Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1340: Assassination of Kennedy

"Confirm the target~!" The archer replied in a low voice, his body lying on the ground motionless like a rock.

Through the scope, the archer's gaze caught the Emperor De Rossi firmly, and his index finger slowly touched the trigger.

At this moment, all the spirits and spirits of the archer had reached the peak, like a beast about to rush out of the grass and pounce on its prey, waiting for the moment the trigger was pulled.

"The distance is six hundred meters, the west wind is southerly, level two." The observer licked his lips nervously and said softly.

They have undergone a rigorous training, without thinking at all, but according to instinct, they can easily report these data.

"The distance is six hundred, the west wind is two levels southward," the shooter murmured his breath to the slowest level, and then slowly moved the muzzle.

Through the high-powered scope on the gun, he can clearly see the distant target.

Beneath a large bow fluttering in the wind, Emperor De Rossi dressed in a red robe, sitting on the horse majesticly, at this moment raising his arm to point to the city wall of Delong, the golden crown on his head is shining in the sun. Sparkle under.

On the battlefield, his image is so dazzling, even if you don't use a telescope, you can know that he is definitely an important person by just scanning with the naked eye.

This situation is very confusing for the snipers.

It made them feel that these people seemed to be sick in their brains, and all of them dressed themselves so dazzlingly, just standing there, they would ‘brush, brush, pull hatred.

Isn't this an obvious death?

But anyway, this is a good thing for snipers.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, revealing a slight grin. At the same time, he moved the muzzle slightly, aligning the crosshairs in the sight with the forehead of Emperor Quasi De Rossi, then raised it a little, and moved it slightly to the right.

Until it was firmly locked, the shooter breathed out a low voice and said: "Target confirmed~!"

In the next moment, he took another deep breath, then held his breath, his fingers on the trigger slowly increased...

If the finger pulls a few millimeters back, the firing pin will accurately hit the bottom of the bullet under the action of the spring.

The primer made by the bursting crystal will explode in the collision, detonate the propellant in the shell, and instantly expand the gas to generate huge pressure, push the pointed warhead out of the barrel, and then fly over six in a second or so At a distance of one hundred meters, he got into De Rossi's beautiful skull.

After encountering resistance, the warhead made by Seiko would break into several smaller pieces and then rush out from the other side of his head under the influence of huge inertia.

Under this situation, his head would be broken into pieces like a watermelon hit by a boulder.

"Goodbye~!" Looking at De Rossi in the scope, the archer whispered in his heart.

Just when he was about to pull the trigger to the end, the observer suddenly said quickly: "Wait~!"

The archer's fingers immediately released the trigger, and then exhaled the foul breath in his chest for a long time.

He frowned, but did not speak, but quietly leaned over there and waited for the next order. Through long-term cooperation, he knew his companion very well, and they could even be said to be one and two sides. Gemini.

At this time, the observer will never issue wrong instructions, he must have found something.

"The demons on De Rossi's left." The observer said calmly.

The shooter immediately pointed his gun at the target in the observer's mouth.

It was a demon general sitting on a horse. Like other demons, he was stout and arrogant.

"His Mabyd Rossi is half of the lead," the observer said solemnly: "It should be a big man~!"

"Understood." The shooter responded coldly, aiming at the Semi general next to De Rossi.

Now the world is a ruthless, hierarchical feudal society, and the hierarchical gap between the nobles has penetrated into their bones, and they are unconsciously manifested incisively and vividly.

Even people who don’t know, they walk quickly when they see their seats, their position in the crowd, who is bending when they talk, who is bending, who is serious, who is smiling... etc.

Through these details, one can tell at a glance which of the crowd is the highest-ranking big person.

And now, from the position where the general was surrounded by everyone, everyone’s mounts were carefully falling behind him, and De Rossi was always accompanied by a smiling face when he talked to him, actively bending over, instead of the other party. come……

Through these actions, it can be clearly seen that the Semitic general next to De Rossi is the highest-ranking big figure among their group.

The observer can't help but hesitate...

Which one should I play?

Kill De Rossi and the honorary title of assassinating Kennedy is easy to get. They will become legends in the ghost special forces.

But reason told him that he should fight the demons.

At this time, the sky above their heads sounded a sharp and piercing sound. The sound was as unpleasant as scratching the glass with a fingernail. It made people feel soft and scalp numb. .

The scream that shook his mind made the Sagittarius lose his mind. He shook his head vigorously and pushed the sound out of his mind.

Immediately afterwards, the Vatican soldiers screamed nervously in the city.

"Devil War Fortress~!"

"In the bunker, all in the bunker~!"

"Fast forward to cover."

The observer looked up at the sky and saw a group of countless black pyramid-shaped war fortresses swooping down from the sun, only a few hundred meters from the ground.

