Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1400: Fat sheep

In the early morning, the sun had not risen yet, but a touch of whiteness appeared on the horizon. M.

The mountains and forests were quiet, and there was a faint white mist floating among the trees, but occasionally one or two birdsong came.

On the edge of the forest road, a man slowly stuck his head out of the withered grass, glanced into the distance, and then pursed his lips, and also made several ‘chirp, chirp’ bird sounds.

He is wearing a grass-green dress, and the clothes are covered with a lot of withered grass. The disguise is like a chameleon, hidden in the withered grass. If you don't walk by him, you can't find it at all. .

He looked into the distance, watched the other end of the road disappear into the mist, and sighed softly.

Next to him, another person poked his head out and whispered: "Shuck, Boss Robin's intelligence is not reliable. We have been here for the whole night, but we haven't seen a single figure."

Although his voice is not high, it is a bit harsh in this quiet forest.

Shuck looked back at him, then lowered his voice, and said, "Bit, don't worry, I have been with the boss for so many years, he has never made a mistake."

Bit lay on the ground, twisted his body, changed a comfortable posture, and said: "Shuck, it's not that I am impatient. You know, now Lord Luo... led his troops into Diekirch City.

Those dog nobles all flee, run away. Each one has a lot of softness. It's a good time for us to start.

Besides, even if they don't carry anything, just relying on that head is a big fat sheep.

I've seen the red list issued by the Holy See, and I just copied a copy of it, all of which are hundreds of gold coins..." Xiuk raised his hand to take a note on his head and said, "Shut up, hundreds of gold coins, you Sorry to mention it~! "He paused, looking at Bit's inexplicable appearance, he couldn't help but sighed, and then said: "If your kid wasn't my brother-in-law, I really wouldn't want to take you out.

Do you think Robin Boss has never seen the red list?

Why does he want us to guard this road, you know? "

Bit couldn't help but startled.

Shuck stretched out his hand to compare, and said, "Although this road is not wide, it is extremely secretive, and it is the only way from Diekirch to De Rossi."

Bit suddenly opened his mouth wide in surprise, thought for a while, and then said rather unconvinced: "Who said that there are two roads to Kic City and Dos City? You can also go to De Rossi from them. "

Shuck glanced at him contemptuously, and then said: "You think that lord..."

Speaking very skillfully, he drew a cross on his chest, then pointed his finger at the sky, and then continued: "Do you think that master eats dry food? His old man came up with troops... what is that? Speaking of which, sitting cross-legged on the kang for a while, you can let the army from thousands of miles away win the battle.

The best thing about his old man is to close the door and beat the dog. Can you think of sending troops to block the roads of those two cities? "

After speaking, he looked at Bit proudly. These words weren't actually thought of by himself, but the answer he got when he asked Robin the same question.

Bit opened his mouth and froze for a long time. Then he retorted: "Only this road is rugged and difficult, and it is very secretive. Those outsiders certainly don't know it. I don't think even the locals know much."

Shuck glanced at him dissatisfiedly, and then said, "Do you think Boss Robin is eating out?"

Bit can't help being taken aback again. If you have a real understanding: "You mean..."

Shuck said: "Didn't Robin boss catch a coachman the other day?

Think about it, the soldiers were in a panic at this time. Those nobles and old wealth ran to the two cities with gold and silver, and found Lord Luo's soldiers waiting there.

There are chasers behind and interceptions in front. Those people urinated their pants in a hurry.

At this time, someone suddenly stood up and said that he knew such a secret road. And also volunteered to help them lead the way.

What will they do? "

Bit suddenly understood, and said: "They must be willing to spend a lot of money, crying and begging Robin Boss to show them the way."

Shuck glanced at him with admiration and said, "You are not too stupid. When there is a caravan of nobles and old wealth, you will follow brother-in-law and me..." He just said this, and suddenly he was taken aback. , It seemed to have heard something, and then he listened carefully for a while, then approached Bit, lowered his voice and said: "Fat sheep is here..."

