Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1305: War is coming

Maple Leaf Danlin, the sun has just risen on the horizon.

The beautiful campus is as lively as ever.

Although the army of the demons and the undead has landed, and the Second World War has begun, although the two days ago, over the Maple Leaf Danlin, the war fortress on both sides came and went, and the fighting was extremely cruel.

But for the Fengye Danlin people, it seems that they have not been affected much by the war.

After experiencing two battles, the originally nervous and a little frightened Maple Leaf Danlin people suddenly discovered that this undead clan seemed to be no big deal.

Look at what they usually blow very loudly, what is the high priest of the strongest under the stars, what is the dark mage with the strongest combat effectiveness of the same level, what is the undead lich that cannot be killed, what is the overwhelming army frenzy...

It seems that it is nothing more than that.

The night battles of the first two days showed that their coming was also menacing, but in the subsequent battles, they did not take advantage of it at all. On the contrary, he was beaten by Feng Jun to throw his helmet and remove his armor, holding the mouse running around.

After the test of two aerial battles, the tension that should have disappeared like this, the students of Fengye Danlin should do what they should do as usual.

The outings of the outing, the picks of girls, and the unlucky ones who failed the final exams, groaned and gritted their teeth and began to review their homework. I hope that I can pass the exam when the school starts...

Compared with the demons, this is the more important thing right now.

The only difference in peacetime is the beacon on the tower of the Maple Leaf Danlin War, the heavily armed security squad soldiers on the street, the sentry on the guard tower, and the alarm bell that is ready to ring at any time.

On the high watchtower, Sentinel Catley heard footsteps coming downstairs, he could not help but yawned, then stretched his waist: It seems that there will be nothing wrong again, and he will be able to relax immediately. I got a good night's sleep comfortably.

Out of professional instinct, he finally glanced towards the sky, and suddenly noticed that several black spots appeared on the sky.

He suddenly narrowed his eyes and watched the black spots vigilantly.

I saw those black dots flying toward this side quickly, and the shape became bigger little by little in the line of sight.

Catley hurriedly reached out and rang the alarm bell.

"Dangdangdang..., the rapid sound of the bell rang, instantly spread throughout the entire Maple Leaf Danlin.

The people who were taking a leisurely stroll could not help being stunned: what alarm bells are ringing at this time?

Because sunlight is harmful to the undead, they generally choose the dark night that is beneficial to them to attack.

In this broad day, their brains were hit by pigs?

At this time, the Seagod's Halberd Magic Cannon on the Magic Tower had slowly turned its muzzle, aiming at the black spot in the sky.

The war fortress that served as a combat watch over Fengye Danlin had already greeted it at high speed.

Everyone on the ground couldn't help but feel nervous, and they all looked at the sky blankly.

After a while, the war fortress took the lead to turn around and return.

Immediately afterwards, the alarm was lifted.

A news spread like lightning throughout the campus.

"It's the same electric squadron, they are back~!"

Everyone immediately uttered a burst of enthusiastic cheers.

"Long live the Lightning Squadron~!"

"Long live the Maple Leaf Danlin~!"


At this time, the war fortress of the Lightning Squadron had arrived above Fengye Danlin.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the dark shadows in the sky seriously. Counting silently in my heart: "One two, three..."

Even many people can't help but make a soft noise.

They all knew clearly that the Lightning Squadron was on an extremely dangerous mission to bomb Ryder City.

That is the base of the undead, and the undead high priest himself sits. And there are hundreds of dark wizards, witches, and thousands of demons.

Moreover, the Lightning Squadron even took down their defensive weapons in order to eliminate the enemy as much as possible.

In this case, the consequences of encountering an enemy's interception would be disastrous.

"Ten, eleven, twelve..."

Suddenly someone shouted loudly: "Twelve, there are twelve, not one is missing."

Immediately, someone shouted again: "It's twelve that's right, it's not wrong."

There was a burst of enthusiastic cheers from the crowd.

"Our warriors, they are all back~!"

"They all came back safely."

"Long live~!"


While cheering loudly, they ran towards the big field.

The twelve war fortresses landed one after another on the large field.

The front door of the war fortress slowly opened, revealing that the captain of the Cappell Squadron with a cigar behind the door, all the crew members in black flying eagle uniforms, stood neatly behind him.

One by one was heroic and brilliant, showing the arrogance of the SS.

"How did you play?" Fengye Danlin's students crowded in front of the war fortress of the Lightning Squadron, asking loudly with concern.

"Great victory." Capelle spit out a puff of smoke and said leisurely: "We will kill at least fifty of them in one bombing."

