Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1308: The conscience of capitalists

Although Chairman Leo Leo said that he was compassionate, his black and white eyes were tumultuous, showing a cunning expression of a profiteer.

Lorraine couldn't help laughing, rolling on the sofa with joy, almost out of breath.

Adele bitterly stretched out her finger, poke Leo's forehead heavily, and cursed in a low voice: "I know you little rascal would not be so kind~!"

However, Catherine next to her was secretly relieved: That's right. This is still her baby brother. It's the same Lei Er who has nothing to do all day long and is holding back bad ideas.

I haven't been fooled by the **** articles about persimmon oil and human rights written by the public.

Speaking of those dogs, they are the most hateful. They have written a lot of articles for the benefit of the public all day long, and they have posted everywhere. In fact, they just hope that they are more equal and freer than others.

When you have time to look back, you have to work hard to rectify and rectify it, and chop off a few barking dogs.

Catherine was very pleased to rub Leo's head, and it was the true ability of the chairman of the Flying Eagle Group to come up with this idea.

She glared fiercely at the bad women next to her, and then quietly pinched Lorraine to stop him from laughing so bastard-just listening to his laughter, there is a kind of itchy palms , The strange feeling of wanting to smoke people.

Catherine couldn't help but feel refreshed when she heard the scream from Lord Luo Jue. Long Yan Xiaoyue gave a little bit of joy. Then he looked at Leo and asked with a gentle smile: "What do you think?"

"Look, we have a shortage of workers everywhere," Lei Erye also gave Lorraine a glaring look, then held his fingers together with a serious expression, and said, "As the war intensifies, the importance of railways becomes more and more prominent, and construction must be accelerated. , The funds are in place, but there is a lack of constructors, and the progress of the project is seriously delayed.

"Is it lagging a lot?" Lorraine immediately became concerned when he heard this, and asked hurriedly.

The railway is the main artery of capitalism, and it plays a supporting role in the large industrial system of capitalism.

In large-scale social production, railways must play an important role, being responsible for transporting agricultural and industrial products out, as well as various raw materials.

Once the transportation channel is not smooth, the produced materials cannot be shipped out, and the required raw materials cannot be shipped in, there will inevitably be a crisis of excess, and Nian's will break out of the world's first economic crisis.

At that time, not to mention that the high priest and the undead had fought over. Just those laid-off workers who had no food to travel around and demonstrate anything could make Sir Alex Ferguson a headache.

That year, after the First World War, both the Kaiser and the Tsar were ousted from power by the workers.

Chairman Leo gave a dry laugh, touched his nose embarrassedly, and said: "It's not too serious, but it's a little bit faster than our plan. Haha, what? I don't want to be faster. "

Hearing him laughing there, Lorraine knew that the little hooligan was exaggerating, so he let go.

But for Catherine, as long as Lei Erye mentioned a good thing, she would support it unconditionally.

So, she gave it a little thought, and then asked straightforwardly: " much do you want?"

Chairman Leo rubbed his small hands and said with a wicked smile: "Of course, more is better. No matter how much you come, we can digest it."

Lorraine looked at the smug Leo in surprise, and solemnly warned: "You can imagine that this is not one hundred and two hundred thousand. Once it starts, it may be two million, three million, or even more refugees. ~!

We Feiying Group cannot afford to pay wages alone. "

Adeling and Adele also looked surprised, and then turned to look at Leo to see what he thought.

These women are not simple country women, they are all knowledgeable and sharp-minded women of heaven.

They all know the seriousness behind this problem.

Three to fifty thousand refugees alone are enough for a big country like Ruman to have a headache. If you dare to have two to three hundred thousand refugees, if you can't handle it well, it will be a huge chaos in the land.

If there are millions of refugees, it would be a bad idea to shake the country's foundation and destroy the empire.

It is terrible for millions of refugees and millions of young and middle-aged people who cannot eat to survive.

The undead robbed food and other living materials to drive away refugees. It was originally a wicked plan to provoke civil strife in the rear of mankind.

Now Chairman Leo wants to take the initiative to introduce this hidden danger to his home. So this little hooligan is really crazy, or this little hooligan really has the ability to solve this problem~!

Judging from the current situation, Lei Er's spirit obviously has no problem, so the answer is only the second possibility.

They couldn't help holding their breath and pricked their ears.

For thousands of years, there have been countless dynasties and kingdoms, and there are many lords in the middle, but the problem of refugees is a huge problem faced by all wise politicians and governments in the past dynasties. And no one has ever been able to solve this problem.

No matter who it is, as long as this problem can be solved, even a little hooligan is enough to make them respect and study seriously.

"You are playing with fire." Catherine also warned seriously.

