Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1333: Dragon Island

Lord Lorraine uttered a cheerful haha, his arms tightly hugged Vera in his arms, a pair of big hands slowly wandered on her smooth brocade-like body, feeling the warm and moist skin in the hands Amazing flexibility.

Lord Lorraine would only feel his whole body as if he had eaten dozens of ginseng fruits, and his tens of thousands of pores were all refreshing, and his soul seemed to fly lightly.

Thinking of the more than one million cash gifts given to the Dragon Race, I didn't care at all in my heart.

"What's the matter of giving them millions, it's just to shape them a waiting golden statue, I also recognize it." Lorraine groaned comfortably in his heart.

How much gold is not precious to a Vera.

Vera twisted her delicate body reluctantly, and her full and swollen chest ran across Lorraine. The feeling was almost like an overcharge, almost killing Lord Lorraine.

She squeezed her powder fist and slammed Lorraine's chest lightly, and said, "We don't give them that much money."

Hearing "we" in Vera's mouth, Lord Lorraine felt that his bones were crisp, and he said: "Okay, no."

She is now a woman from the Lorraine family, and of course she has to stand in the same trench as Lorraine. Her own money can't be cheaper than the Dragon Clan.

Vera put her small hand on Lorraine's chest, staring into Lorraine's eyes, and said solemnly: "Don't worry, with me, they dare not do anything to you."

Lord Lorraine curled his lips and said disapprovingly: "I am considered a successful person anyway, with a net worth of hundreds of millions, millions of dollars every minute. Your poor relatives..."

It is estimated that only the big boss of the Flying Eagle Group dare to call the Dragon Clan a poor relative.

Anyway, from Vera's description, Lorraine didn't feel how rich the dragons were.

"You don't know the old guys in my house." Vera pursed her mouth and said distressedly: "They... are poor and stubborn, and they all **** very badly. They look down on any race except themselves. ."

Miss Vera has been outside for five years, fought in wars, and started a company. Having worked as an undercover agent, he has a very broad vision.

There is a lot of money in his pocket again, and the annual dividends of the Flying Eagle Group cannot be spent.

She is no longer the silly stupid girl who lost her way back then. She would dare to say that her fellow villagers are poor and stubborn.

Lorraine patted Vera's powder back comfortably, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, since they called me to go to Long Island, they must have asked me.

Don't you believe me? They are not more difficult to deal with than the undead high priest, right? "

Vera frowned and thought for a while, then nodded heavily. He sighed and said, "When the time comes, let's see how you move."

Lorraine smiled, seeing Vera's chest pressed against her. Turning into a flat shape, my heart felt hot, and my fingers drew up Vera's delicate minibus, saying: "It's still early, let's..."

When the first strand of white belly was revealed that day, the bedroom door was knocked gently.

The maid's call came from outside: "My lord, it's time."

Lorraine opened his eyes and stretched his arms comfortably above his head.

Although he didn't sleep long last night, Lorraine felt a hundred times more energetic at the moment.

The whole body is full of power. It seems to be able to kill a bull with one punch.

Vera in her arms was still asleep, with a slender and fit leg resting on Lorraine's waist, nose by nose, breathing evenly.

I don't know what good thing I saw in my dream, with a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth, he muttered in the dream: "Mine is all mine..."

Lorraine shook Vera gently. Whispered in her ear: "It's time to get up."

"Go away and let me sleep for five minutes." Vera closed her eyes and muttered vaguely, turning over and wrapping her blanket tightly to continue her dream.

Lorraine looked at Vera's lazy sleep like a Begonia, couldn't help but smile, and said, "I'm going to your house today, and Blankrera should be angry if it's late."

Vera suddenly opened her eyes, flicked out of the bed, and exclaimed: "I almost forgot. Get up and get up~!"

Turning his head, he saw Lorraine's bright eyes. Staring straight at his chest, there was nothing blocking him at the moment.

"Don't look at~!" Vera grabbed the blanket and wrapped herself, her face blushing instantly, raised her hand and pushed Lorraine, and groaned: "Go out, I'm going to get up. Go out."

