Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1301: Operation Lightning

On August 27, 8835 of the Julian calendar, it is still a sunny day in Fengye Danlin today. M

The sun hung high, scorching the earth ruthlessly.

In this weather that was supposed to hide from the heat, the campus of Fengye Danlin was full of people from Fengye Danlin who were sweating and working hard under the venomous sun.

Whether on the campus or on the construction site, there are dense crowds everywhere.

They worked overtime to expand new war fort manufacturing workshops, build new war fortresses, replenish materials for flying troops, or clean up destroyed buildings on campus.

Men, women and children, students, teachers, and even some ambassadors who have been spoiled for many years were personally dispatched, and they all went into battle together and worked in full swing.

There is a lively and busy scene on the campus.

Especially under the three high towers in the center of the Maple Leaf Danlin, in the fierce battle last night, a total of three war fortresses fell under the magic tower.

Two were destroyed fortresses of the undead war, and one was Ivanac's No. 1 unit.

One of them fell a little farther, and was broken into countless pieces after being hit by artillery. The wreckage was spread from the big playground of the military academy to the magic tower.

Another undead war fortress was destroyed by Ivanac in front of the magic tower. Most of the war fortress smashed into the outbuildings under the magic tower, smashing two rows of houses and creating a large area of ​​ruins that needed to be cleaned up urgently.

The damaged Unit 1 of Ivennaz was lying under the magic tower, and the damaged wreckage was also thrown on the ground.

Most of the boys in the military academy are devoted to cleaning up the rubble.

They took off their upper body clothes a little warmly, revealing a solid body of porcelain muscles. During work, they would pose from time to time to show off in front of the girls who came to deliver water.

Then the young girls chuckled.

Facing an enemy as strong as the undead high priest, Fengye Danlin's mentality is still confident and optimistic.

Although the smoke of war has not dissipated, they still firmly believe that the victory must belong to Fengye Danlin, just like the war a thousand years ago.

They, the great Maple Leaf Danlin people, will surely write a glorious stroke in history...when the sun rises in the sky. When she entered the ward through the window, Ivanac finally woke up slowly from the faint.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the white ceiling above his head in confusion.

Just when he was just starting to think about "where am I". There was a sharp pain, and Ivanac couldn't help groaning low.

Next to the arm held by a cool little hand, a soft voice surprisedly said: "You are awake~!"

Immediately afterwards, the voice turned to the door and shouted: "Doctor, doctor, he is awake. He is awake..."

The voice is so loud. The pain he had just felt a little relieved spread again, and the stabbing head was a little bit about to split.

Ivanac couldn't help groaning again, but he didn't complain, because the voice, he knew very well, was his girlfriend Lindy.

Ivennatz breathed a sigh of relief for no reason. Only then did he feel that his body had been crushed by the war fortress, and there was no pain from top to bottom.

And it's the kind from the inside out. A sharp pain into the bone marrow.

Ivanac opened his mouth and worked hard for a long time before muttering, "Where am I?"

He wanted to turn his head, but he felt a sharp pain in his neck. Finally had to give up.

"Ambulance, they said it's a big deal for you to live." Lindy replied softly beside him. There seemed to be some choking in her voice.

"Oh," Evannatz replied weakly, shaking his head to look up.

Lindy hurried forward to support Ivannatz, and carried a pillow under his head.

Ivennaz reluctantly lowered his head, and when he saw his body, he couldn't help but stunned. How could he be **** like a mummy? The chest and legs were covered with white bandages.

Then he couldn't help laughing, and the laughter affected the wounds of his body, and there was a sudden pain in an instant. Painful Ivanac grinned again.

Seeing his dumbfounded expression, Lindy covered her mouth and smiled, squeezed Evannatz's hand, and comforted him: "Look at what you are now, so don't move."

As Lindy spoke, she took out a small mirror from her bag. Shaking in front of him.

Ivanac was surprised to find that there was a big head like a pig's head in the mirror.

"Uh...Is this me?" Ivannaz turned his head, looked at the mirror covered with bandages on his head, said in disbelief.

Lindy pouted unhappily, nodded affirmatively, and said, "You were dragged out of the gravel. When you found out, you had multiple fractures throughout your body. Even the dean lamented that you were dead.

If you hadn't pulled up the war fortress before hitting the ground, the entire crew wouldn't be able to survive a lot. "

Ivennatz suddenly showed a puzzled expression, thinking back: "Did I pull it up..."

"Yeah," Lindy nodded and said, "We have all seen. Your No. 1 plane paused before it crashed, and landed after being leveled. Fortunately, it didn't crash."

"Is there?" Ivennatz stared at his confused eyes and said dumbly: "I clearly remember that I thought I was dead, and my hands had already left the console...

By the way, you just said that the dean was here? How are the crew members? Is the magic tower okay? Has the enemy gone..."

Ivanac suddenly struggled to sit up and asked impatiently a long list of questions.

Lindy suddenly covered his mouth and smiled comfortingly: "Okay, okay, you don't need to be nervous, it's all right, everyone is all right."

