Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1320: Beacon

Yaokong is blue like a wash, and there is no cloud in the sky. Like the purest sapphire, it's clean and transparent.

At this time, the suffocation in the north of Ruman swept away the summer heat and began to gradually cool down. Although the sun is still strong at noon, it must be covered with a thin quilt when sleeping at night.

As the saying goes, the golden breeze delivers coolness, and the grass hoards food.

At this time in the past, farmers who were harvesting wheat have spread all over the vast land, sweating like rain to harvest the fruits of their half-year labor.

These hardworking farmers will fill the granary with grain, and then guard them contentedly to survive the long cold winter in the north of the empire.

But this year, the land in the north is desolate.

There are deserted towns and villages everywhere. In addition, there are fields of black ashes left after the fire burns.

The trees on both sides of the road were burnt by the original fire. Even if they didn't fall, they were still brown. It is as terrible as the 50-year-old charterer who got her yellow hair deliberately to catch up with fashion.

The originally vibrant land has completely lost its life and vitality, and it is desolate.

The autumn wind blew across the earth with a whistling sound, and rolled the black ashes into the sky, and then fluttered down and sprinkled on the inside and outside of Viji City, like the black rain at the end of the earth.

The yellow ground outside the city has been replaced by a black barracks.

The demon generals encircled Viji City in accordance with the most standard siege strategy.

The barracks made up of wooden fences and tents are like a wide wall, which surrounds the city of Viji from three sides, leaving no gap in the middle.

Only a huge gap was left in the direction of the south gate of Weiji City, and a wide avenue led directly to Yaoji.

Although the road was smooth and smooth, it looked like a sweet and delicious cheese on a mousetrap, but how dangerous it seemed to be, I did not dare to set foot.

In the camp just north of the city, the Semitic's golden lightning banner flew in the autumn wind, hunting and ringing.

Orlandini stood under the banner, staring at the city of Vizi ten miles away, with a little worry in his heart, and muttered: "The famous city in the north really deserves its reputation~!"

Against the backdrop of the northern mountains, the nearby Viji City is particularly generous.

The walls are tall and strong, and deep trenches like spider webs are dug under the city. Outside that city, there are as many as several layers of barbed wire like an array. I can't help but feel some scalp tingling when I let them see.

Orlandini sighed secretly in his heart: The maze outside the city alone is enough to cause headaches. I don't know how many lives of Semitic soldiers have to be swallowed to fill it up.

And even if it crosses the barbed wire and fills in the trench, the trench is an insurmountable wall.

What's more, there are those tall fortresses standing behind the city wall, their tall figures are like huge mountains.

Even if the walls are broken, Ruman soldiers can enter these fortresses and continue to defend. It is firmly nailed to the city defense like a nail, making it difficult for the soldiers who attacked the city wall to advance.

After several forts, there is a taller and majestic fortress in Vizi City, which is also where the Governor's Mansion of Vizi City is located. After the fortress fell, the fortress could still accommodate nearly 10,000 soldiers.

With enough food supplies, 10,000 soldiers can easily withstand an attack of 100,000 yuan.

The quality of Vizi City is the same as that of Neidel City in Lorraine. It was first used as a military stronghold for Rumanin's outward expansion, and the military function was especially emphasized at the beginning of its construction.

A complete three-level defense system is constructed by these buildings. Even in a country with rich financial resources like the Ruman Empire, it took hundreds of years to build such a fortress city.

If you want to conquer here, according to your consistent experience, it will not happen overnight, you must go through a siege for several years and completely drain the city.

Orlandini certainly understood this truth. His half-million army might have captured Vizi City, but that would require huge casualties and a long time.

Exactly two factors are Orlandini's shortcomings, he cannot waste his soldiers, nor does he have enough time to deal with this city.

Ruman City, the capital of Ruman Empire, is his real goal.

"When will the war fortress promised by your Majesty the Lord arrive?" Orandini looked at the Lich Marcel with a solemn expression.

"After two yao. Mingyao is the fastest, otherwise it is Houyao." The lich Marcel said slowly in a hoarse voice: "Why, general, you can't wait?"

Orlandini snorted coldly, and said, "I always said Liangyao, and Liangyao. We are all under Vizi City now. Even the tortoise should have climbed. But you still have no war fortress. Traces."

He paused, and then continued: "We can't wait any longer, we must fight quickly. The order goes on, today Yao rests, Ming Yao prepares to attack the city."

With that, he flicked his cloak forcefully, turned and walked down the hillside.

Marcel looked at his back, the green light in his eyes kept flashing, and he also gave a cold snort.

Two deaths later, a rapid whistle sounded in Viji City.

Moore, a soldier of the fifth company of the 506th Regiment, instantly opened his eyes, jumped up from the bed, quickly put on his boots, picked up the weapon leaning on the bedside, and ran out the door.

Suddenly coming out of Yin's dark fortress, the bright sun shining Moore's eyes hurt. He couldn't help raising his head to cover his forehead, squinting his eyes and looking north.

