the cannon, he immediately woke up, dropped the target it was tracking, and ran away panickedly lowering the height to meet the undead forces.

While the artillery yelled, he immediately made up two more shots, but this time he shot more off the beaten track.

Ivanac chased it over its head for two minutes, seeing that he was too far away from the Maple Leaf Danlin.

Several enemies were already aggressive and rushed forward at the same time. He was so angry that he pointed at the escaped undead war fort and yelled: "You*, there is a single challenge."

Then he waved his hand and said loudly: "Retreat, turn right, cut the inner circle and fly."

The war fortress turned around flexibly and drew an arc toward the maple leaf Danlin, flying along the edge of the campus.

The whole action was extremely decisive, like moving clouds and flowing water, without the slightest hesitation.

On the battlefield, as long as you can't fight, turn around and run, this is the best policy. Personal heroism is not only meaningless, but also stupid. Only by protecting oneself, can we better destroy the enemy.

The undead behind him may have been angered by Ivanac's bold impact, and they clung to Ivanac.

The wingman next to him was already signalling wildly, he wanted to turn back to Fengye Danlin's head, where the magic tower was guarding. The enemy dared not approach too much.

But Ivennaz turned a blind eye and looked ahead from time to time, then turned to look at the chasing soldiers behind him.

From time to time, there are Maple Leaf Danlin in the sky, or the war fortress of the undead, passing up and down in Ivanac, but the chasing soldiers are unmoved, biting him and chasing them, and at the same time they keep firing.

Spells of various colors flew by Ivanac's side. But fortunately no hits.

"Turn left. Fight back." Ivanac suddenly ordered loudly.

The adjutant was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly persuaded him: "Boss, you will lose speed."

"It's okay, do the same." Ivennaz gritted his teeth and waved his hand vigorously.

The car suddenly turned left again and flew horizontally in front of the undead chasing soldiers. The distance between the two sides suddenly narrowed.

The undead race seized the fighter and immediately opened fire.

Ivennaz's car passed by in several rays of light, evading a series of spells dangerously.

Seeing that another round of attacks will be able to hit. The undead race suddenly accelerates with a power exceeding the limit, but like a fighter jet with afterburner, this kind of overload operation. It can only last for one minute at most.

Under the effect of huge inertia, the adjutant grabbed the edge of the command console nervously, and the beads of sweat on his head rolled out: the enemy was five to one, even if they were fierce, they couldn't fight it.

Ivennatz sneered and said: "Now. Drop down, turn left ninety."

The war fortress just like falling from the air, turned around and plunged one end into the ground.

The dark wizards finally caught an opportunity for so long, and they certainly didn't want to let it go, and rushed down after Ivanac.

The altitude dropped sharply, Ivennatz was trying his best to turn left, and the undead also tried to turn left.

In this state of movement, the black earth rushed toward his face. It seemed that in the next second, it would hit the ground hard, making people tremble.

The adjutant, bearing the weightlessness of the rapid decline, called out in a panic, "Boss, you can't dive anymore."

Ivennatz squinted his eyes slightly, stared at the dark ground, and said without looking back: "Wait, three seconds."

At this moment, a dazzling orange-red fire light suddenly lit up below, and flew towards Ivennaz and the others with a "hoo".

The adjutant screamed "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The adjutant even closed his eyes reflexively and waited to die.

But this fireball with a diameter of about ten meters flew over the head of their war fortress in an instant, and it took less than half a second to cross the body, but the moment that passed by, the heat wave hits the face, almost suffocating, even roasting. The hair of a few people by the window was scorched.

"Pull up, pull up~!" Ivennaz waved his arms and shouted hoarsely at the driver on the console.

The little mage did not hesitate to raise all his mana to urge the war fortress, the war fortress abruptly stopped the fall, and slammed the brakes in the air.

At this time, I heard a loud bang in the air.

The fireball just exploded above the head.

As the sun suddenly appeared, the dazzling light instantly illuminated the entire night sky.

The exploded flames splattered everywhere like a torrential rain, and enveloped the four war fortresses chasing Ivanac in the rain of death composed of flames.

Each exploded fire rain was the size of a human head. After they hit the outer wall of the Undead War, they exploded again, tearing apart the strong outer wall of the war fortress.

Countless flame raindrops hit the outer wall, tearing the whole wall apart, and then rushed into the interior to continue the explosion.

In the bright light of the flame, people on the entire battlefield clearly saw that the five undead war fortresses were swallowed by the merciless rain of fire. Then it turned into small fragments in the continuous explosion.

All kinds of masonry and rubble fell from the sky like raindrops, hit the ground, crackling.

Everyone who saw this scene could not help but let out a burst of enthusiastic cheers: Under such a powerful explosion, no one would be left alive.

After Ivanac’s war fortress was leveled, he flew past not far from the magic tower, and he saw it as if someone in the tower waved to him.

