Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1374: Ruman Defense

When the sun slowly rises from the east, the boundless darkness recedes toward the west like a tide.

The north wind that had roared all night gradually stopped, but at this time, the temperature was still below freezing and it was icy cold.

Under such low temperature, the ground has long been frozen as hard as a rock.

In front of the Semitic camp, thousands of soldiers took off their thick winter clothes. They were wearing only a single layer. They were shouting chants, struggling to drag cannons weighing several tons, one by one on the frozen hard land. Move slowly.

Even though the weather was cold, the soldiers sweated profusely, and there were wisps of heat rising above their heads.

From a distance, like a cloud of mist, shrouded their heads.

They gritted their teeth, squeezed the rope tight, tensed their muscles, shouted in unison, struggling to pull the thick rope.

Ten heavy cannons slowly ran over the frozen ground, leaving deep marks behind.

Tens of thousands of Semitic soldiers, wearing armor and holding weapons, lined up in a dense formation, followed behind the cannon, and they stared eagerly at the slowly moving cannon ahead.

For them, this is the guarantee of victory.

In order to boost morale, Orlandini has exaggerated the usefulness and power of these cannons ten times, and then communicated them. He also told his soldiers that this powerful weapon was delivered by the high priest himself.

The excited soldiers burst into tears, screamed, and even cut their fingers, swearing to the heavens that they would never live up to the high priest’s expectations. They must use their lives to defend these powerful weapons and take the city of Ruman. . Bloodbathed Maple Leaf Danlin. Burning Vantino. Let the great dark flag be planted in every corner of the world...

Dozens of dark wizards in long robes followed closely next to the cannon, commanding the soldiers who were dragging the cannon.

In order to express himself, the young and strong officer even took out a whip and beat the soldiers severely. Urging them to speed up their march. He was not afraid to turn his head back on the battlefield, and was shot down by those resentful soldiers.

At the back of the team, Orlandini, dressed in military uniform, accompanied the Lich Huis, both of them with cheerful smiles on their faces.

With the help of these ten heavy artillery. To a large extent, it can offset the enemy's weapon advantage. It also allowed him to see the hope of future victory.

Since the army expedition to Vantino has failed, and the army that attacked Ruman on the eastern front has also fallen into a quagmire. On the whole human continent, only one's own army is still rushing from left to right and advancing violently.

Now, Orlandini has become the only general among the Semitic invasion army to achieve a record.

It's just the current limelight, it is already the leader, higher than the others.

As long as we continue to work hard, take Ruman City. Then, with his impressive record, he will be named the new King of Ruman by the high priest in the future. Even the king of the human race is not impossible.

The abacus in his heart was beating, and at this time, a breeze blew away, blowing away the faint mist in the distance.

Lich Heys stopped, took a serious look at the black figure in the station in the mist in the distance, and said: "This distance... should be fine."

Orlandini frowned slightly, then raised his head and looked at it carefully.

Although he hadn't learned any military distance measurement method, based on years of experience, he easily judged that from their current position to the enemy's position, it was at least five or six miles away.

He pondered for a while, and then whispered: "Are you closer?"

The Lich Huis shook his head and said, "It's within the range of a human cannon any closer."

Orlandini suddenly realized. The artillery that mankind possesses can still destroy his cannons. He immediately made up his mind: Even if a few more soldiers died, he must protect these ten treasures.

At the same time, he clenched his left hand into a fist and moved slowly.

The messenger next to him immediately yelled: "Stop~!"

Following the order, officers at all levels also shouted loud slogans.

The soldiers pulling the cannon stopped.

They all sat down on the ground like an amnesty, rubbing their sore shoulders, and some even fell on the ground, breathing heavily.

The Lich Huis glanced at them coldly, then waved to the dark wizards, and said, "Get in action and start working."

Dark wizards stepped forward one after another, and drove the soldiers who pulled the cannon away like cattle, and then began to nervously adjust the angle of the cannon.

Under their constant manipulation, the muzzle of the black hole slowly rose.

