Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1343: Reinforcements arrive

Lorraine and Vera walked down the war fort in a few steps, and looked around the vast field of Vatican.

Here... it's deserted.

Of course, Vatican was not lively before.

It can never be as bustling as Ruman City or Fengye Danlin.

In Ruman City, the streets are full of people coming and going, and the market is always noisy.

From time to time, some nasty spoilers engage in demonstrations, or block the gate of the government for ten and a half days for a trivial matter.

It is also common for the underworld to slash flesh and blood on the street with a watermelon knife in order to grab territory.

The holy city of Vantino is a sacred, solemn and solemn place. It is the spiritual home of almost all humans in the mainland, and the residence of the **** of light in the world.

Every year, a large number of pilgrims come here to pray devoutly in the temple, washing and purifying their souls. Even in the summer when there are most pilgrims, there is no one who speaks loudly on the street.

But no matter what, it won't be as deserted as Lorraine's eyes.

In the past, on the streets full of flowers and statues in Vaticano, there were constant pedestrians in twos and threes. Pilgrims were often seen resting by the flower beds or talking in low voices.

The small inn outside the city is always full, and people from all directions in the mainland come here every day to wash away the dust from the servants, and then walk into Vatican neatly and worship the God of Light.

At this moment, although the street is as clean and tidy as before, both sides of the road are also covered with flowers and evergreen trees. But there was no one.

It's not just that the pilgrims of the past can't be seen. Not even a priest or a Templar can see it.

The Pope’s Palace is the center of Vatican, and Guangdichang is surrounded by three tall and majestic white marble buildings, the Shrine of Light and the Memorial of the Saints.

At this moment, they are all closed, and there is not even a guard standing in front of the door.

The cool autumn breeze blew by, rolling up the fallen leaves on the ground, making a rustling sound, an atmosphere of loneliness and depression.

Only the melodious and transparent bells of the Temple of Light echoed in the air all the time, telling Lorraine and Vera that there were still living people here.

Vera likes Vatican very much, especially the big museum in the city, where the treasures of the Holy See have been collected for a thousand years. And almost no one guarded it.

The last time Miss Vera visited, she saw a lot of good things, but she was short of time, and there were two oil bottles, Leo and Xiaobai, so she could only pick up a few pieces and left in a hurry. .

She had already settled to pay attention, and she must take the time to stroll around, but the tranquil atmosphere in front of her surprised Vera. I couldn't help but hugged Lorraine's arm and looked around with his big smart eyes. He whispered: "Master, where are all the people?"

Lorraine gave a wry smile and guessed: "They probably all hid in basements or air-raid shelters, right?"

The war fortress of the undead is a real threat to Vatican.

It will take a while for the Semitic army to kill, but it is very simple for the war fortress of the undead to fly over.

Although the undead tribes were repeatedly injured in air battles and many war fortresses were destroyed, the total number of their war fortresses still exceeded two hundred.

Once the Undead High Priest's brains one day, mobilize those war fortresses and carry out air strikes on Vatican, it is absolutely a terrible thing.

and. The undead and the Semis have been preparing for this war for a thousand years, and the war strength behind them should never be underestimated.

No one knows where the old treacherous high priest has hidden his back. How many war fortresses are there secretly, or what more powerful weapons of mass destruction?

In this case, it is undoubtedly a wise and correct choice to transfer to a safe underground in advance.

The only thing that made Lord Luo a little dissatisfied was that the puppies of the Holy See were so timid that the battle had not yet ended here. They were so frightened that they ignored their basic manners.

At any rate, Sir Alex is also the head of His Majesty the Pope... Hey, hey, he is also the father of His Majesty’s son, and he's not far away. Volunteer to help the Holy See in war. It can also be regarded as an important guest of the Holy See.

In normal times, at this time, there would have been a bunch of magic sticks running out, with smiles on their faces like life insurance salespersons, and then desperately slap Ferguson's flattering-those puppies had already figured it out. Because of Silmelia's daughter's heart, they desperately slapped Ferguson's flattery, far more than slapped His Majesty's flattery, which pleases the Pope.

But now, today. Lord Luo Jue had been on the ground for so long, let alone a large group of people coming to flatter, not even a basic child came to offer flowers, not even a person who said hello.

This is really rude~!

If it wasn't for his own child's sake, Sir Alex Ferguson would have already planned to leave.

Fortunately, Sir Alex did not wait too long.

After a few seconds, several fully armed Templar knights rushed out of the temple and hurried to Lorraine.

Before getting to the front, the leading knight exclaimed in excitement, "Lord, you are here~!"

They hurried to Lorraine, and then touched the heels of their shoes, and saluted a standard military salute with a ‘pop’, each of them excited as if they were seeing their loved ones.

Lorraine looked at a few Templars from side to side, and then nodded in satisfaction. They were in a good state of mind, and it seemed that Vatican was fairly stable right now.

At the same time, he raised his hand and gave a salute, saying: "Where is Your Majesty now?"

"Your Majesty and Young Master are in the palace." The headed Templar said quickly: "Vantino is looking forward to your arrival."

