Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1314: Race against time

The huge steam train roared and spit out black and white billowing smoke, dragging its long body, and marching non-stop among the green fields. m

The roaring monster "Rumble", the people who were doing farm work on both sides of the road that led to it stopped involuntarily to watch.

"This thing is so **** good~" Moore sat in the carriage, with his legs drooping outside the carriage, staring at the regressive scenery outside the window in surprise.

Although the scenery outside the window looks a bit monotonous, it is always a green field, and from time to time there is a simple village.

But the scenery fascinated him, and he felt that he couldn't see enough.

When they were passing a small town, Moore once deliberately or unintentionally glanced at the name of the town, and then was surprised to find that the train had traveled twenty or thirty miles in a mere tens of minutes.

This train, this is really a magical thing.

In the past experience, all magical things can only be enjoyed by high-ranking officials. Basically insulated from poor soldiers like him.

For example, gorgeous carriages, precious jewels, mellow wine, high-end cigars, beautiful women, magical war fortresses... etc.

Those are exclusive to the rich and powerful.

He had never thought that he would be able to sit on such a magical thing one day.

I'm afraid it's the noble master in his hometown who doesn't have this kind of treatment.

This train is not only fast, but also exceptionally stable, without even the slightest bumps, and you can sleep comfortably in the carriage.

The monotonous and rhythmic sound characteristic of the train when it drove over the tracks: ‘click, click...’ That sound seemed to never tire.

Moore couldn't help but sigh secretly: No matter what kind of carriage it is, compared with this thing, it is simply shit-like thing.

The bison next to him kept looking out the window, then pulled Moore, and said, "This thing is really powerful. Grandma's, with so many knots of the car, it was pulled away all at once. I think it is enough. A hundred cows. Maybe it can carry two hundred cows.

This must be able to be pulled home. How many acres of land can be cultivated in a day~! "

Seeing the longing on the bison's face, Moore couldn't help but curl his lips: This product was also born as a bitter boy who was grazing cattle in the country. Out of professional instinct, no matter what he did, he first converted it into a cow and then compared it.

In the country, cows are more valuable than men.

The bison looked out the window and sighed. Then he continued: "This is really a good thing. Grandma's, I think there are people on the front of the car.

You said that this train is so powerful, will it be like a cow, and it needs to be released? If that were the case, I would be discharged from the army in the future, and it would be nice not to go home to farm, but to set the train. No more, just put one. "

Moore laughed and said, "Bison. Do you think this train is like your cow with a nose ring. You can lead it?

When we came over, we watched everything. The front of this train can be as high as two or three stories, and I don't see where its nose grows. "

Everyone in the carriage burst into laughter immediately.

The bison stagnated, then touched his head, and smiled sorrowfully. Then stubbornly said: "I don't believe it, such a big guy must eat a lot of food. Since he wants to eat, someone must be waiting for him. Otherwise, he won't be able to work.

In the future, I won’t do anything else, will it be okay to serve it? We do this at home. have experience. "

The little officer next to him also laughed. He knew a little about trains. The newspaper had published news about the Flying Eagle Railway. When the stock price of Flying Eagle was soaring, he was quite fascinated for a while.

Therefore, looking at the buffalo with a simple face, he immediately said: "Buffalo, this train is a kind of magical alchemy and does not require food."

After hearing this, the bison couldn't help but look disappointed, and murmured: "So there is no need..."

The people next to him were gloating, and laughed haha.

But immediately, the little officer continued: "However, although it doesn't eat, it needs to burn coal or wood. That's a hard job. Seeing you with a big waist and a round waist, you will sign up in the future, and they will definitely accept it. your."

The bison suddenly came to his spirits, ‘ha’ laughed loudly. Gearing up, triumphant. As if he really became a train driver.

The few people next to him couldn't help but glanced at him enviously, and then someone also leaned over, smiled at the little officer, and said: "Sir, I don't know if I am like this, will they accept it?"

For those simple soldiers who don’t know one big character, the little officer is a very knowledgeable, 500-year-old and 500-year-old saint. No matter what the problem is, he always asks him for advice. .

The little officer also bared his teeth and smiled. Before he had time to speak, a stench suddenly came out.

Everyone immediately turned their heads and looked around, only to see a soldier lying on the floor, his face as earthy, vomiting constantly.

Everyone felt nauseous for a while, screamed together, and then held their own things in an instant, far away from him.

Someone shouted: ‘Pastor, the priest, look for the priest, someone is sick here. "

The little officer observed for a while, then stopped the man, and said, "It's okay, it's okay. This should be motion sickness. Drag him to the door. Just breathe well."

Someone walked over and pulled the soldier to the door with his head facing the outside of the car. In this way, even if the motion sickness was not good, he would not vomit in the car.

The rest of the crowd surrounded the soldier, laughing and laughing.

