Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1319: Saving is glorious

Amidst the turbulent crowds, Moore, a soldier from the fifth company of the 501st Division of the Eastern Army, stood at the gate of Vizi City, shouting hoarsely while trying to stabilize his figure. .

At this moment, he felt like he was standing in the waves, the waves rushing over, no matter how hard he tried, the tide would still swallow him at any time.

In front of the city gate, there are countless people walking towards this side. The mountains and plains are full of their figures, from the front of the eyes to the horizon, seeming to be endless.

Because they have all received a terrible news: the demons are here~!

Those bloodthirsty demons, murderers of babies, cold-blooded perverts... they are here~!

After the last miserable failure, they dormant for a thousand years, and then they once again set foot on the land of the human race.

Although thousands of years have passed, mankind will never forget that in the last war, armies of the undead and demons raged on the human land, killing them arbitrarily.

Where the iron rider passed, there were patches of corpse mountains and blood.

And now, they are here again~!

Therefore, these Rumans living in the northern part of the empire did not hesitate to abandon their houses and land before the Semitic army arrived, burned themselves and immediately harvested the wheat fields, and their families fled south.

These Rumans knew very well in their hearts that a grain of food could not be left to the invading demons — even if they regarded it as food for life, they could be burned without hesitation.

As long as they can cause trouble to the enemy, no matter what they are doing, they don't care.

Because they know that the demons are the deadly enemies of mankind, the grievances between the two sides cannot be washed away even if the rivers and seas are drained. Only when one party falls can it end.

If it weren't for confidence in the future, knowing that the empire would win the final victory, these vicious Rumans even planned to leave. Pouring poison into the well water, throwing a few dead mice, dead pigs and so on.

As long as the demons take a sip, they will definitely foam at the mouth and turn their eyes white within five minutes. Compared with the five-step broken bowel grass and the half-step smile, the top poisons such as One-Day Killing San are all effective. Of course, if they have the physique of the Tang people in the legend, then there is nothing else to say.

They fled their homes without stopping. Moving day and night to the south, they have a common goal-Viji City.

Vizi is the center of the north, and at the same time a strong military fortress, built by the mountains and rivers. Easy to defend and hard to attack.

The inner and outer three-story city defense system is tall and strong, and every city gate is built with an urn city.

In the past hundreds of years, in the war between the empire and the barbarians, it has withstood the test of countless wars and has never fallen.

Vizi City is the steel barrier to the north of the empire.

When the people of Ruman learned that the demons had entered, their first reaction was to flee to Viji City, where they were safe.

The people from the north all swarmed in, which put great pressure on Weiji City.

Every day from the opening of the city gate, there are no less than tens of thousands of people crowded in front of the gate of Viji City. There are packages on their backs. There are walkers with children, people pushing trolleys full of luggage, some holding old sows, and ox carts and carriages. Even the noble car was mixed in the crowd, moving forward with difficulty.

People yelled, yelled, yelled. There are also the crying of children, the scolding and reprimanding of adults, and the sound of cows calling and horses. Various sounds mixed together, turned into a huge and terrifying hustle, straight into the sky.

Moore's mind was full of buzzing sounds, and he was upset by the noise, standing outside the city gate trying to maintain order.

Standing on the top of the nearby carriage, a local Weiji official shouted hoarsely to everyone with a microphone in his hand: "Don't mess up. Go inside, follow the signs to the temporary camp, don't mess up~!"

But at this time, all these Rumans who fled their homes were panicked due to the infection by the people around them. It seemed that the demons were about to kill them for fear of slowing one step forward, and they exhausted their strength to drill into the city desperately.

Moore was squeezed backwards constantly by the refugees in front of him. Several strong men were also shy, and they squeezed into the crowd desperately, and the children beside them were crying.

In this case, Moore's temper was not very good. Especially when he saw those big men bullying women and children, he was even more furious.

He scolded angrily: "Fuck your grandma." Then, he threw the weapon in his hand aside and rushed into the crowd-he was afraid that he couldn't control it, and killed those bitches.

