Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1363: Swinging balance

A thin layer of snow has fallen on the top of the Great Temple in Vatican City. M

Lorraine was on the highest point of the roof, raising the high-powered telescope in his hand, looking towards the distant sea.

At this time, the snow is getting bigger and bigger, and the huge figure of Victory has been hidden behind the wind and snow. Only when the battleship’s guns are fired on the sea, the orange fire will pass through the heavy snowflakes and through the telescope. Zoom in and fall into his eyes.

Above the temple, hundreds of war fortresses are fighting fiercely in the sky.

Their silhouettes are flying back and forth in the dark clouds, you come and I can't talk to each other. The light of spells and artillery crisscrossed in the air, forming strange patterns.

From time to time, there will be a dark spell with a missed magic cannon falling from the air, with a huge whistling, smashing into Vatican City, and then splashing a large group of green water mist, corroding the street or wall into a black Big hole.

At this time, everyone walking in the city must cling to the corner like a mouse. At the same time, one eye must always be staring at the sky to guard against the danger of sudden fall.

Fortunately, the streets of Vantino were empty at this time. Except for the necessary combatants, most of the people in Vatican City hid in the basement.

Even on the top of the temple, there was only Lorraine alone.

Patlaud and his officers were busy directing the battle on the front line.

Vera was not interested in this kind of battle, and went to play with Luo Xiaolin in the basement of the Pope Palace.

Some of Vera's fellow villagers were working, and all those who were not working ran out to hunt for wild food-the head of the Lich Hunter.

Although as a third-party force, there is a tacit understanding between them and the Lich, and they will not participate in the war for the time being. But "If you don't get caught, you don't break the law." It is the life creed of all the great politicians in the world, including criminals, and gangsters like Leo Leo.

Dragons are naturally no exception as intelligent creatures, especially when stimulated by huge bonuses, they all show full of vitality.

And it is said. To be on the safe side, they also formulated a backup plan. In case they were discovered by the liches, they would claim that they were ‘temporary workers’ and then escaped.

However, up to now, it seems that the scoundrels have not started this program.

At this time, another shell roared. With a long trail, falling from the sky. Then it exploded not far away with a ‘bang’, blasting a house to pieces.

And Lorraine turned a blind eye to the cannonballs and magic cannon flying overhead, and raised the telescope in his hand. Constantly scanning the sky, the anti-orchidism baldness is annoying, and it’s annoying. 鄄煺≌ straw  Mu埂?

Suddenly, a gray head appeared at the entrance of the corridor.

He lay on the door frame and carefully glanced at the sky above his head, only to see various bright lights flashing in the snow flakes above his head, and the battle was going on fiercely.

Mazovia sighed helplessly, carefully walked out of the corridor, looking up at the sky, and walking towards Lorraine.

"Lord." Mazovia gave a wry smile. Said: "Lord, it's too unsafe here..."

Just said this, and then a dark spell dragged its tail over from the top of the temple and hit the large square in front of the temple. Mazovia suddenly shrank his neck in shock, and instinctively bent down to make an escape action.

Lord Luo looked at his actions and couldn't help but smile secretly. But then he stretched out his hand to stabilize him, and then smiled and said: "Old Ma, why are you here?"

Mazovia also knew that she had made a fool of herself, so she gave a wicked smile and said, "My Lord, it's too dangerous here, let's go down."

Lorraine shook his head. Said: "There is no better view in the city than here.

Besides, the undead wanting to hit the temple from the air is as difficult as throwing a stone from the roof or hitting a beetle on the ground. "

Mazovia shrugged helplessly, and secretly said in his heart: "It's easy to say, you can resist the attack of the high priest." It’s okay to fight the dark spell of a magic cannon, I can’t do it~!

Although he is also an upright bishop, most of his energy over the years has been spent on handling the affairs of the Holy See. The strength has regressed greatly.

With current personal strength, it is no problem to force a Lich, but it is extremely difficult to use a magic cannon.

But since he is here, he can only stand here with Lord Lorraine, otherwise he would appear too timid.

Despite the obstacles of the wind and snow, standing on the top of the high temple, Vatican still has a clear view of the surroundings, and even the flames of the shells exploded outside the city.

