Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1298: Killer

The fire from the explosion of the war fortress instantly illuminated the entire Maple Leaf Danlin, as well as the cheeks of Ivanac in the distance. M

In the orange flames, everyone can clearly see that the other two wingmen behind it are desperately pulling up to avoid the powerful shock wave generated by the explosion.

The white phone number they painted on the outer wall was particularly awakened in the explosion.

They are the No. 8 and No. 9 machines of the Zhutou Team.

In an instant, everything in the maple war fortress that was fighting in the sky came to understand: the seventh unit as the lead plane that exploded.

"Is that...Joseph?" the adjutant beside Ivannatz muttered with a dull look.

He could hardly believe his eyes, rubbed them desperately, and said, "This...this is impossible. There are no enemies around him."

At this time, under the harmony of all eyes, the war fortress had completely disintegrated and shattered, and large blocks of bricks with flames fell towards the ground, just like countless meteors falling, especially gorgeous.

Beside it, No. 8 and No. 9 were swiftly turning and avoiding. Besides, there were no signs of other war fortresses in the air near the explosion.

Even the nearest enemy is still ten miles away.

Ivennatz's expression became gloomy for an instant, and he kicked on the console in hatred, gritted his teeth and cursed: "It's a Lich. These **** things~!"

The adjutant instantly understood what Ivennatz meant: It was the Lich who entered the interior and destroyed the war fortress.

Immediately felt a moment of fear: They were also attacked by the Lich just now. If Ivanac didn't react quickly and repelled the enemy, then they would be the one who exploded.

On the battlefield, there is really only a thin line between life and death.

"Joseph you fool~!" Ivannatz squeezed his fist and cursed bitterly while looking at the direction where the explosion disappeared.

He and Captain Joseph are classmates, although the relationship between the two is not close. But he is very familiar with the young man who always likes to talk cold words.

And now, he was sacrificed in such a heroic way, and there was no bones left.

Looking at the flames falling to the ground, Ivennatz let out a long sigh. Then he put his hand on his chest and saluted: May he rest in peace in heaven.

After that, he immediately plunged into the tense battle-the enemy has been pressured again.

But when he turned around, he found that his adjutant was still in a daze, with his mouth wide open, his eyes staring straightly, like a goose.

Captain Ivennaz suddenly became furious. With a slap on the back of his head, he kicked him again with anger, and said, "What are you still doing?

Hurry up and inform the team, you still want them to blow up one more~! "

The adjutant hadn't waked up yet, and said blankly: "But I have already sent it."

"Send again~!" Ivanatz kicked his **** again, angrily, and shouted angrily: "Send it until we land safely or we also explode together."

Only then did the adjutant react, and rushed to the signal light two steps. Desperately shake the handle up and down: Attention, attention, the enemy has a sneak attack by the Lich. There was a secret attack by a lich...

at this time. Paulus’ commander commander issued an order requesting the entire battle fortress to retreat again.

Ivanac quickly turned around and flew back to the sky above Fengye Danlin.

Paulos was also constantly issuing orders with lights to make everyone pay attention to the Lich's sneak attack.

In a small amount of time, all the war fortresses began to shine with the light signal of ‘Prevent Lich’.

Seeing the Fengye Danlin people take the initiative to retreat, the undead tribe's morale was immediately boosted, and they all rushed up.

Ivennaz turned and looked at his men near the console, shouting loudly: "Keep all entrances and exits, if you don't want to die."

The mages in the fortress of the war nodded with grim faces. Pulling out the wand sticking around his waist, guarding in front of the windows of the war fortress, widening their eyes and staring at the night sky.

As long as there is a little bit of wind and grass, the wizards immediately call their companions and throw out a spell.

The Fengye Danlin people were really frightened by the explosion of the No. 7 plane of the Pig Head Squadron, and that would definitely die. Even chunks of bones will not be left behind, even if the family members come to pay their respects, they will not find a grave when they cry.

The war fortress of the Maple Leaf Danlin formed a group, circling back and forth in the sky above the Maple Leaf Danlin, but they just stopped taking half a step out of the defensive circle of the Holy Light Tower.