Moore squeezed into the crowd, then grabbed the unruly young man and threw it out forcefully. The man fell heavily to the ground, screamed, and rolled on the ground several times before figuring out what was going on. Moore had already followed, kicked him, and then pushed him off the ground. Pulling it up, muttering dissatisfiedly, "I'm not here to do this for two thousand miles across."

With that, Ti slipped the guy back into the crowd on the side.

The other soldiers who were in charge of maintaining order next to Moore chose the simple and rude way of saying that they were useless when they said it was useless. , Honestly returned to the crowd.

The refugees squeezed through the gate, and the sight in front of them suddenly opened up. What appeared in front of them was the broad main road of Viji City. The road is still overcrowded, but the atmosphere in the city has eased a lot-the refugees who have entered the city can finally breathe a sigh of relief. With the protection of the tall walls and soldiers, they are safe.

Both sides of the street were full of heavily armed soldiers. They waved to the crowd to beckon them to move forward and said loudly: "Follow the signs and go to the temporary settlement."

The route was drawn with eye-catching red paint on the road to indicate the direction of the temporary camp, and the sign read "Free medical care and food" in large letters.

People who are rich or have relatives to take refuge in naturally don't care and leave as they have never seen them. However, those Rumans who have only a little food left on them, as if they saw a savior, hurried to the temporary settlement.

This so-called temporary settlement is actually just an empty space in the original city, which was opened up by the defenders and put up simple tents. The tents were filled with refugees from the north.

The white lime divides the temporary resettlement site into different blocks, marking the roads and functional areas.

The entrance is where the food is distributed, and a group of soldiers guards here. Provide refugees with simple rough bread, pickles, and hot soup. Usually this is poor quality food eaten by the poorest people, but now it is delicious.

It is impossible for Weiji City to provide them with any good things. Food must be saved as much as possible.

Although there is a steady flow of food and supplies, the pressure on the supplies is still great. The worried quartermasters all lose a lot of hair, because once the city is surrounded, the supplies cannot be supplied. The entire city's soldiers and civilians plus hundreds of thousands of refugees can only rely on food storage to persist.

The refugees who had just entered the resettlement site immediately gorged themselves after receiving the food. They ran away in a hurry for fear of being overtaken by the terrifying demons. I haven't eaten a good meal.

A priest in a white robe walked through the crowd, reciting the gospel from the "Divine Canon" aloud while comforting the frightened refugees.

Wherever they went, the refugees all leaned over to salute, with a pious face.

Just as the refugees who had lost their homes and property were sitting in simple tents, eating hard-to-swallow miscellaneous grains and bread, a group of strange people suddenly appeared in the camp.

They are strange because their costumes are incompatible with the refugees. These people are neatly dressed. His face was pale, and he looked like a classy person. But each of these superiors was extremely kind, with a sincere smile on his face.

People looked at them, all of them felt a little hairy, and they couldn't help holding their wallets tightly.

However, those people didn't care.

They walked into the tent and greeted the refugees politely. When encountering children, they will take out candy from their pockets.

When the refugees looked at these "lords", their surprise from the beginning gradually turned into vigilance, they all revealed their identities, took out a business card, and said: "We are in the Flying Eagle Group. To end, are you interested in finding a job?"

The refugee he questioned looked at the uninvited man in surprise. After awakening, he nodded immediately.

Who would not want a job?

They can't just wait for a little relief food to take care of the whole family's life.

Having a job undoubtedly means more and better food and a stable place to live. These are all what they urgently need.

Moreover, the Flying Eagle Group, who doesn't know?

It was a large state-owned company, and the boss was Leo Lei, the dignified little empire. His Majesty the future emperor.

The resounding iron rice bowl~!

After entering, he was done well, and he was appreciative of Lei Erye, and he was all at once. Maybe in the future, Lei Erye will become an official, titled a title or something.

It is a good thing that you can't always get by breaking your head. At this time, is it actually on the turn?

Many people can hardly believe it. With his mouth open, he stared at the visitor in a daze.

Seeing the heartbeat of the other party, the people of the Flying Eagle Group immediately burst into tongues and said: "Look, I don't know how long this war will have to fight. Weiji City is no longer safe. We will provide you with a way to leave Weiji. Opportunities and jobs in the city.

