Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1332: Dreamlike

"Why did your old man come?" Lorraine said in surprise as he looked at the old man sitting on the sofa.

Blankrera lay on the sofa with her legs cocked without an image, holding a red apple in her hand and creaking, and said vaguely: "Why, can't my old man come? "

"No, no, of course not," Lorraine hurriedly accompanied the smiling face, said: "Welcome, warm welcome, I'm still talking about going to see you."

Lorraine dare not neglect this super bass hidden in the big library.

Not to mention that this old guy is wretched enough-based on Lord Lorraine's experience in the house for a few years, the more wretched people are, the more sinister and vicious, and they can't be offended by waiting.

This old dragon didn't know how old he was hundreds of years old, and even took precious photo crystals to secretly photograph the scenery under the skirts of the female wizards.

It's too low-level, too nasty, too wretched, too...many~!

Seeing hundreds of pairs of white flowery thighs and underpants of various colors flying over his head, this is not one of the dreams hidden in the deepest heart of every Mansao young man.

Lorraine only hated that she was too pure at the time, but she didn't understand it. After she understood it, she would never have a chance again.

Whenever I think about it, I always regret it.

According to Blankrera's words, this custom is still left by the old dragon a few generations ago, and the history is too long. This guy didn't know how many pirated goodies were hidden in his hands, maybe there were still recordings hundreds of years ago.

Although Lord Lorraine wanted to critically appreciate it from an artistic point of view, but this guy kept it too strict, and he didn't find it in the big library several times.

It's hard for me to ask Vera to borrow this kind of thing for myself, so I can only leave this regret.

But this also let Lorraine know that this old guy can't afford it.

When he was upset, he casually planted himself with a photo-taking crystal full of white flowers on his thighs, and his name as a rogue would be unclear for a lifetime.

What's more, this old guy is still Vera's fellow, 100% dragon.

At this moment, Vera was like a little daughter-in-law, sitting next to her cleverly, swiftly cutting the apple in her hand, and sending it to the old dragon.

Blankrera waved his hand carelessly, and said, "No, I won't be here."

Lorraine sat opposite Blankrera and said carefully: "You are old, what's the matter?"

You must be careful when dealing with the dragon clan, especially the old dragon ball who has not known to have lived for hundreds of years.

Lord Lorraine had just been cheated by three old guys who were two hundred years old, but he didn't want to be cheated again by an old guy who was just eight or nine hundred years old.

Blankrera looked at Lorraine up and down for a while, staring at Lorraine until he turned to look at the maple leaf Danlin outside the window, and said leisurely: "This Maple Leaf Danlin, In fact, there has always been one of us."

"What did you say?" Lorraine's eyes widened and said in surprise.

Blankrera chuckled, showing a nostalgic expression, and said: "The Maple Leaf Danlin was built with the help of our dragon clan, especially the Magic Tower and the Great Library.

Of course, no one knows this secret except for the first three sages. After the three sages died, this period of history has been annihilated over time.

Humans don’t know that we are guarding the Maple Leaf Danlin~! "

Lorraine nodded suddenly, no wonder Fengye Danlin's magic tower was so powerful, and the large library was full of mysterious legends, and it turned out that the dragon family had a foot in it.

This is not surprising. In the last millennium war, the dragons supported mankind behind their backs and provided tremendous help. It is said that this solid alliance and friendship came from the covenant during the Great War.

A considerable number of dragon clan incarnations have directly participated in the war and fought side by side with the human element mage to fight the war fortress of the demon clan. This was the only way to deal with the war fortress at that time.

Blankrera said with emotion: "In the words of you, a capitalist who got into the eyes of money, Fengye Danlin has shares of our Dragon Race.

The demons want to destroy our property, huh~! "

Lao Long gritted his teeth Sensen and said: "We must first ask whether we agree or not."

The dragon clan is a famous miser, and it is still synonymous with miser in the mainland. It is pure desperation to steal something from them.

This can be seen from Vera.

"Are you always talking about this, right?" Lorraine asked in confusion, guessing some of these things by himself, otherwise the dragon clan wouldn't be full, and sent a lecherous old dragon to lurk in the big book. In the museum.

Is it to shoot the thighs of female wizards?

Of course impossible.

Blankrera looked at the clean apple core that he had gnawed in front of him, and said: "Due to some historical grievances, we can't sit and watch Kalimdor, and Beatrice destroyed Maple Leaf Danlin and defeated it. Humanity……"

Lao Long shrugged at this point, and said: "We don't like him, let alone the people behind him, uh...or something."

