Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1313: Brotherhood

With the order of the Grand Duke Julian, the military and political systems of the eastern provinces immediately took action and began to operate at full capacity.

Everything was carried out in an orderly manner in accordance with the plan that had already been made.

‘Toot, toot~! ’

The sharp whistle sounded continuously.

The fifth company of the fifty-sixth regiment of the 101st Division of the Eastern Legion, the first-class soldier Mor, could not help but groan in pain, and then he hugged his head tightly with both hands, as if to block the unpleasant sound, and stood up Sit up on the bed.

Moore looked out through the windows of the barracks and saw that there was no light outside the window. He couldn't help but cursed, "I hate this **** whistle."

From the sky, it was not even more than six o'clock at this time.

The soldiers next to him also woke up from their sleeps and yelled at themselves.

No soldier does not hate this **** thing.

Its sharp sound can directly penetrate the brain, even if it is covered with a pillow, it has no effect.

Many people think this is an invention of the devil.

(Moore can accurately point out that the devil lived in the distant city of Nydal, robbed the beautiful princess, opened a multinational monopoly, slept on a bed of gold coins, spent money like the earth every day, living a decadent fall. An enviable and jealous life.)

Although the size of the whistle is not big, but with a little strength, you can blow out a sharp, piercing, tormenting sound, just like a needle in the brain.

After the officers got this thing, they were like a treasure. They wore it with an exquisite lanyard, hung it around their necks, and held it to their mouths every day.

For the soldiers, it was a terrible nightmare.

It will ring every morning when you do not wake up.

When eating, it will ring,

When drinking water, it will ring.

When peeing, it will ring,

When shit, it will also ring...

And as long as it sounds, no matter what it is doing here. All have to be within a minute and a half. Arrive at the gathering place, and then line up.

The name is called emergency training.

Once the target is not met, then what awaits him is a punishment like hell: running 15 kilometers. Squat and jump 500 times, push-ups 500 times, peel potatoes, wash the toilet, flush the toilet...

More skeptical. Are the instructors raised by the gang of dogs who are perverted from hell? Actually think of all kinds of ways to toss people anytime and anywhere.

It is incredible that he has not been tossed mad.

At this time, there was a great chaos in the camp.

The soldiers jumped out of the bed one after another, and then greeted the female immediate relatives of the whistling officer cordially, put on their clothes in a rush, took up weapons, and rushed out of the barracks.

Fortunately, as the elite troops of the Eastern Legion, this kind of tormenting and urgent integration. They have practiced countless times, and they are all extremely skilled.

Even in the dark night, the soldiers quickly found their positions, lined up several rows, and then stood there quietly. Waiting for the order.

Moore even murmured a bet with his brother next to him: "Hey, Bison, these gangsters must be full again. They want us to run ten kilometers."

The burly soldier next to him has a simple face. Just grinned at him. In the dark, that white tooth was a bit dazzling.

Immediately nearby came the small officer's whispered shout: "Quiet. Don't speak."

Moore rolled his eyes, and then closed his mouth obediently. At this time, it was not good to annoy the officer.

There was silence in the whole team, and no one made a sound.

What makes Moore a little strange is that originally at this time, those high-ranking officers should show up and talk with their canes like big men.

Give everyone a few words of encouragement, and then let everyone run for ten to fifteen kilometers just like the tired silly boy. But after a while, there was still no high-ranking officer.

The rest of the soldiers in the team also noticed this situation, and there was a faint commotion, but under the constraints of military discipline, no one made a sound.

Even the little officers who led the team felt some unusual smells and looked at each other in surprise.

After a while, I heard a loud sound of army boots.

"Here~!" All the soldiers immediately refreshed and straightened their bodies.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a light on in front.

Under the light of the fire, surrounded by a group of officers, a middle-aged officer strode over.

Everyone immediately recognized that this was their regimental commander, Colonel Xinke, an old-school soldier who had risen step by step from a big soldier.

Immediately afterwards, there was a slogan: "Everyone~Salute~!"

As the voice fell, all the soldiers raised their right hands and thumped their chests almost at the same time, shouting: "Long live the empire~!"

Seeing the full mental state of the soldiers, Colonel Xinke nodded in satisfaction, and then bowed back.

He paused, and then said loudly: "Brothers, we have an urgent task now and we must set off right away.

I can't tell you what the mission is for the time being, I can only tell you that the time to dedicate yourself to the empire has arrived. "

He wanted to continue to say something, but paused, and then said loudly: "Now disbanded, you have fifteen minutes to pack your personal belongings, and then the team will start."

After finishing speaking, he took a half step back, with his heels together, saluted ‘pop’, and then turned and left.

Immediately afterwards, the little officers of each company roared loudly.

"Quickly, go back and pack up."

"Lighten the package as much as possible."

"Except for the necessary materials, no others are allowed to bring."


Amid their anger, beatings and scolding, the soldiers rushed like headless flies. There was a tumult in the camp.

