Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1323: Eagle strikes the sky

The war fortress of the undead tribe is like a group of hungry vultures, hovering in groups above the city of Vizi, flying slowly.

They keenly watched the movement in Vizi City, and unscrupulously smashed various spells into Vizi City to cover the attacks of the Semitic army outside the city. Even the goalless target is a bombardment.

Ruman's garrison in Vizi City was crushed to death by powerful dark spells. A slight movement on the ground would immediately attract several war fortresses to attack at the same time.

Ruman soldiers can only hide in bunker, avoiding death spells from overhead.

Because the Rumans did not have weapons that could threaten them, the artillery also hid. After attacking the fortress of the Undead Race for a period of time, it appeared even more unscrupulous.

They even lowered to a height of a hundred or ten meters above the ground, circling around the city of Viji, slowly turning the muzzle of the magic cannon, and shooting continuously at the city.

All kinds of deadly dark spells roared across the sky like a meteorite outside the sky, and finally smashed into the city of Viji.

Once those spells fell and exploded, they would always shine with green or black-purple light, and the whole city seemed to be a ghost domain full of terrifying ghosts.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Semitic army who had been waiting outside the city in the morning shouted, rushing towards Weiji City like a tide.

Because of the cover of the war fort in the sky, the morale of the Semitic army is high.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of the war fortress, mankind's most terrifying artillery has been completely suppressed and can no longer play any role.

As for the tens of thousands of defenders in the city, it is not worth mentioning to the Semites. They have 500,000 elite fighters.

Isn't it a matter of minutes to eliminate tens of thousands of human local militias?

They have won this battle~!

As long as they break through the walls and enter the city, victory belongs to their Semites, and this magnificent and solid city will also belong to them.

Just look at the towering castle in the center of the city. Just know how rich this human city is.

According to the officials, there are more than 300,000 people living in this city.

Three hundred thousand people, for these poor-minded Semites, is an unimaginable number. They can already count from one to a hundred, they are already senior intellectuals.

So later, the officials had to use analogy to introduce the city.

They told the soldiers who were sitting in the well and watching the sky, that their capital, Thunderbolt's most prosperous city, and the holy land of milk and bread-Leiburg, had only so many people.

The soldiers immediately blushed. Human beings are so rich. A border city in a small area can be compared with the capital of Thundersham.

This is too rich~!

And now. The city is like a ripe apple, which will soon fall into your own hands.

How this does not excite them.

They tried their best to scream like the earth shaking and rushing at the fastest speed.

At this moment. These Semitic soldiers have only one thought in their hearts: Chong~!

Red, red, red~!

Rush in~!

Rush into this city and grab their food~!

Rush into the city and grab their treasure~!

Rush into the city and grab their women~!

At the back of the front, the Semitic commander Orlandini was also triumphant, and he had already begun to figure out how to use the artillery that captured humans. Go to bomb the walls of mankind.

In order to capture these mighty artillery pieces, General Orlandini offered a huge reward larger than yesterday: as long as the soldier can obtain one intact one, the officer will be promoted to one level and the reward will be 1,000.

And the first to climb the wall of Weiji, is a great reward.

As the saying goes. Money can not only make the ghost grind.

As long as there is money, basically there is nothing impossible in this world.

These poor Semitic soldiers are no exception.

In the excitement of huge rewards, the Semitic soldiers fought bravely one by one. It only took more than ten minutes to cross the death zone formed by artillery fire yesterday.

The dead Semitic soldiers were still lying on the ground.

These Semitic soldiers didn't even look at the corpses on the ground, and stepped on the **** water without hesitation, stepping over the corpses on the stumps and arms.

In a few breaths, they had rushed to the first barbed wire fence outside the trench.

The spiral-shaped barbed wire is more than one meter in diameter, and is fixed with wooden stakes in the middle, and the barbed wire is still covered with dense iron thorns.

The Semitic soldiers had never seen such a thing before, and when they rushed forward, there was some confusion.

Some soldiers first hacked at the barbed wire with their swords. But it was discovered that those iron wires were like a spider web, not only tough but also elastic. One sword went down, he cut continuously, and even bounced the sword in his hand. Can't hold it, almost hurt the comrade next to him.

Facing the barbed wire, they looked like a dog biting a hedgehog. There was no way to speak, all yelled angrily.

Seeing that it couldn't be broken, someone immediately pulled the wire apart without hesitation, got into the wire mesh, and wanted to pass directly through the middle.

