Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1321: Bao Shuang

Julian calendar October 5th, 835, sunny.

Vizi, the northern fortress of the Ruman Empire, is already full of flames.

After hundreds of thousands of Semitic troops rushed out of the Snow Mountain, they only took an extremely short rest under the city, and then they began to attack the city.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the army had already assembled, from the north, east, and west, starting to advance towards the city of Viji.

In the hoarse roar of the officers, the soldiers rushed towards Viji City.

Orlandini has already issued a reward: the warrior who first climbed into the city will be promoted to the third rank, and the reward will be 1,000.

Give an order, all the excited soldiers have red eyes, and yell like wolf cubs.

Some of them held up the shield in their hands, some carried the ladder, some pushed the tall city boarding cart, and some pushed the heavy rush cart... and even brave warriors were carrying hooks, ready to lean on the ropes. Climb the city wall.

Almost all kinds of siege equipment can be found in their queues. Although the commander of the Semitic, General Orandini, is arrogant, he is also a veteran on the battlefield. Before the siege, they had already made full preparations.

They spread up like a tide, slowly and irreversibly flooding the originally empty fields outside Vizi City.

Looking at the ferocious and aggressive Demon soldiers outside the city, even though the human soldiers in the city have experienced many battles, they can't help but feel nervous.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a huge roar in the air.

People raised their heads and looked towards the sky. In the distance, several black spots appeared behind the Demon Clan Camp. They flew into the air, and then hurried towards this side.

There was a burst of enthusiastic cheers from the demon army-those were the war fortresses of the undead from the west.

They also hurriedly hurried, and finally arrived before the war began.

Seeing the army attack the city, the war fortresses did not stop at all, but went straight to the north gate of Viji City.

They intend to take advantage of their powerful firepower. Fire and bombing of the city gates opened the way for soldiers attacking from the rear.

In order to facilitate shooting and improve the accuracy of shelling, those war fortresses not only fly extremely low, but also shorten the distance between the two sides as much as possible.

Through intelligence, they already knew that there was no trace of a human war fortress on the northern front. Therefore, when they acted, they were all extremely bold, even to the point of recklessness—the only weapon against the war fortress was the war fortress. Since there are no traces of enemies in this area, they naturally have nothing to worry about.

The fifth company of the fifty-sixth regiment where Moore is located, the defensive position is the city wall on the north gate. Therefore, I can clearly see the war fortresses on the opposite side.

Even through the window on the opposite side, you can see the magic light flashing at the muzzle before the magic cannon is fired.

Seeing this, Moore and the soldiers around him were all frightened, yelling loudly. He put his head in his hands and fell to the ground.

They all know that the magic cannon is powerful and indestructible. There is no disadvantage to siege the city.

Seeing that they were about to be overwhelmed by the dark spells of the war fortress, at this moment, a scream familiar to Moore passed through the air above his head.

Moore raised his head. In the sky above him, a few dark shadows flashed by.

The sound of tearing the air was sharp and long. It even surpassed the shouts of hundreds of thousands of soldiers on the battlefield.

Moore was stunned, instinctively, looked at the opposite war fortress.

In the row of undead war fortresses facing Vizi City, two of the war fortresses suddenly exploded with a few brilliant sparks.

They were hit by artillery fire~!

Immediately afterwards, the black pyramids sprayed out bursts of flames from the inside out.

Because the distance was too close, Moore on the city wall clearly witnessed the black fragments sputtered from the explosion of the undead war fortress.

The two undead war fortresses that were hit shook in the air and began to roll over almost at the same time. Fall to the ground.

One of them had another violent explosion from the inside. The upper part of the entire pyramid suddenly exploded, and the remaining half of the wreckage burned and fell rapidly to the ground, hitting the ground heavily within a few seconds, splashing the sky. Dust, the remains of the war fortress shrouded in dust.

Moore squatted behind the female wall. Grabbing the edge of the female wall, half of his head popped out and looked out. Seeing that the war fortress of the undead race was destroyed, he laughed excitedly "haha".

