Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1339: Deron Front

The two gunmen of the Ghost Special Forces, a venture capital firm wearing camouflage uniforms, chose a commanding height near the battlefield and lay in ambush here early.

The camouflage bunker they constructed was very professional, completely concealing the two and their weapons. M even built a humble shelter in front of him. It can not only prevent the flow of arrows on the battlefield, but also prevent the sun from reflecting on the weapon, which exposes them to the target.

And that expensive rifle was on the ground, the muzzle was facing west, and the long barrel reflected cold light.

On the battlefield two to three hundred meters away from them, the killing sound shook the sky.

Explosions, shouts, screams... all kinds of sounds gathered together and resounded through the world.

But the two of them were not disturbed at all, just lying on their stomachs quietly.

The observer focused on the battlefield with a large and long binoculars, looking over the human puppet army that was constantly attacking the defense line of Deron City, carefully searching for valuable targets behind the battle line.

They don't care about the fierce battle under the city wall. Every shot of the ghost group must be a valuable target.

The middle and lower-level officers who led dozens or hundreds of people were not considered by the ghost group.

Only brigade-level officers above the captain are qualified to be noticed by them.

At least the target must be more valuable than the cost of the shot they fired.

Every rifle in the ghost team is selected by thousands of choices. For every thirteen barrels produced by the alchemists of the Alchemy Institute, only one is qualified.

This cost-effectiveness ratio can be called luxury.

Average down. The cost of each rifle has reached thousands of gold coins.

Not to mention the high-precision bullets required for rifles.

Those bullets are all hand-made and polished by technicians in the arsenal. It is necessary to ensure that all bullets are in the most standard conical shape. Only in this way can it be ensured that the bullets receive the least air resistance during the flight.

Because the standards are too strict, the current manufacturing speed can only meet the daily training and combat mission consumption of the ghosts.

In addition, we must also add various auxiliary tools for them, such as high-magnification telescopes and scopes, revolvers for self-defense, and various expenses for daily training.

It is no exaggeration to say that every ghost is piled up with equal weight of gold.

of course. They are also worth the price.

Lord Lorraine sent a group of two ghosts to Delong City this time, it can be said that he has lost his money.

Due to the pressure of the demons, this city is destined to experience a difficult siege of blood and fire. And there is a great possibility of being broken by the demons.

In this case, the safety of the ghost team is not guaranteed. Once the two of them die, the vacancy created will be difficult to fill in a short time.

The evacuation plan included the forced landing of a war fortress, and Lord Lorraine could even lose a war fortress without hesitation for them.

A war fortress can create a new one in a short time, but these ghosts require a lot of rigorous training.

They shot not only bullets, but also yellow gold coins.

The snipers of the ghost team also know it. In many cases, they only have a few shots. The enemy is not a fool, they will be alert quickly.

This requires that every gun fired must be a high-value target.

"Two o'clock direction, 500 meters, under the tulip flag." The observer found a target and gave instructions in a steady tone.

Since firearms have just appeared, most soldiers have no awareness of avoiding them. They still follow the original combat policy and direct the soldiers to line up in a neat line and charge with strides.

In fact. Even in the age of firearms, killing the party with platoon guns has always been a popular fashion in the military. It was not until World War I, under the threat of machine guns, that this elegant fashion movement came to an end.

In the Roubo battlefield, the range of the attacking line is no more than 30 meters at most.

Hidden three hundred meters behind the battle line, he is already considered the most security-conscious general. Not to mention. The other party also deliberately retreated one hundred meters further back. It can be called a cautious character.

The shooter slowly turned the muzzle, aimed at the direction indicated by the observer, and soon spotted an officer in a gorgeous armor under a banner with a tulip pattern.

The man brandished a long sword and kept yelling. Command the soldiers under him to charge down the city. It's just that, looking at the person's movements through the binoculars, it feels a bit strange. It seems to be watching a monkey jumping up and down.

"I saw him." The shooter's shoulders against the **** of the gun, said calmly.

"Give up," the observer stared at the target for a few seconds, and said coldly: "It's just a captain, it's not worth wasting the first shot for him."

At this moment, looking through the binoculars, it can be clearly seen that the officer is angrily kicking a soldier's **** next to him, waving the long sword in his hand, driving the poor guy, and letting the opposite direction charge the front line.

The lucky doggie didn't realize that death had just passed him by.

At this time, the observer has turned the telescope to look for the next target.

For the two ghosts, the first shot is of great significance.

Without firing the first shot, the enemy will never know that there is a hidden killer here, and they will naturally not beware. Maybe, if there is a big official's brain, he will run into his own range to supervise the battle.