But they soon discovered that this approach was worse than just now.

The sharp iron thorns on the barbed wire hooked their clothes and pierced their flesh, making it difficult for them to move.

They couldn't drill forward, but when they retreated, the iron thorns would pierce deeper. The soldiers were trapped in the barbed wire, like fish caught in a net, screaming and crying for help.

The charge of the Semi soldiers came to a halt, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers were blocked in front of a simple barbed wire fence.

Just as the Semitic soldiers were struggling in the barbed wire, a loud cry like a giant bear suddenly sounded from the deep trench in front of them.

"Drop a bomb~!"

Before the words fell, the wooden-handled grenade flew from the trench like raindrops, rolling down among the Semi soldiers behind the wire fence.

"There are enemies in that trench~!" The Semi soldiers panicked immediately, and instinctively raised their shields on their heads to defend.

The grenade hit their shield or armor and rolled to the ground with white smoke from the tail.

Seeing the swarthy iron eggs under their feet, the Semitic soldiers were a little surprised: What is this?

Could it be said that Ruman had no bow and arrow and wanted to kill himself with an iron block?

Before they could react, the fuse in the grenade burned to the end.

"Boom, boom boom boom, boom boom boom..." Thousands of grenades exploded almost simultaneously.

The dull explosions kept rolling one after another.

Countless gorgeous fireworks suddenly appeared in the crowd.

Under the huge explosive power. The grenade shattered into countless small fragments in an instant, and then shot at high speed.

In the flames of the explosion, countless stumps of limbs and broken arms could be seen faintly rising into the sky, and then falling on the ground like raindrops.

Along the side of the barbed wire, the originally dense crowd suddenly became a little sparse.

After yesterday's battle, all the Semi soldiers were blown up by artillery fire.

At this moment, hearing the explosion, the Semi soldiers couldn't help being shocked: Grandma's. Their cannons are still firing.

They shouted one after another, then turned around and fled back.

"Grenades, bombs~!" Accompanied by a roar of vigorous hoarseness, grenades flew out of the trench in an endless stream. The explosion followed in the footsteps of the Semitic.

The hard-trained half-orcs grenadiers, with their immense power, can throw a standard wooden grenade over a distance of 100 meters.

Flying Eagle's grenade is specially designed, and the body is engraved with complicated patterns. This is not only beautiful, but also for the purpose of generating more fragments when it explodes.

This can ensure that after each grenade explodes, there will be about two hundred fragments, covering a range of about five meters in diameter.

The lethality of this grenade is not great. But... but the dense formation of Semitic soldiers allowed the grenade to exert its maximum power. Soldiers within two meters of the explosion will undoubtedly die, and those two meters away are either dead or injured.

Especially those Semitic soldiers who were stuck in the barbed wire and could not move. At this moment, they could only watch the grenades fly out from the trench, sneer and fall beside them, and then engulf them in the flames of the explosion.

After retreating for a mile, the Semitic soldiers calmed down a little when the deadly iron rod did not continue to fly over.

Orlandini's angry nose crooked behind. He saw clearly that the grenades thrown from the trenches were only tens of meters away, and they were not as lethal as artillery.

As long as he speeds up and rushes over and jumps into the trench, it is useless to come to humans.

These soldiers fled back in shock.

Orlandini said with a sullen face: "Who led the attack?"

"Pioneer Mostabile," someone next to him answered.

"Cut him off for me." Orlandini gritted his teeth and said grimly: "His deputy will take over."

"Yes~!" The supervising team walked off the battlefield with a fierce expression.

A few minutes later, a **** head was lifted in front of Orandini, he didn't even look at it, his face was stern. Sternly ordered: "We must win Viji City today, send orders, and those who retreat will die. Beat the drums, march~!"

The sturdy men of the supervising team stood at the back of the offensive force with a cold expression holding a big axe.

The soldiers who had withdrawn could not help but feel nervous.

Then, without waiting for them to react. A fierce drumbeat sounded again in the Semitic camp.

The officers suddenly changed their expressions, and then yelled at them, while waving their sabers, punching and kicking the soldiers under their hands. Order them to attack again.

Encouraged by the sharp saber, the Semi soldiers immediately boosted their morale and rushed up again shouting.

The newly promoted vanguard officer set an example, taking the lead, holding the banner high and rushing to the forefront.

The war fortress hovering in the sky also found violent explosions on the battlefield, flying out of the city one after another, bombarding the ground like cobweb trenches with magical artillery.