After speaking, he pursed his lips and uttered a few more chirps of birds.

Immediately afterwards, there was a bird song not far away. He nodded in satisfaction, and said to Bit: "Hurry up and hide, don't be discovered by anyone."

As he said, he stretched out his hand, grabbed a handful of weeds and covered Bit's head, and then he lowered his body deeply.

After a while, I heard a stomping sound of horse hooves in the distance.

Immediately, several knights in armor emerged from the mist in the distance. Behind them, a carriage after another also emerged from the white mist.

The wheels ran across the road, making a messy noise.

This is a long convoy with more than 20 carriages. There are more than 30 burly knights guarding the convoy on both sides.

Because of the long journey, all of them have tired faces, and their spirits are rather weak.

Shuck looked at them and couldn't help but sneered: These people looked good, but they were all a bunch of out-and-out young master cakes.

Can a battle be completed if you ride a horse and ride around?

He watched that all the carriages had entered the ambush, and immediately pursed his lips and let out a sharp bird's song.

With this order from him, a big tree in the front of the convoy crashed down, blocking the road ahead.

The team was suddenly chaos...

Someone shouted hoarsely: "There is an ambush, fast back, back..."

As soon as his voice fell, he saw a big tree behind the convoy also collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the sound of bowstrings.

Dozens of sharp arrows flew out from the trees and grass.

More than thirty knights were killed or injured immediately.

Someone was frightened, strangling the reins. The war horse whistled a violent roar, and people stood up. The rider on the horse was unprepared, and immediately fell off the horse, unfortunately his foot was still caught in the stirrup.

Before he could take his feet out, the horse was already galloping towards the forest.

Watching the man screaming and being dragged away by the war horse. The thieves present were extremely sympathetic-the man's final outcome could only be dragged to death by the frightened horse.

The remaining knights immediately turned their horses, raised the reins, and wanted to rush towards the direction of the bow and arrow. The archer just fired an arrow, it was the skill cooling time, now as long as they rush over, they can chop them to the ground.

Although these knights are brave, they have forgotten one condition. This is the jungle, with branches and branches everywhere.

They didn't rush out a few steps before being hit by the branches of the forest.

At this point, the thieves had already pulled away their bows and arrows again...In just a few minutes, the knights had been solved by them.

The thieves then cautiously walked out of the woods and grass.

When passing by the corpses of the knights, these puppies were all very experienced to make up for it.

Holding weapons in their hands, they carefully approached the convoy, and before speaking, they saw the door of the most magnificent carriage in the middle creaked open.

Immediately afterwards, Robin poked his head out of the middle.

He smiled and greeted everyone, saying, "Hi, hello everyone. I sent you a surprise."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and pulled a fat man with an earthy face to the door of the car.

Shuck looked at the fat man and couldn't help being surprised, and he blurted out, "Carnell, it's you."

Then he looked at Robin, admiringly said: "Boss, this is a big fish."

Robin smiled slightly, lifted a kick, kicked Canel off the carriage, and said: "You guys quickly clean up the scene. Old Mulla will be here soon with the next wave of big fish. Today, our buddies. You can get one enough~!"

With that, he jumped off the carriage, slammed the door hard, and slammed it shut.

After ×××××××× Lorraine led his army into the city, he originally wanted to be stationed in Diekirch’s palace, but before he entered the city, the dead ordinary people took advantage of the panic of the soldiers and their Rob it again.

Those people were extremely ruthless, and they didn't even leave the gold edge of the windows.

In order to vent their hatred, perhaps to cover up evidence of crime, some people set a fire in the palace again. Although it was discovered early and rescued in time, it did not cause much loss. But the palace can no longer live in.

In desperation, Lord Luo Jue had no choice but to retreat and choose second, making Chengshou Mansion his temporary headquarters.

The originally beautiful and tidy city guard house became extremely chaotic at this time, and all soldiers coming in and out were hurried looking.

The footsteps of the soldiers and the hooves of the war horses set a mess in the beautiful garden.

The green grass disappeared, replaced by dust on the ground.