For these young people, this is not malicious, but another way of caring.

The train traveled for several hours, until the night, it stopped at a small station to rest.

The soldiers immediately jumped off the train in twos and threes, ate and rested, circled the train, took a walk, and moved their limbs.

Then I got on the train again and continued to move west.

As the train continued to travel westward, Moore found that the little officer in his car gradually began to feel a little restless. He kept looking out the window.

Looking at the other side's face, it was obvious that that guy was also worried that his army was going to Ruman City for a military coup.

Otherwise, why keep going west, the mission of their Eastern Legion is to fight east.

An ominous atmosphere also rose in the carriage. Many people have lost their voice. Just sat there blankly, without saying a word.

Although Emperor Rudrun didn't do very well, he was stingy and annoying, but he was still the big brother of the Grand Duke after all. And it's still the current enemy. At this time, the Duke's infighting in a coup d'état is really quite unnatural.

In addition, it is an illegal act to engage in a military coup. Although successful. There are a lot of gains, but when you fail, you have to beheaded.

What's more, this kind of thing is very inconsistent with everyone's general values, but everyone is just a small soldier. As the saying goes, soldiers will turn around, and everyone can only do what the superior orders. At this time, although I couldn't help muttering in my heart, it really couldn't do much.

So on. A person's heart is all sinking, holding their weapons. Sitting there in a daze.

At midnight, the train stopped slowly.

Immediately afterwards, the sharp whistle sounded again.

The officers yelled loudly while punching and kicking the soldiers.

With their help, the soldiers jumped off the train with ignorant sleepy eyes, and then pitched camps on both sides of the road. Go in and rest.

The railway ahead has not been paved, and here is their terminal.

Immediately, in the huge roar. The train was overturned. Then it spewed billowing black smoke, and drove back toward the path - it had to rush back to pick up the second batch of troops.

In the early morning of the next day, the soldiers had eaten breakfast, assembled again, and then shook off and moved on to the west.

Only then did Moll discover that they were sleeping beside the camp, which turned out to be a huge camp for migrant workers, and it seemed that there were tens of thousands of people living there.

This time, they have been walking away for three days.

Although in the middle, the big guy robbed it on the spot... well, a lot of landlords' carriages were requisitioned on the spot, but this kind of thing is a drop in the bucket compared to the big army, far inferior to the train.

And even the puppies who got in the carriage were extremely upset.

After riding the train, these dogs spoiled their ass, no matter how luxurious the carriage, after riding in, they all feel contemptuous and keep picking faults.

The place is not big enough, the horse eats too much, it runs too bumpy... even the seats are not comfortable enough for them.

It is conscience of heaven and earth, and the reasons above are understandable, but many carriage seats are made of leather with springs, and those puppies actually think that the leather seats are not as comfortable as the wooden boards of train cars. It's really an asshole.

However, due to the long-distance march, the fatigue of the troops continued to increase, and the marching speed became slower and slower.

Colonel Xinke looked anxious.

Contrary to the random guesses of the soldiers, the top-secret order he received was extremely clear: he was required to lead the troops to Vizi City as soon as possible within half a month, and defend there to prevent the demons from rushing out of the city. Snow Mountain, head south to attack Ruman's homeland.

Judging from the current situation, it would take a full 17 days to get there, and this is still the case of saving some distance by train. It is impossible to arrive on time.


Goblin Silver Light opened the room and hooked his finger at Flint sitting on the left who was doing nothing, and said, "Come here."

Flint immediately jumped up from the chair and walked into the silver goblin room.

The beautiful female secretary of the goblin raised her head and glanced at each other with her colleagues who worked in the large office, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Since the goblins and Flint went out mysteriously, Flint has changed like a different person, without the arrogance and domineering of the past, and is very respectful to the goblins.

If it weren't for Flint who still had a gloomy face and his eyes were as annoying as a poisonous snake, the secretary would think that Flint was a fake.

After all, the gap between before and after is too big.

"Could it be that the goblin found any way to regain this nasty man?" The secretary made use of her clerical staff's innate talent for gossip, and secretly weaves various story lines in her heart: from pure crystal love to back love , And then to the sadomasochism of various heavy tastes...

The imagination is very rich. Even if Jue Luo, the number one contemporary literary master, is here, he has to bow down.

She had already planned it. After completing the storyline in her mind, she waited until the noon break to talk to gossips from the secretarial department.

Flint walked into the large and luxurious office of the goblin. Sniffing hard, there is a special fragrance in the goblin's office.

It is said that this is a kind of spice extracted from special wood, which is twice as expensive as gold.

"Humans will really enjoy it~!" Flint said with envy in his heart.

Since arriving at Ruman City, at the center of this empire's power, Flint knew what to enjoy.

