Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1393: Good news

For the Human Mainland, the spring of 836 of the Julian calendar came later than before. M.

In previous years, when it entered February, the temperature rose, and the spring breeze was not cold. At this time of this year, the snow and ice on the ground have not melted, and there is no trace of spring.

In the once peaceful and tranquil kingdom of Kiel, it has now become a huge battlefield.

Beginning last summer, De Rossi launched a coup d'etat, killing the king and killing his father, which aroused the indignation of various countries in the mainland, and sent Lao He troops to maintain his peace.

The chariots of the army roared across this land like thunder.

Later, the demons landed and launched a counterattack. The murdered old and the troops collapsed thousands of miles away.

Tanks roared across this land like thunder.

Later, the Semitic tribe followed suit.

The Terran regrouped its troops and returned to fight back, and then the Semi returned to fight back again... Until now, this land is still the focus of the strangulation and struggle between the two sides. There are nearly 800,000 troops fighting against each other in **** battles.

The continued war has almost completely destroyed the entire kingdom.

Villages have been razed to the ground, cities are devastated, dense forests have been cut down, and withered graves can be seen on the desolate land at any time.

Crows, wild dogs, evil wolves, foxes... and so on, wild animals all haunt the dilapidated villages and towns unscrupulously.

Even if I searched thousands of miles, I couldn't find a few places where there was smoke.

The Ruman Northern Army, led by the Marquess of Marleyton, has been holding on to the capital city of Kilke in the Kingdom of Kiel, as well as several important cities and critical passes in the kingdom.

An army composed of Semites and human vassals, with a total of more than half a million, besieged the Rumans from three sides non-stop, and sometimes went deep behind the front to harass, and dragged down the northern army of the Marquess of Marleyton. It is difficult for him to get out and return to support Ruman City.

After four months of fierce fighting, the fronts of the two armies were intertwined, and the two sides had their own ingenuity, and it was inextricable to kill on this land.

It often revolves around a small town and a small hill. You occupied it in the morning, I captured it at noon, and changed again in the afternoon... Even the garrison soldiers went out to urinate. Looking back, the banner has changed.

The gains and losses of the position changed hands, and the three changes in one word were totally unpredictable.

Because the battle situation changes so quickly, the top commander often doesn't know where his troops are. It can only be the same as in the dark, constantly adding troops to the front.

As the tug-of-war continues, the gap between the two sides has gradually emerged.

Although the numbers of the Semites and human vassals are large, they vary in quality.

The Semi people can be regarded as elite, daring to fight and rush, and can grab things. And military discipline is extremely strict. The combat effectiveness is extremely strong. It is completely possible to compete with the regular army of Ruman Empire.

But... But the human vassal army can only be regarded as a head, and it has no combat effectiveness at all.

But fortunately, their requirements are not high. They only need to take care of them two porridge a day. Although they can't fight, they can still do patrols and escorts to maintain local security.

Although the Semitic people were extremely contemptuous of these people, they agreed that only three vassals could be used by one dog. But for the upper-level officials, this is a kind of praise in disguise: three vassals are worth a dog, wouldn't a 30,000 vassal be worth 10,000 dogs? Isn't a vassal army of 300,000 a hundred thousand dogs?

Many ants still kill elephants, let alone dogs?

In actual combat, they discovered that they were still too optimistic about the combat power of the vassals. In fact, the total of ten of them is not as good as a dog.

Although they were performing a security task in the rear, as soon as they saw the banner of the Terran guerrillas, they immediately dispersed.

There are even some puppies who directly become the leading party, relying on their familiarity with geography and inside information, leading the human army to touch the military power here.

The Semitic army thought that they were in the rear and relaxed their due vigilance. Therefore, in many cases, those guerrillas caused a lot of losses to the Semitic army.

On the human side, there are more than fifty Ruman regiments led by Marquis Marleyton.

Although the total force is not as large as the enemy, and because they have to defend many strategic locations to prevent the enemy from bypassing the Kingdom of Kiel and entering Ruman, the military forces are also scattered.

In the war, he has been passively defending, but Ruman's army is full of veterans with rich war experience.