All the rooms were occupied by officers and soldiers. A small single room might be packed with five or six people, but that was not enough. The officers and soldiers even pitched tents in the courtyard.

The weather in Chunyue is getting warmer and warmer, so setting up a tent will not be too uncomfortable.

All areas that were flatter in the entire city lord's mansion were occupied by soldiers.

Unconstrained, the officers set up the tents like a refugee camp.

The gaps between the tents were filled with things, and the officers and soldiers even opened fires between the tents, set up simple grills, and held open-air barbecue banquets.

The hall of the castle palace became a command center, and the room was crowded with people.

The telegraph group occupies a corner, pressing the key with a crackling sound, the staff dominates the middle of the hall, surrounded by a sand table with a blushing face.

The head of the logistics department and the chief of the intelligence section made a loud noise with their fists in order to fight for a table... The soldiers carried the ladder, sledgehammered in one hand and long nails in one hand, smashed the nails on the wall and hung up the war zone. map.

This place is more lively than the vegetable market, and you must shout with your throat to let others hear your own words clearly.

Moreover, the quality of these soldiers is not high, even if they are as gentle as the cardinal of Sandos, who have been in the barracks for half a year, they are still "fuck", "your mother" and so on.

These guys completely regarded this place as a cheap hotel. Cigarette butts were thrown all over the place, and the beautiful patterned maps on the ground were burned into black holes.

From time to time, someone spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm on the ground with a "ah...bah", and then rubbed it vigorously with their riding boots.

The air in the hall was mixed with the smell of smoke and sweat, and from time to time there was a smell of barbecue oil from the window... The officers and soldiers stayed here for a long time and could not feel it. Those who just walked into the headquarters were almost all Smoked can't breathe.

Lord Lorraine lowered his head in front of the sand table and listened to his staff reporting the situation in the war zone. At this moment, a guard ran in from the door and leaned into Lord Lorraine's ear to whisper a few words.

Lorraine was stunned for a moment, and then sneered, with a disdainful expression on his face, and said: "These guys are here very quickly."

The Cardinal Sandos was a little strange and asked curiously: "My lord, what happened?"

"The original city lord is back." Lorrain threw the red and blue pencils in his hands, straightened up and touched the stubble-grown chin, with a playful expression, and said: "Go and meet them."

The attendants who are familiar with Lord Lorraine smiled slightly. With their understanding of Lord Lorraine, every time Lord Lord showed this expression, it meant that someone was going to be unlucky.

Lord Lorraine hurriedly walked out with the people, and suddenly stopped before stepping out the gate, and said: "Go and find me a squadron of Orc Grenadiers. It will take months without a bath. The more hair on the surface, the better."

The attendant immediately understood, and said inwardly: Sir Alex Ferguson's taste is really getting heavier.

Then he smiled and walked out.

Soon a group of orc grenadiers in armor gathered in front of the door, Lord Lorraine walked around them, nodded in satisfaction, and said: "We are going to meet some people I don't like. , Take out your fiercest looks, Sir Sir, I’m going to scare them out today."

"Yes~!" The orcs shouted in unison.

The captain suddenly scratched his furry head, and said with an urn voice, "My lord, it's okay to just cut it off."

Lorraine stretched his hands and said helplessly: "These people can't slaughter the needs of the united front, at least they can't cut it clearly."

The half-orc captain showed a stunned expression on his full-faced hairy face, raised his palm and made a downward cutting gesture, lowered his voice and said, "My lord, let's put a sack on him and pat him on the black brick, and pull out to plant lotus."

Lord Lorraine patted the Orc captain's shoulder approvingly, proud of his outstanding consciousness, and said: "If necessary, I will let you do it."

"Serve the adults." The Orc Captain shouted proudly.

Lord Lorraine waved his hand, and the orc soldier pulled away, carrying a giant axe as big as a pot, or a mace hammer larger than a human head, and walked out staggeringly.

Outside the gate gathered a group of nobles in golden clothes, they shouted around the guards guarding the gate, spitting stars everywhere.