Lorraine laughed and didn't answer, but turned around and waved to the flying Dutchman.

The captain nodded and turned around to close the door. The war fortress rose from the ground and flew quickly to the eastern sky-it was also engaged in the work of rushing for transportation.

Subsequently. Lorraine took Vera to the majestic papal palace.

Several Templar knights surrounded Lorraine with joy, and said: "I expected you to be there the day before yesterday. I haven't seen you, but we were so worried."

"Yes, the bishops all wanted to send someone to pick you up, but they were suppressed by your majesty."

"Lord, how many troops did you bring with you this time?"

"We..." Lorraine was about to speak, suddenly a person ran out of the palace gate, grasping Lord Lorraine's hands, shaking it up and down forcefully. Said: "Lord Sir, it can be regarded as waiting for you~!"

Hearing the sound seemed to be crying.

Lorraine was taken aback. There were not many people who could sneak attack on him these years--the one who came here was good.

He fixed his eyes and saw that the person who caught himself off guard turned out to be Privy Archbishop Mazovia-he is now the Secretary-General of Hilmeria.

Lorraine couldn't help but let out a wry smile, this old grandfather even the holy arts was the last cardinal, how could he suddenly become more agile than the young man.

At this time, Mazovia clenched Lorraine's hands tightly, and his excited lips were trembling.

I can't help but Mazovia is not nervous, Vantino is now at the juncture of life and death.

A month ago. None of them, the big cardinals, thought that the cardinal Evari, who guarded Rot Gallon, would lose so quickly. It's so miserable.

At one time they were optimistic that they could keep the demons out of the Kingdom of Archid. After only two months, the millions of the Holy See's army will be assembled to fight back.

But he did not expect that the human rebels would develop so quickly. The puppies sold their souls for power.

The strength of the demons is so strong, and what I didn't expect is that there are so many war forts of the undead.

Originally, they thought that only Maple Leaf Danlin would have contained all the enemy's war fortresses. But unexpectedly, they had hidden a lot.

It is precisely because of the last one that the Mozu people advance so fast. Makes them less prepared.

At the moment, there is only one Sandos in front of Vatican with a hundred thousand hand Deron, and more than two hundred war fortresses against the Semitic and human puppets 400,000 coalition forces and the undead.

Sandos is trapped in an isolated city, and his form is also precarious.

Although the Vatican Army in the rear desperately rushed to Vatican, the fastest took more than half a month.

Vantino is almost an undefended city right now.

There is only one Templar Order of 5,000 people in the city, the Silver Wing Guards and ascetics with a total of less than two hundred people, plus 30,000 priests, this is all the power.

Facing such a powerful priesthood force. Maybe the undead dared not land. But an army of seven to eighty thousand Semites came up and took them all in one go.

If Hillmelia dared to say it, the cardinals would have left Vatican a long time ago, and they could even not want their own property. Withdraw directly to the rear.

They all have overseas bank accounts anyway.

However, His Majesty the Pope insisted not to leave, and all Vaticanians did not dare to leave, so they could only pin their hopes on Lord Lorraine.

I hope that this uncle can be like an angel who maintains world peace, bringing a large army to arrive in time, and beat the demons away with three punches and two kicks.

Protect everyone from the hard-won dividends every year, monthly bonuses, and a good life of betting on horses, watching football, drinking and drinking.

But this master has been two days late, and has not been able to contact him, which made the hearts of the bishops hang in their throats.

Lorraine also had to shake his wrinkled old hands.

Mazovia looked back from Lorraine's shoulder, and saw that Sir Alex Ferguson was empty and there was no one, and her heart sighed immediately.

Mazovia cautiously asked: "My Lord, how many people did you bring?"

Lorraine stopped suddenly, then pointed at Vera, and said with a smile: "Just the two of us."

Mazovia was as sophisticated as a dried orange peel, and instantly turned white.

"The army is behind and will be here soon." Lord Lorraine pointed to the east sky and said quickly. Seeing the old guy's appearance, he might have a heart attack, so he drew it away, and Lorraine had no choice but to comfort him.

Although this old guy is a little courageous, he is also his own.

Mazovia was hung up and down by Lord Lorraine, and she was overwhelmed with grief and joy. She only felt her heart tighten, and shook her head with a wry smile. Said: "My dear Sir, you... go, your majesty has been waiting for you for a long time."

Talking affectionately, Lorraine took his arm and walked into the palace, passing through the hall and the corridor, and it took a full quarter of an hour to arrive at the palace where Silmelia lived.

Before entering the door, Mazovia shouted loudly: "Lorraine Lord Lord is here."

In fact, the people in the palace already knew this time, and they got the news a few minutes earlier than Mazovia, who was on duty in front.

Over Vatican, the Silver Winged Guard is on duty and investigating around the clock.

They had discovered it when the flying Dutchman had just arrived in Vatican.

However, the bishops gathered here still happily poured out, surrounded Lorraine and greeted enthusiastically.

Not to mention the relationship between Sir Alex Ferguson and His Majesty the Pope, he is the leader who guards Vatican. They also have to slap Lorraine's flattering comfortably.