There was a loud drum horn from the front, and the thump of war drums resounded across the earth.

"The battle is about to begin~!" Moore said silently in his heart, then quickly found his place in the team in front of the door and ran over quickly.

The officer blew the whistle in his hand and saw that the soldiers were almost finished. He waved his hand and said loudly: "Fifth Company, come with me, go up to the city wall to defend. Come on, bastards, don't run like a woman. ."

Together with his comrades, Moore ran up the stairs at his fastest speed and stood behind the female wall.

Looking at the Semitic army outside the city, Moore took a breath.

At this moment, Moore finally had a clear idea of ​​how many 500,000 yuan were.

The outside of Weiji City seemed to be submerged by the torrential flood, and within sight, there were black eyes everywhere.

Several black war fortresses lined up, flying over the head of the Semitic army, rushing towards the wall of Weiji.

Two minutes later, the war fortress of the undead tribe Hei Sè hovered in the air less than one mile away from Viji City. They knew that there was nothing that could threaten them.

Several black or green spheres of light exploded out of the war fortress and smashed into the walls of Weiji.

At the same time a heated bugle sounded behind the Semitic army.

"Kill~!" The Semi soldiers screamed and rushed towards the wall of Weiji.

The dark spell cast by the magic cannon fell on the inside and outside of the city wall, splashing large spots of light like rain, and there was a scream from far away.

"Bless God~!" Moore whispered, praying that he would not be targeted by the **** necromancer, hoping that the dark wizard in the fortress of the necromantic war would clearly realize that he was a small, large-headed infantry. , There is no energy value for a magic cannon.

After the first round of attacks, Weiji's city wall was unharmed by the dark spell, and the war fortress of the undead race could not bear to move forward a little further, aiming at the north gate of Viji City.

Moore watched as several war fortresses slowly moved in front of him, the scared heart raised his throat, and he cursed anxiously: "Why are you afraid of something?"

I secretly regretted it in my heart. It seemed that it would not work if I didn't fall in love with the church. The God of Light seemed to have not heard his pious prayer.

"I must worship every week from now on." Moore swears bitterly.

The officer also knew the danger, and shouted hysterically: "Go into the tower, and I will let Lao Tzu enter the tower."

At this moment a scream familiar to Moore passed through the air above his head.

In the city of ××××××, at noon, the mist that enveloped the city finally dissipated.

Although it was a sunny day, there seemed to be a layer of condensed mist over the city, and the sun and the sky looked a little dim. There is also a smell of dust in the air.

However, the residents of Nedel have become accustomed to this kind of breath and air.

Because of the asymmetry of information, they did not realize that it was serious environmental pollution.

On the contrary, as an outstanding representative of the top ten most conscientious capitalists in the early stage of capitalist society, Lei Erye paid a lot of money and invited a large number of deaths and lives for him to enter the home. Back to the ground.

After the plague students took the money, they wrote poems and sang, praising the chimneys with billowing black smoke, polluted river water, choking into the almost breathless air, and the thick mist. .

Therefore, all of them really believe that those are the signs of progress and technology, and represent a better life in the future.

As a newly industrialized city and a financial and commercial city, the life in Nydal City is hurried and tense. You can hardly see the leisurely stroll on the road. All the steps are hurried. To use a popular proverb, time is money.

After a step slow, the opportunity to make money is robbed of it.

But Nidal Street in Jinyao is another scene.

The Lord Qiandao in the city was under martial law, armed with spears, and serious-faced soldiers lined up into the wall, blocking the intersection, blocking the entrance to the street.

Both sides of the street were crowded with citizens of Nidal, men and women, old and young, rich and poor, pushing each other, poking their heads towards the end of the street, making a buzzing sound like a swarm of bees.

"Where are they? Where are they?"

"How long is it?"

"Yes, when can I see them?"


The citizens of Nedl seemed impatiently waiting for some entry.

"Come, here~!"

Suddenly there was a loud shout in excitement ahead.

Joining the group also yelled together: "Here, it's finally here."

Amidst their noises, they heard a sound of neat footsteps, "Ping......".

Following a group of black shadows appeared at the intersection.

They lined up in a neat line, striding along the main path of Nedl.

The leading soldiers held high the flag of the Flying Eagle Group, and the silver-grey eagle-shaped pattern fluttered in the wind.

Every twelve soldiers lined up in neat rows, row after row, as if an endless line, walking along the road of Neidel.

The soldiers were wearing black uniforms with silver ornaments and military caps. In the middle of the hats was a silver skull logo, indicating that they were soldiers of the Skeleton Division of the Security Army of the Flying Eagle Group.

The soldiers of the security army raised their heads proudly, clenched their weapons, and strode past the group.

The residents of Nedel on both sides of the road burst into cheers.

"Go on~!"

"Kill all the puppies of the Demon Race."

"Kill those old bones."


The men on both sides of the road waved their fists, desperately cheering for the security forces and loudly encouraging them. The girls waved handkerchiefs enthusiastically. The children couldn't help screaming loudly.

