Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1394: Calm night

Pader is one of the main cities in the western part of the Kingdom of Kiel. It is located in a fertile river valley plain. Although the local industry has always been dominated by agriculture and animal husbandry, it can be regarded as wealthy. M.

But the war destroyed all this.

At the beginning, the United Nations' old and army troops passed by here in order to conquer the rebel De Rossi.

As the saying goes, a thief is like a comb, and a soldier is like a grate.

Although Lao He's troops sang the slogan of ‘maintain the world’, and various slogans sounded loudly. But in fact, everyone is using the idea of ​​‘robbing money, robbing things, robbing women’-if it weren’t for these things, if everyone’s brains were drawn, would they come here to kill them?

Although the Kingdom of Kiel is also a member of Laohe's army, and the officers of Laohe's army are also very restrictive, but the soldiers go to places, harass the place, provoke troubles, molested women, sneaked up on the dogs... etc. These cultural and sports activities that are beneficial to physical and mental health and enhance emotional exchanges between localities and troops are indispensable.

Under this circumstance, the entire Kingdom of Kiel was thrown into a miasma. Including the king, the officials up and down closed their doors, and there was no less scolding.

However, if you tighten your trouser belt anyway, you can survive this day.

Later, the demons landed suddenly and annihilated Lao He's troops in one fell swoop. Then they took advantage of the victory and pursued them, splitting their troops into two groups, and pointed straight to the center of the mainland.

The people of the Kingdom of Kiel were immediately scared.

Their main business is growing potatoes and supporting sheep. Where have you seen such a murderous formation?

That is the demons. According to legend, they can eat human flesh, drink human blood, and slaughter babies, women and children. They are scary creatures like demons.

The big guy suddenly discovered that it was actually still a good time to be ruined by the old and the army. Then in the next second, all the family ran away.

At the same time, there are many brave puppies who think that a good time has come, and then shouted, "The king, general, I would rather have a kind", and then they pulled up the pole and found a mountain or something. The grass fell.

There are a dozen people with seven or eight guns, and they dare to be called commander.

If there are people on the 20th and 30th, they dare to say that they are descending from the stars in the sky, and then according to the stars in the sky, each row of seats, what Sagittarius, Gemini, Heavenly Star, Pegasus Meteor, played a lot of fun.

For a time, the kingdom of Kiel, which was originally peaceful and peaceful, was full of thieves and bandits were rampant.

Later, the Semitic people fought over. Although some of the bandits surrendered, more people still made trouble for the Semitic people.

Later, when the Maple Army suppressed the territory, the battlefield situation immediately reversed. Under the attack of Rumandi[*] and the Maple Army, the Semi people stepped back.

Now the entire Kingdom of Kiel has been liberated by the Maple Army and more than half.

Only the western town of Pade and the surrounding area are still controlled by the Semitic. Based on its important position, it is now the center of the Semitic army.

The headquarters of Abegren and the main Semitic forces are located here. Hundreds of thousands of Semitic troops are deployed around Pader City, renovating fortifications day and night, building barricade bunkers, and preparing for a protracted battle with the Ruman Empire army. .

Although the shift from strategic offense to strategic defense is now, the morale of the Semis is still high: Humans can defend our offense, and we can naturally also defend human offenses.

Although there are some setbacks and difficulties now, but this is only temporary.

Do you think I'll tell you, this is actually the great High Priest, His Majesty, frying a very big bowl of fried noodles?

Although I don't know how his old man exploded, but speaking of it, a great figure like the high priest who can only meet once in 500,000 years, how can his mind be guessed by his soldiers?

The future victory must belong to the powerful Semites~!

When ××××× entered the night, bright lights were on the head of Pader’s city, and in the dim and feeble lights, soldiers could be seen indistinctly.

The Semitic soldiers patrolled the city with weapons in their hands, carefully searching the dark fields outside the city, listening carefully for any abnormal noise.

As long as there is a turmoil, greet with a bow and crossbow immediately.

Because the two sides are too close, the front becomes very chaotic.

From time to time, small groups of Rumans infiltrate, grab a few tongues, investigate, or create some chaos. Of course, the Semites also go to Ruman's territory to add chaos.

For these soldiers, they will lose their last names if they are not careful.

On the city’s head, there were even soldiers cleverly putting on military uniforms for the grass men and placing them under the lights to attract firepower. When the opponent launched a sneak attack with cold arrows, everyone gathered to attack, and desperately dropped a burst of arrows down the city to repel the sneak attacker. Fortunately, he could be killed directly.

This cat and mouse game is played every day.

