Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1306: Test flight

Not far from the Governor's Mansion in Naian, there stands a tall square building.

It has six floors.

Although in later generations, this is nothing. But in the city of Nian'an, it is still one of the few. However, the construction of this building is quite satisfactory.

With just a glance, it can be clearly distinguished from the concise and bright high-rise buildings in Nedel City.

This place is separated from others by a wall that is several feet tall. Barbed wire was also erected on the wall. And the barbed wire is covered with sharp barbs, making people daunting.

From time to time, a dog barking can be heard from inside the high wall.

If you are familiar with dogs, you can easily tell from the barking that those dogs are tall and fierce Rhodesian ridgebacks, also known as lion hounds.

Through the iron gate, you can see elite soldiers wearing black SS uniforms and holding muskets patrolling back and forth behind the fence.

The defense here is so strict that it is even worse than that of the Governor's Mansion.

This is the headquarters of Nian's Venture Capital Company and Nian's Intelligence Center.

A venture capital company is like a giant spider, spreading its web across the continent. And here is the center of this net.

No matter what is going on on the mainland, even if there is a slight change, it will be transmitted to this information center in the first time through the fine silk threads on the spider web.

Since receiving the news of the demons landing, this place has entered a wartime state.

The building was brightly lit all night, and all the staff had cancelled all holidays and rest, and were ordered to gather together and be there on call.

Nearly a hundred intelligence stations across the continent will send out the latest intelligence every day, which will be transmitted to this building through the Feiying Tietong Rail News, and then collected here.

Those staff members must analyze and interpret the information obtained in the shortest possible time, categorize it, and then hand it over to experts in a certain area.

Since the war broke out, all the intelligence stations in various places knew that the situation was urgent, and they were afraid of missing any important information. Therefore, they passed all the information they could hear, saw, and came into contact with.

The various attitudes of the local nobles towards the invasion of the demons and their performance.

What is the situation of ordinary people about this?

The rise and fall of local prices.

The movement of the garrison.

Not many dogs bark in the middle of the night.

Local weather conditions, meteorological conditions, several levels of wind...

All kinds of information flooded in like a tide, and the staff at the headquarters were all exhausted, like dogs, how long their tongues spit out.

Many people don't even return home, but simply lay a floor in the office, rest when they are fine, and get up to work as soon as they have work.

Thanks to their non-stop efforts day and night, Nian, who was thousands of miles away from the battlefield, was able to understand the situation on the battlefield.

At the end of summer, the office buildings of venture capital companies were extremely hot.

Although the large wooden barrels in the corridors and rooms are filled with whole blocks of ice, it is still difficult to drive away the hot summer air.

At this moment, the gate on the ground floor connecting the back house of the Governor's Mansion suddenly opened with a "crash".

*The pair of high-heeled leather shoes hit the marble floor heavily, making a series of ‘clicks’ sounds, which instantly covered up the noise in the entire building, reverberating continuously in the building, and it sounded a little heart-stuckling.

Everyone couldn't help raising their heads from their desks and looking in the direction of the voice.

I saw that a group of women in various fashions came out from the inside proudly.

The staff trotting all the way in the corridor suddenly saw a bright color, and they stopped in surprise-in this staid and serious place, it is not easy to see colored things in addition to black and gray.

Even the female staff of venture capital companies wear dark professional suits all year round.

The first thing the agents saw was a group of beautiful women, each with their own demeanor, as beautiful as goddesses who came out of the myth.

It is rare to see one at a time, let alone see * at a time.

But immediately, these agents showed stunned expressions on their faces, as if they had seen something terrible, they immediately jumped to the root of the wall to escape, buttoned their open shirts in a panic, and watched obediently as the group of women walked past them.

Because they are all the girlfriends of Governor Lorraine.

Catherine and the others were familiar with each other, and went straight to the Joint Staff Chamber.

The door of the conference hall was open, people kept coming in and out, and humming voices could be heard from a long distance.

Catherine and the others came to the door, a rush of heat rushed to their faces, mixed with unspeakable unpleasant smells. The smoked Catherine and the others couldn't help covering their noses and mouths. The girls frowned and looked inside. There was really nothing Courage walked in.

A group of men suffocated in the house during the dog days, and they continued to smoke. The smell was quite lethal. Of course, they were used to it and didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but Catherine just walked in from the fresh outdoor air. They just can't stand it.

They stood in front of the door, and all those who came in had to wait obediently at the door.

Belen, who was busy, noticed that the lady boss was blocking his door aggressively, hurriedly abandon his work, greeted him quickly, smiled and nodded in greeting, and said, "How come your Royal Highness is here? Just ask me to go over. "

"Where is Lorraine?" Catherine asked directly with a stern face.

Belén froze for a moment, and carefully tentatively said: "What? Didn't the Governor ask you for leave when he went out?"

Catherine frowned her beautiful brows and said sullenly: "He said to go out and do something. It's been half a month, why haven't you seen anyone?