As a result, the liches hiding in the darkness were also extremely embarrassed.

Although it was the dark night, it was quite beneficial for them, but once they broke into the holy light range of the holy light tower, their figures had nowhere to escape.

Once the position is exposed, it will immediately be besieged by a group of mages on the fortress of war. Casting spells in the air is not as easy as on the ground. The poison spells that the Liches are good at are useless at all.

They found themselves like a dog biting a hedgehog. Although they knew that there was a pile of fragrant and tender fat on the opposite side, they didn't dare to say anything. Because if you are not careful, you will be stabbed to death by the opponent's sharp points~!

But at this time they were unwilling to withdraw, so they hid outside the scope of the Holy Light Tower, circling back and forth, making screams from time to time.

Opposite Maple Leaf Danlin, the Lich Enes was sitting in his war fortress and hurriedly around.

Since the start of the war, the two sides have been entangled in a melee for four or five hours, their energy is almost exhausted, and it will be dawn before long.

Although they gained an advantage in the battle, the forced Maple Army war fortress could only hide above the Maple Leaf Danlin and did not dare to come out, but correspondingly, until now, they have not been able to break through the Fengye Danlin's strict defenses and enter the campus. , Destroy the construction factory on the ground.

What's more, so far, they have not achieved much record. Compared with their lost war fortresses, they said that the number of downed Maple Leaf Danlin's war fortresses is insignificant.

Lich Enes became more and more uncomfortable, and if this continues, tonight will be as futile as the last time.

This time he went out and boasted in front of the high priest. The high priest gave him almost all the war fortresses.

This is great trust.

The Semitic generals were very angry about this, and the Lich Enes pulled away the war fortress, and their actions had to be delayed for a few days.

This annoyed the generals who had the name of the king and noble, but had not yet obtained the land.

They are used to being nobles and can't wait to taste what it's like to be a king.

"What to do? What to do?" Lich Enes was anxiously spinning around in place.

There are no more substantial results, and he can't explain it back.

Lich Enes suddenly saw Hardu standing by, his eyes lit up suddenly.

He seemed to have found a savior. Stepping forward, he firmly grasped Hardu's hand and asked nervously: "Sir, what else do you have insights, sir?"

"Me?" Hardu thought for a while, but shook his head in the expectant eyes of Lich Aene. Slowly said: "I underestimated Fengye Danlin, their defensive system is very good, and I have nothing to do."

Maple Leaf Danlin has been in business for thousands of years, repairing the entire academy like a tortoise, the magic cannon is powerful, and the Holy Light Tower is a natural nemesis to the dark race.

Not to mention, there is now a war fortress. The sky is firmly protected.

Faced with this kind of perverted defense, let alone oneself, even if the gods come, there is no way.

Lich Enes stomped his feet in a hurry, and said bitterly, "Is there really no way at all?"

Hadu slowly shook his head and said: "We may be able to entangle the war fortress of Maple Leaf Danlin and launch a strong attack, but the problem is. Even if we can break through, the magic tower will be enough to destroy us before completely destroying the workshop."

"Oh..." Enes the Lich sighed helplessly. It's not that he knew what Hadu was saying.

The magic tower of the Maple Leaf Danlin is known as the Sea God's Halberd, and it is naturally a messy super weapon of Niu 13, or else he would not be confident that he could hold the Maple Leaf Danlin.

"Unless..." At this moment, Hadu suddenly rolled his eyes, and muttered while looking at the towering spire in the sky.

Lich Enes was startled when he heard Hadu's tone turn, and suddenly saw hope.

He squeezed Hadu's hand and shook it vigorously, the green light in his eyes suddenly lit up, and he urged: "Unless what? Mr. Talk.

Hadu stared at the magic tower of Danlin Maple Leaf, and said thoughtfully: "Unless the magic tower of Danlin Maple Leaf is broken.

Destroying it, the enemy's defensive ability will drop by 80%. "

"Of course I know~!" Enes the Lich smacked. With a wry smile, he shook his head and said, "But we can't get close at all."