But these trenches were dug deep, and they were in a zigzag shape. Even if the dark mage stared out in the sky, he couldn't see what was inside. He didn't even know if anyone was inside. Therefore, they can only explode indiscriminately.

Although the effect of this indiscriminate explosion was not visible, it was later discovered that few grenades flew out of it.

The Semitic army approached the barbed wire smoothly. They strode over the corpses of their comrades who had died on the barbed wire with difficulty.

The people in the front jumped into the trench.

Orlandini heaved a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "Okay, it's half the victory if you get in."

With his superior force, he can pile up trenches even with manpower. In order to conquer Viji City, he can sacrifice 100,000 people without hesitation-Viji City is a northern fortress. Strategically important, as long as this place is taken, half of the north has already fallen into our hands.

The Shan army can drive straight in and approach Ruman City, the capital of Ruman Empire.

The soldiers of the Orc Grenadier Regiment in the trenches looked up at the war fortress flying over their heads, spit out angrily, and greeted the female relatives of the dark wizard above them in the oldest language of the Orcs.

The soldiers of the Grenadier Regiment wore steel armor with heavy thick-backed machete around their waists, and grenade bags rounded their waists. There are still a few in the leather bag on the waist.

However, most of them are empty at the moment. During the training, the officers told them that they must not save money.

There are as many grenades as there are, but a well-trained grenadier is very rare.

Seeing more and more Semites pouring into the trenches. The orc officer blew his whistle "toot" and said loudly: "Retreat, retreat."

The task of the grenadier regiment is not to fight the enemy in close combat.

The orc soldiers threw out the remaining grenades in one go, then turned and ran back.

Seeing the explosion occurred in the trenches, the war fortresses of the undead race lowered their heights and hung over the trenches, carefully searching for the humans in them.

When they searched the tunnel at a height of tens of meters from the ground, no one noticed. Several dark shadows in the sky broke through the clouds and dived down.

Until their high-speed flight brought the whistling sound to the ground. The Ruman soldiers in Vizi City discovered the anomaly.

Nine graceful war fortresses lined up and rushed down to the undead war fortress hovering in the low altitude. At this time, they were only three to four hundred meters above the ground.

Ruman soldiers can clearly see that they have a streamlined appearance with a pair of wide wings.

The front end of the swooping war fortress suddenly flashed red, and the three undead war fortresses covering the Semitic soldiers in the trenches suddenly exploded, and an orange flame enveloped the upper part of the undead war fortress.

Immediately afterwards, the rumbling explosion sound passed to the ground, clearly falling into the ears of every soldier.

Because the flying is too low. The war fort that was hit almost exploded and smashed to the ground at the same time, falling into several pieces, raising smoke and dust in the sky.

The other undead war fortresses discovered that they were attacked. Their first reaction was to speed up and pull up, flee the battlefield, and fly to a safe place.

At this time, a burst of enthusiastic cheers broke out in Vizi City-their waiting air support finally arrived.

The Lightning Squadron led by Capelle swooped and swooped down from high altitude, almost to the height of the city. Immediately, like a harrier turned over, he pulled up the nose directly, drew a big v-shaped trajectory in the sky, and flew high again.

Light and flexible, like an experienced goshawk.

Compared with them, the war fortress of the undead race is simply a group of 80 piglets. Old sow hobbled.

The undead war fortresses that were attacked were all like scared rabbits, hiding far behind the Semitic camp before turning around again.

After the initial panic, the Dark Wizard finally discovered that only nine weird war forts had attacked them.

Looking at their weird appearance, the dark wizard gritted his teeth with hatred. It was these human war fortresses that bombed Ryder City, and the undead high priests and their faces were ashamed.

Suddenly a shrill scream sounded on the battlefield, and more than forty deep black war fortresses suddenly slammed, and they rushed up like crazy dogs.

The Lightning Squadron quickly dispersed, moving around at high speed in groups of three.

Compared with the speed, the war fortress of the undead is far behind them. Coupled with the wide wings, the Lightning Squadron is extremely flexible when turning.

The undead war fortress did not have a unified command. They flew scattered in the air, catching a target casually and biting them. But their clumsy movements are like hippos.

When the seven or eight war fortresses of the undead race had just been surrounded from all sides, the people of the lightning squadron easily dumped them in a quick turn, and there was room to fire two cannons on the undead race.

Spells and cannonballs flew across the sky, like meteors across the sky.

The Ruman soldiers on the ground had no time to appreciate this, the violent bugle sounded again, and the officers blew their whistles loudly.

