Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1344: Unconfirmed good news

One after another, war fortresses slowly appeared over Vatican.

They lined up neatly from the east.

In the sun, their huge bodies left a huge projection on the ground, like the dark clouds before the storm, covering the entire Vatican City completely.

Due to the loss of direct sunlight, the whole city became much cooler in an instant.

At this time, those war fortresses are getting closer and closer.

Standing on the ground, you can clearly see the various signs on the war fortresses.

Those signs clearly showed their identities, including those from Fengye Danlin and some from the Flying Eagle Group, with nearly a hundred.

Those war fortresses were as dense as a swarm of bees, emitting a loud and deafening roar, slowly lowering their height, looking for a suitable landing site on the ground.

Because they are too strange to the holy city of Vaticano, the war fortress in the sky seems to be cautious, hovering at low altitude, and daring not to land.

In the past, this kind of work was done by a dedicated person. The airport guide would arrive before the large army, and then delineate the landing area, specifically responsible for guiding the war fortresses-different colored flags and striking white lines during the day, and lights at night .

Therefore, when the large troops arrive, there is no need to spend any energy at all, just follow the signs of the guide and land directly.

However, the flying troops only supported Sandos in the city of Deron before, and desperately transported supplies there. Vantino couldn't find a single person.

This has also caused them to feel a little at a loss now.

However, the pilots on the fortress of the war are also well trained. Has adapted to this situation a long time ago.

Seeing no one on the ground to guide them, they immediately switched to autonomous mode.

After the leading war fort drove two circles in the air, it slowly landed on the main square.

Behind it, the rest of the flying troops landed one by one along the main road facing the Temple of Light.

Looking at the momentum of the war fortresses in front of them, like a dark cloud over the city, the hearts of the bishops of Vantino can finally land.

With the arrival of these powerful reinforcements, Vantino’s hopes of keeping them increased greatly, especially the more than one hundred war fortresses, which gave these bishops a reassurance.

With these war forts, they even have the confidence to challenge the undead high priest. As for the human rebels and demons under the city of Deron, naturally they are not in the eyes of the bishops.

Under joy. The bishops didn't care about the presence of the mages in the Glory Holy City. Even this group of guys controlled the war fortress and flew back and forth against the top of the Temple of Light a few times, but they just didn't see it.

To stay in peace, the mage dared to dangle on the top of the Temple of Light. The bishops had already reddened their eyes, rolled up their sleeves and rushed up to fight the bastards.

For a long time, the relationship between priests and wizards has not been good. No matter where they go, they cannot understand each other.

Inside the maple leaf Danlin. The three major faculties all live together. It stands to reason that it should be like the official propaganda, something like ‘sincere unity and unity of all will’. But they didn't miss each other and put on small shoes.

Like the clergyman at the Magic Academy who scolded the pastor’s academy, ‘a bunch of bald and hard-backed people who only know how to cheat money~! ’

And those from the Priest Academy responded back to the School of Magic, ‘a bunch of crooks who sell fake rat medicine, shameless gangsters~! ’

If the two sides meet in the ‘extraterritorial battlefield’ like taverns, nightclubs, etc., they will naturally erect the ‘death battle flag’. Play live pk.

After leaving the academy, the relationship between the upper echelons of Vantino and the Society of Masters was even worse. Basically, they don’t interact with each other.

But now, at the critical moment of Vatican's life and death, these wizards, who usually have their tails in the sky, can put aside their previous prejudices and come to support them without hesitation. These bishops are really moved.

The war fortress has just stopped on the ground. The door opened immediately.

Amid the resounding commands of the officers, a black-clad soldier quickly ran out of the war fortress and began to line up on the street.

These soldiers are tall and strong, and they look like they are powerful.

And act quickly. The movements are neat and uniform.

The officer gave an order and immediately formed a square array like tofu cubes.

Looking horizontally and vertically, they are neat lines, which shows that they are well-trained.

Their weapons were wrapped tightly on their backs, and they couldn't see exactly what they were.