The students suddenly burst into cheers like a tsunami.

The good news spread throughout the entire Maple Leaf Danlin in an instant. Everyone knew that the lightning squadron that bombed the Undead High Priest had achieved great success and dealt a heavy blow to the arrogant arrogance of the Undead Race.

This good news makes the United Nations sweep away the decadence of the recent period and become rejoicing.

There was even a rare laugh at the conference.

The many countries facing the pressure of undead aggression all felt relieved.

"In this way, the deputy commander-in-chief of Lorraine still cares about us." The ambassador of the country near the De Rossi empire exclaimed with joy.

It gave them the feeling that the collapsed roof was about to hit the top of their heads, but was suddenly held up by a pillar.

"Seize this opportunity to invite the deputy commander-in-chief of Lorraine to come out and set up a joint force to drive the enemy off the sea in one breath. Recover Leiria." King Leiria shouted loudly in the venue.

His words immediately evoked enthusiastic responses from the ambassadors of several countries.

But some people reluctantly said: "I think the deputy commander-in-chief of Lorraine must take the initiative to take the responsibility, do you think..."

Nearby, including the Parthian Empire, several ambassadors from the country also echoed immediately.

For them, the current situation is actually good: once the situation is critical, Lord Luo doesn't even need money, he will automatically jump out to help.

After the crisis was relieved, Lord Luo was not the commander of the joint, so naturally he could only return to Nian's, causing no trouble to himself.

Such a donkey that works hard when pulling and grinding, and when it is not, he doesn't even need to feed the donkey, which is really useful.

Anyway, the fire hasn't burned over yet, why do you want to change the current situation?

"Fuck your mother, it's you selfish scumbags that the enemy can fight over." King Leiria pointed at the opponent and angrily picked up the bench and threw it over.

He is not stupid, he naturally knows the thoughts of these puppies.

If usual, he is also the first to pat his hands and feet in favor. But now it was his house that was on fire. Naturally, my aunt could bear it and my uncle could not bear it.

Nearby, some small country ambassadors near him also picked up tea cups, and screamed and rushed up.

The two sides fought back and forth in the United Nations hall, and they fought happily.

The Maple Leaf Danlin people didn't understand the fierce debate in the venue, and didn't care. The Maple Leaf Danlin people depended on themselves.

At this time of disturbance, Lord Lorraine’s special plane hurriedly landed in Fengye Danlin and flew away hurriedly, without even having time to contact the Lightning Squadron.

After a whole day's flight, at dusk, a group of people from Fengye Danlin came to the sky above Nian City.

Although the light was dim, looking at the huge and prosperous city underneath, Lindy, who had never seen the market, and the Osid Magister, who had almost traveled across the continent, showed a surprised expression at the same time.

Lindy couldn't help but yelled "Wow".

The lights on Nydal Harbor are brighter than the stars in the sky, and the lights extend along the wide and gentle river, as brilliant as a milky way on the ground.

Not to mention the towering lighthouse in front of the harbor. The light above has been lit up. It is like a bright moon on the Milky Way, pointing out the direction of the city of Nedel.

Nedl was no longer divided between inner and outer cities, and the buildings outside the city had been paved to places out of sight.

The streets are dotted with houses, but the layout is well-organized. The straight main road divides the building complex into neatly square pieces, which is breathtaking when viewed from the sky.

People who saw this tidy and prosperous city at first glance were all impressed by the shrewdness and power of Her Royal Highness the princess.

Everyone knows that Catherine is in charge of all the government affairs of Nyan.

This city is different from any other city they see.

But what surprised Lindy, Osheed, and the Maple Leaf Danlin people the most was the countless towering chimneys outside of Nedel.

This is a unique scenery that only Nian has.

In the sun, the neatly arranged chimneys slowly spit out dark gray smoke.

Nydal is an old and young city.

It is ancient because it has a history of more than a thousand years, and it is young because it has just grown up in the last three years.

It seems that as long as you look at it, you can feel the surging heart of the city and the youthful vitality contained in the city from its bright and dense lights, from its crowded streets, and from its densely packed large ships in the harbor. And unlimited opportunities.

Nedel possesses a magical power that can infect everyone who sees it.

Including the Maple Leaf Danlin people on the war fortress, they were suddenly full of confidence in the purpose of their career.

What is impossible for Lorraine to build such a city in four years?

Belen secretly admired the wonderful expressions on the proud Fengye Danlin's face. In fact, no matter who saw the advanced Nidel for the first time, they would be surprised from ear to ear.