The undead war fortress that was fighting with the Maple Leaf Danlin was scared of losing their souls. With a whistling, they immediately retreated, evacuating dozens of miles away in one breath.

The liches are very familiar with the spell just now, the meteor fire rain. The skill of the element mages to watch the house. Spells of mass destruction.

In the last war, I didn't know how many dark wizards and liches, they were tricked by this trick. There is no burnt bones.

Paulos took the opportunity to shrink his battle fortress back to the sky above Maple Leaf Danlin, letting everyone breathe.

This is the tactics developed by Fengye Danlin beforehand.

The war fortress of Maple Leaf Danlin is like a catfish in the water, flexibly maneuvering on the battlefield, and rushing to bite the undead clan when he catches the opportunity.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, they immediately pulled away, and when the undead race caught up, they took them around in the air.

These dark wizards were not careful or negligent, and were drawn into the attack range of the magic tower.

The old spicy Lester would not let go of any meat delivered to his lips.

His eyes are green and faint. Just like a wolf. Staring at the sky without blinking, flexibly adjusted the direction of the magic cannon.

Whenever you get the chance, you will do your best to kill with one blow.

Ivennaz returned to the air to stand by, and Paulos' commander plane flew slowly beside him, sending a set of light signals to Ivenna.

"Nice work." The adjutant murmured as the translation stared at the flashing lights, and then slapped Ivennaz on the shoulder with excitement. He grinned and said, "Boss, the gang leader is complimenting you."

Ivennaz put his hands on his chest and smiled proudly.

Developing good tactics is one thing. Carrying out the tactics is another matter, Ivennaz also knows. This time, my own action to lure the enemy into deep can be called a textbook model.

The Maple Leaf Danlin once again dominated the top of Maple Leaf Danlin's head, under the gleam of the magic tower, proudly facing the huge number of undead races on the opposite side, without losing any momentum.

They have proved by their actions that the number of undead races is not an advantage in front of them.

The undead on the opposite side were silent for a long time. Suddenly, the group rushed up again.

The adjutant looked at the flashing green photoelectric on the opposite side with disdain, and said, "Come on? These stupid thirteens, haven't learned enough lessons?"

Fengye Danlin took the initiative to rush up again.

Seeing that the two sides collided again soon, the chase and strangulation were re-staged.

The battle situation was as anxious as just now, Ivennaz calmly dealt with the enemies from all directions, suddenly a dark shadow in the sky came into his eyes.

"What's that?" Ivannatz intuitively felt that there was a problem.

In this fierce firefighting sky, cannonballs and spells fly horizontally, and it is impossible for birds to dare to enter the battlefield.

In the night sky, this tiny black shadow was extremely inconspicuous. If it weren't for the explosion of fire to illuminate the black shadow from behind, Ivennaz would still not be able to spot it.

"What is it?" The adjutant widened his eyes and looked in the direction indicated by Ivennatz. He saw nothing except the rapidly passing lights. The adjutant said in a daze, "Nothing..."

"There is something in the sky~!" Captain Ivennatz said affirmatively: "I can't read it wrong."

He frowned and bit his lips for a moment, then said solemnly: "No~!"

Ivennaz grabbed the phone and shouted anxiously: "Attention everyone, guard all doors and windows, small..."

A black shadow swiftly rushed towards Ivannaz.

"What the hell?" The adjutant took a sharp breath and called out in panic.

Ivennaz habitually raised his right hand, only to realize that he was not carrying his staff.

The black shadow had already rushed to the door, and the black mist around him could be seen clearly under the light of the anti-collision light.

"Jie Jie..." A harsh, strange laugh came out into the black shadow.

Ivanats thought about it, a palm of his hand, and yelled: "Go to death~!"

A bolt of lightning shot from his hand, through the window, and hit the black shadow rushing over.

The black shadow made a weird cry like a crow, and quickly disappeared in the next charge.

"Dark Mage?" the adjutant asked in a panic, his face pale, and he beat his chest.

Ivennatz shook his head, grabbed the intercom, and shouted: "Everyone guards the doors and windows, and the shadows approach and attack immediately."

Then he took a breath and said, "No, it's a lich."


Ivanac suddenly raised his head, his face was cold, his pupils shrank, his fists were clenched and he said coldly: "Damn, the enemy is going to fight on the sidelines."

He grabbed the lieutenant's collar and anxiously ordered: "Send a signal. Inform the team."

"Yes, yes~!" The two adjutants grabbed the signal lights in front of the window, pulled the handles, and followed the sound of Kara Kara, and sent out the lights of different lengths.

But it was too late.

This is Hardu's idea for the Lich Enes. Since the artillery battle can't be won, use the Lich's powerful individual combat ability to fight the battle.

Dozens of liches flew out of the fortress in the melee, and their task was to find opportunities. Rush into the inside of Fengye Danlin's war fortress. Killing all the people inside is naturally equivalent to destroying.