There was no threat from the air, and the soldiers screamed and rushed to the trenches and city walls to resist the Semitic army.

The artillery also pushed the artillery back into position and quickly fixed the aim. Fire at the Semitic at his fastest speed.

The Lightning Squadron rushed from left to right in the air. Due to the one-to-five gap in numbers, Capeler could only try to entangle himself.

Whenever the Lightning Squadron approaches the limit of its range, it will immediately be attacked by five or six magic guns.

In the continuous air battle with the Maple Leaf Danlin people, the undead race is not without progress. They now also learn to fight together. War is the best teacher. Not all those who pass the exam will survive, but those who fail the exam are all. It's dead~!

Capelle glanced back. It was found that his team was chasing the black, with more than a dozen war fortresses.

While chasing, they fired continuously, and the light of dark spells drew arcs and flashed from nearby. Forcing him to turn and maneuver continuously.

The undead also know that their magic cannon is unlikely to hit the opponent, but this kind of continuous shooting can disrupt the enemy's actions.

Capelle was secretly anxious: this is no way to go on.

At this time, a big bird suddenly appeared.

It swooped down from the zenith directly in front of Capelle, as fast as lightning. When Capelle caught a glimpse of it, it was the size of a fly. When he turned his head to look straight, it was as big as a dove.

Capelle's pupils shrank suddenly. He recognized that it was an eagle, and was rushing towards him.

The Eagle suddenly rolled over, with the belly facing upwards, and the nose pressed down, accelerating and diving downward.

"What does this guy want to do? Is he crazy?" Capelle looked surprised and asked the adjutant next to him.

"Yeah~!" With a crazy scream, Eagle and Lightning One passed by.

Capelle could even see the pilot in the Eagle cockpit clearly. He wore a bright red scarf around his neck.

Capelle and the adjutant took a step forward, and through the rear window they saw the eagle rushing towards the undead war fortress that followed him in a flipped flying posture. In the blink of an eye, there were only two to three hundred meters away.

A small fire burst out under the eagle-like slender nose, and an orange-red light burst out immediately in front of the front of the undead war fortress, which was obviously hit.

Afterwards, the eagle rolled 90 degrees, whizzing through the dozens of undead war fortresses.

The undead also found a small eagle, and more than a dozen magic cannons just wanted to fire. But at this time, the eagle-like figure had disappeared, and the Dark Mage could not even find its shadow in the air.

However, Capelle was condescending, but he clearly saw that the Eagle had already made a circle in the air in just a few seconds. Turning his head back again, he quietly flew a few hundred meters behind the undead race.

Then, it pulled up from a low altitude, pointed its nose at a war fortress that was flying above him, and hit the base of that war fortress with a single shot. Then another continuous roll, flying smoothly to the side hundreds of meters away.

The movements are extremely smooth, like moving clouds and flowing water.

Capelle discovered that the attacked war fortress was spinning around in mid-air at this time, and it was obvious that the idiot hadn't noticed what had beaten it hard.

"This guy is as flexible as a fish." Capelle rubbed his cyan chin and said, "It's interesting."

That thing is simply an agile assassin ~ ~ fast and agile, and always attack from behind the enemy. Every shot is a critical strike. It's really easy to use.

At this time, the Dark Master also found something wrong.

Their war fortress was often attacked inexplicably, and there was nothing in front of them, but a big hole suddenly exploded in the shell.

They leaned their heads and searched around but couldn't see anything. The Dark Mage even thought he had encountered a ghost.

A war fortress was bombed three times in a row, and the shells on both sides were pierced, exposing the magical column engraved with complicated magic patterns inside.

The horrified Dark Mage couldn't bother to look for the enemy's trail, manipulating the damaged war fortress, and flew staggeringly towards the Semitic camp.

The other mages were holding their staffs, watching around nervously, and at the same time ready to jump into the air to escape.

Suddenly, a ball of fire exploded from the exposed interior of the war fortress, and a violent explosion penetrated the column of the law formation. After a burst of mana shock, the war fortress lost control and rolled to one side and fell vertically.

The dark mage immediately fled the war fortress that was about to crash and flew in the air.

Just as they were in a daze, a black shadow rushed past them accompanied by a howling sound, and they seemed to have heard an arrogant scream at the same time.

Only then did the Dark Mages see clearly that they had shot down their eagle. After seeing the bird-like appearance of the eagle, the dark wizards had only one thought: This is impossible~!

(To be continued)

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