They could not have imagined that in this remote corner, a new city comparable to any famous mainland city would suddenly appear.

The fortress of war flew over the Port of Nydal, the Governor's Mansion of Nyian, and the iconic Nydel Central Railway Station, all the way east, and gradually across the city.

Their feet changed from a city to a workshop, from a workshop to a field, and then even the field disappeared, leaving a green field.

Osheed couldn't help but grumbled to Belem, "Where are you taking us?"

"It's coming soon." Belen explained with a smile.

A few minutes later, the war fortress landed on an empty flat ground.

"Please" Belen stretched out his hand to indicate that he walked out of the war fortress first.

Lindy hid behind O'Hid and walked carefully down the war fortress. The space was open. Someone believed that there were wolves in the grass nearby.

Opposite a figure said in a loud voice of joy: "Welcome, Master, meet again."

He stepped forward and shook Osheed's hand affectionately and shook it up and down.

Lindy poked her head out from behind O'Hid and found that she also knew this person. It was Governor Nyan, the deputy commander-in-chief of the peacekeeping force, Lord Lorraine.

"Your kid hurriedly dragged us here." Osheed stretched out his hand to draw a circle at the Maple Leaf Danlin, and said: "It's best to prepare dry goods. We are waiting to build an epoch-making new thing."

Lorraine sneered, glanced at the timid Lindy next to him, and said, "I also saw your thing. To be honest, the idea is very good, but the method is not right at all. It is impossible to make it."

Osheed snorted dissatisfiedly and glanced at Lorraine squintingly. He was obviously unconvinced in his heart. The transformation circle in the center of the Maple Leaf Danlin War Fortress was made by his old man.

"I know you are not convinced, let's go, come with me" Lorraine pulled Osheed to the waiting carriage, and said, "Let you see our Boeing aircraft manufacturing plant."

A few minutes later, Osheed and Lindy saw a series of buildings in front of them. It was a few miles away. From a distance, they were like a rolling black cloud on the horizon. The black figure was laid on the ground. The reason why they could not be found in the air They are because they are painted the same khaki as the ground, and it is difficult to distinguish them in the night.

The door of a workshop in the middle was opened, and bright light leaked out of it, illuminating the ground nearby.

The carriage stopped in the light, and Osheed jumped out of the carriage with agility that did not match his age, looked at the tall workshop, and muttered: "This is."

The factory building is 40 meters high, and people who walk to it feel small. The gate is 30 meters wide and 20 meters high.

A railroad track protrudes from the door, extending into the night.

"Boeing's research institute." Lorraine proudly explained to him: "Currently the largest plant in the world.

But Maple Leaf Danlin is not the only way to build a war fortress. "

Osheed looked at Lorraine up and down for a moment with suspicious eyes, and asked curiously: "How many good things are you hiding, kid?"

Lorraine shrugged and walked into the workshop with a smile.

When I walked in, I realized that it was wider than I thought.

The width is more than 50 meters, and the length has reached a staggering 150 meters.

This is simply a vast field, enough for the students of the Military Academy to conduct a cavalry tactical exercise.

In the tall factory [House], dozens of extra-large magic chandeliers illuminate the place like daylight.

Directly above his head was a gantry crane that straddled the factory building. What Osheed's eyes were about to fall out was that the base of an entire war fortress hung on the hook and was slowly moving.

On the flat ground of the workshop, there are two dismantled war fortresses towering, exposing the base and the strangely shaped obelisk engraved with the circle.

The ground is full of scattered parts, and the corners on both sides are piled up with materials for making war fortresses. Various precious alchemy materials are like sand bricks, casually placed on the ground.

There are crowds of people in the factory building, fearing that there will not be more than a thousand people, they are walking around these things.

Osheed even saw a train in the workshop, with a dark locomotive lying quietly on the rails.

"You guys~!" O'Hid suddenly became puffed up, walked forward quickly, and gently stroked the obelisk as the engine, the beard on his lips trembled, and he turned his head to Lorraine angrily Said: "You are ruining things, even the most basic content is wrong, who did it, I will kill him~!"

"This old gentleman, you can't talk nonsense." A lazy voice came from the other side of the obelisk, and a middle-aged man slowly walked out from behind.

He has explosive tousled hair, a dirty black white coat on his body, a yellow and dry face, and a messy beard on his chin. He looks like a savage who has not had a bath in a year, but a pair of small The triangular eyes shone and shone.

The whole person looks like...a big mouse.

He exudes a strong sour smell, his small eyes glared at Osheed and said: "We are scientific improvement."