And the officers all had serious faces, neatly dressed, and a yellow leather pistol bag slung around their waists. Even the boots were brightly polished, and they could show people's shadows. People can't find the slightest fault at all.

The priests and the Templars who stayed in the city, and those who heard the movement all ran out of the underground air-raid shelter and gathered on the side of the road to watch these handsome soldiers.

There are actually many girls among them.

Shy and bold, they hid behind the flowers, pointing to the officers and soldiers of the security army, and from time to time they made a clear and sweet noise like silver bells, which attracted the soldiers in the queue to peek.

After the soldiers' small movements were discovered by the officers, they immediately evoked a round of curses from the officers.

The big square was noisy and lively for a while, in stark contrast to the desertedness just now.

"Sure enough, he is an elite teacher~!" After seeing the soldiers, Mazovia immediately came to slap Lorraine's **** and exclaimed: "Just look at the spirit and morale, and you know that Sir Alex, your warriors are extraordinary."

The bishops beside him also agreed and flattered.

Although they have not yet started the war and have not been tested in actual combat, they have already praised these soldiers as being the best elites in the world.

However, when he saw an exceptionally strong, hairy-faced half-orc walking by in the team, Mazovia was surprised: "Why are there still half-orcs?"

‘If it is not my race, its heart must be different’ is the current mainstream thinking of mankind.

They don't believe in half-orcs, barbarians. Elves, goblins, and other alien races think they are similar to savages, rude and savage, ignorant, undisciplined, and not for war at all. Otherwise, it would not be driven by humans to remote deserted mountains.

Lorraine curled his lips and softly corrected: "Not only half-orcs, there are also elves in the winning division. There are dwarves and even goblins.

Of course, they are also the most loyal believers of the God of Light, and they were personally inspired by His Majesty to put them into the embrace of the Holy See. "

Mazovia murmured in his heart, secretly crying: How to forget this, these half-orcs believers are all the credit of the current Pope.

then. They were all believers recruited by Hilmelia to preach personally, claiming to have three million people. It was still a sensation.

Hillmelia was promoted to the cardinal on this merit. And because of this, when the pope was elected, many centrist cardinals voted. The Holy See has not done so much for hundreds of years.

The Privy Archbishop secretly glanced at Hilmelia, and saw that she was having a close conversation with Vera, and should have not noticed him.

Mazovia whispered "lucky", and then repeatedly said: "Yes, yes, Sir, you are absolutely right. The Father is merciful to everyone regardless of race or gender."

Seeing the white sweat oozing from the old guy's head, Lorraine didn't say anything. Instead, he pointed to the half-orcs in the falconer's queue, and said with a smile: "Don't think they are half-orcs, but the main force in the team, properly trained, are all incredible soldiers."

At this time, General Patlaud, the commander of the Eagle Division, walked over to Lorraine and paid a military salute. Loudly: "My lord, according to your order, the Eagle will come for reinforcements."

Lorraine raised his hand in return, saying: "It's been a hard time."

"It's not hard work." Patlaud shook his head, then gave a wry smile, and said: "It was a train and a war fortress all the way, so that now these puppies are reluctant to walk.

Let them march on foot, and the puppies still complain. "

"Oh?" Lorraine asked with interest: "What did these guys say?"

Patlaud stretched his hands helplessly and said: "They actually said that our falconer should have been flying in the sky, and that we are heavy-loading divisions and shouldn't walk."

Lorraine couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "After only a few days have passed, I forgot my old line. After the battle is over, the general will train them."

"Yes~!" Patlaud replied loudly: "What else does your lord have to say? If not, I want to start battlefield surveying and mapping immediately and start arranging defenses as soon as possible."

Lorraine waved his hand and said, "Go and do your job, General. This battle will all be up to our Eagles."

Patlaud saluted, turned around and greeted him, and ran back to the war fort with a group of people, randomly rising into the air, and surveying the terrain around Vatican.

