Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1334: Dragon Island

Looking at the increasingly dazzling green light in front of him, Lorraine couldn't help closing his eyes.

Followed by a force of pulling.

Lorraine instantly felt a sense of weightlessness, although he clearly felt his feet still standing on the ground.

At this moment, her arm tightened, Vera pressed her whole body and hugged Lorraine's arm tightly, and she could see that she was also very nervous.

After the next second, Lorraine felt the bright light in front of him disappear, and the air suddenly became fresh and cool, no longer the dull smell of the underground.

Lorraine opened his eyes, the sun was shining, and the beautiful silver sand beach and the endless blue ocean were in front of him.

The damp sea breeze was blowing slowly, and the sound of the waves and the seagulls were heard in my ears

Everything is no different from an ordinary coast.

Lorraine looked around and found himself standing on the central square of a small town.

The cobblestone streets meander along the coast. On both sides of the narrow road, there are villas and manors with white walls and red tiles. The houses are strewn together, like a beautiful landscape painting.

There was no one on the street, revealing a quiet and serene atmosphere.

Lorraine's eyes widened in surprise, this is obviously a seaside resort.

It was a thousand miles away from the Dragon Island in my imagination.

"Did Blankrera make a mistake?" Lord Lorraine murmured in his heart, suspecting that he had sent himself to a certain scenic spot.

From Blankrera's consistently sloppy personality, this is highly possible.

Lorraine looked at Vera with this doubt.

Vera has been holding Lorraine's hand tightly, staring blankly at the beautiful seaside town in front of her.

Suddenly cheered, jumped up happily, and his clear voice exclaimed excitedly: "I'm back~!"

Then Lorraine's hand ran forward.

Lorraine was pulled vigorously by Vera, and followed her quickly across the street, passing villa after villa, vaguely feeling someone behind the doors and windows of the villa.

A few minutes later, Vera took Lorraine and stood in front of a courtyard.

In front of you is a beautiful beach-style double-storey villa. A vibrant green lawn in the courtyard is planted with several tall coconut trees.

"We're here." Vera smiled happily, squeezed Lorraine's hand, took the dumb Lord Lorraine into the yard, and shouted: "Mom, Dad, I'm back."

He stepped forward and pushed the door open and walked directly in.

Lord Lorraine seemed to be still wandering around until this meeting. Somewhat dullly looked at the room in front of him.

"This has nothing to do with the Dragon Island and the Dragon Clan that he expected." Lorraine secretly wondered, as the most mysterious in the world. The most powerful race, a floating island or a big palace appeared on Dragon Island, Lorraine would not be as strange as it is now.

The Parthian carpet in the room, the woven tapestries of Sarnia, the white solid wood furniture, the beautiful crystal chandeliers above the head, and the white porcelain plates and glass vases on the table... etc.

This is clearly the life style of an ordinary human wealthy family.

Vera walked into the room familiarly, and fell on the sofa in the living room. He kicked the boots on his feet with no image, and stretched his slender legs on the coffee table.

Seeing Lorraine standing still, Vera pulled her small hand and dragged Lorraine onto the sofa.

Sitting here, you can see the magnificent sea view through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, and the cool sea breeze blows through the open windows. It makes people want to groan comfortably.

Lorraine can be sure that the people who live here are people who know how to enjoy life.

Several newspapers were even scattered on the coffee table in front of him. Lorraine discovered that there was a women's fashion magazine published by Nian.

In a trance, Lorraine seemed to have returned to his seaside holiday villa in Nydal.

"This..." Lorraine tapped his finger on the table and hesitated: "Is it the table?"

Vera chuckled and said, "Of course it is the table. The furniture here is made by my father himself. In Longdao, my father has the best craftsmanship.

Not just furniture. We built all the houses here. "

This is a bit weird for Lord Lorraine. But later he learned that the long lives of the dragons are not used to sleep.

The long lifespan allows them to arrange their lives and hobbies calmly. Pursuing a beautiful and comfortable life is also one of their interests.

"It's okay." A gentle voice came forward, and Lorraine looked up and saw Vergaris.

The most powerful man in the world wore a floral apron around his waist and a spatula in one hand, looking at himself and Vera with a happy smile. Just like a kind uncle, a good-natured man who loves his wife and daughter.

Anyone who knows the identity of Vergaris will be shocked if he sees this scene.

Vera jumped up and hugged her father, coquettishly said: "I'm back, where's my mother? Do you miss me?"

Vergaris raised his oily hands, looked at Vera hanging around his neck, and smiled: "You are heavy again. It seems that you are doing well outside."

Vera smiled brilliantly, showing the tenderness of a little girl.

"Oh, I know that thinking of me, I thought you forgot about us." A tall and blue-haired beauty walked into the room and said with a sullen face.

Of course Lorraine recognized that this was Vera's mother, Blue Dragon Queen Anrelias.

Just look at her and you can know who Vera grew up with. Their mother and daughter's looks are seven-point similar, except that Vera's face is slightly fatter and the body is better.

Vera hopped into Queen Anrelias' arms, and said coquettishly, "Mom..."