These soldiers have fought fiercely with the barbarians in the north for many years, and some of them have participated in the conquest of Hadu. They have achieved great success, and their combat power and morale are not comparable to the enemy.

Moreover, there were more than three hundred artillery to assist. In addition, Lord Luo also squeezed a lot of grenades from the gap between his teeth and brought them over.

In addition, the tactics are appropriate-in addition to defense, they also use a large number of small elite troops to act as guerrillas, intersperse behind the enemy's front, destroy the enemy's traffic and food supplies, and even assassinate the enemy's officers and soldiers.

Therefore, although they are few major generals, they are on par with the enemy.

Under this situation, Valbador led the Allied Forces of Maple Leaf Danlin and Vatican, suddenly inserted into the battlefield from the southeast.

Maple Leaf Danlin and Vatican allied forces have mages in front of them, and they have strong attacking power.

The human vassals deployed in the rear are not the opponents of Wabador at all. Therefore, when the red maple leaf arrives, the enemy flees.

In this way, the Fengjun played triumphant songs all the way and successfully recovered a large area of ​​the kingdom of Kiel.

On the Semitic side, after Veraprani, the commander of the army was General Abegren.

He is also an experienced veteran, as soon as he saw this situation, he quickly and decisively contracted his forces.

The Semitic soldiers in his hand were less than 200,000, not as many as Mareton's Ruman regular army, and those human legions were simply unreliable.

However, among them, there are several divisions of the Imperial Guard from the imperial city of Akaderin.

After hearing that there was still a full-strength Caribbean Fourth Division in the rear, Abegren immediately asked Ryder City to transfer the Caribbean Division to himself. A full-strength Semitic division was sufficient to support the vassal army. Ten divisions.

Under these circumstances, the Caribbean Fourth Division embarked on their new journey, and the unpredictable future was waiting for them.

The veteran General Abegren deployed the human vassals as cannon fodder on the periphery, buying time for himself as much as possible.

×××××× February 5th, in the cold north, General Wabador under the banner of Maple Leaf looked at the defeated army running across the mountains in the west, and couldn't help showing an expression of distress.

The little staff officer next to him smiled and flattered, and said, "Congratulations, the dean, you defeated the enemy once. This is the fourteenth consecutive victory since our army entered the Kingdom of Kiel."

Wabadol's old face was dark, and he said: "Win? Win a fart, even the girls of Fengye Danlin can beat them. His grandma's, we have not set up the formation here, they collapsed, they are almost giving We humans are ashamed."

The staff members listened to Wabador's groaning complaints, and shrugged helplessly. The old guys along the way didn't know why, just like taking gunpowder, they caught who sprayed and were dissatisfied with everything.

However, there is one thing that the staff members agree with. To defeat these human puppets who take refuge in the Semi, Fengye Danlin's girls are enough - those aunts are not easy to provoke.

From entering the Kingdom of Kiel until now, the coalition forces have not encountered even a decent battle. Most of the enemy troops on the opposite side have fled away from the wind. Even if they are left, they collapsed before the Fengye Danlin fired.

For the Maple Leaf Danlin coalition forces, the most troublesome thing is to receive prisoners.

In each battle, tens of thousands of prisoners of war were caught. How to arrange them became the most troublesome thing for the coalition forces. It was tens of thousands of people, not tens of thousands of pigs.

To gather them up and put them in custody requires a waste of troops, and they have to eat and sleep.

Regardless of them, I am afraid that these people will make trouble behind the coalition forces.

Wabador now worries as soon as he sees such a victory, which means he will have to add thousands of prisoners of war.

In desperation, Wabador could only order their weapons to be confiscated, and then drove them to the Semitic position, but the Semitic people have a headache.

After quickly defeating this enemy army and driving away the deserters westward, the Chinese army banner of Wabador slowly moved towards the city ahead.

At this moment, the gate of this small city is open. Through the west gate, one can see the opposite gate and the empty street in the city.

The city wall was empty, with only a few flags of various colors slumped. Obviously, the human vassal army that had just been sacked had a mixed composition and was a mix of several forces.

A team of cavalry roared into the city. It took only 20 minutes to make a circle around the city. It was determined that the city was empty. The Semites and human vassals who were stationed here were all clean. Net, there are no citizens in the city, and the whole city is empty.