Vera grabbed the quilt with one small hand, and kept pushing Lorraine with the other hand, driving him off the bed in three or two.

Lorraine had no choice but to curl his lips helplessly, picked up the clothes on the ground, and said, "Okay, okay."

"Ah~!" Vera on the bed suddenly exclaimed, and exclaimed in surprise: "Your back..."

Then it seemed that he suddenly understood something, and he pulled up the quilt to completely wrap himself up, and yelled in the quilt: "Master, go out."

"Back? What's the matter?" Lorraine walked to the full-length mirror and turned around and took a look, then laughed blankly.

I saw that my back was covered with red blood stains drawn by Vera's nails, and there were already two bright red pieces under the shoulder blades. But Lorraine didn't feel any pain.

"Get up quickly. Don't wait for Blankrera to come back." Looking at Vera who hid herself like an ostrich, Lorraine walked out of the room with a begging.

Vera muffled in the blanket, "I see."

Waiting for Lorraine to walk out of the room, Vera pulled off the blanket covering her and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

When Vera got dressed and walked downstairs in a beautiful blue mage robe, Luo Linna was lying on her knees, holding a cup of steaming black tea in her hands, slowly tasting it leisurely.

On the table in front of her, there was a copy of the day's "Red Maple Leaf",

Rowlingna glanced at Vera and joked with a smile: "Oh, the bride is downstairs."

Vera's face turned red again for an instant, she hopped a few steps down the stairs and squeezed to the side of Luo Linna, wrapped her arms around Luo Linna's shoulders, resting her head on her shoulders, and said coquettishly: "Rolina Sister, you laugh at me too."

Lorraine grabbed Vera's little hand and lowered her head to her ears. She didn't know what she had quietly said. Vera snorted, and her little head arched into Lorina's arms, shook her head reluctantly, and said softly: " Do not listen or listen..."

When Lorraine walked into the room, the two girls were biting their ears and pressed closely together. I don't know what to whisper.

One is generous and elegant, the other is delicate and beautiful, two people sitting together, as pleasing as a landscape.

They chuckled from time to time, or glanced up at Lorraine, then stared at him fiercely.

At this time Lord Lorraine could only shrug his shoulders innocently, and finally simply asked Luo Linna: "Did you sleep well last night?"

Lorraine lost Lord Lorraine's eyes, and said irritably, "I have to ask~!

I don't know if it was the voice. It babbled like a cat meowing most of the night, the noisy people were upset, and I didn't fall asleep all night. "

"No face to meet people..." Vera covered her face with her hands. When she stooped and hid behind Luo Linna, Luo Linna couldn't pull it out.

Lorraine rubbed his nose awkwardly, and smirked.

At this time, the old housekeeper walked into the room and bowed and said, "My lord, the manager of the Feiying Group branch is asking for a meeting."

This solved Lorraine's embarrassment.

Lorraine suddenly jumped up from the sofa, and said in relief: "It's finally here."

In the courtyard outside the house, the manager of the Fengye Danlin Branch of the Flying Eagle Group bowed to his boss and said, "Boss, all the things you want are here. According to your instructions, one is not bad."

The manager has red eyes and a tired look, obviously busy all night.

There were three wagons parked behind him. The gold bars Lorrain wanted weighed six tons, and one wagon could not hold it.

"Good job, all of you pay a month's salary as a reward." Lorraine patted his shoulder appreciatively, waved to everyone, and said: "All move in."

"Yes," dozens of people in the branch immediately acted, unloading the packaged gift boxes from the carriage and sending them into the hall.

Rowlingna and Vera stood by the door arm in arm, looking at the stack of gift boxes piled high on the ground, and said in confusion: "What are you going to do?"

Lorraine spread his hands and said angrily: "Gifts. Give gifts to many people.

In order to win this battle, I have to pay for it myself, which makes sense. "

Vera also nodded with a sullen face, feeling sad, and the same enemy as Lorraine, she still feels pain.

