Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1299: TOPGUN

Against the background of the dark blue night sky, the black silhouettes of the two war fortresses were very clear. They flew at a high speed just a little higher than the Ivanac No. 1 machine, pointing straight to the magic tower. m

"They are going to attack~!" Captain Ivennaz roared and said: "Pull up and stop them."

The pilot did not hesitate to control the No. 1 plane and rushed towards the undead race flight path.

At this moment, everyone reacted.

The enemy went straight to the magic tower.

Dean Lester and almost all the professors of the magic department were there.

If you let the war fort of the undead race closer, and then use the magic cannon to pour a shot in it...

The consequences are disastrous~!

With an order, the power of Unit One was pushed to the limit. From the power room, there is a humming sound that is characteristic of overload.

The hoarse roar sounded in the ears, like the roar of a **** beast, which made people feel a little bit chilling.

Although the height of the current war fortress is extremely low, in order to be able to chase the enemy as quickly as possible, they did not care about pulling up first, but just flew forward desperately while slowly raising it.

At the same time, secretly expecting that he will be lucky enough not to bump into a big tree.

The high-speed war fortress brought a violent whistling sound, flew over the top of the canopy, and the powerful air flow brought up the trees underneath it violently shook.

The two wingmen of the 2nd and 3rd planes were extremely responsible, and they followed Ivanac's long fuselage. Although they didn't know what happened, they also guessed that Ivanac had discovered something.

This kid has always been very thief~!

When Lord Luo returned triumphantly from Almohad, no one in the same group had noticed except for him, that the poor little maid brought back by Lord Lord was actually... actually a rare little beauty.

Before everyone reacted, the kid had already started.

The result is self-evident, it's all cheap for this kid.

Until today, mention it. It still made everyone sigh, and thought it was a lifelong pity--then the water and the lingering, delicate and dripping Chinese cabbage caused the boy to be broken.

The eyes of the people on the two wingmen were wide open. Search for abnormal things in the air.

After a few breaths, the crew of Ivennaz clearly saw the regular triangular appearance of the Undead War Fortress.

The artillery sent a signal and the enemy was in range.

Ivennatz grabbed the phone and shouted almost hoarsely: "Fire, fire~!"

"Boss, but down here is the campus." The adjutant grabbed Captain Ivanac quickly and said nervously: "It will be hurt by mistake~!"

Ivennaz froze for a moment. Suddenly awakened, below is the living area of ​​the people outside Fengye Danlin, there are a large number of civilians. Once artillery fire falls into residential areas, it will inevitably cause a large number of civilian casualties.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help cursing with anger: "Damn~!"

Then hurriedly grabbed the phone and shouted: "Wait. Wait a minute and fire again."

"Ahead is the military academy's major campus, there should be no one there." The adjutant reminded in a low voice behind the captain.

At the same time, the adjutant secretly said in his heart: It doesn't matter if there are people, those demons must have run away.

Ivennatz obviously had the same idea. He nodded quickly, pinched the phone to inform the artillery, and said: "Aim at the front seat. Listen to my instructions, I said fire again."

As the war fort was galloping at high speed, the distance of several miles passed in a flash. Ivennatz guessed that the enemy had already flown past the residential area, and immediately shouted: "Fire~!"

The fire from the muzzle lit up instantly, and the deafening explosion sounded almost simultaneously.

Two artillery shells came out of the chamber, but they flew past the enemy's war fortress and fell on the ground, exploding two orange-red fireballs on the dark ground.

Ivennaz could not help but yelled in frustration.

With the flames of the explosion, the two wingmen nearby also found the enemy in the night sky, and they followed the first plane. Shots were fired almost simultaneously.

It's a pity that they shot a target that was flying horizontally a few miles away, and the hit rate was not high.

The first round of attacks on the three war fortresses were all missed. The artillery shells fell on the ground and exploded one after another. Several huge fireballs rose up, which immediately attracted the attention of the people in the sky and the ground.

The top of the majestic library. Blankrea sits cross-legged on the head of a dripping beast carved into an evil spirit, holding a wine bottle in his left hand and a cooked fontanelle trotters in his right, eating a mouthful of wine and meat, eating very leisurely, and looking up from time to time The fierce battle between you and me in the sky.

He kept muttering: "Idiot, I can't hit it so close."

"The idiot is under you."

"Pig, none of the three hits one."

"I'm so angry, I'm so angry, a bunch of rice buckets, I'll have to live two hundred years less if you fight... He was chattering, and then he noticed a sudden explosion of fire on the ground not far away.

Blankerella immediately became alert. He dropped the pig's feet and jumped up, looking at the direction of the explosion, and muttered, "What is it?

I... Damn, these dead bone sticks actually play a sneak attack?

When did they get their heads?

*, we also paid for that magic tower, whoever pays the maintenance fee if you break it~! "

As the voice fell, Blankrera's fat figure disappeared instantly. There is only a bottle of wine left on the empty eaves, and half of the gnawed pork feet...