Then they opened the boxes one by one, and carefully pushed the tightly packed bursting crystals from the muzzle, moving gently and slowly, for fear of making a mistake.

The bursting crystal is extremely unstable, and a careless one might blow up the dark mages of them.

After loading the propellant, the Dark Mage put on thick deerskin gloves on his hands, took out black iron **** with both hands, and pushed them into the cannon.

Afterwards, someone checked it again and adjusted the angle slightly. Then he made a ready gesture.

Everyone withdrew from the cannon.

Only one Semi soldier who was responsible for firing was left beside the cannon.

Standing at the back of the cannon with a sledgehammer in his hand, the command he got was simple: as long as the order came, he would raise the sledgehammer in his hand and knock it towards the back of the cannon.

Originally this glorious and simple job was performed by dark wizards, but now that there are so many cannon fodder, they are naturally happy to pick a dead ghost.

Although they couldn't see their faces clearly, through those trembling legs, all the Semi soldiers could know that they were already shaking with excitement.

Therefore, everyone cast envious glances at the ten selected warriors.

The Lich Huis looked at it, everything was ready, so he turned his head, looked at Orandini, and said, "General, please order."

Orlandini was still in a daze, and said, "Is this ready?"

"Yes. Like I said. The principle of the artillery is very simple. But the technology is very complicated." Lich Heys explained patiently, and then couldn't help but exclaimed: "Humans are indeed a race of innovation. I never thought that alchemy could be played like this before."

Orlandini's heart shook, and he glanced at him quietly: These words of praise to the human race are not something that can be said casually. If it falls in the ears of a caring person, it will inevitably be called a small report or something.

But looking at Huis's indifferent expression, he thought for a while, and in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he automatically ignored the second half of the other party's sentence.

He coughed slightly. Then he looked back at the soldier behind him.

They all looked at the ten cannons in front of the battlefield attentively, and couldn't wait to see its power.

Orlandini straightened his waist immediately, raised his arms high, and shouted: "Ready... let go!"

Following his lead, the Semi soldiers behind the cannon raised the hammer in his hand and hit the iron rod on the tail of the cannon heavily.

Under the violent impact, the bursting crystal in the barrel exploded, making a loud noise.


It was like thunder that exploded on the ground.

A large orange-red flame protruded from the muzzle, spraying into the air,

The Semi soldiers were shocked. They didn't expect the sound of the cannon to be so shocked, so close to the ears that it was not deaf.

The massive artillery shook suddenly. He stepped back a few feet in an instant, leaving a long drag mark on the ground.

The Semi soldiers didn't care much, and looked far away with their feet crossed, expecting the explosion of fire from the Ruman's position.

But a few seconds later, Ruman's position was quiet.

Half a minute later, the explosion that everyone was waiting for still did not happen.

One minute, five minutes...

At this time, the dark wizards had stepped up again and reloaded the shells, but there was still no movement from the Ruman.

It's just that a strange green fog suddenly appeared in front of Ruman's position, and then slowly drifted away.

There was a commotion among the Semitic soldiers.

They looked at each other in surprise, and asked each other: "What's the matter?"

"I don't know~!"

"Is it a dud? Grandma's, I know these liches are unreliable, and they are always losing the chain at critical moments..."

"It's impossible that ten will not burst, right?"

"Is this still a cannon?"


Just as the soldiers were talking about it, Orlandini was also suspicious, and whispered to the Lich Hirs, "This is... all right?"

In his opinion, nothing happened.

Ruman's cannons shook the mountains and shook the ground, exploded and flew, sound and light, the effect was excellent. How to look at it, how to make people feel like a thirteen pull wind.

But when it was his turn, a few cannons were finally out, and they sounded earth-shattering, but why didn't they explode.

This kind of feeling is like a little fart when a person uses the strength to eat milk, which is extremely uncomfortable.

Lich Huis stared at the Ruman's position in the distance, nodded and said: "That's it, our shells have already begun to exert their power."