Lorraine was stunned for a moment before realizing that Kalimdor in the mouth of the old dragon, Beutliss was the name of the high priest.

"So that?" Lorraine asked.

Blankrera grabbed the skirt of his clothes and wiped her hands indiscriminately, saying: "We invite you to visit Dragon Island~!"

Lorraine shook his heart and couldn't help but glanced at Vera, only to see that she was holding her hair in distress, obviously also worried.

Dragon Island, that's Dragon Island~!

Literally, it should be an island with dragons living on it.

This is not nonsense, because this is the only human understanding of Dragon Island, and the human understanding of Dragon Island has this literal meaning.

The most famous island in the world has never been seen in legends. No one knows where it is. Even Vera herself can't tell where her home is.

If she knew it, she wouldn't get lost in Fort Lorraine in Pross.

When Lorraine asked about it, Vera only pointed to the West, saying "sea mile" in general.

However, this does not prevent various legends about Dragon Island from spreading on the mainland.

Some people say it is a big island, some say it is a mainland, some say it is floating in the air, and some say it is not in this world...

Speaking of Dragon Island, the Lorraine family is undoubtedly the most qualified in the world.

Because the founder of the Longyacao family, the first patriarch of the Longyacao family, Duke Hal Lorraine, once went to Longdao to learn art.

This is seen in history, the only human who has definitely visited Dragon Island.

Haar finally gained the inheritance of the God's Armed Forces and rose up in the civil war of the Ruman Empire. He also played for a lifetime. The Holy See, Ruman Empire, and the Elven Kingdom all took him helplessly and called him a man of the age.

But throughout his life, Duke Hal Lorraine did not tell anyone how he landed on Dragon Island, no matter who asked, Hal, Duke Lorraine never mentioned it.

Even the Lorraine family didn't have a single word about Dragon Island handed down.

Speaking of Long Island, the current Earl of Longyacao, Lance, and Lord Lorraine had the same black eyes as the others.

It took a long time for Lorraine to wake up and let out a sigh of relief slowly, murmured: "So..."

Blankrera glanced at Vera and said, "In addition, the little girl Anrelias wants to see her baby girl. She said it personally. After playing outside for several years, she didn't go home. , Did you run away with that wild man."

Speaking of Blankrera, he glanced at Lorraine first, and then as if thinking of something, he patted his thigh and laughed, "Like her mother."

Vera's small face turned red all at once, just like the big apple in her hand. It was charming and lovely. People who watched couldn't wait to pounce on it and take a bite. Vera stomped and shouted, "Grandpa~!"

Lorraine keenly caught the flavor of Blankrera's words, a crazy cry in his heart: There is gossip~!

This is the gossip of the godslayer and the blue dragon queen.

"Well, I won't say anything." Blankrera raised her hands and surrendered, laughing cheerfully, winking her eyes at Lorraine, and smiling: "If you let An Rui know that I was being spoken against her, she It's time to pull my beard again."

Lorraine suddenly thought of the super-powerful guardian of the world, Vegalis.

He was talking about his wife with a relieved and bitter expression.

The innocent Lord Lorraine did not understand the various flavors in Vergaris' words.

Now my wife has a group of children, and it is already a person who has passed by, and when I think about it, I can deeply understand the happy helplessness in the expression of this godslayer.

Everyone is the same kind of people~!

"This guy is also a strict wife." Lorraine secretly speculated in his heart.

Vera raised her blushing face and glared at Lorraine, then snorted dissatisfiedly.

Lorraine rubbed her nose and smiled awkwardly. Vera knew exactly what she was thinking. Of course she was not happy to say bad things about her father.

Blankrera looked up at the sky outside and said, "It's a bit late today. You will come to the library to find me early tomorrow morning."

Then he stood up with a pat on the armrest, glanced at Lorraine, and said, "I will give you half a day to prepare. If you kid say that you are also related to us, you can't go to Long Island empty-handed?

Those old guys are not so talkative as my old people. "

Lorraine nodded again and again, and sighed in his heart, looking at the dragon clan, he wanted a gift with the righteousness and courage. It really was the race with the world's first skin defense ability.

Blankrera waved her hand to indicate that Lorraine would not send it, then she carried her hands, bent over, and walked out of the gate of the manor like an old man, slowly strolling along the streets of Maple Leaf Danlin. The old eyes glanced at the little girl passing by from time to time.