In the middle of the night, the weather was getting colder and colder, and most of the soldiers were also wrapped in blankets and fell asleep in a daze.

The city was quiet.

At this time, a group of black figures slowly climbed onto the city wall, and the soldiers on duty immediately clenched their weapons and shouted loudly: "Stop, password~!"

"Heavy Snow." A calm response came from the other side.

The soldier breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Gannet, come here."

Several people slowly walked over, the dim flame illuminating the first person.

He was dressed in a Semitic general uniform, with a big face, gray hair, and frowning, making him look worried.

The soldier stomped his feet quickly, stood up and saluted, and said loudly: "Hello, General!"

This person is Abegren, the Semitic commander.

"Asshole, be quiet, don't salute." The officer next to him raised his leg and pointed at the soldier, and cursed sternly: "Do you want to call in the human cold arrow~!"

The soldier took a few steps back after being kicked, but rubbed his stomach without daring to make a sound.

If there are human soldiers lurking under the city, and seeing the soldiers saluting, you can know that this is an officer.

Since Maschinot was killed by a sniper, everyone knew that Lorraine had a magical magic weapon in his hand that could accurately hit the head of a person two miles away.

Therefore, the Semitic officers, especially the high officials, are very careful in this regard-no one wants to be the next unlucky person.

Abegren didn't think about it, he stood on the tower, looking towards the night sky to the east.

Although it was dark there, Abegren knew that the Ruman was there, and was blocked by several of his large camps.

Abegren sighed in a low voice, Veraprani's surrender plunged himself into a military and political passive.

As a senior commander, he is full of deep worries about the future.

After the humans withdrew from Vatican, they will definitely attack them first with the aftermath of a big victory. But his strength is not superior, and it is completely inferior.

And the most frightening thing is the magical alchemy army led by Lorraine, known as the Flying Eagle God of War.

It is said that they are equipped with more than ten thousand cannons.

Cannon, he had also seen it during the war with the Ruman.

He also fought a whole life, but he had never seen such a powerful alchemy weapon.

The sound of the cannon rumbling, the sound was thunderous, and when the gun came down, the flesh and blood flew across the range, all of which turned into scorched earth, and none of them survived.

At that time, there were only nearly a hundred doors, but the explosion was enough to make people feel earth-shattering.

Thousands of artillery fired together, what kind of situation would it be?

Just thinking about it will make you feel terrible.

How do you look at this battle, how difficult it is to win~!

But... But the high priests and liches of Ryder City didn't think so.

They only saw that there were fifteen full divisions and more than 300,000 human vassals under Abegren's command, but they didn't know that those human vassals could not play any role except adding chaos.

At the same time, the rear is constantly organizing new human vassals to be sent to him.

In response, Abegren scratched his stomach and complained publicly to his men: What do I want these humans to do? It was sour after eating.

So as soon as he heard that there was a Caribbean Fourth Division in the rear, Abegren immediately asked the high priest to transfer them to strengthen him.

But the military difficulties are not yet the most uncomfortable for Abergren.

His greater pressure comes from Ryder City.

Veraprani's surrender shocked the world.

The decision makers in Ryder City had already begun to doubt him.

Abegren received secret letters from Ryder many times, and someone was speaking to the high priest to censor him.

The reasons why he has not been touched so far are that Abergren’s behavior is not suspicious, and his relationship with Veraprani is not close.

Second, he was also clever. When he received the news and realized that the situation was not good, he sent someone to Ryder City to carry out crisis public relations with a large amount of money, and he went up and down, and this finally calmed his doubts. .

However, Abegren knew that once the battle was lost, doubts about him would come back in a more violent way.

But the battle situation is developing in the direction he least wants to see.

Abegren raised his hand and patted the cold city wall, and suddenly asked, "Where is the enemy's Fengye Danlin coalition forces?"

"The latest report is eighty miles away."

Abegren murmured to himself: "Eighty miles... very close, who is blocking them frontally?"

"It's the Fifth and Sixth Divisions of the Janissaries, and the Second Anteville Division, the Fourth Division and the Eleventh Division."

Abegren nodded, not feeling wrong with this arrangement, and then asked: "Where is the Fourth Caribbean Division? Shouldn't they be here?"

The officer shrugged, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"What, don't you know?" Abegren turned his head and stared at his men in dissatisfaction.

The officer hurriedly explained: "We received reports from them coming from the south, but since then there has been no information about them, and we don't know where they are now."

Abegren smashed the wall in annoyance and said: "These gangsters and civilians are unreliable."

The officers behind him nodded unanimously. The Caribbeans are good at doing business, not only care about things, but also often shoddy last names.