The soldiers rushed into their camps one after another, then quickly rummaged through all kinds of things, turned their beds up and down, found all the necessary items, hurriedly packed them, and stuffed them into their backpacks.

Although it is said that only necessary supplies are carried, the soldiers still pack as many things as possible, who knows when it will work.

After fifteen minutes, they had lined up, in the command of the officer. Hastily walked out of Daying.

In the large camp behind them, there was only a mess left, like a cropland crossed by a group of wild boars.

Among the officers' orders, the soldiers hurried away with the moonlight on their heads. Dizzy. Don't argue the direction at all, just know to follow the back of the person in front of him.

They walked until daybreak, all hungry and exhausted, and then orders came. Let everyone rest on the spot.

Everyone was relieved immediately and threw the backpacks behind them one after another and sat down on both sides of the road.

At this time, some chefs had brought several large pots of soup over and made a stop on the side of the road. Then he waved a large copper spoon and knocked it on the edge of the basin.

He knocked, shouting loudly: "Boys are ready for dinner, come soon, hands are fast, hands are slow, ah, you can't get them, just starve to death..."

Before his words fell, a group of soldiers had already raised their bowls. They swarmed up and surrounded the chefs.

The chef immediately furious, waved a long soup spoon, and banged at the soldiers for a while, cursing: "Line up for Lao Tzu. Line up. Don't line up and don't want to eat one."

Some officers also rushed over, punching and kicking the soldiers who disturbed the order. They screamed. This is the restoration of order.

Moore was also hungry for a long time ago, pasting his back, and hurriedly grabbed a bowl of rice. Using the stunts learned in the military camp, he grabbed three pieces of bread with one slap. Then it took the shortest time to eat a clean one.

After he had eaten a bowl of hot soup mixed with minced meat, he felt his soul regained.

As an excellent soldier, when he was full, he naturally came to his mind and began to inquire about the news.

He looked around, then whispered to the person next to him: "Hey, Barr, do you know where we are going?

Look at this pose this time, it's not like a drill. The artillery in the legion was pulled out. "

The four carriages dragged dark artillery and stopped not far from them.

This is Colonel Xinke's baby, and he is usually afraid of being bumped, covered it tightly-he has never been so careful with his father.

Barr held the hot soup, raised his neck and drank it in one gulp, then wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and took a breath. Then he said, "Who knows, but I guess it should be to beat the demons?"

He finally used a question, which was obviously very uncertain.

Now the only people on the mainland worthy of their fight are the demons.

Another person next to him was holding a soup bowl, sneered, and said: "The devil who beats the shit, ask me to say that it is probably our bald old dog that can’t change eating shit. Take this opportunity to ask us to dig it out. Marhan City. The cannon was dragged out without seeing it."

Everyone laughed suddenly.

Even if you think with your ass, you know that this answer is impossible to be correct, but the Grand Duke Julian has always been obsessed with Samarkand, but everyone knows.

Moore looked at the little officer not far away, and immediately raised his voice: "Lieutenant Pick, do you know where we are going?"

The officer paused, turned his head to see everyone in Moore, snorted coldly, and reprimanded: "Is it enough to support you? Military secrets, don't inquire."

After speaking, leave quickly.

Moore smiled and said in a low voice: "This girl doesn't know."

Everyone suddenly burst into laughter.

At this time, another sharp whistle came.

The officers immediately jumped up and yelled loudly.


"The rest time is over, we are all set together."

"Everyone is together."

"Lined up, ready to move forward."

"go ahead……"

Amid the loud slogans, everyone in Mohr patted the dust on their buttocks, hurriedly got into the team, and then moved on.

They walked to noon, and when they were eating and resting, officers from the regiment headquarters came over. Each of them was given a piece of white paper and a short pencil.

Moore took the pen and paper and studied it in amazement. After looking over and over again, he couldn't find anything on it.

Then he asked very puzzled: "Sir, what is this for? Is it for wiping your butt? We are honest and poor, but we can't enjoy this. Only those nobles in the city can do it. "

His words immediately caused everyone to laugh.

The young officer also smiled, and then said with difficulty: "This is for you to write a suicide note."

Suicide... Suicide note~!

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became frozen, and the soldiers fell silent.

Although Moore was bold, he couldn't help feeling a little heavy in his chest.

Although the other party didn't say it clearly, but everyone present didn't know. The thoughtful behavior of the regiment showed that they were about to enter the battle with real swords and guns, and they were likely to die on the battlefield.

The officer paused. Then he continued: "If you have anything you need to tell your family, you can write on it. If you can't write, you can find the pastor in the army.

After three days, it will be delivered to your officer. Remember to write down your home address clearly. "

After speaking, he saluted everyone. Then leave quickly. I don't seem to want to stay here for a moment.

Looking at his back. Moore opened his mouth, and finally spit out angrily, and said, "This gang of officials are all nonsense. This march all day, tired like the three grandsons. There is no time to write anything shit."