"Oh, that's it..." Ivannatz took a breath and fell back on the pillow. Then he gave a few cold breaths with a grin. The shock just now caused another sting in his body.

At this time, the door suddenly opened with a'pop' from the outside. Before seeing the figure, Dean Lester's loud voice came over: "The kid is awake? I'll just say it, I think. It’s not so easy for people to hang up. Hahaha..."

Immediately afterwards, Lester appeared in the room with a large group of people. They crowded the whole room, and the water leaked out.

Lester came to the bed, looked up and down Ivannatz carefully, stroked the white beard on his chest, nodded with a smile, and said: "This kid is okay, cruel enough, dare to work hard. It's a bit of a point. The style of my youth. Hahaha..."

Rowling smiled bitterly and shook her head.

And Lindy, who was next to him, leaned out from behind Lester and spit out a fragrant tongue at Ivanac. Make a face.

Ivennatz couldn't help but laughed, and yelled "Ouch" again after touching the wound, his expression was painful.

Lester curled his lips and shook his head. Said: "Your kid is not as hard-hearted as I was back then. This little injury makes his teeth grin. He looks like a man.

Hold it back, hold it back to me~!

As he said, he stretched out his hand to pat Ivanac's shoulder, but next to him, Lindy hurriedly reached out and took his arm. Then opened those beautiful eyes, staring at Lester fiercely.

Lester stagnated for a moment, and then realized that Ivennaz was injured all over, and if he slapped him down, maybe he would be shot back in place.

He grinned involuntarily, and smiled awkwardly. Then he continued: "Wait a minute, I will find the old fellow Obahem for you. Your kid will get better for me quickly, and when you recover, I will get you a new war fortress. Then go to the front to kill. Go Lich."

Facing Lester's stunned, maddening and domineering super-student, Ivannaz only dared to nod stupidly, and said dumbly: "Yes, Dean. Yes, yes... "

At this moment, I suddenly heard a nurse in the corridor behind me reprimanding loudly: "Why run? This is the ambulance..."

Then, there was another loud scream.

Everyone frowned. Who is so bold. Uncle Lester was here to visit the wounded cordially, and he even dared to make trouble here. I really don't want to live anymore.

They couldn't help looking towards the door.

Immediately, I saw a person rushing into the ward and shouting loudly as soon as he entered the door: "Dean, Dean. Dean..."

Dean Lester turned his head and glared at the man, and cursed: "Idiot. What's the name, don't look at this place."

The visitor shrank his neck when he was scolded, and lowered his head not to speak.

"What's the matter?" Lester snorted coldly, then asked casually.

"People from the Flying Eagle Group are here." The person whispered.

Lester frowned again and said annoyedly: "Be louder, haven't you eaten?"

The young guard grinned helplessly and said loudly, "The people from the Flying Eagle Group are here."

"Okay~!" Lester said with a smile on his face, "I didn't expect that Lorraine boy to act so fast, must be the credit of my good granddaughter."

Then he looked at Ivanac, and said: "Tell you good news, kid, we are going to kill the undead clan violently, just as revenge for you kid."

Then he took a large group of people and left the ward quickly, but Luo Linna stayed.

In the clouds and mist, Ivanac looked at Ivanac in front of the hospital bed, and said, "What does the dean mean?"

Rowlingna held up a basket of fruits and shook it in front of Ivannatz, stuffed it into Lindy’s arms, and said: “The dean felt that he had been passively waiting for the undead to attack, so he borrowed a team of war fortresses from the Flying Eagle Group. , Ready to give the high priest some color to see."

"Great... alas~!" Ivanatz cheered and pulled to the wound again. After taking a breath, he said: "It should have been done this way."

"I have to greet the people of the Flying Eagle Group, Lindy, this kid will be handed over to you." Luo Linna confessed and left in a hurry.

"Everyone is very busy..." Ivennatz said helplessly, looking at the thick bandage on his chest.

Suddenly a loud cheering came from outside the window.

Ivennaz raised his head and looked out through the narrow transom at the top of the basement, but he could see nothing but the blue sky.

Lindy walked to the window, took a tiptoe look, and said, "It's a few war fortresses, they are landing, hey...they look so weird~!"

"Qua... weird?" Ivennaz's curiosity was immediately hooked, and asked: "What an weird method? Is it another new model developed?"

Lindy frowned and thought, "I can't say it. What I want to say is like smashing our war fortress and putting on a pair of wings."

Ivanac was taken aback, and he wanted to create a picture in his head, but he couldn't imagine what a weird look it was.

He couldn't help but twisted a few times on the bed anxiously.

Seeing his itchy and unbearable look, Lindy was a little unbearable, turned her eyes, and said, "It's all right. You stay still, I'll find a wheelchair to push you up and see."

Lindy borrowed a simple wheelchair, dragged Ivanac up with difficulty, and pushed him out of the semi-underground rescue station.

The war fortress from the Flying Eagle Group. It was on the campus of Maple Leaf Danlin. The curious Maple Leaf Danlin students surrounded these weird war fortresses on three and three floors, making comments on them.