From the intensity of gunfire and artillery fire, it can be judged that the enemy has launched a large-scale attack on the west.

In addition, from time to time there are several war fortresses, passing by the battlefield at an ultra-low altitude.

Mazovia saw several war fortresses like big birds, chasing a black war fortress of undead race, swooping down from the air, chasing it to a height of more than ten meters from the ground, and finally shot it down and planted one head on the ground.

This battle has been fought for almost a whole day. Although the demons have repeatedly failed to attack, they still continue to attack.

But the battlefield is still in a stalemate.

A falconer officer ran up panting, came to Lorraine to salute quickly, and then said anxiously: "The enemy on the west has broken through the first line of defense, and the division commander has ordered to retreat to the second trench.

However, it seems that it will not last long. "

"Breakthrough?" Mazovia couldn't help exclaiming. This was the first time the Semitic army broke through the outermost trench of Vatican in a few days.

Lorraine nodded, indicating that he knew. Then turned his head, intending to continue watching the game. But then seeing Mazovia's face pale, I couldn't help feeling a little unbearable. At any rate, the other party is also in his 60s or 70s, but he still stands up and accompanies himself here.

If he has to keep him so frightened, it seems a bit unreasonable.

Therefore, he gave a light cough and calmly explained: "The outer line of defense is used to consume the enemy's vital power.

As long as the enemy continues to attack, it is natural to be breached, and there is no need to make a fuss. "

Mazovia rolled his eyes and whispered: "My Lord, when will we win this battle?"

Lorraine put down the binoculars and glanced at Mazovia, as if he could see through the thoughts in his heart, and laughed. Said: "Are you worried that we will be defeated?"

Mazovia hurriedly waved his hand and continued to say: "No, no, we always firmly believe that under the light of the great God of Light, under the wise leadership of His Majesty the Pope, and under your command, the future victory is inevitable. Belongs to us."

Lorraine glanced at him: these messengers were really extraordinary. This set of remarks is so smooth that you open your mouth.

Although Sir Alex Ferguson is also a dignified governor, he usually holds various office meetings including ‘encourage childbirth’, but he wants to achieve his level. But it still takes time~!

The current Sir Alex has also been in officialdom, and he will no longer be disturbed by the nonsense of the opponent as before, and easily distinguish the key points of Mazovia's words.

He knew in his heart that the ‘us’ in Mazovia’s words probably represented all cardinals in the Holy See.

In today's battle, the enemy dispatched troops several times as much as his own, and it was also fighting at the same time by sea, land and air. The bishops in the Holy See probably have their hearts hanging in their throats at this moment.

This old man should have been pushed out to inquire about the news.

Lorraine pointed to the battlefield ahead. Shen said: "There is an old saying that only by understanding the enemy and understanding yourself can you win every battle.

The number of enemies is several times ours, yes, but we have an intelligence advantage-the dynamics on the battlefield and the movements of the enemy are in our grasp in real time. So that we can deal with it calmly.

We still have a firepower advantage. Cannonballs and machine guns are enough to keep the enemy out of the walls.

We still have technological advantages. Whether it is infantry weapons, war fortresses, or warships, we are one era ahead of the enemy.

Therefore, it is very difficult for the enemy to defeat us.

There is only one way they want to win~! "

"What way?" Mazovia asked nervously.

"Consumption~!" Lorraine sneered and said: "It drains our energy, drains our ammunition. drains our morale.

I have to say that the Semi generals are not stupid, they have found the right tactics, and the enemy is now using their superior forces to consume us. "

Mazovia was a little flustered, and said: "What should we do? We can't be caught by the enemy."

"The power of consumption tactics is that you can't avoid the battle. You can only grit your teeth and confront him." Lorraine explained patiently: "Look at who will bring down who first. Of course, the current situation is not optimistic for us. If this is consumed, the defense line will loosen tomorrow."

"This, this..." Mazovia was speechless, shaking his hands.

Lorraine patted him on the shoulder, and said, "The enemy has already crushed all their strength, leaving no reserve team.

The same is true for us. All the forces that can be mobilized in my hands have been put on the battlefield. The battle now is like a balanced scale.