Moore angrily threw the pen and paper to the ground.

Immediately, he felt that the topic was too unfavorable, so he coughed and turned back to the original question. Continuing to greet everyone, loudly saying: "Brothers. Brothers. There are new rumors. We are dispatched this time because the bald boss is eager to burn himself. Let us go to Almohad and grab their queen to come back to warm up. bed."

All the soldiers immediately put pen and paper on their bodies, and then they gathered together and talked.

Life in the military camp is boring and lonely, and there is nothing more interesting than this gossip.

As for writing a suicide note

This kind of thing is naturally written quietly in the dead of night.

The soldiers gathered together to talk about the mountains. Talking about foaming at the mouth, elated, some people said it was going to war with the demon, to fight the undead high priest raised by the dog, some people said it was going to fight Parthia. Others said they were going to Vatican, the headquarters of the Holy See-it is said that the demons intend to attack there, so they need to strengthen their defenses.

Although Moore talked about the excitement with everyone, he still had a conjecture in his heart: that was that the bald boss planned to engage in a military coup and destroy the current emperor.

It's just that this conjecture is too crazy. And it's too unrealistic, so. He dared not say it.

Moreover, looking at how other people are hesitant to speak and stop, it is obvious that many people also have this kind of conjecture, but like him, they dare not say it.

Dare to say this kind of rebellious and unruly remarks, but the officer knows that it is not as simple as running ten kilometers.

The army stopped and went all the way to the west. By the afternoon of the next day, Moore was walking with his head buried, and suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the front.

The voice was extremely loud, resounding like a beast's roar.

Everyone was stunned and looked up one after another, but there was a small mound in front of them completely blocking their sight, and they couldn't see clearly.

To be sure, that is by no means a normal voice.

At a loss, they looked at the officers around them.

This is an unexpected situation. Should everyone fight, retire, or find a place to hide?

At this time, an officer rushed up on a war horse, urging loudly: "Go ahead, keep going. Hurry up!"

He roared and rushed forward. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared in front.

Everyone felt helpless, so they had to bite the bullet and continue to move forward - the officers were always the most afraid of death, and they dared to rush forward, indicating that there was no danger ahead.

The roaring sounds of monsters are still constantly remembering, when they turned around the hill in fear, and saw the situation in front of them clearly, they all breathed in air.

Someone whispered: "The **** of light is on top, what a ghost is that."

Moore raised his head and glanced, and suddenly felt cold all over.

Not far in front of them, I saw a huge black snake lying on its stomach.

It is nearly a hundred meters long and two stories high. It's black all over, and the top of its head is constantly puffing out billowing black smoke, as if breathing.

From time to time, he roared ‘uuuuu’, like an ancient beast.

There was a sudden commotion among the team.

At this moment, I can see the strong fighting will of this elite unit.

Although there was no one to command, the soldiers screamed unanimously, clenched their weapons and bowed their bodies. Some even raised their bows and arrows, stretched their bowstrings, and were ready to shoot at any time.

No one took a step back at all, let alone turned around and escaped~!

Because at this time, it's faster to escape.

Colonel Xinke stood on the hill, seeing the soldiers' performance, could not help but feel proud.

He deliberately didn't notify him in advance, just to see the performance of these soldiers, and the facts proved that these young men did not disappoint him, they are indeed the elite who have been battle-tested.

At this time, under the hill, an officer galloped back again and shouted: "My own person, no attack, no attack..."

When the soldiers listened, they all put down their weapons and looked at the giant snake not far away stupidly.

How could they not think of how such a monster could be his own?

Just as they hesitated, they saw an officer holding the flag galloping past again and shouting: "Don’t worry, this is a train from Flying Eagle Company. Your adults have an order, everyone gets on as soon as possible. car."

Everyone suddenly realized.

Although I don’t know what trains are, I also know that Lord Luo and Erye Lei often tinker with some strange what war fortress, what horse-drawn carriage and so on. It is estimated that this should be one of them.

They walked carefully to the train and looked at the behemoth in awe. Especially the huge steel front, which made them feel a huge shock.

Then, the cars behind the train opened one by one.

Amid the orders and curses of the officers, the soldiers climbed up one by one in disarray.

They looked at their carriages curiously, only to find that it was like a huge stable. Floor, four walls. The ceiling is all made up of long wooden boards. There is just a light board inside, not even a chair.

Everyone can only sit on the floor. Soon after the union, the carriage was already full.

Moore leaned comfortably in a corner, laughed at the person next to him and said, "What train, isn't this just a large barracks?"

As soon as his voice fell, he heard a loud noise outside: "Woo~~~"

Immediately, everyone felt a shock. Immediately afterwards, they were shocked to find that the carriage actually started to move slowly.

Moore couldn't help but his eyes widened, and he cursed in a low voice, "This...what the **** is this, it can move~!"

At this time, the train continued to accelerate, and then faster and faster. Speeding down to the west. (To be continued)

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