The two undead war fortresses that came in at this time also found that they were being watched, but what made Fengjun strange was that facing Fengjun's siege and interception, they did not retreat to escape, but suddenly speeded up again.

At this moment, they are only a few miles away from the magic tower~!

The magicians on the magic tower also discovered them at this time, and wanted to change the muzzle. But opposite them, the war fortress of the undead was launching a feint-like a dense swarm of bees, wave after wave of frontal attacks toward the college.

Many enemies even rushed in and fought with the Fengjun's war fortress. In order to reduce the frontal pressure on their own war fortress, they could only grit their teeth and fire continuously at the dense enemy group in the distance.

And this is also more efficient. Every time a cannon flashes, several undead war fortresses will fall toward the ground with billowing black smoke.

at this time. The two war fortresses of the undead were getting closer and closer to the magic tower. The crew of the Ivennatz team also knew that the situation was urgent and must prevent them from rushing to the front. They were all red-eyed at the moment. Desperately fired at the enemy.

The fires on the fortresses of the three war fortresses continued, and dozens of shells were fired in the shortest time.

At this time, it was too late to consider aiming. The artillery only used their training instincts, estimated the angle in their hearts, and shot the shells out.

The flares of the shells blasted in a row on the ground, bright and extinguished.

The war fort of the undead raced through the cannonballs with their heads stuffed, and seemed to be determined to rush to the magic tower.

In the midst of the uninterrupted cannon sound, the undead war fortress that flew in the front shuddered suddenly. Immediately afterwards, a group of orange-red flames exploded.

"Hit~!" The adjutant couldn't help raising his arms and cheering loudly, and the surrounding wizards couldn't help shouting with joy, "Hit, hit."

I saw a raging fire on the fortress of the undead war that was hit.

It suddenly sank downward, deflected to the right as a whole, and then began to roll violently because it lost its center of gravity, and hit the ground in the blink of an eye.

There was a loud "bang" sound, and the war fortress plunged to the ground at a very high speed. It was like being hit hard by an invisible sledgehammer, and it disintegrated and shattered.

The strong impact dug a large pit in the ground, and the clod was choked up and splashed up to tens of meters high.

Large pieces of the war fortress bounced off the ground again. Jumping, rolling forward and flying out like a float.

Along the way, I crushed the fence of the trees I encountered, and finally hit the two big trees in the front. Three or four people hugged the thick tree and shook it suddenly and collapsed to one side. Pulled up inside.

Seeing such a tragic scene, even the lieutenant Ivanac and the crew couldn't help but shrink their necks, and secretly said in their hearts: "It's too terrible to die like this~!"

It will be smashed and crushed completely, turning into a mass of meat.

There was still a war fortress of the undead race, not only did not escape, even the evasive action. Slightly lowered the height, and continued to rush towards the magic tower.

"This is not right~!" Ivannaz's face changed drastically.

According to the speed and height of the undead war fortress at this time, even if it was pulled up desperately, it would not be possible to reach the height of the fort, not to mention the enemy did not pull up at all, and even dropped a little.

At this time it was less than three miles away from the magic tower. You can rush to it almost in the blink of an eye.

"It's going to hit~!" Ivennaz cried out in a panic...stop it~! Stop it~! "

The little mage on the console was stunned when he heard the words, and asked inexplicably: "What?"

Ivanac gritted his teeth with a ferocious expression, stepped forward and knocked him away with his shoulders, then pressed his hands on the console fiercely, staring at the war fortress that crashed into the magic tower with a stern look. .

The adjutant and crew members were stunned for a moment, and suddenly woke up: the enemy is a suicide attack~!

If a war fortress weighing tens of tons hits the magic tower...

Although the pure stone masonry walls of the Magic Tower are two meters thick and more than twelve meters in diameter, they may still be unable to stop the war fortress from impacting at the limit speed, and may even break directly from it.

Everyone's faces suddenly became pale: the magic tower must not be lost~!

The magic tower is the center of gravity supporting the defense of the Maple Leaf Danlin, and the Poseidon Halberd on it is the fulcrum of the maple leaf Danlin defense.

Once the artillery cover of the Poseidon's Halberd is lost, the enemy's two hundred war fortresses will rush over, and they can easily submerge themselves completely.

Ivennatz himself directly controlled the No. 1 plane and rushed towards the war fortress of the undead, and shouted hoarsely: "Fire and fire~!"

He seemed to be mad, and his voice was so loud that the artillery could hear him clearly upstairs. Of course, they knew that they would never let the enemy hit the magic tower.

The artillery fired immediately, but the two most important guns were all missed. Seeing that it was too late to reload.

"Your mother did it~!" Captain Ivennaz snapped his teeth, roared in his throat, and stared at the war fortress of the undead race with his eyes.

He desperately spurred mana, drove his No. 1 plane and dashed forward, and pushed towards the flight path of the undead war fortress.

"Boss, are you crazy~?" the adjutant yelled in panic from the side, and he looked at Ivanac's hideous expression. Suddenly remembered that this guy was a ruthless man who dared to kill others during drills. Only one thought remained in the adjutant's mind: "It's over..."