Mazovia has been watching from the side, secretly smacking his tongue: The soldiers under this master are all arrogant and abnormal. Where can the subordinates directly ask the superiors that there is nothing wrong?

This... This is too disrespectful.

However, Lord Lorraine didn't take it seriously, and Mazovia could only curl her lips and ask the doubts in her heart, and said: "Excuse me, Sir, what is a heavy outfitter?"

Lorraine said: "It's because of them."

With that, he pointed to the war fort not far away.

I saw from the door of the war fortress, dozens of soldiers were cautiously pushing down a cannon.

Mazovia's eyes lit up. Unlike the thick, round and heavy cannon he had seen, the barrel of the cannon in front of him was slender and there were two long supports behind the cannon.

"All the Eagles are equipped with are new artillery," Lorraine explained patiently: "Breaker loading, fixed ammunition, thanks to the great alchemy, the shaping spell easily solved the seamless steel pipe problem.

The rate of fire is six to eight rounds per minute, and the maximum range exceeds eight miles, which is sufficient for any current ground forces. "

Lorraine spoke a proper term, and Mazovia heard it, but he also understood that this new artillery can hit eight miles away, and it can hit eight shells in a minute.

This data made Mazovia very excited. In this era, the distance between the two armies and the camp is not necessarily eight miles away.

Does the super long range mean that you can hit the enemy's camp directly from the city?

"Like this kind of artillery, the Eagle Division is equipped with ninety guns," Lorraine proudly looked at the busy Eagle Division soldiers in front of him, and said: "There is an artillery regiment under the Eagle Division. There are also four infantry brigades, each There was another artillery battalion under the brigade. Each battalion also had a platoon equipped with smaller caliber artillery.

That's why they are called reloaders~! "

The Hawks are Nian's strategic reserve team, the elite of the elite.

In order to arm the Eagle Division, Lord Lord Lorraine paid his blood, and half of the new artillery went to the Eagle Division. The Alchemy Research Institute produced any new weapons that the Eagle Division first equipped.

"Moreover," Lorraine said mysteriously: "They also have new weapons."

Mazovia did not understand the brigade platoon that Lord Lorraine said, but he heard Lord Lorraine repeating "Cannon, Cannon, Cannon..."

"How many artillery does this cost?" Mazovia murmured.

The Holy See is also engaged in artillery, and the Flying Eagle Group sells them very readily. And it is a friendly price.

In the face of Hilmeria, Chairman Leo Leore, as the most conscientious capitalist in the new era, only slightly doubled the cost price, and kept the Holy See strictly confidential and not allowed to disclose it to others. Otherwise, the Elf Kingdom and Almohad should be fried.

With the weapons, the Holy See suddenly discovered that they did not have anyone who could manipulate the weapons, and training artillery became a problem again.

Fortunately, the Holy See is not difficult to find hundreds of educated patrons, but until now. The artillery of the Holy See has not yet been dispatched, and they are being whip of the instructor of the security army in the rear.

Lorraine patted Mazovia on the shoulder. Said: "In the army, artillery must account for one-third of the army, so you are embarrassed to tell people that this is a modern army. I'm far from it~!"

"One-third..." Mazovia took a breath, then shook his head with a wry smile, affirming in his heart that it seems impossible for the Holy See to catch up with the security forces.

Mazovia clearly knew that he had spent millions on these dozens of artillery, and he couldn't afford it with the wealth of the Holy See.

Besides, after the war is over, the Guardian Knights Legion will be disbanded. Except for the Knights Templar, the Holy See will not retain a standing army.

However, Mazovia also knows that this is good news for himself and the Holy See, and the party with artillery will have an advantage in the war.

The ordinary priests of the Knights Templar and Vatican were all called for help, unloading all weapons and luggage in a short time.

The fortress of war did not stay. It rose again quickly and disappeared into the eastern sky.

Only two thousand people and some equipment were transported on this trip. The Eagle Division's large troops and most of the heavy weapons were still crawling slowly behind them.

