Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1302: 30 seconds over Ryder

In order to carry out the bombing operation code-named Lightning, the Flying Eagle Group used all its strength in places that the world could not see. m

Within a few hours, the staff of the venture capital company worked out a detailed execution method for the operation that was originally just a concept, and then issued it into implementation in the shortest time.

This action is not to say that the war fortress flew over the head of the undead high priest and dropped the bomb again.

Before facing a powerful lich, they must first face a lot of technical problems.

In the first place is the energy issue.

If war fortresses want to bomb the enemy, they must have enough energy to ensure their voyage. They will not fall from mid-air due to energy shortages when they fly halfway.

But the carrying capacity of the war fortress is certain.

In order to increase the destructiveness of this raid, the crew members insisted on loading more bombs as much as possible.

For this reason, these brave people even madly removed all the defensive weapons from their battle fort and replaced them with bombs.

In this case, the flying squadron war fortress full of bombs is only loaded with enough magic crystals. Therefore, the flight time must be very precise, and an hour cannot be wasted.

In this way, in order to ensure their safety, the flight route must be as accurate as possible, preferably in a straight line to Ryde City.

And this is another difficult problem.

In this era without GPS, just a navigation is enough to drive everyone crazy.

The aircrew on the fortress of the war can only distinguish the target with their naked eyes, and judge their position by identifying the geographical indications of rivers, cities, etc. on the ground.

In addition, there is also the shelter of clouds and the interference of strong wind. Even in the middle of the journey, sudden bad weather, thunderstorms. Storms... etc., etc., will cause great difficulties for them.

Even the most experienced pilots are only 50% sure of such a long-range bombing.

A little thoughtlessness will make all of them lose their course. Like a fragrant meat bun, I can't come back again.

In order to accomplish this goal, the Flying Eagle Group had to use its own telegraph stations and intelligence stations of venture capital companies all over the country.

The venture capital company is fully operational.

First, it first collects the weather conditions in various places, and then finds a flight route in the shortest time, and then pinches the timetable. Order intelligence agencies in various places to make eye-catching signals in various ways to navigate the squadron.

Just choosing the telegraph station on the flight route and informing them to make preparations is a tedious project, not to mention that these must be completed in one night.

From this alone, we can know how amazing and terrifying the efficiency of venture capital companies is.

At the time of the battle for the pope two years ago. Venture capital companies once shocked the world with its unique blood and coldness. But then quietly dormant.

But two years later, when many people had forgotten the terrible **** slaughter at the beginning, it once again tore off the veil of disguise. Reveal its hideous features.


The flying squadron code-named "Lightning", under the guidance of ground fireworks signals, roared all the way to the De Rossi Empire.

In order to increase speed, these high-altitude and high-speed interceptors appear extremely strange to outsiders.

First of all, the windward side was reduced as much as possible, and the resistance was reduced. The entire war fortress lost the towering, majestic appearance of the past, and became a shuttle shape.

The sharp front end can tear the air more conveniently and break the resistance. To load weapons and personnel in the middle. It becomes flat and round.

On both sides of the body, ingeniously equipped with wide wings, can provide extra lift to the entire war fortress and reduce energy consumption.

After this series of modifications, these war fortresses can fly faster and farther. More flexible and cheaper to build, but this shape is really...

Ugly, so ugly~!

The ugly ones are endless~!

The shaping soil looks silly, fat and round in appearance.

Among the war fortresses, it can be called the ‘soil fat circle’ in the ‘soil fat circle’.

It is said that when the construction was successful, the responsible wizard cried. And the reason why Luo Linna was responsible for building the war fort here in Maple Leaf Danlin was because most of the reasons were because it was really inseparable from people, and a small part of the reason was that she really couldn't afford to lose that person.

But at this time, these modified war fortresses showed their superior performance far beyond other similar.

After a whole night of flying, the Lightning Squadron flew over the last navigation point on time at dawn.

The navigation signal on the ground is a circle surrounded by several fires. In other areas, several fires are marked with an arrow to indicate the direction. .

This means that the flight that almost crosses a continent will soon reach the end.