Annrerias snorted, turned her face and pushed Vera away.

Vera smiled obstinately, and squeezed into Anrelias' arms with a grin, and said: "I want to kill you."

Queen Anrelias gave Vera a white look, and said: "Dead girl, I haven't said it for several years. I thought you lost it."

Vera twisted her body and pursed her lips: "I don't know the way back. Grandpa Blank doesn't say anything. Besides, you didn't visit me either."

"Who said no~!" Queen Anrelias raised her hand and knocked on Vera's forehead with a violent shudder. The playing Vera rubbed her forehead and cried out for pain.

Ann Relias said: "Your father and I have to visit you several times a year, and see you playing so wild. I didn't let you know."

Lorraine instantly broke into a cold sweat. It turned out that these irresponsible parents hadn't forgotten their daughter in recent years.

Haven't I done anything to Vera to make the couple angry in the past few years?

I think should not be?

Doesn't it seem?

Isn't it?

But it's not easy to say, I just put Vera on that last night.

If you let this couple know, I wonder if they will chop themselves?

Lorraine touched her neck subconsciously, and glanced up at Vegalis and Queen Anrelias.

Feeling Lorraine's gaze, Vergalis smiled kindly at Lord Lorraine, and smiled sincerely, "Thank you for taking care of us Vera for so many years.

Every time we visit her, we see that she is very happy. Much happier than at home, so I didn’t bother you. "

Lorraine smiled hard and nodded, and said, "I should do it."

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart: If Vera is unhappy, will he be unlucky?

Consider the hot temper of Queen Anrelias. Lorraine gave a guilty smile, she was a figure who could blow up a mountain with a wave of her hand.

Vera spit out her little pink tongue cutely, smiled, and said, "By the way, I brought you gifts."

"This is for you, this is for Dad..." As I said, I started to take things out one by one, and first piled them on the table. Soon the table was piled up with several high floors. Put it on the sofa again. In the blink of an eye, the sofa is also full, as long as it is on the ground.

Vera took out hundreds of boxes and filled half of the living room.

Queen Anrelias had excited eyes with stars, and she looked like a housewife who had won a big prize in a shopping mall, she couldn't wait to pick up the box on the ground.

Lorraine is familiar with the things here, mostly fashionable women's fashions and men's suits from all over the world. Gold and silver jewelry, brooches, buckles, high heels, all kinds of boots, hats, scarves, and expensive cosmetics. Wait for these fashion luxury items.

There are Ruman's, Almohad's, Maple Leaf Danlin's, Elf Kingdom, Semitic, and Catherine and Adele's designs.

They have a common feature. Beautiful and valuable.

Hundreds of luxuries were piled together in a dazzling array, Lorraine was dazzled, not to mention Queen Anrelias. At this moment, there were only stars in her eyes, and she seemed to faint happily.

Queen Anrelias hugged her daughter, kissed Vera heavily, and said with satisfaction: "My good girl, you are finally grown up."

Vera took a peek at Lorraine, and saw that Lord Lorraine, who was usually fearless and fearless at the moment, was sitting upright like a silly son-in-law who came to the door for the first time, with her hands on her knees and a smirk.

"It turns out that the young master is also nervous." Vera secretly said sweetly in her heart, took her mother's hand, and said: "These are all given to you by Lorraine and I."

Vera especially emphasized Lorraine.

Vergaris stared at a room of gleaming costume jewellery dumbfounded. He turned his head and gave Lorraine a weird look and gave a wry smile.

Then quietly pulled his wife, who was completely immersed in the joy of unwrapping gifts, whispered: "There are too many things, we can't use it, do you give it to the folks?"

"No, never~!" Anreilias shouted resolutely and decisively. She glared at her husband angrily and said angrily: "Why, this is given to me by my girl~!"

Then akimbo, glaring at Vergaris, said: "How many years have I been with you, when have you given me so many things? Or is the girl caring about her hard-working mother.

You still want me to give someone away, there is no door. "

With a helpless expression on his face, Vergaris raised his hand to surrender, and smiled uneasily.

Lord Lorraine wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh at this time. He could only endure very hard, watching his nose and his mouth, straightening his waist on the sofa and looking out of the window, only when he didn't see what was happening.

Vera hugged Queen Anrelias' arm and said, "Don't worry, I also brought gifts for everyone."

With a wave of his hand, the remaining half of the living room was also occupied.

"Lorraine prepared this overnight. Everyone has it." Vera asked her parents for credit.

Vergaris and Queen Anrerias looked at the piled gift boxes in surprise, and at the same time looked at Lorraine. Vergaris nodded approvingly and said, "It's still as thoughtful as you think."

After a few years of going out, I came back suddenly. I just brought a lot of gifts to my parents. No one else said anything. On this Dragon Island, where each other is relatives and friends, some can't justify it.

Vergaris glanced at the sky, and said, "Take advantage of this while you go and give gifts to the folks. Everyone knows you are back.