"There is a way, but..." Hadu pondered for a while, but shook his head in denial, and said, "No, no."

Lich Enes waved his hand in a hurry. He bowed in front of Hadu and said anxiously: "If you don't say how I know whether it is good or not, it is better to have a way than nothing."

Hardu turned his head to look at the Lich Enes, and said: "Then I declare in advance that I suggest you adopt this method."

"Say it quickly~!" Lich Enes started jumping anxiously.

"Suicide attack~!" Hardu looked at the Lich, and said slowly, every word: "Use the war fortress to hit the magic tower."

"Since... a suicide attack..." Lich Enes heard the green light in his eyes flickering constantly, apparently he was suppressed by this whimsical idea.

But after thinking about it carefully, Lich Enes found that this was really a good idea, and it seemed feasible.

A war fortress rushed past at its highest speed, slammed into the magic tower, and could definitely break it.

But then the Lich Enes thought of another question, how could he rush over?

All the war fortresses close to the magic tower were killed by a single blow, so that the undead races now dare not get too close to Fengye Danlin.

Hadu saw his question, pointed to the sky, and explained: "Find a bunch of people, no, war fortress, launch an impact at high altitude, attract the attention of the enemy, and even attract the magic tower to take the initiative to fire.

Prepare for the war fort at low altitude and hit it while the magic tower is charged. One may not be enough, at least two or three must be prepared..."

Having said this, Hardu couldn't help shook his head again and said, "However, this plan is too risky and the casualties may be high. It is the next step."

The Lich Enes let go of Hardu, and kept turning his head in the war fort with his head down, thinking about Hardu's opinions.

"Is it worth using several war fortresses to exchange for a magic tower?" Without measuring, Lich Enes knew that this exchange value was very worthwhile.

The high priest knew that he had to praise him for his beautiful work.

What is Poseidon's Halberd?

Mankind spared no expense, the super magic cannon created by pooling the resources of the entire continent can be said to be the highest crystallization of the wisdom of the elemental mages.

From completion to today. Over hundreds of years, the maintenance and overhaul costs alone are an astronomical figure.

Its mission is to fight against the fortresses of the undead and the ground army. This is the best choice for mankind in desperation.

The value of the magic tower. Absolutely higher than a few war fortresses.

Not to mention that it has already shot down more than twenty war fortresses for the undead. If the magic tower is not eliminated, it may destroy more in the future.

It is completely converted to sacrifice a few war fortresses and knock it down, and the loss may be smaller in comparison.

"Done~!" Lich Enes stomped and made up his mind. Besides, he couldn't think of other ways to win.

He walked back to Hardu. He bowed deeply to Hardu and said sincerely: "Thank you, Mr., for teaching me. Now I want to ask Mr. to help me plan. How should I execute this battle?"

Harry smiled and said, "First of all, you have to find some who are not afraid of death."

"It's easy. For the magnificent goal of the high priest, every dark wizard is not afraid of death."

"Two more flying skills are needed. You can run away again."

Lich Enes gritted his teeth fiercely, and said decisively: "I'm here~!"

Hitting the magic tower is a task of considering courage and technology.

Enes knows clearly: Although the Liches are bragging 13. But in fact, there is no one who is not afraid of death, otherwise, they would rather turn into a disgusting lich than enter the heaven to rest.

Therefore, Lich Enes can't worry about entrusting such an important task to others. At this moment, the only thing he can believe is himself.

The air combat continued for five hours, and the Fengye Danlin people had gradually begun to feel tired. This kind of high-intensity combat was a great loss of physical strength and spirit.

Fortunately, hold on for a while, and it will dawn. After the sun comes out, the enemy must retreat. During the day, the vision is clear. Not only the magic tower can reach farther, but the mages of Fengye Danlin can also help to participate in the battle.

But the undead race didn't seem to be tired at all, and the offensive suddenly rose again. Launched wave after wave of shocks in Fengye Danlin.

After driving away the war fortresses of the undead again, the young adjutant wiped the sweat from his forehead and complained: "How come these **** bone sticks are like taking medicine."

"The darkness before dawn," Captain Ivannaz stared into the air, without looking back: "Hold on for a while, the enemy will retreat...