The cavalry waved to the army outside the city, and the coalition army began to enter the city.

Wabador took a look at the city, then swiftly swiped the horse whip in his hand, and said loudly, "Record~!"

"Yes." The little staff officer behind him agreed, and immediately opened the writing board and took out a pen to record Wabador's order.

"After fierce fighting, our troops have captured Kwarburg.

In this battle, the enemy... more than 20,000 people were wiped out. After some repairs, our ministry will confront the Semites head-on. "Wabador thought about it, seeing that the staff had finished writing, he ordered: "Send to Fengye Danlin, and it must be published in the newspaper tomorrow." "

"Yes~!" The staff officer responded loudly, secretly laughing in his heart: Although this old grandfather has a bad temper, his ability to grab military merit and brag 13 is outstanding.

Every battle was described as a hard, fierce, and tragic battle through the mouth of his old man, and the results were brilliant, and tens of thousands of enemies were wiped out at every turn.

And it must be published in the "Red Maple Leaf" newspaper, so that everyone can see his old man's victories.

If a careful person counts the results of Vabadolden's results in the newspaper, he will find that his old man has wiped out nearly 300,000 enemy troops since the war began.

The enemies in the Kingdom of Kiel have almost been killed by him, but the leaders of the major groups all know what is going on.

The three principals of Maple Leaf Danlin, all of them were always smashing the giants, and believing them to hell.

However, readers at the rear will not know the truth apart from cheering for the victory. Everyone only sees the coalition forces under the leadership of Dean Wabador, advancing vigorously and advancing hundreds of miles in a dozen days. , Destroy a large number of enemies.

In comparison, the Marquis of Marleyton is simply playing soy sauce. He has been playing for a few months without even a decent victory.

In this regard, the Marquis of Marleyton was a dumb eater of coptis, and his grievances could only be held in his heart. Wabador fought a vassal army that was not much stronger than the militia, and he was facing the main Semitic.

More importantly, in order to avoid false reports of military merits, the Ruman Empire adopted the traditional method of ‘recording’ which is accurate and effective and has a long history.

One head, one military merit, childlike and innocent, extremely fair.

Unlike the Fengjun, which is the main measure of how much to wipe out the enemy, as long as it is to achieve a tactical goal, it can be credited.

The disadvantages of doing this are obvious. All the Fengjun who come out are all bragging masters. The upper lip is up to the sky and the lower lip is on the ground. As for the face, that's not necessary.

The benefits are also obvious, greatly avoiding the emergence of this evil phenomenon unique to the army.

Relying on their powerful arms, Fengye Danlin's offensive was extremely fierce. In just a few days, their flag was quickly inserted on the wall of Warburg.

Conquering here means that the coalition forces have penetrated the last line of defense of the Semites, and they are about to face the main Semitic forces.

Although the Semi people are the strong enemies of the human race, but for this reason, there is no longer a headache for those humans to collapse, which is good news for the troublesome Vabador.

Wabador immediately ordered that the coalition forces repaired for a few days in Warburg, replenished supplies, and then defeated the Semites in one go.

When the coalition forces staying in Warburg were doing nothing, the battle in the Kingdom of Kiel was undergoing tremendous changes.

A large number of shells and grenades were transported from the rear. After making sufficient preparations, the Marquis of Maraton launched a full-line counterattack against the Semites. Under his powerful offensive, the Semites retreated steadily.

But under the command of Abegren, the Semitic army retreated in an orderly manner, and Mareton did not seize the opportunity to capture the main Semitic people.

At the same time, the Marquis of Marleyton's battle report was spread to the rear like no money, as if to spread out the grievance that was suppressed by Wabador.

Yesterday, a city was restored, and today I bravely advanced dozens of miles. The day after tomorrow, how many divisions were defeated by the enemy, the morale of the whole army was high, and the army was pursuing the victory and expanding the results... Quite irritated, scratching his head in a hurry.

But what makes the coalition forces feel strange is that all the supplies have been replenished, and General Wabador also behaved very anxiously, but did not order to set off. Nearly 100,000 coalition forces crowded in Warburg, watching the reports of the Marquess of Marleyton every day.

