Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1303: Grand strategy

The banner was hung under the parachute, floating in the air. m

The line above is from the big characters written by Chairman Leo Leo. Although it is ugly as a dog crawling, it is enough for people in Ryder to see clearly.

Looking at the banner in the sky, the young Emperor De Rossi had a pale face and said nothing.

The empire's most loyal noble ministers did not dare to look at the sky again. They all lower their heads and stare at their toes, wishing to sew in order so that everyone can get in.

They were afraid that they would be discovered by Emperor De Rossi, thinking that they were also laughing at him, and they were slaughtered by the emperor in anger.

His Majesty Emperor De Rossi's nerves have become more and more sensitive recently, and his temper has become more and more irritable. Just yesterday, an unlucky person laughed inadvertently, but when De Rossi heard it, he was furious and threw it away. Go into the lion cage. Let that group of lions tore to pieces alive.

But having said that, this is understandable.

Anyone who has been mixed up to this point will have to go crazy.

This majesty, no matter how much money he spends, asks how many yelling beasts to wash the ground, but after all, he obtained the throne by relying on the undead high priest and selling his clan for glory.

This reputation has been stinking for three hundred miles against the wind, and it has been firmly nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

His reputation among humans is already hatred, and no matter how much he brushes it, he won’t be able to brush it back. In the next few thousand years, the name De Rossi will represent a traitor and a traitor.

If such a person doesn't perverse, but helps the grandmother to cross the road all day long, it will be abnormal.

Seeing De Rossi's face getting more and more ugly, the court chief next to him suddenly woke up, turned around and stared at a group of guards from the Imperial Guard, and shouted angrily: "What are you stupid pigs doing? Go get it down, quickly Go get that thing down."

The guards then remembered what to do.

Although they also knew that the banner was still floating in the air. For people like them, there is no way at all, but they still keep yelling "get it down" and panic looking for weapons. To show how busy you are.

Of course, the more important thing is to escape from the angry emperor.

In the military camp outside the city, the Semi generals were also raising their heads, staring blankly at the banners that were slowly descending from the sky, with different expressions. Mixed feelings.

Although the Semites are now in the same camp as the De Rossi Empire. But although these arrogant generals are vulgar, they usually do nothing less than robbing women and people. But they also have their own moral standards. At the very least, they are still unwilling to sell their clan for glory.

So on. They were very dismissive of this Emperor De Rossi.

Some people even said directly: "Although the meaning is good, the word is ugly."

The Semitic generals just wanted to laugh, but they saw the purgatory-like scene outside the city. But they couldn't laugh one by one.

No matter how ugly this character is written, so what?

The human race is not fried, they are flying and jumping, they are turning their backs. Then pat the butt. Walk easily.

There is not even the slightest solution on my own.

The Semitic generals gloomyly looked at the camp that had just been bombed.

Dozens of thick smoke billowed straight into the sky.

Under the thick smoke, there were still crying and wailing voices. Obviously those Semitic soldiers still did not wake up from the bombing.

"If at this time the human cavalry rushes..." the newly appointed King Maschinot said with a sad expression.

There seems to be a cold wind blowing. The generals shuddered together: Not to mention much at this time, as long as there are 50,000 regular human troops, they can be completely collapsed.

The chaos in the barracks right now makes it impossible to organize effective resistance. The Semites will be slaughtered by the humans like sheep.

King Maschinot looked back at his men, and whispered: "If we are fighting with humans, we suddenly encounter such an attack..."

The Semi generals looked at each other and bowed their heads without saying a word.

The bombing that lasted for less than a minute left an indelible impression on the Semitic people.

Under the bombs dropped by the war fortress, a person's vulnerability and insignificance.

In the bombing that lasted for less than thirty seconds, these people who had been empty were completely stunned.

These arrogant soldiers suddenly discovered that the original war was such an incredible way.

In the past wars, if you can't fight, you can escape, if you can't escape, you can hide. If you really can't hide, you can even fight.

But before the bombs dropped by the war fortress, these soldiers did not have any ability to fight back, and they didn't even have a place to hide.

The only thing I can do is to pray to the demon **** that the bombs falling from the sky don't fall on him.

Even the war fortress that the undead were proud of was not immune from the bombing.

The Semitic generals looked at the war fortress with only wreckage and fragments, and doubted: Was the plan made by the high priest wrong from the beginning?

After more than ten days passed, apart from the successful landing, none of the high priest's original combat goals were achieved.

Maple Leaf Danlin is still there, and the loss of the human war fortress is slight.

On the contrary, the undead as a strategic weapon war fortress suffered heavy losses.

The generals began to wonder: if they continue to follow the high priest's battle plan, can they win in the end?

"Maybe professional generals should be in charge of commanding?" This thought flashed through the minds of the new kings Maschinot and Veraprani, as well as all the generals.

They couldn't help but glance at each other, and they all saw the worry in each other's eyes.

So far, their Semitic people have not encountered the real main force of mankind. The 200,000 peacekeeping troops that were wiped out when they landed were just a mob, and they were not killed anymore.