And the two company war fortresses from Fengye Danlin will not stay for long. They took the time to help, and another day was the day when the fortress of the undead war came to Fengye Danlin to check in on time, and they had to go back quickly to fight the enemy.

The officers and soldiers of the Eagle Division stepped on the ground with their feet and immediately began to work.

At this time, an agent of the Vantino branch of the venture capital company walked up to Lorraine, handed a telegram to Lorraine, leaned in Sir Alex Ferguson’s ear, and said in a low voice: "The news sent from behind, The red ghost may have killed a big man in Deron."

"Big guy? How old is it?" Lorraine took the telegram and scanned it quickly.

"According to analysis, it is very likely that it is the commander-in-chief of the Western Front of the Mozu, Maschinot." The agent lowered his voice excitedly.

Lord Lorraine was stunned for a while, and it took a long time before he let out a sigh of relief, and said, "I...this deal is worth it~!"

Mazovia saw Lorraine's excited expression on the side, and asked curiously: "Lord, is there any good news?"

"It may be good news," Lorraine flicked a telegram and said, "However, it will be announced after confirmation."

Lorraine didn't want to commit a big day... the silly problem of the imperial army's ‘great success, bragging 13’-sinking the same aircraft carrier eight times in an aerial battle, became the laughing stock of the world.

If this news is released, it will surely shock the world and encourage the people of the Continental Army to resist the morale of the demons.

But here it was released by itself, and the demons over there pulled out a Maschinot parade. Not only did the jokes make a lot of noise, but it also caused counter-effects.

"Let the company confirm the authenticity of this news." Lorraine handed the telegram to the agent, looked up to the west, and said with a smile: "Interestingly, I said why the Semitic people suddenly became sluggish.

At this time, there was a disturbance behind them. "

Maschinot was the ground commander of the Western Front of the Demon Race, and he was also the king of New Casmonria. He suddenly died on the battlefield. The crown of Casmonía was not known to be coveted by many people.


A few days later, inside Deron City.

The Cardinal Sandos stood at the head of the city and carefully observed the Semitic camp on the opposite side through a telescope.

The gate of the camp was closed tightly, and the Semitic soldiers seemed to wander around the camp idly, looking lazy.

The cardinal breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the demons will not launch an attack today. This is good news for the Bayer Legion who are trapped in the isolated city.

Since the first battle, the Demon War Fortress that Sandos is most worried about has never been.

The air transport troops in the rear rushed to replenish him with grenades the day before yesterday and evacuated the seriously wounded. During the whole process, the hundreds of thousands of demons on the opposite side just watched, there was no movement at all.

Sandos thinks this is very abnormal.

After the replenishment, the Bayer Legion was full of ammunition and morale was high. Your Excellency the Cardinal thought that he could last for ten and a half days.

But beyond the expectations of the soldiers, the Semites never left the barracks since that battle.

The strange situation made Cardinal Santos sleepless at night. After analyzing and analyzing, Master Cardinal finally concluded that this was the enemy's strategy and wanted to induce himself out of the city.

Because the loss of the demons' siege is too great, they want to change it.

Cardinal Sandos sneered at this He was quite disdainful in his heart: When I was a three-year-old kid, tempted me to give up the advantage of city defense and fight against the demons?

There are no doors~!

He made up his mind that he couldn't stick to it. One day is one day. Anyway, the longer the delay, the better for Vantino.

At this time, two long-lost ghosts stepped forward and saluted Sandos.

The cardinal hurriedly responded. The two men killed two dark wizards in the battle, and they have now become legendary figures in the legion.

It's just that the two people in front of me seem a bit strange, their cold temperament is much less, and their expressions seem a bit...confused?

A person handed a letter to Sandos, hesitatingly said: "I think, adults may need to read this."

Sandos opened the letterhead and glanced at it with a tummy of doubt, the whole person was stunned for an instant, a few seconds later, he suddenly exclaimed, and screamed in disbelief: "You killed Maschinot?!"

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