The Feiying Group is calling up workers. For the Ruman people, they will include food and housing, and a monthly salary of one gold coin. If you perform well, you can also get free advanced study in Lanxiang Advanced Technical School.

I won't be able to study this term, but I will study again for free in the next term...Uh, sorry. The sentence just now doesn't count. I used to talk about enrollment before. Haha, hahaha..."

This condition quickly moved these Rumans who had lost their homes. Among them, the most exciting thing was to leave Viji City and head south.

This place is about to become a battlefield. The half-million demon army will be unable to vent the water surrounding the city of Vizi. Although the Ruman firmly believe that they can defeat the **** demon in the end, who knows how long the city will be surrounded by enemies .

Of course it's best to be able to leave here.

Of course, many people are unwilling to stay away from their home in the north.

Those local people who have been pointing to the land all their lives are extremely optimistic about the war, believing that the war will end soon.

When the time comes, they can go back immediately. If you are lucky, you might be able to catch up with the tail of the autumn sowing and grow whatever you want.

Those who are willing to work for the Flying Eagle Group will sign a contract, and then take their family members and go south under the care of the Flying Eagle Group.

Now, with the popularization of steam engines, there is a huge demand for people in society. Plus. The huge demand generated by the war has promoted the rapid development of various related industries.

Railways, factories, mines, etc. all enterprises and factories are in short supply of manpower. Those capitalists want to bring out the old sows and use them as labor.

As Lei Erye, as a pioneer and leader of capitalist society, and a super tycoon of human capitalists, in a sense, he would also like to thank this war.

It is because of this war. It has caused countless people to leave their homes and provided him with a large amount of cheap labor. Otherwise, the sheep cannibalism incident in the embryonic stage of European capitalism. Will happen here.

At that time, the second master Lei had to be stinky forever, and he might even be splashed with blood on his ancestral grave. And now, he just gave out a gold coin for a month's low wages, but he still made the people grateful and loyal.

It can be said to have collected all the hearts of the world.

The governor of Viji City is also happy to see this situation. The gathering of too many refugees in the city will only increase the pressure of defense and consume more materials.

If you can let them leave Weiji City voluntarily. That is a great thing, it can alleviate the pressure on Weiji City.

Governor Weiji was very cooperative in this matter, until Jane obeyed the instructions of the Flying Eagle Group, and even used public funds to pay travel expenses for the people willing to go south.

Therefore, a spectacle has formed in Weiji City. Every day, tens of thousands of refugees flood into the city. Every day, a large number of people leave the city from the south gate, heading south with hopes and dreams.

The soldiers of the Eastern Legion worked hard to maintain order in the city. Seeing that there were only a half of the refugees rushing into the city, there were no hordes of refugees on the road to the north.

This means that the large evacuation involving hundreds of thousands of people north of Viji City has ended.

Moore pressed the long knife in his hand, looked up at the north with a long sigh of relief, and said: "Come on, bastard, man is ready, get ready to kick the iron plate. Demon cubs."

"Beep, woo..." Suddenly a long bugle sounded from the city wall, and the deep and transparent horn sounded throughout the city.

On a hill a few miles away, a group of cavalry suddenly appeared, holding aloft the golden lightning banner, looking at the city of Vizi from a distance.

"The demons are here~!"

I don't know who yelled. The refugees stuck in front of the city gate immediately began to panic.

The crowd screamed in horror, and those who were still outside the city hurriedly dropped their packages and vehicles, and rushed into the city regardless of the fact that the city gate instantly became a mess.

Moore and his comrades couldn't even stop them, and were pushed out by the crowd.

At this time, the soldiers who maintained law and order did not care about managing the refugees.

Colonel Xinke, the commanding regiment outside the city, exclaimed in his vigorous voice: "Fifty and Sixth Regiment, line up, prepare for battle~!"

The eagle flag of the Ruman Empire was fluttering in the wind, and Mor and the soldiers around them clenched their weapons and rushed under the flag.

The long and hard training of the Northern Army was the most fully demonstrated at this time.