Because these war fortresses are really weird.

As Lindy just described, they are like smashing the war fortress of Fengye Danlin.

Their fuselage is lower and slender, and looks more like a loom's flying shuttle, with two long and wide wings symmetrically inserted in the middle of the fuselage.

This unprecedented design puzzled Fengye Danlin. Speculation about the purpose of this pair of wings.

"They must be used to fly, like bird wings."

"But these wings don't seem to be able to move."

"It won't be fanned like a bird."

Some people even stepped forward curiously and touched the pair of long wings.


It caused Fengye Danlin to exclaim.

"How does that work?"

"Hey, buddy, how does this thing work?" someone shouted to the crew members of the war fort.

On that weird war fortress, several crew members were standing in front of the door, some leaning on the door frame, some holding their hands on their chests, looking at the Maple Leaf Danlin like a curious baby with a cool expression. Say nothing.

"Cut, forget it." The Fengye Danlin student who was speaking grumbled angrily.

On the war fort, one wears a black uniform. The officer with a flower on his shoulder curled his mouth and said with nostrils up to the sky: "Could I tell you this is advanced knowledge of aerodynamics?

Do you know what aerodynamics is?

Say you don't understand. Tell you what? "

Fengye Danlin looked at each other, they were indeed very shameless and could not understand what they meant.

Seeing Fengye Danlin's jealous expression, the crew of the war fort snorted triumphantly. And then even more arrogant.

Lindy pushed Ivanatz, looked at the war fortress from a distance, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's so strange appearance, who made these war fortresses?"

"Flying Eagle Group." Luo Linna's slightly magnetic voice came from the side. She nodded to Ivannatz and said: "To be precise, it is the Boeing Aircraft Manufacturing Company under the Flying Eagle Group."

Ivennaz thought for a moment from a professional perspective. Said: "They must have special functions?"

Luo Linna glanced at him approvingly and said with a smile: "Yes, this is an experimental high-altitude high-speed interceptor codenamed'Lightning'. It has a super high ceiling and super fast speed. It is weak in the fire and only equipped with two super long distances. Range artillery. The purpose is to attack the enemy's war fortress."

"Specializing in fighting fortresses?" Lindy's heart suddenly jumped, and secretly said: If Fengye Danlin had this model, Ivannaz would not have to go so far. If you continue to fight like this, Ivennaz will play himself to death one day.

"I...may I go up and take a look?" Lindy asked quietly.

Seeing the stars popping up in the little girl’s eyes, Luo Linna couldn’t help but smile, then waved her hand, and said, “Go, just say I let you go, otherwise the guys with their tails up to the sky won’t answer. you.

Lorraine really spoiled those damned SSs. "

Ivennatz carefully observed the volley-type war fortress, and wondered: "It's them, going to bomb the undead?"

"Yes, there were still special bombers," Rowlina said with a sullen mouth, regrettingly: "But they fly slowly and are easily overtaken by the enemy, so they had to upload interceptors with less ammunition."

"It would be great if I could follow..." Ivanac murmured.

Rowlingna raised her hand and patted Ivanac's shoulder lightly, and said: "You kid get better soon, what kind of war fortress do you want..."

With a confident slap on her chest, Luo Linna said in a big way: "Leave it to Senior Sister."

Ivennatz smirked contentedly, and thought to himself: "Intercept type, bomb type, how many treasures are still hidden in the Flying Eagle Group..."

At this moment, you can see from a distance that some logistics supply personnel are pushing a car containing magic crystals and bombs to send them to the war fortress.

A man in the uniform of a black security guard suddenly ran up to Luo Linna, raised his hand in salute, and said, "Madam..."

Luo Linna stared at her eyes immediately.

The officer suddenly woke up and hurriedly changed his words: "Uh, miss. We still have too little ammunition, but I have an idea."

Luo Linna's face changed, and solemnly said: "Tell me about it."

"I suggest that the artillery and shells be temporarily unloaded so that five more bombs can be loaded." The security officer said loudly, "With speed, it should be no problem to fight against the enemy."

Rowena lowered her head and thought carefully for a and said: "Yes."

Nodded in agreement with his opinion.

"Thank you husband...Miss," the officer saluted, ran back quickly, greeted his subordinates loudly, and exclaimed: "Little ones, take down the artillery. Let's give Emperor De Rossi an extra gift."

Ivennaz was a little worried, and said: "Is this all right? I have no ability to fight back at all."

Rowlingna smiled and shook her head, pointing to the black-clothed crew on the interceptor, and said with emotion: "These guys, just like you, according to their bad temper, they must have prepared some special program for the enemy. You just wait to listen. Good news~!"

After some intense preparations, a few hours later, the'Lightning' interceptor squadron slowly took off in the midst of the attention of the Fengye Danlin people.

They circled the Maple Leaf Danlin with a light movement, graceful and flexible, as if sliding in the water, and then the fleet formed a triangle, thrusting straight into the west like an arrow, and the speed was incredible. RQ

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