Except for himself, in the huge Maple Leaf Danlin, no one could tell that this ugly old man was a powerful dragon, defending the heritage of human knowledge at all times.

The relationship between dragons and humans is not as simple as the legendary alliance.

"I don't know how many secrets are still hidden in this world~!" Lord Lorraine said in his heart. But immediately frowned, this old guy walked up, why did he seem to have some backache?

Dragons also have old rheumatism?

The two returned to the living room, Vera fell on the sofa, grabbed the pillow and put her arms in her arms, unconsciously smashing the pillow with her hands, pouting her ruddy mouth, and said anxiously: "What to do, what to do..."

Then he looked at Lorraine for help and asked, "Master, what is to be done?"

"What should I do?" Lorraine was puzzled.

"Gift, gift~!" Vera was crying anxiously, crying sadly, "What gift should I give everyone?"

Lorraine scratched his head in confusion, and muttered, "That's right, what gift should I give to a group of dragons?"

These guys have never seen anything, what else can impress them?

Moreover, I don’t know how to give gifts~!

Ordinary entertainment among aristocratic officials, such as Julian, Emperor Rudrun, and Lester's birthdays, are all birthday gifts for Catherine and Adele.

Other weddings and funerals, such as the weddings and funerals of a certain official or aristocrat, were arranged by Catherine and the others. Lord Lorraine had never bothered about this.

Even if it is somewhat heard, it is not suitable for the dragons, right?

Lorraine and Vera stared at each other, both of them were helpless.

"Yes, I will ask the butler.

"Lorraine suddenly thought that the butler here understands this.

Vera also nodded again and again, and hurriedly called the old butler over.

"My lord, do you have any instructions?" the butler said respectfully.

Lorraine rubbed his nose and said, "I want to give gifts to a group of people. I don't know what to give.

"So..." The butler smiled and said, "My lord, who do you want to give to? Colleagues? Subordinates? Friends? Comrades? Nobles? Officials?"

"It can be regarded as a relative from the same town." Lorraine rubbed his eyebrows red in distress. He couldn't tell the housekeeper that he wanted to give gifts to the Dragon Race?

In that case, the old butler will definitely treat himself as a mental illness.

The butler nodded and said, "It's better for relatives. How many people do you want to send?"

Lorraine looked at Vera, he didn't know how many people were in the Dragon Clan.

Vera said without thinking: "One thousand two hundred and sixty-eight people."

"Wow!" The old butler couldn't help but exclaimed, "So many. If that's the case, the gift can be more casual and simple.

My suggestion is to send some of their favorite and practical things, not too expensive, but to ensure that everyone is the same. "

Lorraine smiled bitterly, spread his hands helplessly, and said: "Their favorite is the most precious.

However, I understand what you mean, thank you for your help. "

The butler bowed humbly and said, "What the lord says, this is what I should."

After the housekeeper left, Lorraine and Vera looked at each other and sighed at the same time. This time, let's prepare to bleed.

Vera pursed her mouth and said with a crying voice: "I managed to save these babies.

Lorraine didn’t even care for dinner, and quickly approached the manager of Feiying Group’s Fengye Danlin branch. He opened his mouth and said to him: “I need 3,000 standard gold bars weighing a catty.”

The manager of the Maple Leaf Danlin branch almost thought he had misheard, staring at his boss dumbfounded, and said in surprise: "What did you say?"

Lord Lorraine looked at the expressions of his men and knew that this request was too abrupt, but for the sake of world peace, he could only grit his teeth and emphasized his voice: "I need 13,000 standard gold bars per jin."

The branch manager nodded stupidly, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Lorraine knew what he was thinking, waved his hand and said, "You don't need to know the purpose. If you have to say it, it's a gift.

This money is linked to the personal accounts of Vera and I. It is offset against dividends at the end of the year. Keep it confidential and don’t tell anyone. "

Although the manager is full of doubts, as a little brother, he also knows that the boss's orders don't need him to understand, but he only needs to execute them.

It is this kind of private affairs that is the manifestation of the closer relationship between him and his boss.

The manager nodded solemnly and said affirmatively: "When do you want it, boss?"

"It will be delivered here before dawn tomorrow." Lorraine thought for a while and said: "Packed into a gift box of 1,300."

"Sure enough, I want to give a gift. This gift is really straightforward." The branch manager secretly said in his heart, and then affirmed: "Give it to me. It will be delivered on time tomorrow."

To change places, he really didn't have the confidence to say this, but this is Fengye Danlin.