The soldiers of the 506th Regiment quickly gathered under the banner. The officers shouted for their company. The soldiers were behind them, and according to the feeling that they had been familiar with them thousands of times, they quickly photographed them in a neat line and raised their weapons to prepare. fighting.

Moore gasped hard, staring at the demons at the top of the hillside.

From a distance, they can only see a vague figure, but they don't seem to be like the legend, they are eight feet tall and eight feet around their waist.

On the contrary, one by one looks similar to humans.

Moore breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't a monster, they wouldn't be afraid of another group of humans.

The Semitic cavalry on the hillside suddenly whistled, and the horse rushed down from the top of the slope, and slew the people of Ruman who were crowded at the gate of the city.

The Semitic cavalry kept pouring down from the hillside. There were thousands of them, photographed in a dense formation, waving their sabers and shouting and rushing towards Viji City.

This was a good opportunity. The panicked civilians completely blocked the North Gate, and the army in the city could not come out. At this moment, there were only a few companies of the fifty and six regiments, with five to six hundred people.

The Semitic cavalry are confident that they can defeat this group of human infantry with only one impact, and then rush into the crowd to kill, and set up the prestige of their Semitic in front of the Ruman.

Moore's heart was beating violently with tension, he clenched the weapon in his hand and stared at the approaching Semitic cavalry.

He didn't expect this first battle to happen suddenly, and he was not prepared at all.

Using infantry to fight more cavalry than them, this battle is not optimistic, especially since the soldiers of the 506th Regiment did not have reinforcements behind them. In a short time, they could not count on reinforcements in the city because the refugees blocked the city gates. .

Moore gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice: "It's a bitch, I really pick the time."

The soldiers of the 50th and 6th Regiment had to stand firm against the Semites and win time for the people to enter the city safely.

The enemy was getting closer, and the saber of the Semitic cavalry reflected a dazzling cold light.

"Catch the enemy, prepare to fight~!" The officers raised their weapons and aimed at the galloping cavalry.


A sharp whistling sound, dragged a long tail sound, across Moore's head.

Just when Mor and the others were in a daze, the masses of Semitic cavalry running wild suddenly burst into an orange flame.

In the flames of the explosion, several Semitic cavalry and horses were lifted into the air by the explosion, and their broken limbs spun out in the air.

The drop point of the shell raised a cloud of gray smoke.

The artillery in the city went off.

"Okay~!" Moore and the fifty-six soldiers cheered excitedly.

"It's beautiful~!"

"Blow up this bunch of gangsters."

The first shell was apparently fired at school, following the gunfire.


The cannonball flew over Morre's head with a loud sound, and it rang.

Continuous explosions sounded before and after the Semitic cavalry team and drowned the entire cavalry in the orange fire.

The Semitic cavalry found that they were caught in an attack they had never encountered before, the enemy they couldn't see, the weapon that attacked them, but the powerful explosions kept lighting up around them.

In the rush of artillery fire in just ten seconds, more than a thousand Semitic cavalry formed a long line, and only a few groups were left.

They were so scared that they turned their horses' heads in horror and fleeing back.

The artillery in the city was obviously unwilling to let them go. The artillery fire followed the fleeing cavalry, and the flames of the explosion lit up beside them one by one.

No matter how fast the horse's legs are, it can't be faster than a cannonball. Every escaping Semitic cavalry has several artillery greets, and every second there are more than a dozen violent explosions.

On a high platform in the city, a security general in a black uniform held up his long binoculars looking at the battlefield. He put down his spectacles and curled his lips angrily, and shouted at the bottom: "Casefire, ceasefire~!

You prodigal rascals, just deal with a few cavalry, you don't need to fire all of you. "

A black-clothed and silver-jeweled security officer in the audience spread his hands and shrugged, and said, "Boss, this is not about fighting the demons, everyone is more enthusiastic."

"Your grandma's, there are so many cannonballs. If you light it up, you can go up and chew on me." The general of the security army scolded angrily: "Teach them thought classes at night. It is shameful to talk about waste and honor to save."

(To be continued)

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