At noon, I invited a few elders to dinner and came back on time. We had business to discuss with Lorraine. "

"Good~!" Vera said crisply, put away the gift box and pulled up Lorraine and ran out.

Seeing Lorraine being staggered by Verator's back, Queen Anrelias sighed quietly. I couldn't tell what it was like: "Our girl has grown up..."

"Yes, I've grown up." With a happy and contented expression on Vergaris's face, he said: "Think about her being covered in mud, crying and running home as if it was yesterday. I knew how to maintain that stinky boy so quickly It's..."

Vera bounced happily all the way, knocking on door-to-door with Lorraine, delivering beautifully packaged gifts, shouting "uncles and aunts" and "grandparents" incessantly.

These dragons are also really welcome. They opened the gift box as soon as they got the gift box. When they saw the dazzling gold inside, their faces showed surprise expressions, and they were very affectionate to Lorraine and Vera.

Lorraine also saw various dragon races along the way, both old and young. But what makes Lorraine strange is that they look no different from ordinary humans.

After running most of the town, Lorraine Lala Vella finally couldn't help asking the question that had been held in her heart for a long time: "The people on Dragon Island...don't the dragons live in the dragon's den?"

"Master said that?" Vera raised her arm and pointed to Lorraine at a distant mountain peak, from here you can see the cave on the mountain.

Vera said, "That is also our home above. But unless it's childbirth or something important, everyone usually doesn't live in the mountains. It's not fun at all."

"Where is the conference hall that you bombed?" Lorraine asked, looking up at the tall and tall mountains in the distance.

Vera snorted coldly, her pretty face was stern, apparently still angry that she was being pitted by a bunch of nasty old dragons, and she snorted at the highest mountain, and said, "It's on the top of that mountain. What conference hall? , Just a few pillars, dare to ask me 50 million, really..."

Vera carefully looked around, and after confirming that there was no one around, she lay down in Lorraine's ear and whispered, "It's so crazy~!"

Lorraine said strangely: "Aren't all dragons supposed to be rich? In the legend, don't you all use gold to cushion the dragon's lair?"

"What? Is that a good novel?" Vera waved her little hand boredly and said, "Master, do you think the dragon who writes the book "The Treasure of the Dragon Clan" will have money?"

Lorraine has also read the robbery book. The whole story is about how an otaku can catch up with the triplets Bai Fumei sisters and so on.

The level is not as good as Chairman Leo, at least Chairman Leo actually robbed Lorraine and Vera back then.

Vera said: "Actually, they are very poor. When they go shopping with humans, they still exchange the treasures they dug on Dragon Island, but they are always cheated by profiteers.

Of course, it's useless for the Dragons to ask for money, we don't use it on Dragon Island. "

"You still need to go to humans to buy things?" Lorraine opened his mouth in surprise.

Vera nodded disapprovingly, and said of course: "The food, wine, meat, building materials and clothes we need are all bought from humans, and Dragon Island does not produce these.

But humans don't know it. "

Vera's words greatly overturned Lorraine's understanding of Dragon Island, and Lorraine suddenly thought of "Peach Blossom Spring" in her heart.

Long Island is not just a small village almost cut off from the world.

"That's it~!" Lorraine turned his head and looked at the calm sea outside the town. He once thought that Long Island was a rough sea, but his eyes were so quiet. He said inwardly: Sure enough, intelligent creatures have the same attitude towards life. of.

I walked around the town, scattered all the gifts in my hand, and talked to thousands of people. Lorraine and Vera had already dried their throats with fire, and they almost dragged their tired legs back to Vera. at home.

Vergaris was arranging dinner plates on the wooden table in the courtyard, and five old people with all white beard and hair were already sitting at the table, talking and laughing with Vergaris.

"Grandpa Morehouse Gonzalves, Grandpa Gallagherila, Grandma Yvettelias, Grandma Gwendolyn Lias." Willa Obediently, he stopped one by one to say hello to these old dragons who didn't know how many years he had lived, and pulled Lorraine to introduce them to them.

While waiting for the meal, a few old people gathered together to chat. The topic they talked about was also very simple. It was nothing more than a parent's wife, and Lorraine couldn't get in, but just listened quietly.

Fortunately, Vera was next to Lord Lorraine, holding Lorraine's hand under the table, squeezing it from time to time, so that Lord Lorraine was not so embarrassed.

One of them suddenly took out a cigar, and then took out a set of small tools, skillfully cut off the head of the cigar, swiped his finger in front of an alcohol lamp, the faint blue flame lit up, and the cigar leaned forward slowly. Spin.

Lord Lorraine laughed, expert~!

The brand he draws is not very good. Nian An is a major exporter.

"Pick me." Lorraine took out a cigar wrapped in a copper tube from his pocket and handed it respectfully.

The old man who was smoking was stunned for a moment, then snatched it over in surprise, and said unexpectedly: "Famous brand~!"

Then he poured out the cigar and put it under his nose and took a deep breath. With an expression of enjoyment, he said, "It's still a limited edition."

Then he patted Lorraine on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Boy, I know your story. You are much smarter than the Lorraine from your ancestor." (to be continued)

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