"Oh..." Luo Linna smiled and shook her head, and said: "Okay. I have to go to the construction site.

When are you leaving? "

Lorraine looked in the direction of the Great Library, shook his head and said: "Not sure, it is possible to leave today."

Luo Linna nodded silently, stepped forward and hugged Lorraine, pecked at the mouth of Lord Ferguson, and solemnly said: "Be careful, don't worry about Maple Leaf Danlin."

Lorraine tightened her arms tightly, patted her on the back lightly, and said confidently: "Don't worry, the undead guys can't beat me.

The same is true for you, don't take risks. Something makes the old fellow Lester stand in front, and he will fight. "

Lorraine chuckled and slammed Lorraine's chest lightly, and said: "Dai'er heard this. She should have trouble with you again.

Okay, I'm leaving, the undead should come to harass again tonight, there are a lot of things waiting for me to do. "

Watching Lorraine leave the manor curledly, Lorraine pointed to Vera at the gifts piled high in the front hall, and said: "We should set off too."

Vera gave an obedient hum, and waved her small hand, and more than 1,000 gift boxes with a volume of more than two cubic meters disappeared out of thin air.

Then he turned the ring on his finger, his arm in his arm, smiled brightly, and said, "Let's go, let's go home."

Lorraine and Vera were walking on the morning road of Fengye Danlin, and there were many early school students and morning exercise teachers and students coming and going.

Universities in the world are the same, and most people are still lying in bed.

Passers-by can't turn their eyes away as long as they catch a glimpse of the charming Vera.

A simple blue robe, no ornaments to decorate yourself, pure and charming.

There was a happy and sweet smile at the corner of his mouth, the white skin radiated a jade-colored light, and the long blue hair and clothes were swayed gently with the autumn morning breeze, and the whole person was like a goddess descending from the earth with a divine power.

"Who is this girl?"

"When did Fengye Danlin have such a beauty?"

"What grade is she in? Freshman?"

Passers-by talked a lot, and then when they looked at Lord Lorraine who was tightly embraced by Vera, everyone looked at him with perseverance: Such a beautiful girl is a pity for him.

Lord Lorraine calmly enjoyed the envy, jealousy and hatred of passers-by. He didn't care at all, and he deliberately tightened Vera's slender waist, and walked arrogantly on the road.

With eyes dropping all the way, Lorraine came to Fengye Danlin's majestic library.

The door of the library was open at this time, and many students were still eating breakfast. He hurriedly walked into the big library, wanting to graduate from Fengye Danlin, but he couldn't spend his days alone.

If he fails the exam, even the king cannot get his diploma.

Lorraine and Vera walked straight into the staff passage, turned a few turns, all the way down, and came to the underground door of Blankrera underground.

Just about to raise his hand and knock on the door, Blankrera's voice came from the room. Said: "Come in."

The door opened automatically with a creak.

Blankrera waved his hand to Lorraine and said, "Wait a minute, it will be fine."

Then, like wind and clouds, the breakfast on the table was wiped out. Then he lifted the wine glass and drank it all at once, and lifted the back of his hand to wipe the corner of his mouth.

Blankrera burped again, and finally did not know that he took out a toothpick from there, and said leisurely: "Although it is hard work to squat in the Maple Leaf Danlin, the food here is still good."

Lorraine and Vera took a closer look at Lao Long’s breakfast, which was nothing more than croissants, cheese and bacon and ham, together with a bottle of ordinary wine on the market.

Ms. Vera, who had already eaten it, curled her lips in disdain, and whispered to Lorraine, "I don't even have a bowl of braised pork. Dare to applaud."

In this era, people cook, although it is not like the dark British cuisine, but the method is also very simple, cooking, frying and baking, coupled with a lot of very strong spices.

In terms of eating, Lord Lorraine can be sure that he is at the level of the Grand Magister.

And since following Lorraine to walk the rivers and lakes. Vera's stomach was served comfortably.

What kind of steamed dumplings, spring rolls, simmered wheat, braised pork elbows and carp noodles...Lorraine can always conjure up a variety of delicious foods that people can't hate to bite off their tongues, and let her feast on them.

