Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1373: Ruman Defense

After nightfall, the north wind blowing from the cold permafrost tundra in the north and the thousands of miles of snow-capped mountains raged across the central plain of the Ruman Empire. Everything withered and the vegetation was sad.

The cold wind raged on the ground like a horrible banshee in the legend, blowing the bare branches, making a sharp and piercing noise, just like the howling of the three Greedy banshees in ancient mythology.

The temperature quickly dropped to near freezing point.

The weather was gloomy, the clouds obscured the moon in the sky, the darkness enveloped the earth, and you could not see your fingers.

This was supposed to be a quiet night, but firelight like stars in the sky dotted the earth-even in this biting cold wind, people were still moving.

At this small inn a few hours away from Ruman City, the soldiers of the Skeleton Division of the Security Army of Ruman Flying Eagle Group were confronting hundreds of thousands of Semitic soldiers on the opposite side.

The position between the two armies was dark and quiet. In the invisible night, the bodies of countless soldiers who were killed in the battle yesterday lay silently on the mud.

During the daytime battle yesterday, the blood flowing from these dead soldiers had already frozen into ice at this time, freezing them firmly with the dungeon.

Occasionally, flares screamed up into the sky. After rising to a high altitude, they suddenly emitted a dazzling light, piercing the darkness, and illuminating the battlefield.

Terran soldiers hid in the trenches, drew their bodies into thick military uniforms, shrank their heads, stomped their feet, and gasped for their cold hands. Hopefully this cold night will pass quickly.

Although they fought a victory and successfully repelled the enemy, no one relaxed. Instead, he was more vigilant.

When their eyes swept across the Semitic camp on the opposite side, they were a little nervous and uneasy.

Opposite them, the camp of the Semitic army was bright, and even the sky was illuminated by countless torches, showing an unhealthy crimson color.

From time to time, there were bursts of noise, which came far away with the cold wind.

Although the two sides are very far apart and separated by a large camp, they can't see the situation at all, but they are not stupid. Even with their buttocks, they can guess that the enemy is making such a big movement. It must be horrible. arms.

If you cast your eyes to the other side from the air. It can be clearly seen that behind the forested barracks, the black pyramid-shaped war fortress of the undead stopped on the ground.

The light of countless torches illuminated the ground before and after the war fortress. Even the yellow grass roots on the ground can be seen clearly.

The Semitic soldiers of the brigade are like worker ants, busy around the black war fortress.

Hundreds of them were in a team, under the command of the officers, shouting chants that shook the sky sweating and unloading huge weapons from the war fortress.

The look of the weapon is a little strange.

In the middle part is a black cylinder thick with one person and two people long, which seems to be made of steel.

In the middle of the black iron barrel, there is a hole the size of a human head. The entire iron barrel is placed on a large wooden shelf with four wheels at the bottom for movement.

The rope was tied to the front and back of the cannon. Someone pulled in front. When going downhill, the soldiers behind pulled the rope and slowly lowered it. The tight rope made a "creaking" sound.

The soldiers shouted neatly and moved them cautiously.

More than a dozen dark wizards supervised on one side with a cold expression and kept shouting warnings.

"Slow down, slow down, if you touch it, it will dominate you all."

"Be careful, don't touch it, otherwise, I will throw you dog into hell."

"Watch a little bit of the road, believe it or not, Grandpa has dug your dog's eyes now."

Amid their shouts, the Semitic soldiers felt angry and helpless.

At the same time, they are also surprised, what is this thing? It makes the dark wizards so nervous.

If there are soldiers from the security forces here, looking at this stupid, thick and dark thing, you can call out its name—the cannon.

If it is a Thor Brigade veteran, you can even call out its model-the first-generation experimental cannon of the Flying Eagle Group Alchemy Research Institute.

Nowadays, such a heavy cannon was eliminated and turned into molten steel without formal production in the Flying Eagle Group.

But the Semitic soldiers didn't know what it was.

They gathered together curiously and watched, pointing to something they had never seen before, and kept guessing.

"I think this must be a ballista, designed to smash human walls."

"Impossible, how can a ballista not have a bow arm and a bowstring, so what to use to fire a ballista."

"Is it a stone thrower? There is a stone in it, and it will go out as soon as it is pushed."

"Idiot, I didn't see that the back was sealed."

"I should spray water."

"Stupid 13, how can there be water for you to spray~!"

"Since it was shipped by the masters, it must be a magic weapon, yes, it is definitely a magic weapon~!"

"That's really possible."

"Well, it's probably related to magic."

The soldiers talked a lot, but most of them recognized that it was a magic weapon made by the dark wizards.

I didn't see it was airlifted by the war fortress, and those black-clad master masters looked at them as if they were looking at his own little JJ, for fear that they would bump into them?

The soldiers' eyes slowly converged on Orandini in the middle of the crowd.

He stood with a lich wrapped in a black robe, eagerly watching the soldiers slowly pull the cannon out of the war fortress, with an excited expression on his face. And the Lich beside Orlandini's eyes kept flashing phosphorescent, as if he was very upset looking at the Semi soldiers pulling the cannon with their hands behind their backs.