Until the seventeenth day.

At night, under Wabador's gaze, a team of knights and wizards sneaked out of Warburg and galloped west.

Half an hour later, a rider in front of the team tightened the reins, stopped the horse, and looked around carefully.

Not far away is a small village. Even in the dark night, it can be seen that this small village has been completely destroyed. Most houses are only half burned, and there are strange sounds from the ruins.

"This is it." The leading knight waved to the person behind him, and then jumped off the horse.

The surrounding knights immediately jumped off their horses and formed a defensive circle, with weapons pointed outside.

The leading knight took out a pistol with his right hand, took a whistle from his pocket with his left hand, and blew lowly on his mouth a few times.

The voice was long and short, unruly, and it sounded like playing casually.

The knight walked around carefully and patrolled around. At this moment, a sharp cry of Ye Xiao suddenly came out from the darkness opposite.

The knight suddenly turned around, raised his pistol and pointed in the direction where the sound came from, and shouted: "Come out, I see you."

A dark figure slowly walked out of the ruins of the small village. He held his hands high and said: "Don't be nervous, relax, be careful of accidental injury."

Even at a distance of more than a dozen steps, you can see a tall and strong person on the opposite side.

He walked a few steps away from the knight, smiled and said, "Is it the section chief?"

Then he scratched his head again and said, "It's really strange, how come all of you call yourself section chiefs."

There was a "click" from the pistol in the hand of the section chief. He pushed the hammer away, pointed at the man, and shouted sharply: "Signal."

"Oh, I said, don't just come up like an official business, you are very inhospitable like this."

"I said the last time," the section chief's finger was on the trigger, and he said word by word: "Signal~!"

"Okay, okay, you won," the person in the dark muttered angrily, then cleared his throat, and sang softly in a rough voice: "The big rabbit is sick, the second rabbit see..."

"Okay, don't sing anymore." The section chief closed the hammer of the pistol, waved his hand and hurriedly stopped the man’s crippling singing. He had already got a layer of goose bumps and asked: "You are late, black Mr."

Mr. Hei in the section chief's mouth shrugged and said angrily: "This is a war zone. If you accidentally hang it as a suspicious person, I have to be careful of course."

Then he pulled an item from his arms, threw it to the section chief, and said: "The item is for you, let me make it clear first, you only have one chance, and it will not expire."

The section chief snorted dissatisfiedly, and said unceremoniously: "You don't need to remind you."

Mr. Hei shrugged helplessly. He had become accustomed to this group of people for a long time, and said in his heart: I really don't know why, these guys are so horrible, is it because they are following a bull's boss?

Then he stretched his waist and said, "Okay, the task is complete. After a few days of cold wind, I should find a lady's bed to be chic and cool."

The section chief grabbed the cloth roll in his hand and sniffed it under his nose. A familiar scent came from it, and then carefully stuffed the cloth roll into his arms and pressed it from the outside to make sure it was safe. , Then turned around and walked back.

"Wait." Mr. Hei was born suddenly and stopped him, saying: "Don't forget to remind your boss, pay attention to fulfilling the contract."

The section chief sneered and said: "Don't worry, there will be no contract-keeping people in this world than our company."

Then he returned to the team and turned on his tightened the reins, turned around, and left here quickly.

Mr. Hei stood motionless for a while, until the sound of horseshoes in the night gradually disappeared. At this time, another person walked out of the ruins. He looked at the direction where the Maple Leaf Danlin Allied Knights left, and said anxiously: "I hope we This is the right thing to do."

Mr. Hei patted him on the shoulder and said, "Everything is for our great Semitic."

The eighteenth said, before dawn, the assembled drum horn sounded in Warburg.

The officers beeped their whistles, kicked and beat the soldiers out of the barracks, shouting loudly: "Assemble, ready to go."

"Put away your lazy bones, we are going to beat the demons."

"Hurry up, hurry up, the demons will kill all the Rumans when they are late."

The Maple Leaf Danlin coalition forces gathered quickly, drove out of Warburg in the morning light, and strode westward.

(To be continued) q

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