He turned his head and looked at another war fortress hit by artillery, only to see it swaying from the sky to the ground.

Moore stared at the fallen war fortress and kept muttering: "Fall, fall..."

Before they knew it, all the soldiers on the city's head also stared with blood-red eyes, and shouted in unison: "Fall, fall, quickly fall..."

Seeing that it was about to hit the ground and fall into fragments of the city, something unexpected happened. The war fortress hit by the artillery swayed to a halt at a height of a few meters from the ground, and began to struggle back.

The top of the undead war fortress was chewed off a large piece, and the flying posture was also ugly. It turned over nearly thirty degrees, and trembling constantly, but it was still controllable.

"Damn~!" Moore was so angry that he smashed his fist against the city wall, cursing: "Let it run like this."

Before his words fell, another screaming sound crossed the city wall and flew out.

The war fortress that was shaking and trying to escape was instantly covered by dozens of shells.

I don't know how many guns accurately hit the war fortress, and even the ground around it formed a sea of ​​flames in an instant.

Continuous explosions light up from the war fortress.

In the fierce artillery fire, the undead war fortress was smashed before falling, and fist-sized black fragments fell from the sky like a torrential rain.

The war fortresses of the other undead races were all taken aback at this time. They turned around and fled without taking care of shooting.

Moore looked at it, couldn't help laughing, then waved his fist, shouting at the back of those war fortresses: "Come on, come on, you have this ability? Come on, uncle, take care of you... "

The voice was loud and loud, and it was extremely lewd.

The soldiers shouting and cheering on the city could not help being silent for a while, and then burst into a roar of laughter.

They raised the volume one after another. He kept shouting and provoking at the enemy on the opposite side. Others took off their pants and peeed toward the place where they fled in protest.

For a time, there were cheers and screams in the city, and the shouts became a mess, very chaotic.

Among the fortress watchtowers in the city of Vizi, the brigade commander of the Thor Artillery Brigade of the Flying Eagle Group, General Skope put down his sight glasses and took a sip of his cigar. Then he spit out a puff of gray smoke, smiled like a victorious old fox, and said leisurely: "Who said that artillery can't defend air."

The staff officers of a group of artillery brigade nearby each grinned and grinned, unusually lewd.

Use artillery for air defense. This is a tactic they have been exploring very early. Their artillery is not afraid of enemy soldiers, the only thing to worry about is the war fortress of the undead.

After experimenting many times, the officers of the Thor Artillery Brigade came to the conclusion that to deal with the war fortresses, the only feasible way is to lure them close to the low-altitude range and use multiple artillery to fire.

Today, one blow worked in actual combat, and two rounds of shelling killed the enemy's two war fortresses. It can be described as brilliant.

"The position of the undead clan, the height, the distance, tusk~!" The chief of staff of the artillery brigade folded his hands on his chest, shook his head and sighed, "It's so easy. But..."

After speaking, the staff sighed and said: "The enemy has been on guard. This opportunity will be difficult to have in the future."

General Skope waved his hand bravely and said, "It's okay. The purpose of the battle has been achieved. The enemy's war fortress will not dare to approach the city wall. By the way, whoever, you go now and add two shots to our flag. Sign.

I want them to know that not only war fortresses can fight war fortresses. The artillery of our Thor Brigade can also fight~!

Also, send a report to the headquarters to request air support. The enemy will not give up. The best weapon against war fortresses is war fortresses. "

He paused, looking at the direction the enemy was fleeing. Murmured: "Grandma's, there are only so few. Capelle's kid picked up a big bargain for nothing. Tsk tsk tsk..."

Hearing his tone, it seemed that he wanted to add more war fortresses to the enemy. When the time came, when Capelle commanded Nian's Lightning Squadron, it would give him a little more trouble.

The staff members looked at each other, and they all smiled bitterly: The boss of their own family is really nothing.

At this time, the Semi soldiers who rushed up were about to approach the barbed wire fence constructed outside the city of Vizi, and the artillery in the city immediately targeted the infantry on the ground.

The artillery of the Thor’s brigade were ordered not to be stingy with shells and fire with all their strength.