Vera is now dismissive of the so-called high-end meals on the market.

Blankrera's ears were very good, and she asked in confusion, "Broiled pork? What is that. Is it delicious?"

Vera nodded and said: "When you are free, I will let Lorraine do it for you personally, to ensure that you will never forget it."

"That must be tasted." Blankrera licked the corner of his mouth, and it was not easy for Vera to say yes.

Then said: "Come with me, time is almost up"

Speaking, he pulled straight to a wall, tapped his finger on the wall, and his fingertips flashed red. The wall disappeared, revealing a wide passage.

"This is?" Lorraine and Vera both looked surprised.

"Why?" Blankrera glanced back at them, and smiled: "Do you think I would fly ten thousand miles like this stupid girl?

I was shocked when I saw Vera, this girl really has perseverance. "

Vera was ashamed and annoyed, stomped and said: "Grandpa Blanc..."

It was not a glorious thing to run away from home, and she also made a lot of low-level mistakes. If other dragons knew, it would be enough to laugh at her for a lifetime.

Blankrera smiled and waved her hand, and walked in first.

Lorraine and Vera followed closely behind Blankrera, down the spiral stone steps.

About a quarter of an hour later, Lorraine estimated that they had gone down a hundred meters underground, and suddenly a broad rotunda appeared in front of them.

The magic light source on the four walls exudes soft white light, and the ground is engraved with complex patterns, forming a circle with a diameter of hundreds of feet.

Blankrera led Lorraine and Vera straight to the center of the circle, standing in the center, and said: "Are you ready? I'll take you there when I'm ready."

Lorraine and Vera clicked.

Feeling timid about hometown, Vera clenched Lorraine's hand tightly, her palms covered with sweat.

Blankrera chanted an obscure mantra in a low voice, and the magic lines on the ground suddenly glowed with a pale green light. As the old dragon chanted, the light on the magic lines became brighter and brighter.

"Oh, yes." Vera called out suddenly.

Blankrera opened his eyes suddenly and waved his hand vigorously, and the light of the magic pattern quickly dimmed out.

Old Long asked nervously, "What's wrong? Do you feel uncomfortable? This is normal."

Vera smiled and shook her head. Suddenly a beautifully packaged gift box appeared in her hands, and she held it in her hands and put it into Blankrera's hands, saying: "Lorraine and I gave it to you. Thank you for taking care of us."

Then squeezed his eyes at Lao Long and said, "The one for you is special, don't tell others."

The thing fell suddenly in his hand, and Blankrera discovered that the gift box didn't look big, but the weight was not light.

He was always comforted, twisted his beard and smiled and said: "You are too polite, I just said it casually."

At the same time, the gift box instantly disappeared from his hand.

Lorraine secretly pouted his hypocrisy, extremely hypocritical.

Vera clasped Lorraine's arms tightly, nodded to Blankrera, and said, "Okay, let us go."

Blankrera chanted the mantra in a low voice again, and the light on the magic pattern quickly illuminated the entire hall.

Then the grand green light exploded suddenly and then extinguished, the white light regained in the hall, as if nothing had happened.

Lorraine and Vera in the middle had disappeared.

Blankrera took a breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Even for the dragon clan, a teleport spell is a waste of energy.

Blankrera smiled slightly, and the gift box appeared in his hand out of thin air.

Lao Long tore open the wrapping paper of the gift box in twos or twos, revealing the beautiful wooden box inside. The moment he opened the box, the golden light illuminated his face.

"This is..." Blankrera looked at the gold and gems in the box blankly, her eyes rusty, staring straight at the dazzling brilliance.

Shiny things are naturally attractive to dragons, regardless of gender, especially the light of gold and gems.

Blankeri stretched out his fingers and touched the gems that gave off the dreamy seven-color light, and weighed the weight of the box in his hands, and said with emotion: "This girl is really rich.

How high did Lorraine kid pay her? "

(To be continued)

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