Captain Capelle, the security officer leading this squadron, pinched the time and nodded in satisfaction. Everything was exactly as planned.

The symbolic meaning of this attack is greater than the actual meaning. Therefore, in order to achieve the best effect and achieve the purpose of deterrence, the action was scheduled at dawn.

Although this increases the risk a lot, it is for everyone to see clearly.

Let the world clearly know that although the dead have set foot on this land. But this is only temporary darkness, not the end of mankind.

Terran still has the ability to defeat the enemy~!

The future must belong to the human race~!

Capelle glanced down through the glass window, and through the light of the fire, he could vaguely see several people on the ground.

Those few people are standing with their heads up, looking at the sky.

Although he knew they couldn't see him, Capelle raised his hand and saluted several people on the ground.

He knew that those people should be intelligence officers of venture capital companies. It is that they are engaged in obscure but extremely risky work behind the scenes. Only then has his own smooth raid this time.

"Pull up, prepare for battle," Capelle calmly ordered to his men after saluting, "Brothers, we are only one hour away from the undead high priest."

"Okay~!" All the crew members suddenly shouted.

Thinking that they were about to drop the bomb on the top of the legendary No. 1 powerhouse in the world, the old monster who had lived for more than two thousand years, the crew members were eagerly gearing up. This was a rare opportunity. Enough to make their name go down in history.

In the future, you can brag in the bar, and everyone can pat their chests and proudly tell everyone that the uncle used to **** on the head of the undead high priest~!

Just this sentence is enough to make all the folks pee.

The crew members did the final check before the battle.

They fixed the bomb on the orbit where the bomb was dropped, installed a fuze on it, and only waited for an order. Just throw them all down.

At this time, the rays of the eastern rising sun shone from behind the flying war fortress, and everyone raised their heads in unison, looking into the distance: Ryder City was hidden in the black horizon of the sky.

Although I can't see it yet, everyone knows that their goal is there.

The mood of everyone could not help but agitated.

"The last ten minutes," Capelle stared intently into the distance, his face showing the frenzy that he was about to fight.

Compared with Fengye Danlin's flying troops. The members of the Flying Eagle Group Flying Wing are more combative, and they can’t wait to prove to the world that the security forces are powerful.

The black shadow of Ryder City appeared in his sight, and Capelle couldn't help licking his lips nervously. Showing a cruel sneer, he secretly said: "The enemy will be pleasantly surprised, right? I really want to go down and see their expressions."

A few minutes later, the black figure of Ryder City appeared on the ground.

Capelle grabbed the intercom, his excited hands were shaking, and said loudly: "Send a signal, the bombing begins, you only have 30 seconds, so don't throw me away.

After receiving the signal, the "Lightning" squadron formed a battle formation.

The Ryder City on the ground became clearer and clearer, and you could already see the compact buildings in the city and the dense demon army on the ground.

The last ten miles~!

Visibility today is excellent. Although it is still far away, the palace in the city is already clearly visible, and Capelle can even count the number of undead war fortresses parked on the ground.

Several huge Semitic barracks surrounded Ryder City, with flags like forests, and a black human head in the barracks. The number is not less than 300,000.

And the sky is clear, there is no cloud, and there is no war fortress of the undead.

Now this sky is completely dominated by oneself~!

Capelle smiled triumphantly: It seems that the withered brains of the undead tribe would never think that humans would launch an attack.

"They probably thought that human beings wouldn't dare to come over because of their absolute number advantage," Capelle said in his heart, and then sighed with regret and murmured: "If I am not leading twelve seats, and It's a hundred and twenty seats."

That way, he could bombard the undead on the ground, especially their densely-populated military camps. If he didn't know he had a more important goal, Capelle couldn't help throwing bombs on them.

Blasting these Semitic armies on the ground is simply too handy. It is the same thing to kill dozens or hundreds of them with one bomb.

"There will be," the deputy captain looked at the ground without blinking, and whispered: "There will be in the future."

Capelle's eyes locked on his target, nodded affirmatively, and then took a deep breath, calmly and loudly commanded: "Dive~! The boys are ready to eat~!"