Under the cover of the sun, they successfully delayed the warning time for humans on the ground.

To make matters worse, the swooping direction of the Mozu War Fortress is facing the small building where they are located. The undead is obviously the first to attack the wall near the west gate, which is the main battlefield.

The whistling sound of the war fortress tearing up the air while flying at high speed clearly reached the observer's ears.

Throwing the annoying scream of the lich out of his mind, the archer immediately brought his eyes back to the scope, his tone was as usual, and he calmly whispered: "Target, which one to hit?"

I don't even look at the undead war fortress, which is about to launch the magic cannon immediately above.

In front of the target, even if the sword fell on the shooter, he wouldn't take another look. At this moment, all his energy was concentrated in the scope, just waiting for the moment when the board was slammed - this was the purpose for which they were trained.

This is also their value in venture capital companies. They are terrifying assassins and ruthless killers whose only mission is to kill the target.

"The Semitic general on De Rossi's left, that's him~!" The observer was also heartbroken at this time, gritted his teeth and told him that he must choose this person-this talent is the biggest goal~!

"Confirm~!" The archer replied coldly.

A green light suddenly appeared in the sky—the dark spells fired by hundreds of magic cannons, dense as rain, fell from the sky.

The dense artillery fire completely enveloped the small building where the ghost group was located.

The observer's face changed drastically, and he looked up at the green clouds above his head in horror.

Almost at the same time, the shooter's fingers steadily pulled the trigger, and there was a "bang" of the gun. The shooter's shoulder was under the recoil of the bullet, and his shoulder shook slightly.

In the blink of an eye, the green and black light completely submerged the city walls and buildings near the West Gate.

Emperor De Rossi stood straight on horseback, with a smile on his mouth, staring at the city of Deron in the east.

Maschinot looked up at the sky and suddenly laughed, and said triumphantly: "Look, they are here."

Emperor De Rossi nodded politely and praised: "Yes, the time is just right."

In the sky above Delong's head, dense black shadows were passing by the sunlight, and they had already begun to lower their height.

The dazzling and gorgeous attack of the war fortress is about to begin~!

A volley of hundreds of war fortresses is enough to submerge the western wall, kill everyone nearby, and destroy buildings that are not thick enough.

Even with such a strong attack, Deron’s city gates and walls cannot be destroyed. The solid walls are too strong.

After a series of battles, the Semitic generals have also figured out a practical method of war fortress.

After several rounds of saturation attacks in the fortress of the war, after the Vatican soldiers on the ground were wiped out, the Lich and Dark Mages would fall from the air and directly enter the city, launching an attack from inside the city of Deron.

Even if the soldiers of the Holy See are hiding in the bunker, it is useless. They attack from inside and outside, attacking from the ground and from the air at the same time, and the city can easily get off.

They were invincible all the way from Saint Mary of Oloron to Deron with this tactic.

Looking at Maschinot, who was contented with his side, Emperor De Rossi sighed in an imperceptible voice. This city is not his, even though his De Rossi Empire paid a lot to conquer Deron. Thousands, or even nearly 10,000 lives, but these are worthless.

The city taken by Maschinot must be Maschinot's, and perhaps he has already promised Deron City to one of his generals.

This is an out-and-out evil dog, who never vomits the meat in his mouth.

Maschino triumphantly looked at the Semitic soldiers on the left and right.

They were all morale high, eager to try, and were already waiting impatiently.

Every time a human city is captured, it is the happiest time for these soldiers. They can indulge and kill in the city.

Grabbing money, things, and women, everything they fancy, can be taken over as they please, if any unopened human dare to say a word.

It's simple, open his throat and watch him struggle like a slaughtered chicken. These great conquerors can still have fun, betting this guy will take a few seconds to die.

The general above only said that he should not kill too many humans, and that he will use these humans as slaves in the future. As for how many are too many, no one has stipulated that as long as they don't kill all of them. In fact, even if it is killed, no one will take care of it.

Due to the deliberate indulgence of the undead high priest behind, in this war, these soldiers have basically completely lost their humanity, and they are proud of it.

Watching the war fortress hovering and bombing wantonly over the city, the eyes of the Semi soldiers were bloodthirsty and greedy: the carnival was about to begin.

In a few minutes, the Lich and Dark Mage will descend from the sky and take down the city gate, and they will show off the rest.

Gold coins, women, they are coming soon~!

The Semi soldiers clenched the weapons in their hands, and roared in a low voice like a beast, and the turbulent pacing back and forth in the military formation gradually twisted.

The officers did not suppress the soldiers' misbehavior. Instead, they turned to look at the commander in the middle and eagerly awaited his order.

In the much anticipated anticipation, Maschinot drew his sword and pointed it high in the air...

As long as he swipes down hard, hundreds of thousands of Semitic soldiers will rush up shouting.

They will flood this daring city with blood and fire as before.