At that time, with the thunder in his hands, he could easily catch a big fish.

Once the first shot is fired, the enemy's officers will naturally be prepared. As long as they are careful not to enter the range, the ghost team will be useless.

In the future, I can only find some small trash fish to play targets.

But for these arrogant ghosts, if they returned to the headquarters with a bunch of small captains and squadron captains, the other ghosts would not have to laugh at them for a lifetime. The two of them can't afford to lose this person.

The company spends such a large price to train them, not to make them do the work that basic crossbowmen can do.

"Understood. Give up." The shooter responded immediately. He was not satisfied with the goal, and muttered in a low voice: "If only the lovely Emperor De Rossi would be good, we would be the first to assassinate Kennedy. ."

The observer's line of sight has never left the back of the battlefield, and said: "I heard that he is on the opposite side. Maybe we have a chance."

The shooter suddenly refreshed, and there is no better goal than an emperor.

"By the way, who is this Kennedy?" The shooter stroked the rifle and whispered: "How did the boss give such a name to the first-class honor?"

The observer grinned dissatisfiedly when he thought of the title on the honor board of the Hunter Training Camp.

All members of the Ghost Special Forces regard this highest achievement as their goal. To achieve this achievement is also very simple, kill a real king. It cannot be abdicated, nor can it be an overhead puppet.

Although there are so many kings and princes everywhere on the mainland now, no one has had a chance.

Only their instructor has ever killed a great cardinal and won the title of a'deer hunter'.

At the same time, all the ghosts are also very strange in their hearts. When they are fine, they will guess: this Kennedy... who is he?

They all know that their big boss is a bit nasty, such as hanging the portrait of Prime Minister Russell on the grass man. Let everyone come and shoot together.

But I couldn't figure out why this top achievement was called the assassination of Kennedy.

Could someone called "Kennedy" provoke the boss?

Just when the two snipers kept looking for high-value targets. The battle outside Deron City became more and more intense.

Hundreds of thousands of human vassals launched a fierce attack, surging continuously like waves.

Under the persuasion of the gleaming sword in the hands of the supervising team, the soldiers were also extremely tenacious. After being desperately repulsed by the Vatican soldiers on the top of the city and in the trenches, they just sorted out the team briefly, and then rushed up again amidst the roar of the officers.

If you look down from the sky, you can clearly see that the ground is completely covered by dense black spots.

They are like a huge tide, wave after wave against the defense line of the Vatican Baier Army.

Although the Bayer Army is known as the elite of the Holy See. However, many of the soldiers were newly recruited and had never been on the battlefield at all. In terms of strength, they were only second-rate field corps.

If in the past, they would have been overwhelmed by this attack.

Fortunately, now with Lorraine's military aid, they are equipped with a hand grenade, a melee weapon.

Every time the enemy rushed up, these puppies would be like no money. Throwing grenades out desperately.

Under their almost frantic throw, those grenades fell on the heads of the human vassals like a rainstorm, causing them to blow up. Crying father called mother.

Therefore, although the enemy’s offensive is fierce and worthy of submerging the Bayer Legion every time, the Bayer Legion is like a reef in the sea. No matter how strong the tide is, you will see them as long as the waves retreat. Still standing still in place.

If you look closely, you will find that there is still a mess of debris in front of the reef.

Delong City is not big, and only about 100,000 people can be deployed on the front battlefield. Under this circumstance, the strength of the rebels cannot be revealed at all.

The forces they put into the battlefield were roughly the same as the Holy See Army, which allowed Cardinal Sandos to deal with it calmly.

After two hours of continuous fighting, the morale of the soldiers of the human vassal army was completely dissipated, and their physical strength was almost exhausted. In desperation, the rear of the Semi blew the retreat horn.

If the soldiers of the vassal army received amnesty, in fact, they were reluctant to fight, and afterwards, they were running back and forth.

The Vatican soldiers rushed up when they were not throwing grenades, and returned when they heard the grenade, as if they were playing a game of turning and running on the battlefield.

The Semites and human generals who commanded the battle in the rear were also helpless. These human soldiers were only passively attacking, not retreating.

Is it possible for the Semitic Supervisors to charge with them?

The Cardinal Sandos was also keenly aware of this situation, and ordered his soldiers to save grenades, and if the enemy did not storm over, they would throw a few meanings.

As a result, the battle fought until later. The commanders on both sides couldn't stand it anymore.

At this time, hearing the retreat trumpet sounded, the soldiers besieging Deron City turned their heads and ran back without hesitation. After playing for so long, everyone is already hungry. If you go back quickly, you might be able to catch up with a hot meal.

