Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1322: Dangerous city

"Air raid~!!!"

A stern cry came from Viji City.

More than fifty undead war fortresses roared through the clouds and the fog.

In the sun, their Hessian appearance was exceptionally hideous, like a monster in hell.

Their huge bodies seem to be photographed from the sky at any time, smashing the walls on the ground, and crushing Ruman soldiers into meatloaf.

Although Moore was already a veteran and had once sat in Nian's war fortress, it was the first time he saw so many war fortresses.

They obscured the sky, like a dark cloud that brings death, overlooking the city of Viji from the sky with an aura of dominion over the world.

Just the powerful aura of the black cloud overwhelming Moore's breath.

"Air strike, enter the bunker, enter the bunker." The officers on the wall yelled loudly, urging the exposed soldiers to enter the bunker to escape.

The soldiers of the fifth company on the north gate moved quickly.

They rushed into the tower behind them at their fastest speed, rushed down the stairs almost touching the ground, and ran into the bunker and fortress closest to them.

At this time, the war fortress of the undead race had rushed towards Viji City. The company commander was waving his hands in front of the gate of the tower, urging his soldiers continuously, shouting again and again: "Hurry up, hurry up. Hurry up. A little bit."

Moore carried the weapon in one hand, and held the armor on his body with the other, so that he didn't have to run around and the armor was swaying, clanging, and jumping towards the city.

After he ran a few steps, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and when he looked back, he suddenly slammed into the air.

I saw that the recruit with no hair on his mouth raised his head, looking stupidly at the war fortress in the sky, as if stupid.

"These **** recruits." Moore cursed bitterly, then turned and ran back.

He slapped the recruit's forehead heavily, almost slapped to his ear and shouted: "Babbit, what are you **** dazed about. Run~!"

With that, he pulled him, and rushed towards the tower.

At this moment, the recruit seemed to wake up suddenly, as if his buttocks were burned on fire, and uttered a scream of ‘Oh’, with a look of horror, following Moore’s desperate rush.

Moore was running towards the castle, suddenly a flash of light was caught from the corner of his eye, and he couldn't help turning his head to look.

I saw a green or black light suddenly lit up in front of the undead war fort in the sky~!

The light was just a few small spots at first. But it swelled instantly, and quickly expanded into a huge ball of light like a blown ball.

Then, accompanied by a huge roar, dozens of shining spells spewed out from the front of the war fortress.

They crossed a long arc. Slowly hit the wall of Weiji.

Half of them were directed at Weiji's north gate, and they still flew in his direction.

Moore looked at him, and his soul frightened.

As a veteran, he clearly knew that when the light looked from a distance, it seemed to be slow, but in fact it was extremely fast.

Maybe in the next second, it might fall on their heads.

"I must be killed by you." He ran wildly while looking at the recruit's ass. Yelled with anger. If he couldn't stop, he would have to catch this stupid recruit and beat him up.

At this time, dozens of green dark spells flew towards Moore's head with whistling noises, and they were about to blast on the wall in the next second, wrapping Moore and the fool's recruit in the deadly spell.

The commander of the fifth company suddenly yelled, rushed from the opposite side, and grabbed both of them by the collars. Pounced vigorously towards the tower.

The three men flew into the tower, hugged each other, shouted loudly, and rolled down the solid stone stairs.

At this moment, I heard loud noises of shaking mountains behind him.

Boom, boom, boom...

Dark spells blasted the walls of Weiji, setting off a rain of spells.

The city walls above and below the north gate were completely shrouded in black and green light. If there are people on it, it is impossible to survive this spell explosion that completely submerged the city wall.

The Ruman soldiers who witnessed this attack were all dumbfounded and speechless.

This is the horror of the war fortress that has been described thousands of times by humans a thousand years ago~!

The magic cannon on the fortress of war has huge lethality, amazing power, and extremely high defense. However, facing the enemy's war fortress, mankind is helpless and can only be passively beaten.