Therefore, their reputation is not good in the Semitic, and it is basically a derogatory term.

An officer scratched his head and hesitated: "I also heard a bad rumor."

Abegren frowned and asked: "What rumor?"

The officer spread his hands and said: "The soldiers below said that they don't want the Fourth Caribbean Division to come because they are broom stars.

"Broom star? What do you mean?"

"They are an ominous force.

At the beginning, he took the navy's warship to reinforce Vatican, but the navy was wiped out.

They reinforced De Rossi, but De Rossi was almost wiped out by the human Vatican army.

They were later sent to reinforce Master Veraprani, and as a result..."

When he said this, his voice went low, and he didn't say anything. But everyone knew what he didn't say: Veraprani was forced to surrender.

"The soldiers said the Caribbean Fourth Division was a disaster, and whoever they reinforced would be unlucky." The officer mumbled.

Abegren snorted, and said: "Naughty, write a text to the rear and ask them to help find the Caribbean Division."


Abegren smiled bitterly and shook his head. After several defeats, although the officers tried their best to cheer, in fact, the morale of the Semitic army has fallen to a worrying level. Now even this kind of rumors are coming out, but it is also No wonder the soldiers are like this. Even he himself is not optimistic about the next battle.

While he was thinking, an officer next to him suddenly said with emotion: "It's extra quiet tonight~!"

"Yeah," someone said, "I haven't received a report of combat so far. Maybe I can get a good night's sleep."

Abegren was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that he hadn't heard the sound of fighting for a long time.

Usually at this time, there would be a low gunfire from the east, and he suddenly became vigilant, and said in his heart: something is a bit abnormal.

Years of war experience told him that this calm is extremely abnormal~!

Abegren pondered for a moment, then ordered: "Strengthen guard, contact the various ministries in front, and ask them if there is anything unusual."

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart: Even if you make a fuss, it is better than something really happened~!

After patrolling the city walls, Abegren and the officers returned to the headquarters in the city. The soldiers who went to contact the ministries were quickly dispatched.

Abegren waited patiently for news at the headquarters, looking up at the map from time to time.

I don't know why, he always feels uneasy in his heart, as if something he didn't expect is going to happen.

This feeling made Abegren quite impatient.

He couldn't sit down at all, he could only pacing back and forth in the hall of the headquarters to relieve his tension.

After midnight, the contact soldiers came back one after another to report that everything was normal in the frontline barracks, and no abnormal actions by the Ruman were found.

Abegren felt a little calm, raised his head and asked, "Is all the contacts back?"

A staff officer frowned and said, "There is still one missing, the Sixth Division of the Imperial Guard. There has been no news, but they are a little far away, probably too soon."

"The Sixth Division of the Guards..." Abegren turned and looked at the map. The Sixth Division of the Guards was guarding an important spot in the south of the mountain. The most important thing was to guard a stone bridge on the river under the mountain. Some distance from Pad City.

Abegren stared at the map for a few minutes, and decisively said: "Send a regiment of cavalry, and then bring a human division to the Sixth Division of the Imperial Guard."

The officer hesitated and said, "But, it's night."

Abegren roared and shouted: "Send someone to me now~!"

"Yes~!" The officer jumped up and ran out in a hurry.

Half an hour later, a thousand-person Semitic cavalry and five or six thousand human vassals were hurriedly transferred out, and then opened the south gate and walked into the night.

It didn't take so long before, but the assembly of the human vassal army has been dragging, especially the human general, who had filled several bottles of wine and couldn't get up at all.

Later, the Semitic cavalry colonel became impatient, so he rushed in and woke up the human general with a bucket of cold water.

The team went south in the dark, but the speed of the vassal regiments was really too slow. They stopped and went all the way, and the human soldiers kept complaining, getting cold for a while, hot for a while, and crippled for a while. .

The human general sneezed and said he had a cold.

The colonel of the Semitic cavalry was angry and threw off these teams and headed south.

An hour later, the Semitic cavalry colonel trotting along the road suddenly ran into a large group of people on the opposite side. The same group of hundreds of cavalry ran head-on from the darkness.

It seems that the person who sent the liaison came back. The colonel stopped his horse and shouted: "Hi, how is the situation? The general sent us to meet you."

The cavalry team on the opposite side seemed to pause for a while, and no one spoke, just glanced at each other, and then ran up again, quickly approaching the colonel and his team.

The colonel frowned unpleasantly, and cursed in his heart: So dragging, they are the grandsons of the Guards~!

Then shouted: "Which part of you, did you come back from the front?"