"Why didn't I see?" Orlandini's tone was a little unhappy.

Lich Huis pointed forward and said, "That green smoke is."


"Fortunately, it's the north wind now." The hoarse voice of the Lich Heys let out an unpleasant laugh, and said, "If you are rolled back by the south wind, then you can feel it."

Orlandini carefully observed the Ruman's position, then shook his head, and said in his heart: I knew that these witches were not reliable.

Then said: "Can we attack now?"

"Offensive?" The Lich Heys glanced at him strangely, chuckled, and said, "Are you crazy? You will die if the fog disappears."

At this time, ten cannons fired at the same time again, roaring and shaking the world.


Kick, Schmidt, a machine gunner from the first battalion of the Skeleton Division, sat behind his baby machine gun, holding the cold handle, his eyes widened, and searching for the enemy's shadow from the narrow window.

The cold air kept pouring into his neck, and Kike now felt like Frozen Wood.

The deputy next to him kept stomping his feet, holding the magazine in his arms, and quickly rubbed his hands. White mist came out of his mouth.

The soldiers outside the bunker were lying on the cold ground. The gloved hand holds the gun. The other hand without a glove touched the trigger, and from time to time he lowered his head and breathed a sigh of warm air into his hand to warm the frozen hand.

From the night they were awakened by the movement of the Semitic, it has been three hours now. The direction of the enemy camp has been clamoring. It is obvious that something major has happened, but a few hours have passed and the enemy has not been seen. The shadow of the Semitic.

Many soldiers yawned because they didn't sleep well.

"It's better to have a drink at this time." The deputy shooter murmured in Kik's ear.

Kik gave him a blank look. Said: "Be careful that you were caught by the company commander and killed you and want to drink."

"Boss, don't you know, in my hometown, the more cold it is, the more you have to drink strong wine, two sips of hot wine, watching the cold outside, it feels..." The deputy chuckled. With the tongue, it seems that the saliva is about to slip out.

Kik felt that the glutton in his stomach was also hooked out. Can't help licking the corner of his mouth, kicking his deputy angrily. Said: "After the war, I can invite you to drink at the restaurant in Ruman City. Now, to cheer me up, I must be killed by a gang of big blades."

The deputy shrugged helplessly, just about to talk...

Suddenly a thunderous roar sounded.

The skeleton division soldiers in the trenches were taken aback for a moment, looking at the front position.

"The enemy is coming up?" Kik hurriedly lay down in front of the machine gun, clenching his arm, ready to launch.

But the position in front of him was empty and there was nothing.

"Damn it, who called the artillery?" The skeleton division soldier shouted outside.

"What's the matter? Where is the enemy?"

Just when everyone was puzzled, the company commander suddenly yelled: "Shelling, all hide~!"

Seeing that his subordinates were still stunned, they looked at him stupidly, and even shouted anxiously, "The enemy's artillery fire is hidden, hidden~!"

This time the soldiers all understood that it was the Cannon of the Opposite Semitic that was firing. They were all stunned when they heard the news.

The soldiers of the Skeleton Division have long been accustomed to the generational advantage of their weapons, and they have a sense of superiority in their psychology. We have all used automatic weapons. You are still stuck in the era of cold weapons, unshakable for a hundred years.

Not to mention that the security forces also have artillery known as the **** of war.

Even when facing a large number of enemies, the soldiers of the Security Army never fear in their hearts. They believe that the weapons in their hands are difficult for the enemy to defeat.

And this kind of weapon is impossible for the enemy of the security forces to have for two hundred years.

The self-confidence in the cash weapons in his hand keeps the morale of the security army high and never doubts that the victory belongs to him.

Because swords cannot defeat machine guns and cannons, this is what the Flying Eagle God of War, Lord Lorraine, who even dared to stab the high priest, said.

Moreover, it turns out that this sentence is not bad at all.

In the actual combat the day before yesterday, the Skeleton Division repelled the attack of thousands of Semites and killed a large number of enemies with only one battalion.