Maschinot's arm swayed slightly, and when everyone thought he was about to shout "offensive", the long sword pointed to the sky suddenly slipped from Maschinot's hand.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of pairs of eyes, Maschinot's upper body tilted back, swayed softly, and fell from the horse.

When Maschinot drew out his beautiful sword, Emperor De Rossi couldn't help but snorted and cursed in his heart: You can die if you don't pretend to be 13?

At the same time, he turned his head to look at the battlefield, and his majesty the noble Emperor didn't want to look at Maschinot.

His soldiers are now retreating dejectedly to make room for the Semitic army that is about to attack.

This time, the great De Rossi Empire made another thankless business.

"When are we? Ottomans? What a **** futility...Ah? It's raining?"

When he couldn't help complaining, he suddenly felt a few drops of water falling on his face. Emperor De Rossi touched the water droplets splashed on his face, wondering: "Why is it still sticky?"

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw that the fingers did not seem to be clear water droplets, but a dark red and viscous liquid, which seemed to be warm.

"This is..." Emperor De Rossi looked at his fingertips strangely, suddenly flashed in his heart, and blurted out in panic, "Blood~!"

At this time, the long sword in Maschinot's hand slid to the ground, making a "clam".

Emperor De Rossi raised his head and stared at Maschinot in front of him blankly. He didn't react at all. He was secretly surprised: Why did he suddenly lose half of his head?

Maschinot's body fell softly backwards, then leaned to the right, rolled off the horse, and fell heavily to the ground with a dull sound, with his right foot still hooked in the stirrups.

Maschinot, who fell on the ground, faced the sky and lay motionless on the ground.

De Rossi looked down, and saw that his eyeballs had hung outside his eye sockets, and his skull had disappeared, revealing a mixture of red and white things scattered all over the ground.

Only half of his face was left staring at the sky blankly.

De Rossi stared at Maschinot who fell on the ground blankly, with only one consciousness: this guy's brain exploded~!

After a few seconds, he suddenly woke up, his fingertips were Muschinot’s blood.

Emperor De Rossi's body trembled violently. He bowed his head and vomited out. The undigested lunch in his stomach was sprayed on his chest and horse's neck.

The horse that straddled was suddenly startled and jumped up with a neigh, rushing forward quickly.

The generals of the Semitic tribe woke up at this time, and they shouted sternly: "Your Majesty~

Including Maschinot’s attendants, dozens of people rolled off their horses in a panic, pounced on Maschinot lying on the ground, surrounded him, and shouted in panic: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty what happened?"

Then someone screamed loudly: "There are assassins, there are assassins~!"

The attendants immediately opened their blood-red eyes and drew their weapons to rush out to search for the assassin.

The Semitic army on both sides didn't know what was going on, they looked at the generals surrounded by Lightning Banner in surprise, and couldn't help talking.

The more distant divisions were unable to see the order to attack, and also looked towards the central army.

The undead war fortress above Deron did not know what was happening behind him, and was still bombarding the ground.

After covering the city of Deron with a magic cannon almost once, the liches screamed, and countless black figures jumped out of the war fortress and rushed to the ground fiercely like bald.

But what made the Lich commanding the War Fortress strange was that there was no movement of the Semitic army on the ground?

At this time, shouldn't they come to cooperate and take down the wall?

The observer looked up and saw a dark spell the size of a millstone slamming at him obliquely, and at most two or three seconds, it would accurately hit this small building.

There was a dull and loud gunshot in the ear, and the shooter had already opened fire.

Without thinking about it, the observer shouted, "Withdraw~!"

With that said, he firmly grasped the camouflage suit on the archer's back, vigorously lifted the eighty-kilogram archer from the ground, and then slammed it towards the stairs.

The shooter held the rifle tightly in both hands, his fingers still hooked on the trigger, and he staggered back a few steps.

The top of the observer's head was already a faint green. He used the strength of feeding, screamed and pushed **** the ground, and ran to the stairs frantically, like a leopard.

One step, two steps... He rushed to the archer in an instant, stretched out his arms to stop the archer who had fallen backwards, and slammed his feet on the ground with all his strength, holding the archer and leaped into the corridor.

At this time, the green dark spells slammed heavily on the roof, and the powerful power blew up half of the roof, and the green spells were scattered like water splashes.

The observer and the shooter rushed into the corridor, and the two rolled down the stairs together. The venom that can melt muscles and corrode bones almost splashes against the two bodies on the wall, and there is an instant "thorn" sound, and a thick, choking gray smoke emerges.

At this time, the small building that lost its support rumblingly collapsed.

The bricks fell like raindrops, and the broken bricks, wood, and tiles were flying everywhere, and the sound of "cracking" was endless. After a long time, he stopped and buried the two ghosts in the rubble.

(To be continued)

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