Damn it, face up, rise a thousand feet. Hurry up……"

In his urgent urging, a large group of undead races flashed green lights and rushed from the front.

Ivennaz hurriedly stepped forward to meet, Paulos also brought a team of people to come to the side for reinforcement.

The enemy's speed did not decrease in the slightest, and he slammed straight towards Fengye Danlin. The distance between the two sides quickly narrowed to within range, and the roaring artillery fire sounded.

The war fortress of the undead races immediately used magic cannons to restore the colors, and the dense artillery fire was like a net woven in the sky.

After the artillery fired repeatedly, Ivannatz finally saw an explosion of fire on the opposite war fortress. He slammed his palm with excitement and said, "It hits~!"

Although I don't know who hit it, it's good to be able to hit it.

At this time, the enemy should turn around and retreat. As long as they were not attacked by the Lich, they were not the opponents of the Maple Leaf Danlin.

But beyond Ivanac's expectation, the war fortress of the undead race still rushed towards Fengye Danlin at the highest speed.

"This is taking the initiative to send it to the muzzle." Ivannatz secretly said in his heart, with a sneer on his face, grabbed the phone and shouted: "Fire with all your strength, grab one to kill~!"

After fighting all night, I finally caught an excellent opportunity, and the artillery would naturally not miss it. They reloaded and fired at the fastest speed.

The artillery of several war fortresses fired continuously, and the artillery roared continuously.

Under the fire attack, the undead race flying in the front was shot and exploded quickly, but it insisted on flying forward for a while before it unwillingly dragged the thick black smoke and fell to the ground.

The undead race quickly counterattacked and fired at this side.

In the face of a dozen spells that were intensively frontal, Ivennaz had to avoid it either.

The war fortresses of both sides passed by in the air.

Ivennaz glanced back and said puzzledly: "These guys are crazy?"

They are further ahead of the magic tower's attack range, is it possible that the undead race is fighting for casualties and making pigs?

No, that's not right~!

This is not the style of a lich.

Ivennaz felt that something was abnormal, and immediately rose up, then squinted his eyes and searched the entire battlefield carefully.

"Boss, the undead behind..." The adjutant pointed to those rushing to the campus war fort.

Ivennaz waved his hand and said: "Don't worry about them, the helper and the dean will take care of them."

At this moment, a blue and white light flashed behind him, the magic tower became powerful, and the blazing light of lightning illuminated the night sky.

In the flash of electric light for less than a second, Ivannaz seemed to see two sneaky black shadows hovering in the low altitude.

"Turn right one hundred and two, dive~!" Ivannatz commanded loudly, the war fort violently maneuvered and rushed to the dark ground, and the wingman hurriedly chased after him.

The No. 1 machine of the pig head team plunged into the top of the Fengye Danlin campus and passed by less than 100 meters from the ground.

"I can't see, I can't see..." Ivannatz murmured nervously. When he was anxious, a sentence from the Military Academy suddenly sounded: When you fall behind at night, bend down and look up, the sky will be set against the sky. Out of them.

Ivennatz shouted without looking back: "No, lower it down."

The war fortress once again lowered its height, fifty meters above the ground.

"Lower ~!" He still couldn't see anything.

" it hits a tree even lower."

"Then hit the tree." Ivennatz rebuked angrily: "Lower."

The first machine lowered again, and below was the dark shadow of the tree canopy, and the driver started a second spirit.

Ivanac's eyes widened, he patrolled the air intently, and kept ordering the war fort to turn and circle, as if looking for something.

"At four o'clock, there seems to be something~!" a spell guarding the window suddenly shouted.

Ivennatz grabbed the window and pushed the wizard away, poking out his head and looking into the air. Against the background of the dark blue night sky, the two black spots flying at high speed were very eye-catching.

Their height is only a little higher than Ivanac, and the defense of the Holy Light Tower has been passed-the Holy Light Tower can prevent dark spells, but it is not effective on the entity.

In order to avoid being discovered, the two sneaky war fortresses did not even light up, pointing straight to the three towers. RQ

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