In Fengye Danlin, the center of knowledge, Ruman Empire Bank, Vatican's exchange institution, and Fengye Danlin's own bank are all here. It is not difficult to raise a batch of gold.

After doing all this, Lorraine and Vera let out a sigh of relief, and both of them collapsed on the sofa and looked at each other silently, and couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

When lying in bed at night, Lorraine was still looking at the ceiling distressed.

The bedroom door opened softly, and I heard a person coming in—at this time Rowrina should be back.

She walked to the bed and stopped, looking at Lord Lorraine, who was lying halfway on the pillow with her arm on her back.

"Did you finish the work?" Lorraine asked afterwards, then turned his head, and was stunned.

It wasn't Rowlina who appeared by the bed, but Vera with long sea blue hair, with her loose long hair hanging down to her waist.

At this moment, her big bright blue eyes flickered at Lorraine, her cheeks floating with a beautiful red.

She was wearing a light blue sling dress.

The top only reached Vera's chest, exposing a large white greasy skin on her chest, with sleek shoulders, a beautiful pair of clavicles and a slender neck like a swan.

The hem of the long skirt is only up to the thighs, Vera's pair of round and slender, beautiful legs like works of art are exposed to the air.

The straight legs were joined together without a gap. A pair of small feet like mutton fat and beautiful jade were exquisitely cut, and the toes were slightly bent.

The gauzy blue long skirt is translucent, faintly revealing the flawless body wrapped inside

Lorraine's heart was beating wildly at this moment, his eyes seemed to be hooked, and he couldn't leave the beautiful woman in front of him for a second, staring at Vera with scorching eyes.

Vera felt that Lorraine's gaze was about to burn himself through. He lowered his head shyly, with his hands behind his back, and looked at the ground, not daring to look up at Lorraine.

The full and bulging Twin Peaks lifted the clothes on the chest, and through the thin long skirt, two pink protrusions appeared at the top of the Twin Peaks, which were extremely charming and seductive.

Down is the slender waist with Yingying grip, flat lower abdomen, and then down...

At this time, Lorraine felt his mouth wet, and unconsciously stretched out his tongue to lick it, and a sweet smell came.

I have a faceless nosebleed.

Vera puffed out a laugh, instantly as beautiful as a thousand flowers in full bloom.

She raised her finger to shave her smooth and ruddy face, and looked at Lorraine and whispered: "Master, you are so stupid."

Lorraine's mind was blank at this time, only feeling the blood boil, the whole person seemed to be burning, everything seemed to be in a dream, and said in a daze: "Why are you here?"

Vera picked up a corner of the quilt from the bed, slowly leaned down, raised her feet, pressed her knees on the bed, knelt on the bed and wiped the blood from Lorraine's nose, her beautiful eyes stared at Lorraine deeply, low The sonar said: "My sister Luo Linna and I changed... Tonight, I..."

She didn't know how deadly her posture was to Lord Lorraine. Looking at her slightly trembling chest, Lorraine instantly lost all of her sanity, hugged Vera, pressed down heavily under her body, and bowed her head. The tone went up.

Vera only had time to let out an exclamation, and then only whispered.

For some time, there was a suppressed scream mixed with pain and happiness in the bedroom.

I don’t know how long it took, the whole person turned into pink Vera lying softly on Lorraine’s chest, her slender fingers slowly circling around Lorraine’s chest, looking up at Lorraine’s eyes, slightly hoarse 'S voice whispered: "Now, you are my person. No matter what my family say, I will be responsible for you~!" "So many. If this is the case, the gift can be free and simple.

My suggestion is to send some of their favorite and practical things, not too expensive, but to ensure that everyone is the same. "

Lorraine smiled bitterly, spread his hands helplessly, and said: "Their favorite is the most precious.

However, I understand what you mean, thank you for your help. "

The butler bowed humbly and said, "What the lord says, this is what I should."

After the housekeeper left, Lorraine and Vera looked at each other and sighed at the same time. This time, let's prepare to bleed.

Vera pursed her mouth and said with a crying voice: "I managed to save these babies.

Lorraine didn’t even care for dinner, and quickly approached the manager of Feiying Group’s Fengye Danlin branch. He opened his mouth and said to him: “I need 3,000 standard gold bars weighing a catty.”

The manager of the Maple Leaf Danlin branch almost thought he had misheard, staring at his boss dumbfounded, and said in surprise: "What did you say?"

Lord Lorraine looked at the expressions of his men and knew that this request was too abrupt, but for the sake of world peace, he could only grit his teeth and emphasized his voice: "I need 13,000 standard gold bars per jin."