However, there are also sober ones. When a certain bishop in charge of a large museum saw the pretty Vera, he almost jumped up in shock and hurriedly explained to his subordinates. He went to jail the underground warehouse where the treasures were stored. guard.

The enthusiastic bishops Lorraine had dealt with, walked up to Hillmelia a few steps and said with a smile: "Come here two days late. Some emergencies need to be dealt with."

"Of course I know." Silmelia gave Sir Alex a warm look and handed the one-year-old baby in her arms to Lorraine. Gentlely said: "Look, Little Neo will be called Dad."

Although St. Paul's health is getting worse, his hometown has not yet decided on his grandson's name.

Fortunately, after a year of thinking, he has narrowed the scope to the three names of Alexander, Arthur, and Albert.

So now everyone can only call the baby's last name, call him Little Neo, if nothing else. Little Neo's final name is one of the three, the middle name is definitely Lorraine, and the last name is Neodos.

Seeing Lorraine's eyes lit up, Little Neo giggled and stretched out his little hand to grab Lorraine's face, while screaming "tak" in his mouth.

Lorraine was holding his son when he was happy, and suddenly found that the kid was twisting hard, reaching out his hands and grabbing Vera next to him. He still kept screaming "click, click".

Lorraine couldn't help but curl his lips. This kid used to scream like this when he caught everyone, and slapped his **** angrily. Then he squeezed it into Vera's arms.

Hillmelia covered her mouth and chuckled. The big cardinal behind him was only temporarily blind and saw nothing.

As the little guy grew bigger and bigger, everyone could see that his eyebrows were exactly the same as Hilmeria.

Vera likes Little Neo very much, and she babbles and talks with him in her arms, using her little face to rub against Little Neo's smooth face from time to time.

Seeing the family finished greeting, the already impatient bishops gathered around, and Mazovia asked them the most relevant questions on behalf of everyone, saying: "My lord, how many reinforcements will arrive in Vantino in the future."

Lorraine patted his forehead, and suddenly remembered something, and said, "I used 200,000 Templar Knights to exchange a war fortress from Fengye Danlin for an alliance war fortress. Are you okay?"

"Of course not~!" Mazovia exclaimed excitedly: "This...this, this is simply a bargain~!"

"Lester's old pick is finally generous." Someone said with emotion.

"It's not easy, Vantino is finally a fortress of war~!"

The greatest threat to Vatican at the moment is the war fortress in which the undead have an absolute advantage.

Although there is only one alliance, the help to defend Vantino is irreplaceable. With them, at least the undead dare not be too rampant in the sky.

Moreover, Fengye Danlin's flying unit is notoriously daring to fight more with less.

Mazovia stroked her chest with one hand, bowed deeply to Lorraine, and said, "Thank you Sir Alex."

The people around also bent over and saluted, and said unevenly: "Thank Lord Lorraine."

Lorraine nodded and said, "I also brought a division's security guard."

"A division?" The bishops are very unfamiliar with this term. The division of division is currently limited to the elite troops under Nian and Grand Duke Julian.

"Fifteen thousand people," Lorraine explained.

The bishops looked at each other, and some even said directly without thinking: "That's enough~!"

The demons can easily send 340,000 Semitic and human puppet coalition forces, relying only on 15,000 people and the Knights Templar, the gap is too big.

Lorraine smiled confidently and said, "When you see them, you will know.

And the terrain of Vantino is not suitable for large corps operations. A hawk is enough. "

"Falconer..." The bishops chewed the name in their hearts. The emblem of the Ruman Empire is the Eagle, a monopoly group of Lord Lorraine, also known as the Flying Eagle Group.

Since it can be named after the Eagle, this unit must be one of the best.

"Moreover," Lorraine said with a mysterious smile, "Maybe we still have some allies who suddenly came out at a critical moment."

Seeing that these bishops were still anxious, Lorraine straightened his chest and said solemnly: "Everyone ~ as the conductor of Vatican, as I said before, I have arrived first. The battlefield, and I will be the last one to leave the battlefield.

His Majesty the Pope and I will stick to Vatican and never take a step back. "

The big cardinals looked at Lorraine and Hilmelia seriously.

Hillmelia said firmly: "We will live and die with Vantino, and the light will be with us~!"

The big cardinals refreshed and shouted in unison: "The light is with us."

The boss made up his mind, and their little brothers can only follow one path to the end.

Lorraine nodded in satisfaction. Although the cardinals of the Holy See had many problems, but at a critical moment, these guys dare to kill themselves.

A Templar smashed through the door and broke in, shouting excitedly: "Here, they are here~!"

Mazovia glared at him and smelled in a deep voice: "Yelling, how decent is it, who is here?"

"Reinforcement~!" The Templar took a deep breath and exclaimed: "Reinforcement is here."

The bishops didn't hesitate for a moment, lifted the corners of their robe and rushed out, even because they blocked the door, they secretly killed the colleague who was robbing the way.

When they ran out of the Pope’s Palace, they saw the densely packed war fortresses in the sky at a glance.

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