I don't care about the official business that has a table at home. "

"This," Belem said helplessly, "My lord is at Boeing's manufacturing plant. Maybe he is too busy and too involved..."

Catherine and Adele looked at each other. Although they knew that the Flying Eagle Group had such a branch, they still didn't know where it was.

"Take us to see." Catherine ordered decisively.

Half an hour later, Catherine stepped down from her private war fortress and looked at the empty land and the tall and monotonous factory buildings not far away, and said in a daze, "He is here?"

This place is too remote and desolate~!

At this time, a train drove out of the factory building with a rumbling noise.

A hot and dry wind blew in, lifting up the floating soil on the ground and floating towards the sky.

Chairman Leo who followed him wiped his face and said, "The conditions here are tough enough."

Uncle Xiaobai was hiding in the war fort, and he was slow to come down.

Belen led them into the factory building. The air inside the huge factory building was much cooler than outside.

Xiao Bai rushed into the factory building as if he had been saved, and ran around like Sa Huan to see that everything was fresh.

Chairman Leo looked at the factory building higher than ten stories, and couldn't help but exclaimed, and said distressedly: "How much money it will cost, the maple leaf Danlin will cover the open air..."

Catherine and the others ignored Leo's thoughts, they saw Lorraine at a glance.

I saw him talking with a group of people in white coats around a weird cylinder.

Belen trot a few steps, stepped forward and pulled Lorraine, and whispered: "My lord."

Lorraine suddenly woke up, turning his head to see his girlfriends staring at him at the door, he threw down the people around him, greeted him happily, and said with a smile: "Why are you here?"

Catherine glared at him irritably, and said, "You won't go home for half a month. We can't come and have a look. It was the vixen who hooked you away."

"Half a month?" Lord Lorraine was taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise: "Has it been that long?"

The girls nodded at the same time, glaring at their boyfriends with bitter eyes.

Lorraine whispered: "I'm all busy and confused, how do I feel that it has only been a few days, and I will go back after a week."

Adeling took Lorraine's arm distressedly, touched the thick beard on his face, and said, "Look, you are all thinner."

Lorraine grabbed Adling's soft and smooth little hand, and smiled: "I was busy day and night upside down, just to lose weight. Let's see our results."

Talking to lead Catherine and the others to the weird cylinder in the middle.

"Is this the plane you are talking about?" Adele stepped forward and walked around it curiously.

This strange war fortress is thick at both ends, with a length of more than ten meters, and the widest part is more than two meters in diameter. It looks like an enlarged shuttle.

And the outer edge of the wood is very smooth and has no protrusions.

There are only two small doors on both sides, and a few small windows for unknown purposes.

There are glass windows on the upper and lower parts, and a narrow space can be seen through the windows. The console and seats are packed inside.

Compared to the tall skeleton of a standard war fort that stood aside, this can only be regarded as an inconspicuous little thing.

"This is the body," Lorraine looked at his results for half a month with satisfaction, and patted on the smooth surface. The wooden shell made a bang and clear sound.

Lorraine's excited face shined, proudly like a child showing off his toy, and said: "You are here just right, just in time for the test flight~!

We just finished the power system and weapon system, it depends on whether it can fly.

If it can take off successfully, the next step is to install the wings and tail, perfect the operating system, and then finalize production. "

Catherine only glanced at the plane in Lorraine's mouth. She didn't understand these things anyway. As long as they were made to work, Catherine still believed in Lorraine very much. Her boyfriend did not rely on these weird machines. Fat home.

Catherine focuses on the people around her. People are always more important than products.

Except for a glance when they entered the door, the scientific researchers never looked at them again, focusing on their work.

Master Osheed was also in the list, but he was burying his head, focusing on the engraving of the magic circle on a stone pier, completely out of the way, there was noisy here, but he didn't even lift his head.

The one who helped him was a petite girl with a nice face, full of youthfulness, but her hair was messy, and the one who fixed her braid was actually a pen, obviously she didn't have the time to take care of herself.

Catherine froze for a moment, but soon recognized the little maid named Lindy.

In stark contrast to the clean ground in the factory, it is these people's dirty clothes.

The black coat of the white coat is hardened.

Especially the chief engineer named Hicks, who could smell a bad smell from him all the way away.

The girls are all extremely clean, and the distance is not obvious. Once they are close, the air here makes them feel difficult to breathe, and they are more breathless than the venture capital company.

Hicks, who looked like a madman, walked up with a grin, but his wretched expression eclipsed Catherine and the others, retreated three feet, and instantly moved far away, all hiding behind Lorraine.

Hicks' small triangular eyes beamed with excitement. He rubbed his hands and said in an anxious tone: "My lord, everything is ready, let's start."

Lorraine nodded, looking at the crude-looking wood-colored prototype, he became eager in his heart, and said, "Then start."

Hicks grinned with his yellow teeth, turned to face hundreds of researchers, raised his arms and shouted excitedly: "Gentlemen, please remember this day, uh... by the way, what is today? Come on?"