The branch manager nodded stupidly, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Lorraine knew what he was thinking, waved his hand and said, "You don't need to know the purpose. If you have to say it, it's a gift.

This money is linked to the personal accounts of Vera and I. It is offset against dividends at the end of the year. Keep it confidential and don’t tell anyone. "

Although the manager is full of doubts, as a little brother, he also knows that the boss's orders don't need him to understand, but he only needs to execute them.

It is this kind of private affairs that is the manifestation of the closer relationship between him and his boss.

The manager nodded solemnly and said affirmatively: "When do you want it, boss?"

"It will be delivered here before dawn tomorrow." Lorraine thought for a while and said: "Packed into a gift box of 1,300."

"Sure enough, I want to give a gift. This gift is really straightforward." The branch manager secretly said in his heart, and then affirmed: "Give it to me. It will be delivered on time tomorrow."

To change places, he really didn't have the confidence to say this, but this is Fengye Danlin.

In Fengye Danlin, the center of knowledge, Ruman Empire Bank, Vatican's exchange institution, and Fengye Danlin's own bank are all here. It is not difficult to raise a batch of gold.

After doing all this, Lorraine and Vera let out a sigh of relief, and both of them collapsed on the sofa and looked at each other silently, and couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

When lying in bed at night, Lorraine was still looking at the ceiling distressed.

The bedroom door opened softly, and I heard a person coming in—at this time Rowrina should be back.

She walked to the bed and stopped, looking at Lord Lorraine, who was lying halfway on the pillow with her arm on her back.

"Did you finish the work?" Lorraine asked afterwards, then turned his head, and was stunned.

It wasn't Rowlina who appeared by the bed, but Vera with long sea blue hair, with her loose long hair hanging down to her waist.

At this moment, her big bright blue eyes flickered at Lorraine, her cheeks floating with a beautiful red.

She was wearing a light blue sling dress.

The top only reached Vera's chest, exposing a large white greasy skin on her chest, with sleek shoulders, a beautiful pair of clavicles and a slender neck like a swan.

The hem of the long skirt is only up to the thighs, Vera's pair of round and slender, beautiful legs like works of art are exposed to the air.

The straight legs were joined together without a gap. A pair of small feet like mutton fat and beautiful jade were exquisitely cut, and the toes were slightly bent.

The gauzy blue long skirt is translucent, faintly revealing the flawless body wrapped inside

Lorraine's heart was beating wildly at this moment, his eyes seemed to be hooked, and he couldn't leave the beautiful woman in front of him for a second, staring at Vera with scorching eyes.

Vera felt that Lorraine's gaze was about to burn himself through. He lowered his head shyly, with his hands behind his back, and looked at the ground, not daring to look up at Lorraine.

The full and bulging twin peaks lifted up the clothes on the chest, separated by the thin long skirt, the top of the twin peaks reveals two pink protrusions, extremely charming and The down is a delicate grip. Waist, lower abdomen flat, and then down...

At this time, Lorraine felt his mouth wet, and unconsciously stretched out his tongue to lick it, and a sweet smell came.

I have a faceless nosebleed.

Vera puffed out a laugh, instantly as beautiful as a thousand flowers in full bloom.

She raised her finger to shave her smooth and ruddy face, and looked at Lorraine and whispered: "Master, you are so stupid."

Lorraine's mind was blank at this time, only feeling the blood boil, the whole person seemed to be burning, everything seemed to be in a dream, and said in a daze: "Why are you here?"

Vera picked up a corner of the quilt from the bed, slowly leaned down, raised her feet, pressed her knees on the bed, knelt on the bed and wiped the blood from Lorraine's nose, her beautiful eyes stared at Lorraine deeply, low The sonar said: "My sister Luo Linna and I changed... Tonight, I..."

She didn't know how deadly her posture was to Lord Lorraine. Looking at her slightly trembling chest, Lorraine instantly lost all of her sanity, hugged Vera, pressed down heavily under her body, and bowed her head. The tone went up.

Vera only had time to let out an exclamation, and then only whispered.

For some time, there was a suppressed scream mixed with pain and happiness in the bedroom.

I don’t know how long it took, the whole person turned into pink Vera lying softly on Lorraine’s chest, her slender fingers slowly circling around Lorraine’s chest, looking up at Lorraine’s eyes, slightly hoarse 'S voice whispered: "Now, you are my person. No matter what my family members say, I will be responsible for you~!"

(To be continued)

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