I want to change the balance..."

"Add a weight to the balance." Mazovia said immediately. The balance is too familiar and he often uses it when weighing gold.

"Yes," Lorraine nodded and said, "This balance may be broken soon."

As he said, he raised his sight glasses and looked towards the sea.

At this time, with the fierce battle of the ships, the naval battlefield has stretched to the Vatican coast, and the Semitic warships can be vaguely seen on the sea.

The Victory is now east of those Semitic warships.

Captain Glendin stared at the Semitic warship rushing towards him with full sails, snorted disdainfully, and said: "The rudder is full again, and the gun position on the right is ready to fire."

The huge hull of the Victory began to turn, the bow quickly turned to the right, and the entire warship tilted to the right.

The bow quickly pointed to the southeast, and Captain Glendin immediately shouted: "Half a sail~!"

The sailors on the sails swiftly crawled up and down on the rope nets like apes, and the white sails "swiped and pulled" and fell.

The artillery on the starboard side, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately opened fire on the Semitic warship.

At this time, because the Semitic navy was chasing Victory, the distance between each other became very small, and the artillery of the battleship was reduced.

The speed of the Victory suddenly increased a bit.

Captain Glendin grabbed the intercom and shouted: "Mr. Puck, how is our baby now?"

An electric current yelled from the intercom, saying: "It's good, it's never as good as it is now."

"How long can it last?"

Mr. Puck exclaimed in excitement: "It can take as long as possible, the **** of light is on the top, I can smell the gold coins~!

Ulla, long live the steam engine~!

Long live the great industrial revolution~!

This is the power of civilization. Demon cubs, tremble~!


Glendin dropped the communicator and muttered, "This bunch of stinky intellectuals. It's a bunch of lunatics."

The Victory galloped across the wide ocean, and the Semitic naval fleet suffered heavy losses, but after a few hours of fierce battle, the Semitic navy's numerical advantage was slowly brought into play. At this moment, their ships had covered the sea.

The sentry on the mast passed down the latest discovery. After receiving it, First Mate Jack immediately reminded Captain Glendin. He was a little nervous and said: "My lord, there is a Semitic ship right in front of us. They have already run east of us. Up."

At the beginning of the naval battle, the Semitic navy was divided into two, with one part facing the battle and the other rounding around. At this time, the roundabout Semitic fleet finally ran to the east of the Victory and blocked the sea route of the Victory.

The space for the Victory and the entire fleet was compressed a lot at once.

Captain Glendin nodded and said, "This will happen sooner or later."

Now he has two options. Either lead the entire fleet and rush in directly. The Semitic Navy is estimated to be unable to stop the Victory Class, but it may also be heavily besieged by the enemy, especially the fast gunboats that have been shielding the battleship. It is difficult to penetrate the enemy's ship formation.

Either turn around and retreat eastward, and fight after getting a distance from the enemy. But this exposed the coast of Vatican, and the enemy could land directly.

Captain Glendin thought for a few seconds, and said decisively: "Full sail, rush up. In any case, the enemy transport ship can't grab the beach and let the gunboat stick to our port side."

The fleet suddenly accelerated again, and bravely rushed to the Semitic fleet.

At this time, the Semitic warship blocking the front of the Victory was turning its head desperately. Avoid exposing the belly to human giant ships.

The fast gunboat also fully sails and slides on the sea at the highest speed.

Glendin grabbed the intercom and said loudly, "Mr. Puck, I need to be faster."

"No problem~!" Mr. Puck responded excitedly, and then there was another crazy roar.

In the next second, the roar of the boiler seemed to suddenly become louder. Propelled by the wind and the steam engine, the speed of the battleship was already close to twenty knots.

Victory took the lead. The bow plunged directly into the Semitic Navy's queue, and a double-deck Semitic warship in front was hurriedly turning its sails and turning around, but as soon as it turned sideways, the Victory ran into it at high speed.

An inch-thick steel plate is punched on the tip of the bow of the Victory, which is prepared for special circumstances.

With a loud noise, the high bow of the battleship directly hit the port side of the Semitic battleship and was interrupted.