Following his anger, the war fort's head was lightly tapped, and the huge body, lightly like a seagull, swooped down towards the city of Ryder on the ground.

The entire squadron rushed to the ground with the lead plane.

The speed suddenly accelerated, and the war fortress of the "Lightning" squadron tore the air, making a screaming scream.

The altitude dropped rapidly, and in the sense of weightlessness that people seemed to be flying, the Lightning Squadron descended from three kilometers to less than two hundred meters in one breath, and it seemed to be within reach of the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the nose of the aircraft was pulled upwards, and the wide wooden wings moved at the same time, and the war fortress immediately flattened without any delay.

The crew members can even see the appearance of the Semites on the ground. They are like dumb gooses, looking up at the war fortress of the Lightning Squadron.

Some people even waved to the fortress of the war, not knowing that death had reached their heads.

Capelle looked at the Semitic on the ground with a cold smile. They will know how great it is soon.

With a "click", the bomb drop hatch at the bottom of the war fortress was opened.

The squadron is about to fly over the undead war fortress parked on the ground~!

"Drop a bomb~!" Capelle knew he only had thirty seconds, and he couldn't afford to delay a second.

The bombs were already neatly placed side by side on the slide, following Capelle's orders. The crew pulled down the left and right handles to stop the bomb from falling. The first bomb fell vertically, passed through the open magazine door, and rushed to the ground with the sound of the bullet tail.

The second one swayed along the sliding rail and disappeared outside the hatch.

The third one followed...

The twelve war forts of the "Lightning" squadron began dropping bombs at the same time. At this time, the first bomb had just landed...

Capeler chose dangerous ultra-low altitude bombing. Just to ensure the bomb hit rate, on the other hand, he also believed that the demons should not be able to react when bombing.

The bomb accurately landed on the undead war fortress on the ground, and the iron shell easily smashed the outer wall of the war fortress.

The fuze was triggered by the impact, the detonator detonated the charge in the bomb, and an aerial bomb weighing 100 kilograms exploded.

The huge fireball produced by the explosion swallowed the entire war fortress in an instant, and quickly expanded outward.

The violent explosion of "Boom" spread throughout the Ryde area.

The war fortress of the undead race disappeared in the fire, and the shock wave set off the mud. It swept across the ground like a violent wind, and the Semi soldiers who were close to him were even blown out by the shock wave.

The black smoke rose suddenly and went straight into the sky.

The war fort parked nearby was affected by the explosion. An outer wall was destroyed by the explosion.

Following the second bomb fell to the ground and exploded, completely destroying it.

The twelve earthy and round war fortresses left a barrage of fireworks behind them.

Until then, the Semi soldiers had not reacted, and they were shocked by the dozen or so flames that suddenly appeared in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, the rumbling explosion resounded through the world like thunder,

The stumps of the human body flew up in the explosion, scattered like a rag doll.

There was a burning smell that irritated and choked people in the air, and flames were everywhere in the roar of the earth's shaking and the mountains, as if the end of the world had come.

In the explosion of the sky and the earth. The soldiers of the Semitic tribe were all guilty.

Some Semitic soldiers went crazy on the spot in fright, waving their limbs frantically and talking nonsense.

Some soldiers were so frightened, they collapsed on the ground weakly, holding their heads and crying "Mom, Mom".

More people run around instinctively, and they don't know where to run. Just screaming and running around with the crowd.

From time to time, the broken hands or feet would fall from the sky, or even hit the Semitic soldiers, causing even more frenzied screams.

Due to the low altitude of the airborne bombing flight, the shock wave generated by the explosion will even spread to the war fortress of the Lightning Squadron.

After the dropped bomb exploded, the war fortress would always tremble violently.

In the violent tremor of the landline, Capelle calmly watched the flames from the explosion continue to light up behind him.

Both the bomb drop interval and the flight speed are strictly calculated to ensure that the bomb's explosion range is closely adjacent. There is basically no gap left.

The twelve war fortresses left a thick smoke on the ground, obstructing the sky, and only a spot of charred debris was left where the bomb hit.