When he was neutral in his mind, he remembered the undead war fortress that had just crashed into pieces on the ground, and then instinctively yelled: "Prepare to hit!"

The adjutant squatted on the ground, clinging to the console tightly.

The other crew members were also scared. There was a blank in his mind, only the most instinctive survival was left, and they started to take action, firmly grasping the fixtures around them.

Seeing the dark tower of the magic tower getting closer and closer to him, the Lich Enes counted down the distance silently in his heart.

"'s okay, it's time to go." The Lich Enes gave a triumphant smile, then followed. Release the console with both hands,

"How many war fortresses have been lost?" When the Lich Enes was about to leave the war fortress, he secretly said in his heart: "But no matter how much you lose, it's worth it."

Lich Enes urged his mana and was about to fly off the ground. Suddenly, his soul was shocked, and his divine consciousness suddenly fainted, feeling that his soul was rapidly evaporating. It's like being hit hard in the back of the head and will faint immediately.

The green light in Lich Enes' eyes suddenly went out, and his last consciousness seemed to feel a person standing behind him.

Blankrera pulled out the hand inserted into the chest of the Lich Enes, holding a dark metal box in her hand. It is the phylactery of the Lich Lich Enes storing the soul.

Blankrera snorted coldly, squeezed the black phyla with his fingers, and muttered to herself in a low voice: "Dirty dead thing."

The phylogeny that Lester tried his best to open it quickly deformed and shattered in Blankrera's hands.

It was squashed from the middle by Blankrera like a paper box.

Blankrera threw away the phylactery of the Lich Enes, put her hands on the console, and muttered, "How is this thing manipulated?"

At this moment, a black shadow outside the left window was reflected in Blankrera's eyes, and the black shadow rushed towards his face, and was about to hit the war fortress immediately.

"I rely on~!" Brandrera's scared hair stood up, and she yelled furiously, and disappeared into the air in a flash.

At this point, the tip of the base of Boar Head Squadron One. Heavy hit the upper part of the undead war fortress.

There was a bang.

The two sides fighting in the air, Lester and the wizards in the magic tower, and the Maple Leaf Danlin on the ground, all watched the collision in front of the magic tower with stunned eyes.

As if the stacked building blocks were kicked head-on, the upper part of the undead war fortress was instantly crushed by the base of the first machine, and broken stones were flying in the sky. There was a harsh rubbing sound.

In the fierce collision, the upper part of the undead war fortress was flattened, and the spire of the circle that penetrated the war fortress up and down broke in the impact.

The unmotivated war fortress of the undead race leaned to the right, and the huge body rolled and plunged into the ground.

The remaining half of the war fortress wrecked, with a whistling sound like a ghost, flew over the outer wall of the magic tower, then plunged one end and fell into the courtyard below.

With a loud bang, the heavy body of the war fortress fell heavily, smashing a row of houses attached to the magic tower to pieces.

The dust immediately rose to the sky, covering the entire impact area, even covering the lower part of the magic tower.

Ivennatz stared at the blood-red eyes and stared at the war fortress of the undead clan, until it flew past the magic tower dangerously and dangerously, and breathed out after it hit the ground.

However, during the collision just now, the base of his No. 1 unit was also severely damaged, and the first half was also broken. The war fortress lost its balance and began to tip over uncontrollably.

The front wall, which should have been slanted, has now become almost perpendicular to the ground, and the entire war fortress has leaned forward more than forty-five degrees.

The originally horizontal floor in the war fortress became sloping downwards, and the wizard who was knocked to the ground during the impact screamed and screamed down.

From a distance, Unit One looked like a behemoth that was injured, although it struggled desperately, but it still fell slowly to the ground.

Ivennaz grasped the console tightly and poured almost all of his mana into it, trying to pull up the war fortress, but it was too late. They were too close to the ground, and the energy array was overloaded. It has been damaged during operation and impact and cannot be controlled at all.

The black-gray earth rushed towards his face. Ivannaz stared blankly at the ground that quickly pulled him closer, and suddenly a strange thought flashed in his mind: Lindy must not be able to find that is my corpse?

Ivennatz even felt that his prank idea was couldn't help but smile slightly.

Seeing that the No. 1 machine of the Wild Boar Head Team was about to shoot vertically on the ground, the comrades of the Air Maple Leaf Danlin Flying Unit couldn't help closing their eyes and dared not look any more.

In the next second, it was about to crash on the ground.

At this moment, the No. 1 plane suddenly miraculously paused in the air, as if a pair of big hands were holding up the war fortress under it.

The first plane solidified in the air for less than one second, and then the broken front end suddenly lifted up, and the angle of the war fortress was greatly reduced.

Immediately after the front base touched the ground, it was directly inserted into the soil on the ground.

At this time, the tail was still up about twenty degrees, and then it slowly fell to the ground. With a muffled sound, it hit the ground heavily, and then pried the front base that was trapped in the soil out of the ground. Picked up directly.

The sky was full of dust splashing, and the thick billowing smoke completely enveloped the falling Unit One, with nothing to see. RQ

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