Chairman Leo waved his hand and ignored her. Instead, he looked at Lorraine and said dissatisfied: "Big brother. Please. What are we doing. Dignified capitalist."

Who are they, refugees~!

When people can't live, give them a bite of food so that they can feed their family, and they will be grateful.

I still want to get my wages, so let's find a place to beg for food, hum~! "

Chairman Leo snorted coldly, expressing a conscientious capitalist's disdain for the insatiable people who want to get paid.

He is kind enough.

Lorraine heaved a sigh of relief and said, "If you can think so, I'm relieved. Have you made any accounts? If there are millions of people working for the Flying Eagle Railway, how much food do you need to prepare?"

"I have already asked my analysts to do the calculations." Chairman Leo took out a small book from his pocket enthusiastically, and after looking through it, he said seriously: "This year we have a good harvest in Nian'an. Half of the tens of millions of acres of arable land are grain fields, and most of the grain fields are self-cultivating farmers.

In fact, we farmers in Nian'an are all worried that grain prices will drop sharply this year, and I plan to buy them at a protective price to prevent low grain prices from hurting farmers. "

Leo slapped his chest with a clap, and promised: "There is absolutely no problem with the food."

"If there are too many labors to use? If you build a railway, you will definitely not need two million people." Catherine pointed out the problems in Leo's plan and said: "You can't arrange the extra labor, you can't feed them for idle meals. Lose you~!"

Chairman Leo was confident and calmly said: "I thought about this a long time ago.

Our Nian'an factory is also short of labor. The factory owners are still hiring dissatisfied people at twice their usual wages. I just released the news, and many factory owners broke their heads and handed me business cards.

The surplus population, just through our mature labor intermediary market, introduced them to Naian to work. The factory owners have said about travel expenses, board and lodging, they can advance the payment first, and slowly deduct it from the workers' wages.

As long as they take root here..."

"Hehehe," Chairman Leo rubbed his hands triumphantly, and said with a wicked smile: "They will become our Ruman Empire, and they can't be driven away. Even if the war is over, reconstruction will require a lot of workers. This is a bargain. Up."

Catherine immediately rejoiced, raised her thumb and shook Leo, saying: "Awesome, when you are done, those dead people will not be able to put Leo's portrait on top of the **** of light. After a thousand years, we will be mentioned. Oulai are all saints."

The rest of the women also nodded with a smile. This is a great thing for both fame and fortune. Money is earned, reputation is earned, and people are also earned. To count the birds with one stone, others dare not have any opinions. Otherwise the group of hungry refugees can eat him raw.

"This matter is up to you." Catherine knocked on her palm and said decisively: "We don't care, doing good or bad, depends on your own ability."

"Huh?" Chairman Leo pointed to his nose in surprise, and said in disbelief: "I? I'm alone..."

"Who said you are the only one? You have so many managers and branches who eat dry food? Let them do it. You just have to direct and supervise the implementation." Catherine glared at this unsatisfied brother, and her hand patted on the table. Domineering way.

Chairman Leo nodded heavily, gritted his teeth and said: "Okay. I'll come as I come."

Catherine raised a finger and said: "I just emphasize that we must let these people know that we are doing charity, we are selling iron, we are doing charity, we are doing charity, we can not bear to see the people hungry and cold. We have to give them a bowl of food if we owe debts.

Let them mention that the Flying Eagle Group is the kind of saint, great saint, and Jiansheng Temple. "

Adele groaned with a hand on her forehead beside her: Is this still the wise, fair, and selfless Princess Catherine?

Obviously he has become another capitalist who cannibalize people without spitting out bones... well, a conscientious capitalist.

Before he knew it, Lorraine had successfully completed the peaceful evolution, corroding Nicole's thoughts with capitalist life.

Catherine said: "You must remember to sell people's hearts and perform the trick. In the future, Ruman wants to unify the mainland. These people are not vying to be the lead party."

Having said that, she seemed to admire her, patted Leo heavily, and encouraged: "Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you lose money. If you don't have any money, ask the uncle, and he will definitely give it.

In the following days, the Lorraine family resumed their usual busyness.

Chairman Leo sits at the headquarters of the Flying Eagle Group and directs the branch offices behind the theater to get busy, and the largest humanitarian relief activity in history officially begins.


Etienne, Matler is an ordinary farmer in the Grand Duchy of Ripoll. He has cultivated his own acres of barren land all his life. The days cannot be said to be rich, but compared with the tenant farmers in the same village, he has no worry about food and clothing.

Ever since the great grandfather’s generation, the Matler family has made a wish to buy land if they have money.

The farmers of the Matler family for several generations lived frugally and saved fifteen acres of land, relying on this to become a well-known figure in the village.

Etienne, Matler is a serious man. He keeps himself neat and tidy at all times, and strictly requires his children to go to church on time on weekends and speak in honorifics to those who are poorer than them. People give.