In the past, although they did not miss the singing of the bards, they only listened to the description of the war fortress. But still can't feel the horror of this weapon. And now, when these war fortresses launched a fierce attack on them, they finally felt how terrifying this weapon was, almost all of it terrifying.

However, the current Ruman soldiers are shocked to witness the power of the war fortress salvo, but they do not have the helpless fear of their predecessors when they face the undead war fortress.

Human beings, quasi-cutly speaking, are their Ruman Empire and Maple Leaf Danlin, and now they have enough means to counter the war fortress of the undead race.

The same thought arose in the hearts of the Ruman soldiers at the same time: thank Lord Lorraine, thank Lord Lord.

Only when they have personally experienced the attack on the fortress of the undead war can they realize the importance of Lord Lorraine's merits.

Without Lorraine fighting his life and snatching back the war fortress from the demons, their Ruman soldiers could only be passively beaten.

Without the artillery invented and manufactured by the Flying Eagle Group, they would not be able to win more with less to resist the 500,000 Semitic army outside the city.

Moore, the company commander, and the silly recruit rolled down the stairs, hitting the corners of the stone steps with their bodies, and finally fell heavily on the cold and hard ground.

"Oh, my waist." Moore felt that there was no place on his body that was not painful at the moment, especially on his lower waist when he was hit by a blacksmith...No, it seemed like he was hit with fifty or sixty hammers.

But Moore was very fortunate that they escaped the attack of the dark spell.

Before rolling down the stairs, Moore caught a glimpse of the spell exploding on the wall, and watched several swords that hadn't been recovered in time being blown up by the spell, and then disappeared in midair.

As long as he was just a step slower, he must have been melted into a pool of thin water by the dark spell just like those swords.

At this time, the company commander was also rubbing his waist. He got up from the ground with his teeth and cracked mouth, and then exhausted all his strength, kicked Mohr and the recruits, and cursed: "Babbit, you guys are trying to kill me, grandma, get up and give I went to squat inside the bunker."

More got a kick. Naturally not reconciled to the loss, he immediately turned around and kicked the recruit again, and then cursed: "You little bastard. I've gotten a kick too. Be smart in the future, otherwise you won't wait for the enemy to come. I will kill you first~!"

He cursed and limped into the strong underground shelter built under the city wall.

The recruit bitterly, rubbed his butt, and followed up in a sorrowful manner. Although he suffered two kicks, he was grateful to the officer and Moore from the bottom of his heart. If it hadn't been for the two of them to give up their lives to save each other, he would have died a long time ago.

Before the war. The defenders of Vizi City had already thought of the threat of the war fortress, and built underground bunkers in the city for attacks from the air to facilitate the military and civilians to avoid air attacks during wartime.

Fortunately, the undead magic cannons also have considerable shortcomings. The undead wizards are all vicious in their minds, but because of this, they put too much emphasis on lethality when they made the magic cannons. The ability to blast and penetrate is extremely weak.

As long as everyone hides in a thicker city defense, they can basically be safe.

But having said that, this cannot be said to be the fault of the undead. For a thousand years, everyone has fought in battles. For the lethal magic gun, it is basically more than enough.

Who would be perverted like Lord Luo...Bah, bah, like Lord Luo with foresight, designing and manufacturing all kinds of shells. What armor-piercing projectile can penetrate thick walls. A dozen large fragments of grenade bombs can burn out a large amount of burning bombs...

When Moore got into the fortress and just finished his soul, he heard another roar outside.

The second round of storms composed of spells fell on the walls again.

In the fifth company, many puppies who were not afraid of death all crowded into the narrow entrance of the bunker, staring blankly at the war fortress in the sky, and watching them recklessly and curiously bombing the city wall.

after all. The situation of the war fort blasting the city wall is not something that can be seen casually.

At this moment, a security officer in black was panting, avoiding the splashed dark magic residue, ran over quickly, waved to the soldiers in the bunker, and shouted anxiously: "We The gun is stuck, I need help."

