Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1309: 2 lucky people

The war refugees convened by the Flying Eagle Group headed all the way to the south. After boarding the ship, they sailed out of the river and sailed east on the sea.

Two days later, he went up the river again and finally docked at a dock in an unknown city.

Matler didn't recognize the flag that was flying not far away. He could only pull his child close, and follow the people of the Flying Eagle Group along the road to the north.

Soldiers were escorted along the way, and every time it was time to eat, a carriage would pull a cart of bread and send it to refugees.

Occasionally there are priests wearing white robes and holding tall crosses, walking through the crowd, shouting: "Anyone sick? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Along the way, teams from the west continued to join the crowd.

The line is getting longer and longer, and the road is full of black moving figures. From a distance, the head and tail of the team disappeared above the horizon, like a giant snake with no head and tail.

In the team, what Mattler heard were all the refugees’ gratitude and praise to Princess Catherine and Little Grandpa Leo. They were all praises to the outstanding representatives of the feudal society who decisively assumed the duties of a great power in this critical period of Ruman.

Although Matler did not know how much the Flying Eagle Group had spent on the long-distance migration of tens of thousands of people, he knew that this was definitely an astronomical figure.

On this day, Matler was burying his head on the road, and suddenly heard a commotion in front of him, and someone shouted: "It's a soldier of the Holy See."

He looked up and saw a group of soldiers heading westward against the flow of people.

The front of the team was waving the golden cross flag of the Bright Holy See.

Behind is a group of soldiers in white and silver armor, proudly holding their heads high, and marching away from the large walking army.

Especially a young general who took the lead.

He was wearing a pure white spotless military uniform and a hat with feathers on his head. He was a handsome young man with a beautiful moustache and a confident light on his face.

Some of the refugees asked curiously, "Where are you going?"

"We are going to fight the demons~!" The soldiers answered proudly.

"Drive them down to the sea."

"We still have to fight to the hometown of the Demon Race."

"Grab the undead high priest and kick him hard in the ass."

There was a burst of laughter from the soldiers of the Holy See, and it could be seen that their morale was high.

"That's good~!" The people immediately shouted loudly, cheering on these soldiers.

Even many people are devoutly drawing a cross on their chests, and sincerely bless the brave warriors: "May the God of Light bless you."

Matler also prayed twice, and then happily said to the people next to him: "God did not abandon us, thank your Majesty Neodos. Since changing the pope, the people of the Holy See are much more diligent than before."

This sentence resonated strongly.

Everyone got together and talked about it.

They compared the performance of the priests and the previous ones, and came to a common conclusion that Hilmeria, Her Majesty Neodos, although a woman, is the greatest leader of the Holy See in a thousand years, and there is no one.

On the evening of September 16, the tired Matler suddenly heard someone shout: "We are here."

This sound was like a natural sound, and the refugees who had been on the road for several days cheered together, speeding up their pace and walking forward.

I saw a dense woodland in the front, and a large group of buildings in the middle of the woodland.

Simple work sheds built from logs are arranged neatly, with a road in the middle.

The management personnel of the Feiying Railway were waiting at the gate of the construction site, arranging accommodation for them according to the number.

That night, after a month of fleeing, Matler was finally able to lie in bed and fall asleep looking at the roof above his head. Although it is very simple, it at least provides a stable life.

On the second day, Matler, who was standing in the sun, discovered that the camp was huge. The entire camp was like a city. There were no fewer than tens of thousands of people arranged to live here.

The center of the camp is the engineering construction headquarters of the Feiying Railway. The huge plan in front of the camp shows that the section of the railway they will build is fifty miles long.

There are camps like this one every fifty miles, nine camps at a time, and a railway with a total length of five hundred miles will be built.

At this time, it was the most chaotic moment in the morning, and countless people came out of their sheds in a daze, preparing to start the day's work.

There was noisy noise everywhere in the camp.

The crying of children, the screaming of women, the roaring of men, the cursing of stewards... all kinds of voices gathered together and resounded through the sky.

When Matler's folks saw this situation, they all felt timid, and they couldn't help but surround Matler's side.

Although Matler has seen the world a few times, he is still at a loss when facing this situation.

Fortunately, after a while, a steward appeared in front of him with a roll-up list. As an excellent capitalist, Lei Erye hates all those who want to eat free food, especially eating his free food.

Under the leadership of the steward, Matler and his fellow villagers had breakfast together, and then walked into the logging yard.

In the meantime, the matters that the manager must pay attention to, one by one, clearly explained to Matler.

When they arrived at the logging yard, Matler and his fellow villagers were all assigned to the woodworking team. Their task was to saw the felled trees into railroad sleepers.

Mattler was a little surprised at this. These are all the finest woods, which are best used to make furniture. However, it is a pity that it has to be made into rectangular wooden blocks that can't do anything.

He boldly asked the manager a question, but then he got a headache from the manager. And also put a harsh word: you must all have to be broken into standard rectangular wooden blocks, you dare to saw the wrong one, your wages are all deducted, and your legs are broken.