The first battle was successful, and the artillery was as excited as a chicken blood, loading at a speed faster than the best result, aiming and firing.

The shooting parameters have been determined for a long time, and the artillery can accurately blast the shells up by reporting the position.

The Semitic army slaying the city of Viji was bathed in rumbling artillery fire, and dozens of artillery shells exploded in the dense crowd every second.

The Semitic people were bombarded for the first time, and they, without experience, lined up in a dense charge formation as usual. Every shot down, they can cut out a piece of white ground among the densely packed soldiers. In the blink of an eye, they were charged by Semi soldiers. Fill up.

The bones that were directly hit were nowhere to be found, those within the killing area were easily torn into pieces, and blood clots from the stumps were thrown into the air.

Many of the soldiers of the Eastern Legion on the city wall had not participated in the Battle of Prisca, and it was the first time to see the killing effect of artillery on dense crowds.

Under the intensive artillery fire, the infantrymen were killed in their entirety, and they didn't even have a place to hide.

No matter how they run or hide, if they are hit by a shell, they will undoubtedly die.

The artillery fire formed a wall of fire on their assault, and everything near that wall of fire was blown to pieces.

The sound of the cannonball explosion and the shock wave sent them dizzy again, and the ground under their feet was beating.

The Semitic soldiers felt like they were in hell, with flames everywhere, blood raining from the sky, and stumps of limbs smashing into the crowd like hail.

The soldiers' fear overwhelmed their courage, and they turned and ran back in fear.

Artillery was once made the **** of war by Napoleon. This name is not for nothing. Its explosion can not only destroy people, but its roar can also disrupt people's fighting spirit.

After charging for two minutes under the artillery fire of the Thor Artillery Brigade, the advancing Semitic army finally collapsed.

The retreat horn was also blown from the Semitic camp in the rear. The Semitic soldiers rushed up like a tide, and after a few minutes they retreated like a tide.

Orlandini's sad discovery: they haven't even touched the trenches under Vizi City.

After the Semitic army covering the earth evacuated, leaving behind a battlefield severely ravaged by artillery fire.

Moore looked at the battlefield ahead on the city wall, couldn't help taking a breath, and said blankly: "My God of Light~!"

The battlefield is like a slaughterhouse. There were scorched craters everywhere, and some were still emitting light smoke, and the yellowish-brown soil turned out by the explosion was sprinkled around the craters.

In the middle of the crater are countless broken bodies.

The recruit egg next to him opened his eyes wide, his lips trembled, and suddenly he spit out on the wall with an "Uh" in his throat.

Moore's stomach cramped, although he hadn't eaten breakfast yet, but his stomach was upset in an instant. His throat was itchy, and he couldn't help but vomit on the wall.

There was a roar of laughter from the side. Someone stepped forward and patted Moore's back again, teasing: "Oh. Our warrior Moore, when he is like a rookie, this taste can't stand it.

Lao Tzu slashed against the Parthians back then, and picked out the intestines with a single knife, and the blood sprayed out..."

The soldier estimated that the gestures were disgusting, and the recruit's face turned pale, and he just stood up and met on the wall.

Moore raised his head feebly and gave him a blank look. Looking at these wickedly funny guys, he really didn't have the energy to beat them up. He waved his hand and said, "Go away and go away, Lao Tzu was all harmed by this recruit."

The firemen of the cooking class carried a steaming vat and walked away from the city wall. The cook picked up his horse spoon and banged the iron bucket with a clapper, yelling: "The meal is ready and the meal is good. fight."

The soldiers of the fifth company cheered and flocked to the iron bucket of the cooking class, and the crowd instantly drowned the flames.

Moore skillfully snatched a large piece of bread and a bowl of broth from it, and sat cross-legged on the ground, preparing to eat. An veteran next to him shook the soup bowl in his hand, scooped out a piece of meat, and said: "Oh, Moore, come and see, this piece of meat is thinking about the scalp that was cut off by me, and it still has blood."

Thinking of that scene, Moore's stomach cramped again, and he gave the veteran a vicious look. He glanced at the thick soup in his hand in disgust, and splashed the soup outside the city.