The opponent's warship is less than half the height of the Victory Class. The three-hundred-ton displacement boat is certainly not the opponent of the three-thousand-ton displacement battleship.

Under the huge impact force, Victory slowly cut the Semitic warship directly from the middle like a blunt knife.

Seeing this situation, the sailors on the Semitic battleship shouted, jumping into the sea like dumplings to escape.

The Victory Class, which resembled a prehistoric monster, shook abruptly, and its speed suddenly slowed down. The bow pushed the wreckage of the Semitic warship and ran forward. The scene was like a tiger holding a chicken in its mouth.

The Semitic warship was rapidly sinking under the water. Ten seconds after the impact, the bow of the Victory crushed the keel of the Semitic warship. The ship was completely broken in two, pushed away by the Victory, and quickly turned towards the cold. Did not go in the sea, leaving behind a disc of planks surrounding the Victory.

The scene in front of me taught the Semitic navy alive: don't let this big ship get on you.

Their small bodies can't withstand a close contact with Victory.

The Glendin Fleet nodded in satisfaction. Although the Victory Class did not consider impact tactics when it was built, the hull was not comparable to other warships in terms of robustness. Then he grabbed the intercom and said, "I am the captain, report the damage. ,"

"A crack on the port side has flooded into it, which is not a big problem."

"A small hole broke on the starboard side and water is entering. We can plug it in within ten minutes~!"

Glendin nodded in satisfaction and said, "Very good."

The quality of this group of sailors is very good.

The Victory Class led the entire fleet, penetrated deeply into the enemy's ship formation, and passed by the Semitic warships at a distance of no more than 100 meters.

The ballistas of the Semitic warships kept firing at the battleships, and dozens of crossbow arrows with thick arms were quickly inserted into the shells of the three battleships.

A few stones flew out from the bow of the Semitic battleship and smashed heavily on the battleship. However, apart from breaking a section of the plank of the ship's side, two holes were smashed in the deck, and no more results were achieved-Shin The clan seems to be determined to capture these battleships, even destructive weapons such as explosive crystals are useless.

This also made the human race navy very confused, guessing whether the demons were poor and even did not have weapons like explosive crystals.

However, this is good news for Terran.

Those artillerymen seized the opportunity, held back their strength, and fired frantically at the enemy ship at a close range of more than ten meters.

At such a close distance, the sailors on both sides can even see the looks of the other side, and it is difficult for the artillery to miss.

A pile of young pong rings ⑴ 诘According to Meixuan said, annoyed pouring ⅲ涑鲆桓龃蠖惣謤谀谀谀诓訓⒈涑sawhuang vomiting 颍颍 bashing Na Songhuan retreat  旆晌chen?

The flying sawdust even hit the artillery in the cabin.

The fast gunboat finally caught the opportunity. They have been like chickens, protected by the battleship under their wings. They can only touch their small guns and watch the battleship run out.

At this moment, the enemy was finally within their range.

On the deck of a gunboat, six guns with a caliber of 40 mm are arranged in the open air. UU Reading There are two doors on the bow of the com ship, two on the stern, and two on the superstructure. The gun positions can also be rotated in all directions.

The artillery on the gunboat turned all the artillery around. The artillery with fixed-loaded shells had a very high rate of fire, and the shells were scattered like beads of water on the Semitic battleship.

Several gunboats grabbed the nearest enemy ship and slammed. In the high-speed fire, a dense explosion enveloped the entire battleship, smashing the soldiers, masts, ropes, and hulls on it little by little. The Semitic battleship is like being smashed to pieces by the watermelon chopped by random knives.

The Semitic warships also fired back with ballistas. Some pierced the sails of the gunboats, some were tied to the hull, and some even hit the steel shield of the artillery, making a loud noise.

With powerful firepower, the battle fleet and fast gunboats forcibly tore open the dense array of Semitic navy, like a sharp sword, they are about to penetrate the Semitic naval array.

At this time, a sharp neighing sound sounded from the rear of the Semitic Navy, and dozens of dark shadows rose into the sky from there. They opened their wide black robes and rushed toward the three battleships like bats.

Liches who have been hiding for a long time finally appeared~!

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