The soldiers of the Fifth Company looked at each other and were reluctant to go out.

Are you kidding me? A deadly dark spell could fall on top of his head at any time. At this time, he ran out and pushed a cannon in the open area without obstruction.

Isn't this life-threatening~!

The company commander hesitated for a while, then turned around and shouted: "I need volunteers, who wants to go?"

The soldiers all drew back half a step, revealing the recruit crouching at the door.

Seeing his stupid appearance, the company commander felt out of anger and cursed in his heart: How did his subordinates classify such an idiot? It must be because the training staff saw that he was not pleasing to his eyes and deliberately mistreated himself. As for? Isn't it just grabbing him a girl in a bar?

"You, don't look at it, just you." The company commander pointed at the recruit, and then a little more Moore, and said: "Moore, Jason, Aryan...Go on~!"

The few people who were spotted were grinning, and they could only blame themselves for being unlucky. They were seen by the company commander, and they would have stopped squeezing in the doorway to watch the fun.

To make it easier to move, they all threw down their weapons and quickly peeled off their armor-if it was really unlucky and hit by a magic cannon, this defense would be useless at all. It might be slower and more painful.

They tidied up a bit, and then followed the officer of the Thor Artillery Brigade and rushed out quickly.

At this time, the war fortress of the undead found that there were no active targets on the wall, and immediately turned the gun muzzle and started firing at the targets in the city.

All kinds of spells are like the meteor shower of the apocalypse in mythology, constantly falling from the sky, hitting the ground, and destroying everything on the ground.

The few soldiers of the fifth company tried their best to choose the back of the house, like a little mouse being chased by a cat, bowed their heads and rushed towards the artillery positions set up on the fort at the fastest speed.

Several artillery pieces were erected in front of the rear fortress.

A group of security soldiers were chanting "Hey Hey", pushing the steel wheels of the gun carriage and dragging them into the fortress.

The strong and generous outer walls of the fortress are difficult to penetrate by dark spells.

Only one cannon was still mounted on the dug position, and the muzzle was leveled. The gun mount was also put away, but the revolver got stuck for unknown reasons.

Moore and the others rushed forward, and several people pulled the steel wheels backwards, all using the strength of the milk, the steel wheels remained motionless.

At this time, a bleak green spell suddenly fell not far in front of them, in the middle of a house on the ground.

The stone-built house was blown to pieces in an instant, and something terrified Moore and the others happened. The stone contaminated with green liquid emits a burst of gray smoke, which melts at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If this falls on a person, even the bones will not turn into water.

A dark war fortress appeared above them, as if they had been spotted. The artillery that is turning slowly and aiming at the ground.

Mo Er Ji Lingling shuddered, suddenly came to his senses, and shouted: "Grandma's, don't push, everyone lift it together, lift it away~!"

At this time, a group of artillery also surged in.

Dozens of people worked together to raise the wheels and gun carriage. Forcibly picked up a meal of multiple artillery and walked quickly, into the fortress.

They had just walked in the door, and the one-inch-thick steel gate of the fortress fell with a bang, hit the ground and jumped, closing the gate firmly.

The crowd put the artillery on the ground, and Moore collapsed to the ground, panting for breath. Only then did I feel both arms trembling constantly.

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound from outside the door, and the landing point was very close to them.

Immediately afterwards, the steel gate made a chuckle, as if a red iron rod suddenly plunged into the water.

Moore turned his head and searched around, but did not find the source of the sound, and then realized that it was a dark spell corroding the steel plate. Then a faint cry of killing spread into the fortress.

Now, the entire Viji City is under the unbridled bombardment of the undead. Ruman soldiers and the artillery of Thor's brigade all hid, and the Semi attacked at this moment.

The soldiers of the fifth company looked at each other anxiously. They were suppressed from the air by the war fortress of the undead race, and the city was unguarded. What if the demons rushed in?

Is the city defense lost like this?

"Our war fortress," More muttered dissatisfiedly, "Where is our war fortress?"