But the other side still responded with silence. The only difference is that the rumble of horseshoes became more and more rushing.

The cavalry on the opposite side is accelerating~!

The colonel felt that something was wrong, but the other side had seen him clearly but kept silent.

Seeing that the opponent didn't slow down and was about to rush into his team, the colonel sternly shouted: "I am Colonel Miller, order you to stop, stop~!"

At the same time, he drew out his weapon and went straight ahead.

The Semitic cavalry team behind him suddenly scratched. The cavalry rushed to avoid being hit by the horses on the opposite side.

Amid the roar of horse hooves, the cavalry on the opposite side almost came to the front.

In the dim night, Colonel Miller was taken aback for a moment, and he saw a military uniform completely different from the Semitic. And the knight on the opposite side raised his saber high.

That posture is the most typical way of hacking and killing the human army~!

Colonel Miller was stunned for a second, then suddenly he woke up, crying sternly: "The enemy attack, prepare to fight..."

Before he was finished, several crossbow arrows flew from the darkness, and one crossbow arrow was about to hit Colonel Miller's chest.

Colonel Miller couldn't help but snorted, then he was knocked down and flew out by the strong arrow.

He fell to the ground and watched countless horses hooves passing in front of him. Before he lost consciousness, Colonel Miller was still wondering: How did the enemy cross the line of defense?

Seeing that their whereabouts had been exposed, the headed human cavalry roared: "Kill, butcher the demon cub~!"

"Kill~!" The cavalry behind him shouted, brandishing a saber and spear, and rushed to the Semitic cavalry who had stopped in place.

At this moment, the Semi people were still in panic of being attacked suddenly. They never thought that humans would suddenly appear behind their defense lines, and even many people had no time to draw out their weapons.

The human cavalry rushed directly into their ranks, the sharp blade of the saber flashed in the dark night, and the Semitic cavalry screamed and fell to the ground.

Hearing the screams and screams, the Semitic cavalry at the back of the team finally woke up, drew their weapons, and the spurs pierced our stomachs, shouting and rushing up, and the fierce fighting suddenly broke out.

The sparks of the weapon fighting flickered in the night, the sound of steel collision, the sound of sword cutting bones, the screams, the collision of war horses and the sound of neighing.

A high-pitched cry came from the back of the human cavalry: "Kill them all, don't let one go!"

In the dark night, a steady stream of human soldiers rushed out and outflanked the Semitic cavalry from both sides. In the dim night, I don't know how many people rushed up, giving people a seemingly endless feeling.

"This is the main force of humanity~!" Someone from the Semitic cavalry team suddenly woke up, and then shouted: "Retreat, retreat~!"

"Go back and inform the general."

The Semitic cavalry in the melee struggled to turn their horses, but the human cavalry fighting with them was so powerful that it was difficult for the Semitic to get out. In the end, only dozens of the last cavalry in the queue rushed out, and the humans who rushed up from the two wings had already left. The next Semitic cavalry surrounded.

The cavalry who broke out of the siege fought their horses and rushed northward. The human cavalry was chasing after them. The swish of bows and crossbows sounded from their side. From time to time, people fell from their horses with arrows and were trampled into flesh by the human cavalry behind.

Fleeing all the way, I don't know how long it took, the dashing Semitic cavalry suddenly saw a large group of infantry on the opposite side.

The horses that were too late to stop neighed and rushed into the crowd, not knowing how many infantry they had hit, causing a burst of chaos.

The infantry made panic and screams and ran to the sides.

"what happened?"

"who is it?"

"His grandma hurts me so much."

"Help, help, who will help me~!"

The Semitic cavalry who smashed into the crowd were immediately overjoyed. This was the vassal army they had left behind. The number of them was enough to have a division.

The Semitic cried out loudly: "The Ruman people are here to kill, UU read, hurry up and defend on the spot~!"

"Who is your general, tell him to prepare for battle~!"

"Go and hold the Ruman~!"

The chasing soldiers behind also rushed up at this time, and the noisy sound here had already attracted their attention.

The human cavalry slammed into a group of black and crushed infantry, all were taken aback, and immediately stopped the horse, hesitating whether to advance or retreat.

"Is the action exposed?"

Otherwise, how could there be a battalion of Semitic infantry here? It seems that there is no less than one division. If this is the Semitic commander who learned of their plan and set up traps here, they would be in danger.

After they penetrated into the enemy's formation alone, they only need to be dragged for an hour, and the Semitic army will come from all directions to surround them and annihilate them.

The situation immediately took a turn for the worse.

(To be continued) q

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