Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1362: Consumption

"Woo~~咻~" In the sharp neighing sound, a cannonball struck across the sky

"Lie down~!" The Semi soldiers who were bending forward and trotting forward shouted.

They were instantly agile like cats, jumping into the crater closest to them, and then lying on the ground with their heads in their arms.

War is the best teacher.

After several **** battles, these Semitic soldiers are self-directed. They can easily judge the impact of the shells by the howling of the shells, and then make the corresponding response in the shortest time. reaction.

If you look down from the sky, all the plants outside Vatican City at this time have also disappeared. There are orange-red artillery fire and gun smoke everywhere, and the ground is already pitted by shells, like the moon. The surface is average.

Among the bullet craters, every Yu always finds Semitic soldiers hiding in them, and occasionally there are even several soldiers crowded in a small shallow crater.

"Boom!" At this time, the shells slammed heavily on the damp and cold ground, and immediately exploded into a ball of fire, which blew up a few unlucky ghosts in front of him, setting off a large area of ​​mud.

Before the mud splashed by the shells fell, the Semi soldiers who were lying in the crater leaped quickly and jumped up from the ground, then bent down as much as possible, lowered their body, and sprinted forward.

They just ran a few steps, and when the sound of the cannonballs ripping the air and flying approached again, they immediately lay down again, waiting motionlessly for the explosion to pass, praying in their hearts that the unlucky person who was hit should not be themselves.

After the explosion passed, these brave and tenacious soldiers quickly jumped up, charged forward, and so on. Although slow, it approached the city wall extremely firmly.

After a while, the Semi soldiers finally approached the outer trenches.

But before they were happy, a small bag of soil that was only a few feet above the ground suddenly opened in the trench, revealing a black square hole.

Immediately afterwards, the barrel of a machine gun protruded from the inside.

The muzzle of the black hole immediately spewed orange flames, and fired at the approaching Semitic soldiers.

The few Semi soldiers who rushed to the front were hit by bullets immediately, spraying out a cloud of blood mist, and then fell to the ground like a stone tablet.

The soldiers behind were all lying on the ground in an instant, and they rolled a few times immediately, hid in the crater next to them, and never showed up again.

At this time, the characteristic crisp "click" of the Gatling machine gun kept ringing, and the bullets rained at the Semitic soldiers.

Countless bullets hit their sides, splashing wisps of mud on the ground.

The soldiers all hugged their heads tightly and moved their bodies backwards on the ground.

At this time, a young Semi officer stood up behind him, brandished his sword, and shouted: "Don't retreat, the devil will bless the bravest people, attack, give me up~!"

Although the soldiers could not raise their heads under the pressure of bullet rain, they still turned their faces and looked at the officer.

In their eyes, fear, surprise, mockery, schadenfreude... all kinds of looks are different.

Sure enough, when the officer's voice just fell, a crisp sound came from the trench not far ahead.

The head of the officer who was shouting suddenly exploded, his knees softened, he knelt weakly, and then fell to the ground in a muffled voice.

All the soldiers on the scene couldn't help but twitch. The sound and the gunfire were completely different from the gunfire. They were crisp and long. If you listened carefully, you would even hear the endless reverberation of the curling sound.

On the battlefield, this gunfire is the most frightening.

Sometimes when the cannon shells fall, people may not be killed, but as long as the sound of such gunshots occurs, someone will definitely fall to the ground and die.

"Retreat, retreat, retreat..."

I don't know who was yelling loudly in the rear, and the Semi soldiers who could not raise their heads by the guns were amnesty. They did not dare to get up, but used their hands and feet together, twisting their bodies like a snake and crawling back quickly.

The sound of the machine gun quickly stopped, and the Semi soldiers immediately breathed a sigh of relief. They just got up and turned around to run.

At this time, the barrels of a row of rifle guns protruded from the trenches, and then there was a burst of "cracking" shooting.

The Semitic soldiers who had just stood up followed another group, while the others fled backwards like lifeless.

Seeing the enemy receding like a tide, the Eagle Division soldiers in the trench couldn't help laughing, wanting to shout and cheer

But before they could utter a sound, a huge war fortress of the undead had swooped down from overhead.

The black figure was generally clouded over the Hawkmaster's head.

The soldiers immediately hid in the trenches, clinging to the dirt on the sides of the trenches, praying in their hearts that the **** war fortress would never discover itself, and would not fire a nerve in the trenches.

The black war fortress rushed from the top of the trench, only twenty or thirty meters from the ground, as if you could touch it by lifting your head.

The Terran soldiers cursed loudly while shrinking their bodies lower.

Fortunately, the black war fortress did not launch any attacks on the ground.

The moment it flew by, the Eagle Division soldiers in the trench immediately noticed the anomaly. A thick smoke dragged on the tail of the war fortress of this demon race, as if it was a sparrow chased by a vulture, fleeing in haste.

Immediately afterwards, a weird, iron-gray eagle flashed past the soldier's head, its wings spread out to be more than ten meters wide.