It was a blasphemy for him to let the dirty big feet of these mud-legs step into his war fortress, and step on the smooth floor with mud footprints.

For the lich, it was like a pig in a pigpen running into a luxurious living room.

If it were not for the high priest himself, he would never agree to do so.

After dozens of minutes of joint efforts, ten heavy black cannons were unloaded from the war fortress and parked in a row on the open space.

The muzzle of the black hole faces the southern sky, and the whole body exudes the unique reflection of metal, which is extremely powerful and domineering.

It brought great shock to the surrounding Semitic soldiers.

Orlandini couldn't help but smiled triumphantly, a few steps of excitement stepped up to the cannon and circled the black cannon twice, then jumped onto the cannon stand vigorously, stepped on the wooden stand and stroked the cold cannon of the cannon cylinder.

Looking at their huge figures, he nodded with satisfaction and said in his heart: Ruman thinks it is great to have cannons, and now I have them too, and there are ten at a time.

I see what advantages you have.

It doesn't matter if you have more artillery than me, more artillery weapons are being produced in the Semitic continent. In the future, they will continue to be delivered to their own hands.

Maybe two months later, I will have fifty, seventy or one hundred.

General Orlandini has always believed that his progress is not good, not because his command is not good, nor because the three armies are not brave enough, it is all because of Ruman's strange long-range weapons and such rogue tactics.

Lingkong's powerful Semitic Legion was like a dog biting a hedgehog, and there was no way to utter it.

This is the case under the city of Vizi, this is the way on the march, and it is still the case under the city of Ruman. The cannon is a weapon that can hit people outside the city than the longest-range crossbow and stone thrower.

They couldn't see the person firing the cannon, but the cannonball chased the Semitic soldier's **** as if it had eyes, and it was powerful.

More than a dozen artillery fired at the same time, too much damage to the attacking soldiers, easily created a piece of no man's land, and wiped out every soldier in the range.

In the face of that terrible weapon, Orlandini could not rush forward even though he had an absolute superior force.

When Orlandini heard the high priest say that the Dark Mage had made this weapon for the first time, he was shocked, and immediately urged to send him to strengthen him.

But there were not many cannons at that time, and only a few experimental ones were still immature in technology.

Just the propellant of the artillery, their eyes were blackened, enough to study for thirty to fifty years.

But the high priest urged him tightly, and he was about to ask the last time after three or five days. The anxious supervisor was almost out of madness.

However, these liches are not ashamed of their geniuses who have used more than a dozen lives as a cost to develop a method of using explosive crystal powder as a propellant, which has also led to a high cost.

Shooting a gun is like throwing money.

Even so, the undead people are still very happy. They can finally claim to the world that they have independent intellectual property rights.

Immediately, they were disappointed to discover that this was just the first hurdle in the long journey of firearms technology.

The shooting of artillery is another huge problem.

At the time of shooting, the angle, range, and charge are all things that require careful consideration.

In desperation, they had to go into battle in person and practice one by one. However, the expensive training costs made every official in charge of military supplies miserable.

This also led to a serious lack of training for the dark wizards. In fact, to this day, the dark wizards are still not proficient in the use of cannons. Not to mention the training of qualified ordinary artillery.

Under these kinds of problems, they hid the cannon as a secret weapon and used it as a killer when attacking Ruman City.

Just imagine, when they surrounded Ruman City, suddenly a cannon was shown to bombard the city, the Ruman would definitely be caught off guard.

But the failure of the Semites outside Vatican City and Orlandini's urging prompted the high priest to show this weapon.

The disastrous defeat of the Battle of Vantino made the Semites temporarily unable to attack on the Western Front. Therefore, there should be no mistakes on the Northern Front.

Orlandini walked back and forth in front of the neatly arranged cannons several times, then turned to face the Semitic soldiers, and shouted in a loud voice: "Soldiers, brothers, the timid Ruman is hiding behind the wall. , Afraid of fighting with us, only dared to use their cannons against us.

Ruman's artillery is powerful, but all of this will change today. Thank you, Your Majesty, we also have our own cannon~! "

The surrounding Semitic soldiers suddenly became agitated.

"Cannon? Is that kind of thing?"

"Our cannon?"

"It's our cannon."

"We have cannons too!"

"Great, we also have cannons~!"

"Finally, it's time to let humans have a long-lasting taste~!"

After confirming that they had heard correctly, that it was their Semitic cannon, the Semitic soldiers let out an excited cheer.

Orlandini raised his fist at the right time and shouted loudly: "Long live the Lord of God~!"

The soldiers raised their weapons excitedly and shouted in unison: "Long live your Majesty the Gods~!"

"Long live~!"

The sound spread around in waves, and soon the entire Semitic camp echoed the cry of "Long live Your Majesty the Lord".

Whether they know what happened or not, as long as they hear someone called "Long live the gods" or "Long live the high priest", they all have to get up and chant slogans with real expressions.