It is best to capture one or two war fortresses made by Maple Leaf Danlin, and drive back to study carefully why they are so much faster than the original.

In another battle of the Pig Head Third Squadron, Commander Joseph did not find the oncoming lich when he was commanding the pursuit. The figure of the lich was well hidden in the dark night.

It wasn't until the figure of the lich was about to hit the war fortress that Joseph discovered the anomaly.

Before he could say "Caution", the Lich blasted the gate of the war fortress with a spell. He rushed in, wrapped in a cloud of smoke.

Joseph roared, and before he could raise his arm to cast the spell, the Lich rushed in front of him. Immediately after. A white bone palm was firmly imprinted on Captain Joseph's chest.

His chest was immediately angry with the burnt smoke of flesh.

The adjutant next to him also yelled, opened his arms to fit and rushed up, throwing his fist at the Lich's face.

The punch hit the Lich's head firmly, but the Lich didn't even sway, but the adjutant screamed. Squeezing his wrists back a few steps and knelt on the ground.

I saw the skin on the back of his hand was melting and smoking.

But the adjutant still tried his best, warned with anger, and yelled: "Lich, run. Run..."

The mage near the podium glanced at each other, not only did not run away, but at the first moment, raised the stool and table to smash against the Lich, and then took the opportunity to draw out the staff in his hand, planning to attack the Lich.

The Lich waved Joseph's body against the wall, his hoarse voice let out a weird smile, and said, "Dying to fight."

Then he threw out a green poisonous mist.

The terrible poisonous mist instantly filled the entire control room.

The mage near the console inhaled the poisonous gas, his throat was burning like a sharp pain, and his eyes protruded like fish.

They coughed violently, their complexions turned black and purple, and finally pinched their necks and fell to the ground feebly.

The out-of-control war fortress flew outwards at a constant speed.

The Lich looked at the fallen corpses with satisfaction, and laughed triumphantly: It didn't take much effort.

At this moment, Joseph struggled to stand up.

While coughing low, he buckled his waist, leaned on the wall with his hands, and rushed out of the green poisonous mist to the steps.

The Lich sneered and looked at him coldly: The toxin has penetrated into the body, see how long you can last? This is the shortcoming of lower life forms. Only the body of the immortal is perfect.

The Lich chased behind Joseph, hurried up the steps, watching Joseph run into the upper gun bay.

The artillery also discovered that they were in the wrong direction, and they rushed straight towards the enemy. Someone kept asking questions to the command headquarters, but there was only an electric sound in the microphone, and no one answered at all.

Just when they were surprised, Joseph staggered in, gulp of blood dripping down the corner of his mouth.

The artillery officer hurried forward and hugged Joseph, and said in surprise: "What's the matter with you?"

Joseph turned his head and pointed at the door. He opened his mouth and spit out a big mouthful of blood. He shook his head in a panic, and fought away from the officer.

"He is dying, and you are dying too." The Lich smiled and appeared at the door of the gun bay.

Seeing the ghost-like eyes under the shadow of the black robe, the officer couldn't help taking a breath of cold air, and instantly understood: the enemy rushed in.

However, immediately, his eyes were red. This is his own war fortress. How can the enemy take it away? Roared: "Brothers, follow me~!"

As the words fell, in the Lich's surprised eyes, he jumped up and grabbed the Lich's neck.

The artillery screamed, waved the large wooden brushes that cleaned the barrel, and rushed up yelling.

People like them didn't carry any weapons on their bodies, and they didn't know how to fly like a mage. They would even be unable to run if they wanted to. The only chance was to fight the enemy.

The artillery rushed forward and all rushed on the Lich, pressing him under the mountain. Before the Lich could react, he was pushed to the ground by the artillery.

But the next second, a muffled explosion sounded from under the crowd, and a dozen soldiers threw them from the ground, screaming and slamming on the bulkhead.

The Lich got up from the ground, his robes torn into pieces.

The enraged Lich opened his bone palm and said angrily: "Despite creature, tick, I will torture you slowly and make you regret living."

"Hehe...cough cough cough~!" There was a sneer with a cough from the corner ~ ~ Joseph leaned against the wall, the blood from his mouth soaked his chest.

A cannonball fell on his leg, and the warhead was aimed at the lich.

Joseph looked at the Lich contemptuously, trembling his lips, and said proudly: "You, go to die too."

The Lich was stunned for a moment, and directly felt the fatal danger.

But before he could move, Joseph tried his last strength and hit the bursting crystal on the bottom of the shell with the steel hammer in his hand.

The bursting crystal exploded instantly, detonating the propellant in the shell.

Without the constraints of the barrel, the shell exploded instantly.

"No..." The Lich only had time to shout a word, and was swallowed by the explosion of flames.

The violent explosion caused the stacked shells to explode, and the entire war fortress turned into a huge fireball, illuminating the Maple Leaf Danlin. RQ

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