The artillery officer of the security army beside him seemed not worried at all. He struck a match, lit the cigar dangling from his mouth, and said, "Don't worry, the Lightning Squadron will come. They haven't appeared because they don't think they will appear yet."

"Hey, is there such a god?" Moore was disapproving of this seemingly refusal statement.

The artillery officer grinned and said: "The Lightning Squadron even dared to bomb the undead high priest. What else is there that they are afraid of."

"So awesome~!" The soldiers of the fifth company stared at each other like dumplings.

The officer let out a breath of smoke comfortably, with a relaxed expression, and said: "It is said that they are going to experiment with a new thing, probably because of this delay."


"Eagle has signaled again. He wants to land to add energy." The adjutant probe leaned outside the window and said helplessly.

The captain of the Lightning Squadron, Colonel Capelle annoyed, kicked on the console and cursed: "Fuck, how come we threw this tattered thing on top, when we are nurses?

In other words, why doesn't it bring a bottle of its own before going out.

Add, add, add his grandma's leg, how many times have you added this way? "

The adjutant shrugged and said, "Not this time, it's the third time."

Capelle gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "The bunch of idiots who designed this thing, can't you let it have more spars?

Even if you don't bring it, they sent a madman to be the driver. "

The adjutant looked at the eagle-like war fortress flying parallel to them through the window, and shrugged: "Its belly is so small, even if it is full, it can't hold much."

Outside the window of Bliksem I was a small and long new-style war fortress. Compared with Bliksem, it was like a wolf dog next to an elephant.

It spreads a pair of wide and straight wings and flies into the air. There are two short wings on the tail, one horizontal and one vertical, like a tail. From a distance, the eagle-like war fortress and seagulls are very imaginative.

With wide wings, pointed head, thick waist, narrow tail, people on the ground will treat it as a bird.

Because of its light body, once the eagle flying in the air encounters turbulence, it will bump up and down violently, but the flying fortress next to it is very stable.

"It must be uncomfortable to sit there." The adjutant murmured in his heart as he looked at the eagle-like narrow cockpit. Through the curved window formed by multiple pieces of glass, the adjutant could see the driver sitting inside.

He was wrapped in a thick fur coat, with a funny black bear leather cap on his head, and a pair of weird eyes on his eyes, tied behind his head with a rope.

This completely winter outfit, and surprisingly ugly.

The cockpit was cramped and filled with consoles and a mess of things that didn't know what to use, but that's it, the adjutant knew that there was another person in the lower part of the back seat, and there was not enough space there to even turn around.

Capelle seems to have seen the adjutant’s thoughts and snorted, and said: "Just like this ugly appearance, Boeing's chief engineer dare to say without shame that it represents the direction of future war fortress development. ~!

I won't push myself into that place where the fart is bigger. "

The adjutant agreed deeply, nodded vigorously, and said, "Boss, is it going to land as this, which represents the direction of the future war fortress, ugly guy, add spar?"

Capelle’s boots rubbed the ground and frowned, “According to the intelligence, we’ve been late for half an hour. The old guy in Skope couldn’t figure out how to scold me and order the tenth, the eleventh, and the twelfth. Stay as a nanny, and speed up the rest."

After the signal was sent, the nine war fortresses of the Lightning Squadron took an adult shape and rushed towards Viji City.

The Eagle and the other three slowly fell to the ground.

The pilot mage Guillermo opened the cockpit and swiftly jumped out of the cockpit. His feet were on the ground, and his jackal-like eyes were shining crazily.

He patted the smooth outer surface of the car, and said to the people of Lightning Squadron, "Full!"

The people of the Lightning Squadron reluctantly moved their demon crystals into eagle pose.

Gillette Shang Ermo looked at the northern sky, with eager light in his eyes, licked his scarlet lips, and let out a sullen laughter like a night owl, his face was like a lover's affectionate expression, and he shouted loudly. Said: "Wait obediently, undead tribes, brother, I will be here soon."

(To be continued)

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