Capelle could not help but nodded, the bombing effect is very ideal~!

The undead raced the war fortresses neatly parked together, the distance between each other was only 20 to 30 meters, which greatly facilitated the lightning squadron.

They only need to follow the straight line of the undead war fortress and fly past them smoothly.

Nearly half of the bombs directly hit the war fortress of the undead race, or exploded at a very close distance, completely destroying the entire war fortress.

Even if it is cast on the open space between two war fortresses, the explosion can cause serious damage to the war fortress.

What's more, around the war fortress of the undead race, there are a large number of Semitic people who are busy. There are no bones under the bomb, and those far away are directly shaken to death by the shock wave.

This bombing killed at least 60 enemy war forts and destroyed a quarter of their combat power. Enough for the high priest to drink a pot.

The Lightning Squadron dropped all the bombs in thirty seconds, acting as precise as a stopwatch pinched, and the entire squadron happened to fly over Ryder City.

Capelle smacked his mouth unwillingly, with a bitter expression on his face.

The assistant captain's face flushed with excitement, and he danced and said, "Boss, the effect is surprisingly good."

Suddenly discovering that Capelle doesn't seem to be happy, he said in surprise: "What is your expression?"

"Too little, or too little," Capelle gritted his teeth and slammed a punch on the bulkhead bitterly, saying: "There are too few war fortresses and too few bombs."

Only then did the necromancers on the ground wake up, and some of the war fortresses are already shaking and want to lift off.

The deputy captain immediately patted Capelle and eagerly reminded: "Boss, it's time to withdraw. The enemy is about to come up."

Capelle took a deep breath and shook his head to shake the unwilling thought out of his mind. Now it's time to leave at a high speed. If he hesitates any more, maybe the liches are flying up.

"We have one last thing." Capelle suddenly thought of something funny, he smiled wickedly: "Let others wait in the sky, let's go up."

"Okay~!" The deputy captain hesitated for a while, then responded loudly.

After the bombing was completed, the Lightning Squadron quickly pulled the nose, quickly climbed to the sky, preparing to leave the battlefield, and the war fortress of the undead was able to leave the ground.

When the leader led the squadron to climb to a height of one kilometer, he suddenly turned around alone, turned a corner and flew toward Ryder City.

Flying straight above the palace of Ryder City, facing the beautiful Imperial Palace of De Rossi, the bomb hatch door opened again.

Capelle smiled and watched the crew hug a large cloth roll on the bombing slide, and then pushed hard to throw it out of the war fortress cabin.

The people in the palace were also frightened by the bombs. They saw the dark things thrown down by the war fortress in the sky, and they would explode violently when they landed on the ground, blowing people into pieces, shivering with fear.

Now seeing the same thing dropped from above their heads, the souls in the palace flew away, and they screamed and fled out frantically.

If this falls, half of the palace will definitely be gone.

Emperor De Rossi was carried by his guards, and there were others who supported him from both sides, squeezing the screaming nobles and maids to flee.

At this time, a parachute flew out of the falling bomb, quickly deployed in the air, and slowly descended with full wind.

The bomb suddenly unfolded and turned into a long banner.

There is a heavy object at the bottom to ensure that the twenty to thirty meters long banner will be completely stretched.

The people on the ground could clearly see the row of characters written on it.

"De Rossi, silly B"

The font is crooked and crooked, and it seems that it was made by a child.

The parachute pulled the banner and descended at a very slow The wide banner couldn't help twisting in the air, as if to ensure that everyone around could see it.

In fact, everyone in the entire city did see it all.

With his hands behind his back, Capelle and the crew members leisurely admired the banners going away in the air.

"The chairman's word is getting more and more artistic." Capelle was in a very good mood and commented with a smile.

"That's that. The future must be calligraphers." The captain grinned and laughed at the mouth of the posterior molar.

"Just say this in a whisper, but don't let the chairman hear it."


"The chairman hates calligraphers the most."

On the ground, Emperor De Rossi's face was pale. The slowly falling banners mercilessly mocked Emperor De Rossi and the newly established De Rossi Empire. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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