The soldiers were sure in their hearts that no matter how many people charged by the Semites, they would fall under their rifles and artillery fire.

Now suddenly listening to the enemy's artillery, the soldiers' shock can be imagined.

Before the soldiers had time to think about it, several black spots fell from the sky with howling noises, and then hit the ground in front of the position with a muffled noise, then whirled and jumped, flying forward.


The soldiers immediately retracted into the trenches, holding their heads tightly with both hands, gritted their teeth and prepared to be bombed.

But after a long time, the expected explosion did not come.

Because of the bunker cover, Keike didn't worry much when the shells rolled over.

The shells hitting near him couldn't hurt him. Don't worry about the shells hitting the bunker, anyway, they were all broken.

He watched several iron **** the size of a human head, jumping all the way, and stopping not far from the trench.

A few seconds passed, and there was no movement at all, but smoke continued to blow out, without explosion.

Kick has seen the early artillery of the security forces, using this kind of round bombs, and the explosion is always delayed by several seconds.

But after half a minute passed, the smoke from the shells became even bigger, and a thick fog had formed, floating against the ground, and the shells still did not explode.

"What? It's a dud~!" The deputy licked his lips, disdainfully said.

Kik has a bad feeling.

The company commander was holding a revolver in his hand, lying on the edge of the trench, poking out his head and looking out, also with a confused expression.

A layer of green mist floated in front of the position, spreading around, moving slowly.

"What the hell?" The company commander looked around, then waved his hand and said loudly: "Big Chaum, gringo, go up and take a look."

"Yes~!" The two soldiers promised loudly, now they threw their rifles out of the trench, and then crawled out with their hands and feet.

Two people catted to their waists, one was holding a rifle with a knife, and the other holding a shotgun, moving step by step, carefully walking past the shells fired at the enemy.

A cold wind blew, and the green mist enveloped the two figures.

The soldiers in the trenches stretched their necks, poked their heads and looked forward, without blinking, looking at the mist floating a few meters in front of the position.

It was surprisingly quiet, there was no sound in the mist, and even the footsteps of two people could not be heard.

The strange silence gave the soldiers of the Skeleton Division an unspeakable sense of anxiety, and they always felt like something was about to happen.

Suddenly from the green mist, there was a rush of panic footsteps.

The two soldiers who had just walked out of the trenches ran back in panic, but they were a little scary now.

The two dropped their weapons, their expressions were hideous, their hands were tightly pinched by their throats, their eyes protruding like dead fish, as if they had seen something terrible, their feet staggered, and they fell down two meters from the trench. On the ground, rolling on the ground in pain.

Several people jumped out of the trenches, stepped forward and grabbed the clothes of the two people, dragged them into the The military doctor ran over quickly, tore open the clothes of the gringle, and pressed him , Anxiously said: "Where is the injury?"

The two people rolled on the ground in pain, kicking their feet back and forth, digging out the soil, and their hands were blue veins protruding, and the strength of several people could not hold it.

With a coughing sound in his throat, the company commander knelt beside the two people and said anxiously: "What's going on, what happened?"

Da Qom suddenly stretched out his hand and firmly grasped the company commander's arm, raised his neck vigorously, looked at the company commander with yellow eyes, and struggled: "Toot, toot..."

Then there was a sudden violent convulsion, and he fell to the ground motionless.

"Toot? Toot what?" The company commander raised his head in a puzzled manner, looking at the green smoke that had drifted to the trench, his face changed drastically, and he roared in panic, "Poisonous, retreat, retreat~!"

It took less than two seconds for Kik to quickly remove the machine gun from the shelf, and snarled his shoulders.

The deputy wanted to go to the machine gun stand, Kick said anxiously: "No more, go now~!"

Talking and rushed out of the bunker.

The deputy picked up the bullet box on the ground, staggered, got up from the ground with both hands and feet, and followed Kik with his head.

Kick tightly hugged the heavy machine gun on his shoulders, looked back, and saw green smoke rolling into the trenches, swallowing the running company commander. (To be continued.)

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