The soldiers of the Eagle Division had never seen such a big bird, and they were bold and curiously poking their heads out of the trench.

I saw this big bird closely chasing behind the demon war fortress, a red light flashed in the pointed beak, and a fire burst out immediately in the demon war fortress ahead, and the shell was blown through.

The fortress of the war shook suddenly and then fell.

Head down heavily on the ground, and turned into fragments in the violent collision with the ground, and there was a loud bang, splashing the mud in the sky.

Seeing the war fortress of the demons crashed tens of meters in front of them, the officers and soldiers of the Eagle Division immediately raised their weapons and cheered loudly.

"Acridine, okay~!"

"Fuck that bitch..."


The eagle with a fire-breathing mouth hovered over the crashed war fortress, and then a black shadow emerged from the bird's head.

The soldiers were surprised to find that it was a person~!

Moreover, you can vaguely see the proud face of that person, waving constantly towards him

Someone could not help cursing in a low voice: "Who is that silly 13?"

The sharp-eyed soldier had already seen the emblem of the Flying Eagle Group on this great eagle, and immediately raised the weapon in his hand and let out a warm cheer.

No matter what it is, one thing is certain, that is-this is their own weapon~!

And it looks like a great 13, shooting down the enemy's war fortress is effortless.

Immediately afterwards, everyone raised their arms and cheered enthusiastically.

They are really fed up with the enemy's war fortress flying arrogantly above their heads these days. With these things in place, I believe the enemy will soon lose its arrogance.

The Eagle fighter shook its wings in the sky over the trenches, then quickly pulled up and disappeared into the snow.

At this time, the crashed Mozu war fortress was still billowing black smoke, and suddenly two men in black crawled out of it.

They struggled out of the wreckage of the war fortress, as if they were stunned, and stumbled a few steps.

Seeing this, the Eagle Division soldiers immediately reacted: They should be demons, most likely dark wizards.

"Kill them~!" An officer roared. He took the lead in raising the revolver, aiming at the two men in black, and constantly squeezing the trigger.

The soldiers in the entire trench all jumped up, yelling with savage faces, and raised their guns to shoot at them.

"It's the **** of the demons~!"

"Fight, hit hard~!"

At that moment, the bodies of the two men in black kept shaking like leaves in the autumn wind. They didn't know how many bullets were in them, and they finally fell to the ground motionless.

The soldiers seemed to be puzzled and shot their bodies for a few minutes until they smashed them to pieces, and then stopped the fire amid the loud roar of the officers.

At this time, the rapid artillery fire exploded near the wreckage of the war fortress, which was not reconciled to the lonely front-line artillery observation post. I found that delicious target and soon called in the city’s artillery

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Within ten seconds, more than fifty rounds of artillery were poured out, blasting the war fortress into a pile of fragments.

At this time, there was no clear distinction between the earth, the sky and the sea, and there was fierce fighting everywhere.

Billowing smoke filled the battlefield outside Vatican City. The battle fortresses fought fiercely in the sky. A group of sparks lit up from time to time, followed by something dragging the flame to fall like a meteor.

In the distance on the sea, you can vaguely see the flames that were ejected by the battleships when the battleship volleyed, and the sound of killing echoed in the wind and snow.

Veraprani was at the back of the battlefield, through the sight glasses, watching the war fortress crash before the human position.

He just wanted to order his men to rush up and **** out the dark mage inside, and human artillery immediately flooded the remains of the war fortress.

His Majesty King Veraprani squeezed the binoculars in annoyance, and shouted angrily: "Damn cannon~!"

If there is no stopping by the artillery fire, even if a human has a gun, his people can rush up.

But now his soldiers must move on their stomachs under the fierce gunfire.

"Your Majesty, the attack from the south has retreated again." An officer cautiously said behind him.

Veraprani scowled, raised his brows, and said displeasedly: "That fellow Thoras, can't you last a few more minutes?

Go and tell him that I will only give him a quarter of an hour, and after a quarter of an hour he must rush to me again.

Even if you are lying on the front line and pretending to be dead, you are not allowed to retreat~! "

"Yes~!" The officer got the order and turned and walked away quickly.

A general rolled his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the casualties are too great, my brothers are afraid it won't last long."

Veraprani slowly shook his head and said: "The pressure on the enemy is greater than ours. The God Seat has already invested the power that can be mobilized on Vatican. This battle must be won."

"But the enemy's artillery fire is too fierce."

"You have to rush, and you can't give the enemy a chance." Veraprani said firmly, "The navy is five times theirs, the war fortress is seven times theirs, and the army is ten times theirs.

As long as we continue to give play to our quantitative advantages, keep entangled with the enemy and rush up endlessly, slowly making them tired, and finally dragging them down. "

The generals lowered their heads for a moment, then nodded in unison.

Although this is the most stupid way, but this is also the best way that can be found so far~!

Although the firepower of human beings is very strong, it also exposed a fatal weakness of them. They are extremely dependent on logistics.

And now, surrounded by the city, their logistics is simply out of supply.