The frightened Matler didn't dare to speak out, so he could only start working instead.

Although many of Matler's folks have never done carpentry, fortunately, this job is extremely simple. As long as someone takes it with them, they will be able to master it for a little while.

They saw the wood, and someone else came to inspect it. After it was qualified, it was handed over to another group of people for transportation. As for where it was shipped, Matler didn't dare to ask more.

Anyway, hundreds of people in the lumber yard sawed the wood, and eventually all disappeared, as if they were swallowed by a huge monster.

Matler was off work until sunset in the afternoon.

He walked back to his camp with aching body and fell asleep.

Although very tired and exhausted today, Matler felt calm in his heart.

Along the way, he had always been uneasy in his heart, for fear that he would be deceived when he reached the place, or that the Flying Eagle Company would not appreciate his ability, and then he was sent out.

At that time, his family had no way to survive, either as a robber on the mountain, or starving to death.

And now, after this day's work, all worries have disappeared.

This work is very hard and tiring, but because of this, it also shows that Flying Eagle really needs people to work.

Speaking of hardship, where did the farmers doing easy work?

In any case, he finally found a way out in this troubled world.

He can support his family with his own hands. Can support this piece of sky for them, so that they can live without worrying that they will die because of hunger or other disasters...

For ordinary people, what is more important than this?


Taibo cautiously lay on the cold stone, holding his breath, showing only two eyes, staring at the deserted beach with all his attention, and clenching the spear in his hand.

The waves slapped on the beach full of dark brown stones. On this barren land surrounded by mountains, a terrifying behemoth appeared on the beach.

It looks like a **** ship, measuring hundreds of feet long and forty to fifty feet high. His body was twice as big as the largest house Taibo had ever seen.

This is simply that there are monsters in the myth. It is very likely that the legendary **** of war Luohan killed the sea dragon.

Now half of this weird-looking behemoth is lying on the beach, and the other half is immersed in the sea, and the undulating sea keeps washing its body.

There was a groaning sound in Taibo's stomach.

He hasn't eaten enough for a long time, and at the moment the stomach acid is digesting his own stomach.

Taibo climbed up the cliff only three days ago and got two bird eggs that were not much bigger than his thumb, but he was attacked by hundreds of seabirds and fell off the cliff. Until now, his leg is still aching.

"Damn Ruman, why didn't Rohan drop a thunder to kill them?" Taibo gleamed with hatred in his eyes, cursing in a low voice.

Taibo is a warrior of Tessheim. His tribe was broken by the Ruman two months ago. Only a few dozen people including him were left to escape from the entire tribe.

The high mountain barriers that the Tessheims are so proud of are useless in front of Ruman's fire-breathing weapons.

Taibo called it a weapon of the devil, and only the legendary devil would use the flames of hell. The warriors of Tessheim were torn to pieces by the flames before they even stepped up.

But all curses were useless. Tessheim was occupied by the Ruman, those who resisted were killed, and those who did not resist were taken away by ropes.

Taibo, who didn't want to be a human slave, fled to the north with a few of his own clan. The Ruman army followed them closely until Taibo came to the edge of this ice sea, and the **** Ruman disappeared.

The compatriots sent back to listen to the news are gone, and there is no news. Taibo and the others can only struggle for survival here.

Although it is still September, the cold wind with the smell of the sea blows across the face, it is as cold as a knife, and it has begun to snow sporadically.

In October, the snowy mountains will be completely closed, Taibo dare not think, how will they survive in a few days?

Obtaining food and surviving became Taibo's only task.

If it could kill the monster in front of him, it would be enough for a dozen of them to spend a whole winter, it would weigh hundreds of thousands of catties.

Taibo clenched the spear in his hand, weighing in his heart whether or not to fight it out.

This monster looked as if it had no lethal power. It had neither claws nor fangs. It looked a big fish.

When he was hesitating, a huge bear howled and walked forward and began to bite the monster's huge body.

"It's dead~!" Taibo only reacted at this time. It turned out that the big monster on the beach was a dead thing, no wonder it hadn't moved for so long.

Taibo was ecstatic in his heart and couldn't help but put his hands under his head, his forehead was heavily knocked on his head, his voice trembled and said, "Thanks to the great Luohan."

This must be the God of War Luohan watching them bravely and unyieldingly, killed the monster and sent it to them, so that they can spend the coming winter.

With little effort, bears, wolves, foxes, and all kinds of carnivores that usually don't know hiding there, all came out and feasted on the corpse of this monster.

They tore apart the skin of the monster, revealing a few feet of fat underneath.

Taibo couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and his belly screamed louder. Nothing can restore energy better than a piece of fat full of grease.

The fat-covered meat is roasted thoroughly on the fire and dipped in a little white salt. It is the best delicacy among the barbarians.

But he can only wait patiently, waiting for the beasts to eat and leave. He is not the opponent of the wild bear who desperately stores fat before hibernation.