Compared with the luxurious and comfortable life of Ruman's nobles, the royal nobles of the Semitic city of Akaderin are like a group of hillbillies who have never seen the world.

Ruman even prepares soft toilet paper in every bathroom~!

The goblin stood up from behind his desk, shaking the collar of his black suit. As if ordering a subordinate, he said carelessly: "Follow me, I need to see my mentor immediately."

Flint smiled and said, "Have you got something? Let me see."

The goblin glared at him sternly, and scolded, "You forgot the rules again~!"

Flint pursed his lips sullenly, took a step back, lowered his head and mumbled reluctantly, "My lord, please come with me."

Seeing Flint's humble appearance, the goblin Yinguang was as comfortable as blowing a bottle of cold beer in one breath at forty degrees, and the pores all over his body opened comfortably.

Yin Guang looked at him with condescending eyes, and said in his heart: Sample. You also have a day of deflation. Make you crazy in front of me~!

I've been admiring enough, the goblin Silver Light just hummed. Nodded in satisfaction, waved boldly, and said, "Lead the way."

"Yes~!" Flint bent over and whispered, looking at the ground, a bitter look in his eyes flashed, clenched his fists, and said in his heart: "Humble reptile. You wait for me. Now."

The goblin waved his hand to the secretary at the door of the office and said, "Don't wait for us, you can leave work early."

Then take the four-way step peculiar to big people. I walked out of the office unhurriedly and staggeringly.

As soon as the carriage door closed, Flint couldn't wait to ask, "What did you get? Show me!"

The goblin Yinguang shook his head sternly, refused stiffly, and said, "Wait to the instructor."

Then there was a mocking sneer on the goblin's face.

Flint knew in his heart that if he wanted to take the lead, he had to let the lich Herod know that he was in charge of stealing important information, not the goblin.

Pass this from the goblin's hand, then he will be fine, it shows that the goblin Silverlight is the protagonist, and he is only a supporting role.

In the eyes of the lich, the weight of a dark wizard is not much heavier than a goblin, which is probably the difference between a domestic dog and a stray dog.

But the goblin's silvery yellowed little triangular eyes, as if seeing him through, sneered and unceremoniously rejected him. Flint was so angry that the blue veins on his forehead jumped up, his eyes glared at the goblin, clenched tightly. Fist, the whole person trembled slightly.

The goblin Yinguang looked at him with the victor's eyes, with a smile on his face, that expression was sure to eat Flint.

In fact, Yinguang knew Flint's mind very clearly, and he was more than shy. There is no race in this world with better talents than goblins.

Now it was the Lich begging him for Silver Light, not Silver Light begging them, and his Silver Light would not pretend to be an uncle while taking advantage of this effort to tease them, for fear that there would be no chance in the future.

He was not afraid that Flint would dare to stab and make trouble. This dark mage didn't have the guts, at least not now, of course. In the future, when the uncle goblin loses its use value, this dog will definitely be the first to pounce and step on himself vigorously.

Flint could only swallow that breath in the end, snorted angrily, retracted into his seat and sulked.

After a few circles, the carriage drove out of the inner city and came to the slums of the outer city. The goblin and Flint got out of the car and touched the lurking courtyard of the Lich Herod familiarly.

The goblin Yinguang sighed in his heart, and secretly said: "Unprofessional means unprofessional~!"

The hiding place has been exposed, and I don't know how to change to another place. I don't even understand the truth of the Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit. He is not as smart as a goblin kid. Even they know that they can't hide stolen things in one place.

The goblin Yinguang walked into the narrow and dark alley, pushed open the narrow door, and saw the lich Herod sitting in the dark corner of the room like a sculpture.

"Tutor," Flint said respectfully, standing by the door with his hands down.

The Lich Herod slowly nodded, and said in a hoarse voice: "You are here, Silver Light."

The tone turned out to be quite kind.

Yinguang nodded and said, "I bring you good news for you, mentor."

The Lich Herod suddenly raised his head, looking at the goblin with a dead gray face, and the corners of his mouth moved stiffly, revealing a smile and said: "You will gain so soon?"

Yin Guang took out a large thick envelope from his pocket, held it respectfully in both hands, placed it in front of the Lich Herod, and said, "This is the map of Ruman North I got, but..."

Hearing the word "map", the Lich and Herod and Flint were shocked at the same time, looking at the goblin in surprise. They couldn't believe that the goblin had obtained such important information so quickly.

With a detailed map as a guide, the Semitic army will enter the north of Ruman like no one.

The lich Herod grabbed the envelope impatiently, pulled out the map inside, and spread it out in front of him. He scanned it up and down carefully, and said in his mouth: "Okay, okay, okay~!"

"But this map..." Goblin Yinguang said: "It has a problem."

"What's the problem?" the Lich Herod asked without looking up.

"It was four hundred years ago~!"

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