Otherwise, it is disrespect to the high priest, resentment, dissatisfaction with the beautiful family of the Semites, or bad elements who plot a coup, launch a terrorist attack, and undermine social unity and stability.

Rarely, he was arrested and used a whip and iron fist to educate him, write a letter of regret, and pay a fine.

Zhong directly took the previous charge of treason, grabbed it and chopped his head.

Suddenly having such a powerful weapon made the morale of the Semitic army soar.

Yesterday, they ran into a bloodshed in front of the Ruman position. The soldiers were generally depressed and feared the Ruman cannons and machine guns.

The arrival of the new weapons shocked the soldiers and prepared to fight. Many people are already imagining the scene where their cannons are blasting Rumans everywhere.

Seeing the soldiers' morale high and eager to fight, I wished to rush up to hand over the Ruman and draw a smile to the corner of Orlandini's mouth. He was secretly happy, and he bowed solemnly to the black lich beside him. With a sincere expression: "Thank you, Master Huis, thank you for bringing us the cannon. With them, we will be more sure of victory."

Lich Heys waved his hand, with a cold tone, as if it were an official business, and said: "General, let me remind you again, our cannons may explode when they are immature. Of course, the probability of an explosion now Much lower."

Having said this, the Lich Heys sighed and glanced at the big barrel of the cannon with his green eyes.

After the high priest gave the imitation task, Lich Huis got busy with a group of people.

According to intelligence, the barrel of a human cannon is only one or two inches thick, and it is said that the new-style artillery is less than half an inch.

However, after they cast their barrels to this thickness, they would always be exploded, causing many casualties.

Reduce the charge, although the barrel can endure a few more shots, but the shells can't hit far, it's better than not using a stone thrower.

They had to thicken the barrel time and time again, and then increase the charge to increase the range. If it burst, thicken the barrel...

The cycle of adding more water to the noodles, and the cycle of adding more water to the noodles, after continuous experimentation, finally created the super large cannon in front of us, which is also a super large caliber cannon.

There was an urgent need on the battlefield, so he transported the cannon from the Semitic continent, but the Lich Huis himself didn't know that his barrel could withstand several shots.

Orlandini was stunned for a moment, and a bad-foreboding arose in his heart, but after another thought, as long as it works, it is better than nothing.

Following the tone of the Lich Heys suddenly became a little helpless, shook his head, and said: "Although the principle of the cannon is very simple, we only know the trouble when we build it.

Therefore, they are not like human cannons, which fire explosive shells. We have not mastered that kind of technology so far, as long as the explosive crystal is used as the propellant.

The explosive powder made by humans is really weird. The information Edwood obtained said that these powders are rich in force and it was the force that caused them to explode, but I have studied for a long time and still haven’t figured out what force is. It’s amazing..."

Lich Heys kept complaining, meaning that the time the high priest gave him was too hasty, and the time was too short, and the human alchemy materials that Edwood snatched back lacked the most critical part.

This kind of weapon hasn't been put into practical use at all, it will be about 30 to 50 years.

For the long life of the Lich, thirty or fifty years is really not long.

Orlandini had the urge to vomit blood as he listened to him. He was full of joy and was ready to hit the Ruman people and let them taste the taste of retribution.

Unexpectedly, what the high priest sent him was such a thing.

He interrupted the Lich Huis, and asked with concern: "Master, what is this cannon hit?"

"Oh, this?" A black iron ball the size of a human head suddenly appeared in the hands of the Lich and said: "This is it. We have tried many things, but the results vary. It was blown to pieces by the bursting crystal when it was shot out. Later, someone suggested to use this. After the experiment, it was really good."

"Is iron ball?" Orlandini said blankly, reaching out his finger to touch it.

"Don't touch~!" The Lich Heys gave a stern warning, removed the iron ball from his hand, and said solemnly: "It is poisonous, it will kill you if you run into it. We have solidified the dark spell in it, and the spell will be played after it is shot out. Spread quickly to kill the enemy."

Orlandini retracted his hand in fright and threw it back, as far away as possible from the iron ball, and asked, "How is the power?"

The hoarse voice of the Lich Heys chuckles a few times like a night owl, and his hand like a dry branch touches the surface of the iron ball, his tone is very excited, said: "We have done dozens of experiments with living people, lethality Huge~!"

Orlandini automatically filtered the phrase "experiment with living people". Liches never treat people as human beings. In their eyes, killing hundreds of humans is like killing a group of chickens.

He only cared about the power of the cannon. When the Lich said that the damage was huge, Orandini felt a little relieved. He waved his hand and said, "Let's take a look.

Come, push the cannon onto the battlefield~! "

"Oh~!" The Semi soldiers shouted with excitement, and they all rushed up, thousands of people circled around the ten cannons.

They pulled and pushed, slowly moving these heavy big guys south.

And a few miles away, hearing the commotion of the Semitic camp, the soldiers of the Skeleton Division had already stepped into the position, holding their guns, and searching for the movement of the Semitic people with wide eyes.

(To be continued)

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