As the demons invaded Ripoll, a large number of refugees flooded into Etienne, Matler’s hometown, watching their miserable appearances, listening to the refugees’ stories about the demons plundering food, intimidating the villagers, taking women, and wanton murder. Atrocities, Etienne, Matler took his family to escape without hesitation.

Even if they were fleeing, the neat and tidy Matler family seemed to be well-knowledgeable and decent people, and Matler, who was old and stern, was worthy of trust.

Therefore, he united a group of fellow villagers who had escaped from their hometown and avoided the military disaster, formed a cooperative and mutual aid group, and escaped safely to the Kingdom of Kiel in the rear.

He knows that a slightly more substantial family like him is the biggest victim in the war. What's more, he has two young and beautiful daughters who are as lovely as larks. Even if Mattler pays his soul, he will never Allow them to fall into the palm of the hand.

Along the way, Matler cursed, "He feeds the dog for all the taxes I paid~!", while watching the noble carriage overtake them and run desperately eastward.

All the way round and night, the village that was set alight by the demon army at the most dangerous time was behind them, and Matler could even smell the **** smell of the wind.

But the Matler family escaped safely to the Kingdom of Kiel.

When they got here, they realized that the nightmare was just beginning.

Everything has risen in price, more than ten times, dozens of times higher, especially grain. Only a whole yellow gold coin can be exchanged for a fifty catty of miscellaneous flour.

In Matara’s hometown, only three silver coins were needed in the past.

Looking at the sun in the sky, Matler touched the two gold coins sewed in his belt by his wife, plus a half-pocket of potatoes beside them. These are all their family’s current property, and they cannot move until they are in desperation. .

All other things were taken away by the soldiers of the Kingdom of Kiel while crossing the border.

His team of dozens of men, women and children sat silently in the shade of a tree, lazily motionless. They are so hungry, all non-essential activities are burning calories.

Fortunately, they are crowded and powerful, and no one dares to hit their ideas.

The lone force has been robbed more than once a long time ago. The people of Kiel have robbed them, and the refugees have also robbed them. The local people also grabbed it. Even the wild dogs on the road dare to hit their ideas.

Matler glanced at the Kiel soldier standing guard on the **** in front of him, then bowed his head and cursed bitterly: "Boy!"

The Kingdom of Kiel detains refugees in this valley. Except for sending a team of soldiers to guard them, they don’t care at all. Refugees are strictly forbidden to go to cities and villages.

And this team of soldiers is also openly discussing to escape. I heard that the demons have completely occupied Ripoll. Less than three hundred miles away from here, the King City of Kiel is empty. All the nobles including the king have fled. Up.

The air was sultry and dirty, children crying around, and the sighs of refugees made Mattler even more irritable and secretly anxious: When will the head of the fleeing, even if it’s one person and two potatoes a day, let’s go. For three days, they had nothing to eat.

Matler is just taking a step at a time.

Despair spread among the refugees.

At this time, a string of crisp bells rang, and a carriage drove into the refugee camp surrounded by Kiel soldiers.

A flag hung high on the front of the car with a flying eagle depicted on it. Matler recognized this as the symbol of the flying eagle group, and it was the logo on his plough.

He spent a lot of money at the beginning, but it is really easy to use, and they also promised three-year replacement and ten-year repair. It's a pity that when he fled, he threw the plow to run faster.

However, Matler knows what kind of Tora machine company the Flying Eagle Group is, and it's so cruel. It was so powerful that even his Majesty the King couldn't afford it.

A group of people took off the seats and benches from the car, spread out the ink in the account book, and set up a stall in the surprised eyes of all the refugees, and then erected a banner with the words "Flying Eagle Charity Recruitment Conference" written on it.

"Ling Ling Ling" with a pleasant ringing, an employee of the Flying Eagle Group climbed onto the roof of the car, holding a paper tube horn in his hand, and said loudly: "Guys, pay attention, pay attention, I will bring you one Good news~!"

The refugees slowly got up from the ground and walked slowly to them.

Seeing that the gathering of people was almost the same, the staff of the Flying Eagle Group said loudly: "I am from the Flying Eagle Railway Company, our chairman, Royal Highness Princess Catherine, and Grandpa Leo. I learned that everyone had left their homes because they avoided the demons. Fleeing, lacking food and clothing, living in a difficult life, so that they endure hunger and sell their children and girls.

Bright God bless..."

Then, the staff member wiped the corners of his eyes, shed two drops of crocodile tears, and said loudly: "In order to help everyone tide over the difficulties, Princess Catherine and Grandpa Leo show kindness and are determined to let everyone live at all costs. Go down. I specifically ordered me to recruit railroad workers among the refugees and find a job for everyone.