The researchers looked at each other. They had been isolated from the world for too long and had long forgotten the outside world, time, date, and festivals, which meant nothing to them.

There was a pleasant laughter from behind Lorraine.

"September 16." Catherine, who still couldn't see it, raised her voice to remind.

"Yes, eighty-three...five years, eighty-five years, September 16th," Hicks waved his arms to the sky, but fortunately he hadn't forgotten that year.

Hicks exclaimed: "This is a historic moment. We will witness the birth of a new weapon that can change war.

Now, test flight~! "

With the sound of iron chains, a pair of pulley blocks pulled the roof of the factory building and slowly opened it to both sides, revealing the sunny sky above the head, and the sun poured in unscrupulously.

Lorraine's eyes pierced by the strong light instantly hurt, and he raised his hand to block him. He hadn't seen the sun for too long.

The convenient design of the movable roof made Leo and Catherine also amazed.

As a qualified capitalist, Chairman Leo rubs his chin, and has already begun to consider how to sell this trick.

A mage wearing a weird orange-red one-piece flight suit, walked out of the crowd, and walked briskly all the way to the prototype. At the same time, waved to everyone frequently.

Lord Luo Jue couldn't help but curl his lips: No one answered him at all for this rammer, and it was so stinky, like a stupid 13.

With the help of everyone, he used his hands and feet together, awkwardly climbed the upper part of the prototype, sat down in the small space behind the glass window, buckled the seat belt solemnly, and then gestured to Hicks to show Ready.

Hicks reached out his thumb and picked it up at the pilot in the room.

The pilot nodded heavily and put his hands on the console.

Seeing that everything was ready, Lord Lorraine couldn't help but "guzzle" and swallowed nervously, subconsciously grabbing the small hand of the person next to him.

Whether the efforts of the past half month can be successful or not depends on this, and his heart also touched his throat.

From the magic circle to the console, they are all redesigned. Osheed himself said that it is easy to make the magic circle bigger, but it is very difficult to make it smaller.

Especially small enough to fit into this prototype, it is even more difficult.

The floating array has even changed from a vertical obelisk to a horizontal cylinder, and its structure has changed dramatically.

No one dared to pack a ticket and say that there was nothing wrong with it, not even Oshid who had engraved the circle himself.

In fact, O'Hid was the most nervous among all the people. The old guy stared at the prototype intently, and even almost forgot to breathe. This is related to the signature of the first person in his space spell and should not be missed.

At this moment, Lorraine suddenly jumped out of a lot of flight accidents involving test flight crashes. The plane crashed and killed people, and the words such as ejection failure couldn't help jumping out, and couldn't help it.

This made his heart more disturbed, and he unconsciously grasped the gentle and smooth little hand in his palm. That little hand also held Lorraine's generous palm tightly.

However, the pilot was very calm-this was made by the master of space magic, Master Osheed himself. If what he did was not good, then the world would not be good.

Besides, I said it before the test flight. If there is an accident, safety is the first priority. Anyway, as a magician, as long as the distance from the ground is not too low, there is plenty of casting time when it falls, and it is difficult to fall to death.

The mage took a deep breath while everyone was watching, pouring mana into the console.

The prototype shuddered slightly, and the fuselage swayed a few degrees from side to side, and immediately stopped moving again.

"Hey~!" The crowd let out an exclamation, and everyone in the room lifted their hearts and stared at the prototype without blinking.

The pilot felt that he didn't pull it up once, and it seemed very shameless. Especially when a large group of beautiful girls outside were watching him intently, the mage in the cockpit blushed, and then gritted his teeth, as if he was free, and pressed his arms hard.

There was a low buzzing sound from the fuselage, and the prototype shook suddenly. In the eyes of everyone's expectation, it swayed slightly away from the ground and rose slowly inch by inch.

A few minutes later, in the eyes of everyone, it flew over the open roof of the factory building and jumped into the air. Then crossed a diagonal line, swish, and flew into the distance like a sharp arrow. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared without a trace.

"Successful~!" Hicks raised his arms and yelled frantically, and all his notebooks flew out.

Being able to fly, it shows that the biggest problem has been successfully solved The rest are not problems.

This represents a decisive success in the development of fighter jets, and the Boeing Aircraft Manufacturing Plant has created history.

Lorraine also shouted excitedly, hugged the people around him excitedly, and kissed heavily.

There is no better way to celebrate this kind of exciting time.

Before a short exclamation could be heard, the girl's small mouth was blocked by Lorraine's big mouth.

But the other party's reaction was very jerky. It took Lorraine a long time to pry her teeth apart, entangled with her smooth tongue.

The beautiful woman in her arms quickly hung on Lorraine softly, her body getting hotter and hotter, her nose getting more and more urgent...

After a passionate wet kiss, when Lorraine let go of the girl, she was almost out of breath at this time, her face flushed, her eyes blurred, her small mouth opened and closed, and she gasped in a low voice, her expression was particularly seductive. people.

"Watch, cousin~!" Lord Lorraine looked at the charming beauty in his arms, and was shocked.

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