Numerous petals flew down from the sky, fluttered and fell on the ground, and then was stepped on mercilessly by pairs of military boots, and finally mixed into the soil.

Because of the war in the north, Nian's army was also sent to the battlefield for reinforcements, and the two divisions of the security army would carry all their light and heavy equipment to the battlefield.

Many of the soldiers in the army are Nian's children. Before they set off, Lorraine specially arranged for them to conduct an armed parade in the city of Nydal to demonstrate the power of the security forces and boost the morale of the people.

After the phalanx of soldiers strode past, heavy equipment dragged by horses followed.

The slender barrel of the artillery gleamed with a blue light in the sunlight.

When Naidel entered this place, he couldn't help but hold his breath, and looked at these cold weapons with awe.

They are not unfamiliar with these artillery, which have been called the "God of Battlefield".

Although it has been a long time, in Nian's tavern restaurant, the entrants still talked about the decision that Lord Lorraine defeated Hardu.

Under the leadership of Lord Lorraine, the Ruman Empire defeated more than 70,000 rebels including Haddou's army. Artillery played a decisive role in that battle.

While the people on both sides were crossing the road to send off the people, the security forces walked through the several main roads of Neidl in an arrogant manner and arrived at the central train station of Nian'an on the edge of the city.

The tall train had already stopped on the railroad tracks and waited, and the hot boiler was steaming with white steam, ready to leave.

The two big bosses of the Flying Eagle Group, Lord Lorraine and Chairman Leo have already been waiting here.

A brief farewell ceremony will be held in the train station to see off the soldiers of the security army to the battlefield. This is the first time that the security army has left Nian'an to fight.

A "beep" whistle sounded in the station, and the officers shouted loudly: "All get on the train, ready to go."

The soldiers of the security army, under the guidance of the station staff, hurried onto the train. They were orderly, busy and not chaotic, showing that the security army was well trained.

Lorraine silently stared at the soldiers hurriedly passing by, with complicated eyes.

Chairman Leo sighed faintly, and said old-fashioned: "With such a parent, I really don't want to worry about it."

Lorraine patted Chairman Leo on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, although your dad is a bit of a bastard, he is still very good at war. Besides, we still have secret weapons.

I think you should start to think about how the Semitic will pay our war indemnities, nǎinǎi, this battle has lost a lot of money. "

As soon as he mentioned taking advantage, Chairman Leo’s yīn haze immediately disappeared, and all his thoughts were instantly devoted to making money, and he muttered to himself: “If you want money, they should go bankrupt after the war. I can ask for something...what valuable things does the Semitic have?

Jewels and diamonds are not good, the thing is to coax women into money, the mineral value is not high, and there is nothing special, real estate, magic crystal? "

While Chairman Leo was thinking hard, a middle-aged man in a gray lapel army coat led a group of officers to walk to Lorraine, touched his heel, saluted a military salute and said loudly: " Great entry."

Lorraine gave a gift and said, "General Patenos, this is a smooth journey. Cooperate with the Grand Duke."

"Please don't worry. Your Royal Highness is my old superior." Patenos raised his chest and said confidently: "The enemy is not to be afraid, let alone we have new equipment."

General Patenos glanced at the mysterious weapon on the train covered with tarpaulin, smiled knowingly, and said: "Shan people will be surprised."

The soldiers of the security army were also very curious about the tightly wrapped things on the car slabs, and glanced at them when they passed by.

They received gossip as soon as they set off. The lunatics of the Flying Eagle Group's Alchemy Research Institute, who like to whisper, have developed a powerful new weapon and give priority to the skeleton division they are preparing to go to the battlefield.

But what exactly this weapon is, but few people know it.

Looking at the appearance under the tarp, the soldiers couldn't help but guess what was under it, but they didn't have a clue. The soldiers believed that the greatest possibility was a new type of artillery.

Lorraine glanced at the mysterious weapon in Patenos’s mouth and smiled leisurely. When the alchemy institute’s staff said that they had developed such a weapon, Lorraine was also taken aback, but immediately became very excited. Take the Semites into the operation, just to actually test the performance of the new weapon.

The train sounded its whistle, and the loud "wheeze" sound was remembered. Accompanied by the "chick" sound, the white steam locomotive spouted from the front of the car, covering the entire front of the car.

"Let's go." Lorraine retracted his gaze, staring at Patenos, and said: "I wish you early victory."

Patenos gave a solemn salute and turned and strode onto the train.

The starting bell sounded, and the steel wheels made a squeaky sound, slowly rolling on the rails, dragging the carriage full of soldiers and equipment and starting to move slowly.

The sound of "Boom boom" changed from full to faster, and the speed of the train was getting faster and faster, leaving the station while Lorraine and Leo watched.

Watching the train disappear outside the station, Lorraine raised his hand and patted Chairman Leo on the shoulder, and said, "Let's go, we should prepare, maybe I will have to go north soon."

Since Grand Duke Julian headed his army to Ruman City, Lorraine knew that he could not stay idle in the city of Nydel. The northern battlefield would soon find his place useful. (To be continued)

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