Looking at the human soldiers running back, Maschinot sneered, and said casually: "If the attack had run so fast, we would have hit Ruman already."

Emperor De Rossi felt very shameless and snorted in a serene manner. Secretly cursed in his heart: There is a kind of sending Semitic soldiers.

Grandma's, let my people be used as cannon fodder to die, you are still talking coolly behind, what is it~!

After the Battle of Rotgaron, the Undead High Priest severely chopped off the heads of dozens of escaped persons, and divided their territory and army among the Semitic generals and Emperor De Rossi.

After the high priest's drastic efforts to clean up, the human vassals on the battlefield are not so messy now. Most of them are the army of Emperor De Rossi, which is quite easy to identify.

Maschinot glanced at Emperor De Rossi's expression. As if seeing through his mind, he sneered. Arrogantly said: "Let your people rush for a while in the afternoon. Your people still have a little effect on consuming human weapons.

I will send our Semitic warriors to end the battle. "

With the more and more glorious victory of the Semites, the contradiction between the Semitic generals and the attached human nobles became more and more obvious.

Everyone came out and got mixed up, although no matter who it was, they all shouted Niu 13 coax, and yes, it was ‘world peace’ again. What is it, ‘set up the heart for the heaven and the earth, and set up the life for the people. For the sake of the sage to continue to learn, to open peace for all generations, but who does not know what is going on?

The big guy put his head on his trouser belt, holding a watermelon knife, and chopped all the way from Nantianmen to Penglai East Road. He fought so hard for three days and three nights without closing his eyes. To put it bluntly, they are all about grabbing sites, things, food, and women.

The Semitic generals believed that all the territories that were beaten down should belong to them. Regardless of the size of the occupied area, but ‘no matter how big the **** is, it can’t hold many dogs’, and it’s not enough now.

The Semitic generals who have not yet obtained the titles and fiefs have green eyes. They can’t wait to draw directly on the map, circle the places that have not been hit, and yell, "This is mine, no one. Don't **** **** me with Lao Tzu."

The human aristocrats who surrendered did not think so. They also worked hard for the undead high priest and deserved to be rewarded.

From Saint Mary of Oloron to the present city of Deron, they were not all human aristocrats fighting for thousands of miles all the way, but when the Semitic people took the big head, they left them a little soup.

The lawsuit has already been fought in front of the undead high priest, but in this case, the undead high priest said nothing.

As a dictator who has ruled the Semites for more than a thousand years, he is happy to see the disagreement between Semitic generals and human nobles, which is conducive to his rule.

Under his contempt and connivance, the contradictions among the noble Semitic generals of mankind have intensified.

Now as long as they grab the territory, even if it’s a village or a town, no matter if the occupant is a Semi or a De Rossi empire, they will immediately plant a flag to show that this place is theirs, and the other people will give me away. , And deny the other person's entry.

If the opponent dared to enter forcibly without knowing it, there would definitely be a fire union.

Conflicts between the two sides in order to seize the territory occur every day, but most of the time it is the human vassals who have no choice but to evade.

Now the Semites and humans have great grievances. The two sides are not camping together, and the small soldiers will not wander around the other's barracks. When they are found, they will definitely be beaten up, and some people even disappear without knowing it.

Maschinote unceremoniously satirized De Rossi's incompetence. In his eyes, the emperor's majesty did not have the ability to fight and train soldiers. He was able to flatter the high priest and grab territory.

His De Rossi empire has doubled in the past two months, which makes Maschinot feel resentful. These sites should have belonged to the King of Casmonria.

When the human rebels began to retreat, Deron's West Gate suddenly opened, and a large group of cavalry rushed out, brandishing bright sabers, and shouting to kill the retreating soldiers of the De Rossi Empire.

The knights headed by the team held high the golden cross flag of the Holy See, which was hunting and flying with the horses running at full speed.


The cavalry of the Holy See screamed in excitement, rushing through the gap in the battlefield in the blink of an eye. Caught up with the tail of the Imperial De Rossi soldiers.

The all-steel saber produced by Nian is sharp and hard, and it can easily split a few millimeters of iron bars. The cold saber reflected the horrified expression of the De Rossi Empire soldier, and he chopped it down heavily.

The horse's high-speed galloping and the knight's huge arm strength are combined, slashing on the human body is like cutting jelly, easily splitting the body of the unlucky ghost, and their heads or limbs are instantly separated from the body and fly into the air.

The human soldiers who were thinking of retreating saw the Vatican cavalry who were following them closely, harvesting their lives like mowing grass, and screamed in shock and flew quickly.

A spectacle appeared on the battlefield. Thousands of cavalry drove tens of thousands of enemies.