The two kings thought seriously: What if you meet an elite like Rumandi?

What if we encounter bombing like today again?

Without a huge number of war fortresses, can they win the Semitic?


Finally, the most important and critical question: Can they afford to lose this war?

Thinking of the terrible answer, the two shook their heads unanimously: The situation is not optimistic, it can't go on like this any longer~!


But it is extremely difficult to change the plan.

Because that was made by the undead high priest himself.

In the minds of the Semites, that is His Majesty the highest and holy seat of God. A ruler like a god.

Once the amendment is proposed, it is doubtful to him.

Doubts about gods, no matter what era or place they are, are sins that cannot be forgiven and punish the great sins of the Nine Clans~!

Just when they were thinking about it, they heard a scream.

Then, a Lich fell from the sky.

He glanced coldly. Then use the tone of command. The tone was blunt: "Everyone, your Majesty the **** seat summoned, go to the palace quickly."

Leaving this sentence, he flicked his robe sleeves, turned his head and flew away.

The generals pouted angrily, cursing secretly at the back of the Lich.

"What kind of cow? It's not being beaten like a duck."

"Without your trouble, maybe we won last time."

"A bunch of idiots."

"Damn, the Semites will all be destroyed in your hands... Maschinot and King Veraprani Qiqi sighed.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are grievances.

Although declared. The undead tribe and the Semi tribe are good friends who are like brothers, and good partners connected by blood. But these words can't even fool a six-year-old kid.

The contradictions between the undead and the Semitic have been grievances for thousands of years, only relying on the strong suppression of the high priest himself to barely unite.

In the triumphant victory. This contradiction is not prominent.

But once you encounter setbacks and failures, conflicts will erupt.

In the eyes of the Semitic soldiers, the leadership of this war by the Necromancer was simply a mistake, but in the eyes of the undead. All the Semi people are greedy **** who are greedy for life and fear of death. They are peasants who carve cunning and deceit into their bones, and they are extremely degraded.

With a lot of thoughts, the generals rode to the palace, jumped off their horses, and walked toward the depths of the palace hall.

At this time, Emperor De Rossi’s guards were holding bows and arrows, trying to shoot down the stripes floating in the sky. Some climbed on the roof, some climbed on the tree, yelling, yelling, and indiscriminately. He shoots arrows towards the sky without thinking about whether he will accidentally hurt people on the ground.

Maschinot couldn't help but yelled "Stupid B".

The humans who heard his voice only pretended not to hear it, which made Maschinot despise them even more-even if he dared to look back, he was still a man.

In the garden of the palace, the high priest was sitting on a chair in the shade of the tree, his face sinking like water, without any expression on his face.

After the generals saluted, they stood silently on one side.

The undead high priest said slowly: "Loss, are you counting it? Borini."

"Yes," the Lich named Borini bowed, then stood silently.

The high priest raised his head, glanced at him displeasedly, patted the armrest of the chair, and said, "That's it."

Lich Borini raised his head and glanced suspiciously at the opposite Semitic, and murmured in his heart: "You have to say it in front of them? Let the Semitic know their detailed loss figures, will they be alienated?

But looking at the high priest’s somewhat impatient expression, Borini immediately put aside all his worries, and said solemnly: “In the previous battle, a total of 37 war fortresses were completely destroyed, and 22 were seriously affected. It must be overhauled on site."

"So much~!" Maschinot was shocked, staring at the undead high priest blankly, and said in his heart: Such a heavy loss will directly change the high priest's strategic plan, but...

Maybe this is an opportunity, an opportunity to change the current wrong tactics.

"Fifty-nine seats," the high priest frowned and said slowly: "In order to build them, it will take seventeen years."

The high priest suddenly slapped the table hard and said bitterly: "Enes mistaken me~!"

There is no beginning and no end to this sentence, and Maschinot doesn't understand the meaning of the high priest himself, but just muttered in his heart: Isn't Enes dead?

On one side, Hardu could understand what the high priest meant. The high priest was angry with Enes. If Enes had self-knowledge and knew he didn't have this ability, he shouldn't have accepted this task.

"Counting how much has been lost since the war began?" the high priest asked with a sullen face.

Borini raised his eyelids again, and glanced at the Semi again. Then he bowed his head and said dryly: "Ninety-seven seats."

The Semi generals couldn't help but glance at each other, and their faces couldn't help showing shocked expressions.

They knew that the high priest suffered heavy losses, but they did not expect that in three battles, they would have lost almost half of the war fortresses.

At this rate, in less than two months, everyone can roll up their bedding and go home, and they will stop dreaming of princes and generals.

The chief high priest sighed, lowered his head and said helplessly: "Call all the remaining war fortresses left behind in the Semitic. We must maintain an absolute number advantage."

Borini raised his head. He opened his mouth and stopped. I didn't dare to lower his head at last, and said respectfully: "Yes."

The generals looked at each other, and they all saw the determination of the high priest.