You know, our Feiying Railway has no shortage of workers. This is specially set up for Zhou Ji.

I’ll say the benefits first. If you’re willing to go, you can work hard, take care of two meals for the whole family, arrange shelters, and see a doctor at a special medical station for free. Children under 12 can go to school for free.

The war is over, travel expenses will be paid back to those who want to go home. Everyone knows what kind of person Princess Catherine is, and I think everyone knows what kind of company our Flying Eagle Group is.

Those who don’t want to work on the Feiying Railway can still go to Naian to work as a worker, including food and accommodation, but the travel and boarding expenses will be deducted from your future wages.

Think about it, everyone. If you want to go, register here.

In any case, it is better to be able to work and fill your stomach than to flee, starve and die. "

Seeing that the refugees were hesitating and did not respond, the staff was determined to add fire and said: "To be honest, we will recruit for a while, at most three days, the demons will fight over, and we will also withdraw. If you don’t leave, there will be no chance."

There was a loud noise among the refugees, and fear occupied everyone's hearts.

"I'm going~!" Someone took the lead and raised their hands. Some of them have been absent for several days. Wives and children waited eagerly. Now they are given food, not to mention going to work, but to kill people and set fires.

The Flying Eagle Group said very clearly that it is simply the **** of light came to the world to take care of their family's food.

I have always heard that the princess Catherine is wise and benevolent, and she has lost a little bit with the bad man of Lorraine. I didn't expect people to be so generous and directly give them a chance to survive.

Matler's eyes lit up, and he could see that everyone around him was moving.

What is work, the farmers, the least afraid of is physical work, but can give the whole family a meal, and do not expect to be full, as long as you can not die from starvation, it is enough, this is a great good deed.

And they also provide doctors and schools. I can't even think about it.

Thinking of this, he bowed his head piously, folded his hands together, and muttered in a low voice: May the great God of Light bless and bless Her Royal Highness Princess Catherine for a long life.

Suddenly a fierce quarrel came over the crowd. Matler looked up and saw a dozen Kiel soldiers surrounded a small officer in the middle, constantly shouting in anger.

Finally, the little officer stretched out his hands, not knowing what was said, the soldiers cheered, and then immediately threw their weapons at the officers’ feet, quickly took off their uniforms, rushed down the soil slope, and yelled impatiently: "I Sign up, I sign up..."

Everyone looked dumbfounded.

Even the regular army of Kiel has gone, and it is even less likely to be fake.

But looking at dozens of people around him who looked at him eagerly, Matler felt that he still couldn't be too arbitrary.

He squeezed through the crowd, leaned to the desk of the registration staff, and said, "Can you guarantee that everyone can eat?"

The staff member glanced up at him, and said disdainfully: "Old man, don't look at who our boss is, Leo Lei, Chairman Lei, that is the future Emperor Ruman.

Do you know what Jinkouyuyan is, and what is Emperor Promise?

That is, the emperor never tells lies. Shorting you a few mouthfuls of food will ruin the reputation of our chairman and the Flying Eagle Group. We cannot afford to lose this person. If we want to go, we are not forced. "

Matler hesitated for a while, looked back at the hungry and thin bodies of his three children, gritted his teeth, and said, "Go, let's sign up."

The staff took a picture, indifferent like the bank clerk, saying: "Name, birthplace, age, family members."

"We have dozens of people." Matler whispered with a guilty conscience.

"Are you leading the team?" The staff raised his head and asked in surprise. Seeing Matler nodded, he smiled and said: "Call all your people and give you a little boss to lead them. Is there a craftsman? ?"

"I can work as a carpenter, and there are two other people who have worked as a lumberjack."

"If you have vocational skills, you can get a silver coin allowance every month." The staff gave him a leaflet and waved his hand: "Go and show your people and call them ~I suggest that tenant farmers with no land and a large family should go to Naian to work as a worker, so that their lives will be more secure."

"Good," Matler bowed humbly and walked backwards from the crowd.

After a brief discussion, Matler’s folks immediately decided to go with the people of the Flying Eagle Group. After a few hours of busy work, the Flying Eagle Group gathered more than 2,000 people among the refugees, and some of them were still willing to continue. Fleeing, they also have some hope that the war will end as soon as possible.

With the registration form in his arms, everyone put a striking flying eagle logo on their sleeves, and the two thousand people stepped onto the road to the Vatican project of the flying eagle railway.

They will go all the way south and then board the ship at the port.

Although the journey is still far away and their fate is unknown, at least they have a place to survive, without fear of starving to death, dying of illness, or being killed. Book*Bookstore, Book*Bookstore Hand Type, Book$Book$House provides books TXT download.

There are others who care about their life and death at this desperate moment.

The refugees who had just returned to the ashes had hope again in their eyes.

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