As long as the Semitic army keeps rushing up to fight humans, there will be waves of shocks, whether on the ground, sea or in the air, when the firepower of human beings is always exhausted, and their physical strength is always exhausted. .

The Semites occupy an absolute quantitative advantage, they can afford it, but humans can't afford it~!

Whether it is land, sea, or air, as long as there is a battlefield where human beings are exhausted and cannot be supported and retreat, it will immediately trigger a chain reaction, and they will win the war~!

"Come on with me~!" Veraprani pointed to the Vatican wall behind the wind and snow in the distance, and said ruthlessly: "Now, both the enemy and us are biting the bullet and we are now compared with the enemy. It is toughness.

What determines the battle is to see who can hold on to the last five minutes.

As long as we survive, we can win the war~! "

The Semitic generals nodded silently.

This kind of tactic seems to work really well, but it also means that their Semitic people will continue to use their flesh and blood to fill human fire, and even if they win, they will pay a heavy price.

With Veraprani's stern urging, the Semi soldiers who had just retired had time to take a breath and bandage their wounds, and they were caught up on the battlefield again. They were bombarded by artillery shells and fired by machine guns. , Impacting human defense time and time again.

At sea, the Semitic navy is also sober. It is impossible to win by being dragged by a large human ship. They also spread the fleet like the Semitic army surrounding Vatican and mobilize all including transport ships. Ship, go to encircle the human fleet.

In the air, Maple Leaf Danlin Second Wing, led by Irina, frequently escaped from chasing by the undead with a high degree of superiority, hid in the dark clouds, and then rushed down suddenly, firing at the war fort of the undead from overhead. .

Although this caused trouble for the undead tribe, it was not the one that scared the dark mages the most.

What frightened them were the small war fortresses in the sky like flies.

The undead have also accumulated a wealth of combat experience in the battle with the Maple Leaf Danlin, knowing the advantages and tactics of the Maple Leaf Danlin War Fortress, and also know how to avoid them.

But most of the demons have not seen such an ultra-small war fortress like a bird. They have heard some people who have seen the air battle in Viji City mention it, but no one takes it seriously.

There was only one such small bird-like war fort at the beginning, and the undead did not think it was so powerful.

But at the moment there are at least more than 20 appearing on the battlefield, and some dark mages are even estimated to be 30, because they always get in and out of the clouds, it is really difficult to count.

These small war fortresses have become a nightmare for the undead. They are very flexible. They are like mud loach in the water. They slide and do not leave their hands. They always attack from the top or bottom of their heads. Each time they are several bird-shaped war forts. Get together and attack one.

Before the Dark Mage even had time to find the enemy, he was inexplicably hit by artillery fire.

Although the 40mm gun has a small caliber, unlike the war fortress of Maple Leaf Danlin, which can smash a war fortress with one shot, it is powerful enough to penetrate the shell of the undead war fortress, explode inside, and destroy everything inside.

As long as you get two or three shots, you still crash.

Humans usually attack three or five together, and one salvo is enough to destroy a war fortress. There are constantly war fortresses falling into the cold ocean or falling to the ground.

Even if the dark mage found them, their speed was so fast that the magic cannon aimed at by human eyes could hardly keep up.

And those dogs often turn at large angles, quickly pull up or dive, and instantly disappear in front of the dark mage.

To the Dark Mage, they are as difficult as slashing a fly with a sword, and every bite of this fly is deadly.

Ferreira and his squadron were in the air like a fish in the air, unscrupulously walking through the magic of the magic cannon, bombarding each target.

At the moment, there are only twelve Eagle fighters in the Aircraft Manufacturing Plant has just adjusted the production line and started to ramp up production.

Pilots are also a major reason for limiting the number of growth. Operating Eagle fighters is very different from operating a war fortress. It is much more difficult to train a barely qualified Eagle pilot than for a war fortress.

Just to ensure that the pilot does not lose his way in the continuous roll, it is very difficult to drop to the ground.

Only Ferreira, a mentally lunatic, can teach more than a dozen pilots in a short time. And these eagle-like pilots are as crazy as their instructors, and they are determined to eliminate the silly things like war fortresses from the air and let them rule the sky.

Even Elena was surprised by the fierce fighting power of the eagle. She did not expect that this small plane, which could only accommodate two people and one gun, was even sharper than her war fortress.

So far, most of the results have been obtained by Eagle.

One after another, the undead black war fortresses were destroyed in their cannons, dragging black smoke to the ground or falling into the sea.

The undead race had nearly two hundred war fortresses. They were hurriedly chased by one of their squadrons. They chased and intercepted the eagle squadrons in the sky, but they always avoided them flexibly.

Elena knew the plan for miniaturization of the war fortress for a long time, but she was not optimistic about it, because it was too small to do anything.

But I didn't expect that just adding two pairs of wings and a vertical tail would make them very different.

Master Jelena finally became interested in Ferreira's car, and at the same time he was thinking about whether Fengye Danlin continued to build a war fortress with a high cost and a large crew. Is it cost-effective?

(To be continued)

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