Maschinot did not expect that under his absolute superiority, the defenders of Deron City would dare to launch a counterattack. The timing was just right and the offensive was fierce.

Thousands of cavalry crisscrossed the battlefield like paring knives, scraping a layer from the fleeing crowd of the De Rossi Empire every time.

They also knew that their forces were too small, they didn't rush in one direction at all, but constantly adjusted their direction. After breaking up a group of De Rossi Empire troops, they turned around and killed the crowded places on the other side.

Within ten minutes. It was Ximen who killed him to the north gate, then turned back and killed him.

The frontal battlefield was full of De Rossi soldiers who were chasing away frantically.

Emperor De Rossi flushed with anger. Maniacly shouted: "What are you doing in front of you, a group of idiots, and a rice bucket. They are only a thousand people. They resisted their offensive, outflanked their wings, and ordered the people on both sides to outflank them~!"

But the soldiers on the battlefield just retreated, no one to carry out the order of the emperor, the messenger did not even know to whom to convey the order of Emperor De Rossi.

Ghost knows where to go to the front line to command this moment~!

Maschinot stared at a general in front of the Vatican cavalry in a crimson cloak. With a sneer, he said, "It's a talent, interesting..."

Emperor De Rossi turned his head and glared at Maschinot, and shouted: "Does your majesty know that the situation is critical?"

"I'm not interested in saving a bunch of idiots who can't even retreat step by step," Maschinot didn't even look at De Rossi, and said, "Besides, he didn't dare to chase him."

At this time, the De Rossi Empire soldiers who fleeed gradually withdrew to the camp. The cavalry of the Holy See stopped pursuing them 300 meters from the Semitic camp.

The Semi soldiers in front of the camp have formed their positions.

The headed Hongpao general stood upright on the horse and glanced at Maschinot under the banner of Lightning, and then moved the horse's head and quickly withdrew.

Maschinot snorted coldly and said to himself: "Are all the people of the Holy See bring this kind of species? That's fine. Finally, some people who are not soft are encountered."

As soon as he turned and walked back to the barracks surrounded by the Semitic generals, Emperor De Rossi stared at him from behind, and then quickly returned to his camp. He had to teach the general who commanded the siege.

Emperor De Rossi’s face was completely ashamed~!

In the brief calm of the battlefield, the soldiers of the Holy See rushed to eat and rest, while the citizens of Delong City were busy transporting supplies to the front line, carrying the bodies of the wounded and dead, and urgently clearing the trenches.

Everyone knows that this battle has just begun, and the harder ones are still to come.

Sure enough, just after noon, the enemy on the opposite side immediately launched an offensive. This time they learned to be clever. The soldiers in the front row held up a shield that was as high as one person and pierced with trees with thick arms.

But the grenade in the hands of the soldiers of the Holy See is well prepared.

The dull battle continued until the afternoon when the sky was about to darken. Maschinot, who had been waiting anxiously in the rear, keenly observed that the explosion on the battlefield had weakened and the De Rossi Empire soldiers advanced a lot.

Humans should lose their stamina.

At this time, as long as you put a fire in it, you might win. He has no time to waste in this small city. Vantino is his goal.

Maschinot looked up at the sky and said, "It's almost time to come."

Then he waved his hand and commanded loudly: "Go out, line up, prepare to attack."

Under his order, the Semitic soldiers who had been waiting in the rear lined out of the barracks, walked slowly towards the battlefield, and stopped behind the soldiers of the De Rossi Empire who were fighting fiercely.

Maschinot glanced at Emperor De Rossi next to him, and said, "The fortress of war is coming. Is your Majesty interested in seeing how we won this battle?"

The corners of Emperor De Rossi's mouth twitched twice, and he cursed in his heart. But in the end, he could only smile reluctantly, and said: "Just for this purpose, please, please."

"Your Majesty, please." Maschinot also raised his hand, galloping among the Semitic army, looking at the Vatican soldiers fighting on the wall of Deron.

In the distance, a black shadow whizzed out from the sunlight, heading towards the head of Deron City, and the war fortress of the undead came to support on time.

At the moment in the city, the observer took a deep breath, restrained his heart beating wildly, and said excitedly: "Found the target, one o'clock direction, 600 meters away, it's De Rossi of the dog day~!

Damn, I finally made Lao Tzu wait, Kennedy is ours. "

The trained archer slowed his breathing, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and let out a sigh of relief slowly, his heart clear.

The cheek was attached to the **** of the gun, the sight was firmly attached to the target, the body was motionless like a stone, and then the finger was slowly mounted on the trigger.

"Understand, confirm the goal."

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