Before they launched an expedition, the Semitic rebels suddenly launched an offensive, attacking the city and approaching the provincial capital for a while.

To suppress the rebels. Also in order to monitor the Semites, the high priest left an unknown number of war fortresses in the Semitic continent to fight.

Now it is necessary to transfer them all, there is no war fortress to suppress. No one can estimate what the rebel army will be like. The high priest is putting his last bargaining chip on the gaming table.

The high priest glanced at the generals and slowly said: "I want to ask your opinion. How shall we fight next?"

Maschinot refreshed and said without hesitation: "We should take the initiative to fight out. Your Majesty the God Seat."

"Fight out?"

"Yes, God Seat.

For us, Maple Leaf Danlin is just a small trouble.

Although we suffered a lot this time, everyone saw it all. They are not strong, they only dared to launch a sneak attack. Don't even dare to stop for one more second.

At this time, we should use our powerful army to launch a ground offensive. Conquer the city and organize more human auxiliary forces to consume human warfare. "Maschino Trang said: "Consolidate our existing base areas and **** human food supplies."

Will the remaining human beings become our slaves and escape..."

Maschinot smiled coldly and said: "Fleeing will consume human food and cause their turmoil. When our powerful legionaries come under the Maple Leaf Danlin city, no matter how much they resist, it will be of no avail."

The high priest nodded slowly when he heard the words, then looked back at Hadu, and said, "What's your opinion?"

Hadu leaned forward and said flatly, "King Maschinot said it makes sense."

The high priest lowered his head and groaned for a long time, and finally pointed to Maschinot and said, "Okay, just do as you said."

Maschino was overjoyed, and stomped his feet to a military salute, and said loudly: "Yes, Your Majesty God."

"But the attack on Maple Leaf Danlin can't stop." The high priest looked up at the sky and said: "You have personally experienced today's events. I will never allow this kind of loss to happen again.

Therefore, we must contain Maple Leaf Danlin's war fortress and make them immobile. "

"Your Majesty is wise." Maschinot and the Semitic generals shouted in unison, with joy on their faces.

The two kings hadn't obtained the land granted to them by the high priest, but they had made a wish early and sprinkled the caps of the titles.

As long as it is a high-ranking officer, they all get a hereditary title, and they have become a nobleman.

They couldn't wait to get the land corresponding to their title, and now, the opportunity finally came.

As for the Maple Leaf Danlin, it would be a headache for the high priest and the liches.

With them in front of them, presumably Feng Jun is also overwhelmed and unable to trouble himself...While the undead high priest is reviewing his failure, the Fengye Danlin people are also discussing their own battle gains and losses.

This is the rule set by Paulos. After every exercise or battle, a meeting must be held to discuss clearly the problems that arise.

Only in this way will Fengye Danlin's flying troops grow rapidly and become a highly skilled pilot within a few months.

In this kind of conference, everyone can speak freely and then focus on the discussion, so the atmosphere is warm and fierce quarrels often break out.

The young captains will blush over a problem, and fight when they are hot-tempered at first.

But this kind of person became reasonable immediately after being taught a few times by Master Jelena.

It's just that the atmosphere of today's seminar was a little dull, because the three deans of Fengye Danlin also appeared at the seminar.

The three deans have accumulated prestige and respect. Except for the three instructors, everyone present is their students. On this occasion, even the arrogant people in the past have to be as honest and honest as a good baby. Sitting.

The briefing room was crowded, but there was no sound. The captain and their crew members did not dare to speak up, and there was no one to speak for a long time. Even Lester felt a little embarrassed and touched his beard in a shame.

Pauls saw that he couldn’t go on like this anymore. He obviously won the battle, but the atmosphere was like a defeat. He stood up and said first: "Let’s talk about it first. In the battle the day before yesterday, I committed a crime. Fatal error.

Unexpectedly, the enemy would penetrate the defense at low altitude and launch suicide attacks. This is my tactical misconsideration, I only take care of killing the enemy, ignoring the overall defense.

If it weren't for a second stunner who was not afraid of death. "

Paulos looked at Ivannatz, who was wrapped in a wheelchair next to him, who was like a rice dumpling. He was almost suffocated in the hospital bed. He heard the meeting and ran over regardless of the doctor's obstruction.

Paulos nodded approvingly at him and said: "Fengye Danlin is passive.

We can't hold on to the whole army in the next battle~!

At least three teams should be kept as reserve teams in the inner layer to respond to the penetration situation at any time. "

The captains nodded in agreement. In these two battles, they were too keen on picking up the heads of the undead and pursuing the record of shooting down.

Lester stroked a large handful of white beards and hummed with satisfaction, and said, "Don't say it's you kid, we old men who are more than two hundred years old did not expect that the key is that the enemy will use this trick again. How to do?

This time, a silly boy was lucky enough to block it, do we have to let another captain run into it? "

The next captain murmured: "One-to-one exchange, the enemy can find a way to fight us."

There was a burst of laughter around.

A faint, delicate voice in the laughter said timidly: "Um, I have a way..." RQ

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