Seeing the wild beasts leave the beach after eating one by one, Tepoli jumped down from the rock pile and jumped in front of the monster's corpse in a few steps. He gently stroked the red meat with his hands, as if he was petting the most beautiful woman in the tribe. Skin.

Taibo lay down on it and took a deep breath, with an excited expression on his face, murmured: "Thank Luohan, it's still fresh."

He took out a knife from his waist, cut a small piece of meat on it and threw it into his mouth, chewing slowly and carefully, tears streaming out of his moving eyes, originally he thought they would not survive this winter.

"Rohan hasn't abandoned us yet. We barbarians still have hope of rejuvenation." Taibo knelt on the icy stone, and piously expressed his faith to the **** of war Rohan, and said in his heart: "Be sure to kill more Rumans in the future. Especially the savages who took refuge in the Ruman people will kill one by one."

After praying, Taibo gave a cheer, jumped up from the ground, rushed forward, stabbed a knife into the monster’s flesh, and swiped westward with the force of milking, cutting back and forth several pieces from the monster. Ten pounds of meat.

Just as Taibo was strenuously preparing to carry the raw meat on his shoulders, and brought it back to feed his companions, something suddenly appeared on the distant sea level,

Taibo wiped his eyes vigorously, poking his neck and looking north, there were indeed some different white spots on the gloomy sea.

He knew that occasionally there would be floating ice drifting to the mainland at sea, but the fuzzy shadows on the sea horizon did not look like floating ice.

Using both hands and feet, Taibo climbed onto the monster's corpse and stood on top of it and looked carefully.

That seems to be a boat~!

And it's a very big ship.

There are so many big boats, so many times that Taibo uses all his fingers and toes, and he can't count the number of white spots.

"Ruman~! I'm here to catch myself." This thought came out of Taibo's mind.

But he immediately denied it and arrested a dozen of them, and the Ruman didn't need to spend so much time and effort.

Besides, if the Ruman wants to come by boat, they have to set sail from the south and make a big circle westward around the mainland to reach the ice sea.

Taibo concluded that this could not be Ruman.

"So who is it?" Taibo thought hard in his heart, and suddenly a thought popped out of his mind: "Maybe, this is a **** warrior sent by Rohan."

Taibo slid down from the monster, pulled out the dry moss from the gap between the stones and piled it together, cut a piece of fat from the monster, then knelt down, holding the flint and pounding with both hands.

The sparks ignited the dry moss, and the flame burst below the flame. The oil on the fat was dripped into the flame by the heat and burned more violently.

Taibo stood on the shore, waving his arms to the distance, and shouting loudly: "I am here~!"

The fleet on the sea turned around and accelerated towards him.

Two hours later, the sky gradually dimmed, and the fleet sailed into the beach in front of Taibo.

Taibo was surprised to see that all the sea in front of him was occupied. Looking around, the white sails covered the sky and the sun, and there were only four to five hundred in number.

Each of these ships was several times larger than the monster in front of him.

The boat was full of people, but they were obviously not barbarians, but Taibo was sure that they were not Ruman either.

A black hill suddenly appeared from behind the fleet, hung ten feet above Taibo’s head, and was about to fall down and pat him into meatloaf.

Taibo screamed and hurriedly avoided.

But this black mountain flying in the sky seemed to be alive. Taibo hid there, and it followed there, flying above Taibo's head.

In the end, Taibo fell to the ground with fright, holding his head in both hands and shouting in horror.

At this moment, a human head protruded from the black mountain above his head. Haha laughed loudly at Taibo on the ground. His hoarse voice said contemptuously, "What? It's a savage."

Taibo raised his head carefully. The black mountain above his head actually flew away, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, several dazzling swords were already on his neck. The cold air from the blade of the blade made Taibo's hair scared. Stand up.

"Who are you?" Taibo asked in a low voice in horror.

They seemed to be more interested in the monster, and several gorgeously dressed people gathered around the monster's corpse and talked about it.

"Good guy, if we get pushed by it, our boat will have to capsize."

"I have never seen such a big is this thing called?"

"It is recorded in the History of Natural History that this thing seems to be called Dragon Whale Beast. It is said that it is a monster that lives in the deep sea. It is capable of advanced water magic. The jet of water can pierce the ship, which is very scary."

"Huh, luckily this is dead."

"In the evening, the whole army has an extra meal, stewed the meat of Warcraft."


Several people did not speak after holding down Taibo, as if he was insignificant and left out for a long time. Taibo barbarian's self-esteem was hurt. He struggled fiercely, and shouted: "Who are you? Was the God of War sent to fight Ru? Man's?"

Several people around the whale carcass turned around and looked at Taibo, who was as dirty as a barbarian on the ground. A middle-aged man headed by him gave a contemptuous sneer and said: "Yes, we are here to beat the Ruman.

But it's not your poor God of War Luohan who doesn't know hiding there.

We are sent by the Demon God~! "

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