After the morning's offensive failed, the Semi people seemed to know how good it was. The whole day was shrunk in the barracks.

Eight hundred thousand people gathered in and outside the city of Vizi, but the atmosphere was strangely quiet. Both sides died down, and they did not even provoke.

But everyone knows it in their hearts. More cruel battles are coming soon.

One day passed quickly. The sun slowly sank behind the western mountains. After the last red glow on the side of the day disappeared, night fell over the earth.

The autumn breeze on October night was already very cold. The soldiers were wrapped in a thick blanket, holding weapons in their arms and resting with their backs against the female wall.

There was a loud grunt around, some light and some heavy, some long and continuous, some short and high-pitched, and some were always a tone, some were high and low, melodious, forming a reverberation symphony.

Because it was his turn to watch the night, Moore paced back and forth on the wall, watching the movement under the wall.

There was a curfew of lights inside and outside the city of Vizi, and the whole city was dark.

The Semitic camp is the opposite of the Ruman. The camp is bright with lights like stars, and you can still vaguely see figures shaking by the fire.

"Damn the demon paparazzi~!" Moore looked at the camp in the distance and kicked him viciously. If it weren't for them, he should be drinking ale in Constantine at this time, and the bar is hot The maid is flirting and cursing instead of blowing the cold wind here.

There was a rustling sound in the cold wind, Moore was taken aback for a moment, and listened carefully with his ears sideways. That's right, it was not the sound of the wind, but something moving.

"Mozu people~!" Moore quickly thought of this possibility in his heart, and suddenly became very nervous.

Without daring to hesitate, Moore quickly reported his findings to the company commander. The company commander of the fifth company got up, popped his upper body out of the city wall and listened carefully. With the sound of the wind, it seemed that there was something like a sound.

"Go and wake everyone up," the company commander confessed and hurried away.

Moore kicked the sleeping soldiers to wake up one by one. These soldiers maintained a high degree of vigilance, sleeping with one eye open. They quickly got up from the ground and watched the darkness vigilantly.


"What's the matter, the enemy has been killed?"

Just as the soldiers of the fifth company were talking about the soldiers, a dazzling ball of light suddenly rose from behind them, illuminating the ground outside the city.

The ground was full of shadowy figures of Semitic soldiers. They bent over like cats, almost lying on the ground, carefully touching the walls of Weiji.

A continuous dull cannon sounded from behind Moore, and dozens of light spots suddenly lit up in the city of Vizi, and then extinguished in an instant. It was the flame that the artillery fired.

A few seconds later, the battlefield outside the city was covered by an explosion, and the orange flame illuminated the battlefield, followed by the explosion of the explosion throughout the city of Vizi.

At the moment the artillery fire exploded, you could see the backs of Semi soldiers fleeing in panic.

The choking smell of gunpowder was blown up to the head of Viji City with the night The smell was pungent and unpleasant.

But soldiers like Mor and the others liked the taste very much and took a deep breath because it was the taste of victory.

The artillery fire followed the escaping footsteps of the Semitic soldiers, and the artillery of the Thor Artillery Brigade reluctantly stopped firing until the limit of the range.

The night attack by the Semis was easily repelled.

Moore knew he should be able to sleep well tonight.

Early the next morning, Mor was awakened by the cheers of the Semitic people outside the city.

Hearing the "Hurray, Hurray~!" shouts from the opposite Semitic camp, Moore pulled off the blanket and jumped up, staring at the camp in the north, and eagerly asked, "What happened?"

All the five soldiers next to him shook their heads with solemn expressions.

Although I don't know what's going on, the cheers of the Semi people are definitely not a good thing for them Ruman.

"Look at the sky~!" someone yelled.

Moore looked up to the sky, and saw a group of dark shadows swiftly passing under the clouds in the western sky.

As the distance gets closer, the soldiers on the ground can clearly recognize their black pyramid shape.

It is the war fortress of the demons, they are densely crowded in the air, the number is no less than fifty.

"This is trouble~!"

To be continued

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