"You know what a fart~!" Osheed slapped his forehead with anger and exclaimed, angrily: "The energy circuit of the floating array is broken. It's only strange if it can fly."

The white coat was slapped fiercely, but there was an expression of surprise on his face, and he exclaimed in a loud voice: "It turns out that this is the problem. I said why I can't move."

He suddenly stepped forward and hugged Osheed, patted his back passionately, and laughed and said, "Thank you."

But the stench on his body almost made the old man somersault, and O'Hid didn't even dare to breathe.

"This is the chief engineer of our Boeing Company, Master Hicks." Lorraine introduced. He wanted to raise his hand and pat Hicks on the shoulder, but after looking at his shiny clothes, he put his hand down again.

Then he pointed to O'Hid and said, "This is O'Hid the Grand Magister and Miss Lindy. They are the concept of miniaturized war fortress."

Hicks' eyes suddenly brightened. He grabbed Osheed's hand and shook it up and down forcefully, saying, "Is that you, 〖Really] It’s a genius idea. The researchers under me are all pig brains, they Just thinking about how to make it bigger, faster, and stronger, but never thought of how to make it smaller, you know, this idea is really great, we..."

"Actually, it was my disciple who figured it out." Osheed hurriedly interrupted him and said, "I just demonstrate the feasibility."

As he hurriedly pushed Lindy out, he himself took a deep breath of fresh air from behind.

Hicks' bright eyes fixed on Lindy again, with an expression like a wretched uncle.

Seeing Hicks walking step by step, Lindy started crying in shock.

In order to avoid leaving an indelible shadow in the hearts of the young designers when they first met, Lorraine hurriedly stopped Hicks and said: "In the next period of time, we must work together to make the vision into reality as soon as possible.

I will work with you. After the design work is completed"

Lorraine stretched out his hand and pointed to the empty land in front of the workshop, saying: "Here will build a complete set of the most modern aircraft production line, and use our weapons to change the war."

Belen showed a surprised expression. He didn't expect Lorraine to be so enthusiastic about transforming the war fortress, but it was the time when the whole continent was full of flames.

He whispered in Lorraine's ear: "My lord, you are here, what should we do about the war in the West?"

Lorraine didn't care about shrugging, and said, "Didn't I ask you to make a booklet of the method of defending war fortresses and send it to the front-line countries? "How can that be enough~! "Belen said anxiously.

Lorraine waved his hand and said indifferently: "Maple Leaf Danlin can withstand it. The reinforcements that the empire is about to send are Russell's people. Don't worry about me, and other places won't use me for the time being. Here, it's more important~! "

Then Lorraine clapped his hands, gathered all the researchers in front of him, and hung Lindy's design on a wooden board.

In the midst of the discussions among the researchers, Lorraine faced them, waving his fists excitedly, and said loudly: "This is the concept of a miniature war fortress. Although the effect of the wings was thought of, the wind resistance was not considered. , And did not consider the center of gravity and balance, let alone the arrangement of weapons.

But this idea is good. Our task is to turn it into a realistic weapon that can be used for combat in the shortest possible time. Now, let's start.

Ladies and gentlemen. Hard wars are waiting for us. "

When Lord Lorraine bored his head to make fighter jets in Boeing's workshop, the war suddenly changed.


After half a month of silence, the nearly half a million Semitic troops gathered in the De Rossi Empire suddenly broke out across the board under the cover of the war fort, violently attacking nearby human nations.

Under the double blow from the air from the Lich and the War Fortress, human cities have fallen one after another.

Field battles will be attacked by overwhelming dark spells, and the walls will be useless in front of the flying war fortress and dark wizards.

The human kingdom that has not had time to unite is vulnerable ~ ~ and can't even organize a decent resistance.

The regular army collapsed thousands of miles away, and the nobles of the kingdom fled one after another.

The Semitic army advanced rapidly at a speed of fifty miles a day, annexing Borina, Thalassa, Ripoll, and Casmonlia in a very short period of time, robbing the locals of sufficient food and materials.

Countries that originally thought they were in the second line and could be stable for a period of time immediately faced the positive pressure of the Semitic people and became nervous.

At this time, the Ruman Empire sent 300,000 reinforcements, and under the leadership of the Marquess of Marleyton, they departed the border and headed west.

They are all elite teachers who have spent many years fighting against the barbarians in the north.

The first group of participating legions organized by the Holy See marched on the battlefield.

The two major forces that maintain peace on the mainland, the south and the north, formed a pincer-shaped offensive, pressing on the front lines of the Semitic.

The two sides set up their positions, preparing for a real fight.

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