Before Lord Lorraine greeted him, the orc soldiers shouted and rushed to surround them.

The nobles' eyes widened in horror, and after a few steps backed up, one of them screamed in horror and shouted, "Ghost!"

The frightened legs softened, and he sat on the ground, hiding behind his hands and feet together.

The orc soldiers surrounded them with an unkind expression, shook the weapons in their hands lightly, sneered, and cold sweat came out of the scared nobles.

Lord Lorraine who was watching from behind let out a cold snort, and said in his heart: That's just the courage.

Then waved his hand, motioned the orc soldiers to step aside, and said carelessly: "Which one of you is in charge?"

A middle-aged man walked out tremblingly from the crowd, clutching his hat with both hands on his chest, moving forward in small steps, and said with a guilty conscience: "Below, Lord Diekirch, Baron Hortington, Jie Er, Holtz, met the Marshal."

Although they had never seen Lorraine, they could guess that this was Lord Lorraine who commanded the Allied Forces on the Western Front.

"It turned out to be the Lord of the City, welcome~!" Lord Lorraine smiled politely, and walked down the steps, and shook hands with Baron Holtz, looking very warm.

This made Baron Holtz flattered and said in his heart: "Isn't this uncle as difficult to deal with as in the legend?

"Come in, please come in," Lorraine reached out and gestured, pulling him into the city lord's mansion.

Seeing a group of nobles disappearing behind the door, the guard outside the door shook his head regretfully, as if seeing a group of lambs walking into the wolf's den, calling all the way, but everyone who walked into Lorraine’s den with a smile ended up crying It came out.

The first feeling Baron Holtz walked through the gate was shocking.

The garden courtyard that he spent a lot of money to renovate is now turned into a barracks. The rude soldiers dangling cigarettes, sticking leather boots in the flowers he had carefully cultivated, pulling off a handful of leaves, and pressing them against the boots. On the dirt.

Some people even washed their horses in the marble pool in the center of the courtyard. The cook placed the barbecue racks on the ground and removed the wooden railings in the courtyard as fuel. The fire crackled.

Baron Holtz couldn't help closing his eyes in pain.

But for the Baron, this was just the beginning. When he entered the hall, he almost fainted with anger.

The precious Parthian carpets on the ground were so dirty that they couldn't see their original appearance. The tapestries imported from the Elven Kingdom on the wall were torn into pieces by nails.

All the furniture was put down by the soldiers and used as tables, and a 300-year-old oak closet was divided in half and used by two different departments.

"This, this, this..." Baron Holtz was shaking and speechless.

Lorraine glanced at him and said, "It's a little messed up here, don't worry, the brethren will clean up when they leave. Please mention any comments you have. We will definitely follow them."

"I..." Baron Holtz opened his mouth, and the surrounding orc soldiers turned black and showed a fierce look. Someone picked up a sharp ax and shaved the hair on his face, making a choppy sound, looking at the Baron and them. sneer.

Baron Holtz gave a smile that was uglier than crying, and shook his head: "I don't have any opinion, you can use it whatever you want, sir."

But in my heart, I felt bitter and secretly said: I can spend my own money on decoration. In this poor mountain and bad water, where people are everywhere, do you know how difficult it is to get some money~!

Holtz resisted the grief in his heart and said respectfully: "Marshal, Diekirch has just recovered, and there are many things waiting for us. We want to take over the city as soon as possible, start work, resume production, and benefit the people. "

Lorraine nodded and said: "The Baron's sense of urgency to serve the people is really a role model for my generation. It just so happens that our coalition forces urgently need local cooperation."

Baron Holtz was pleased. As long as the official position can come back, it is only a matter of time to make money. He originally thought that Lorraine and the others would not let go easily. He was ready to fight a protracted battle with the coalition forces, but he did not expect Lord Lorraine opened his mouth and agreed.

The magistrate behind him couldn't help but laugh. He didn't expect it to be so easy. Some people even laughed secretly in their hearts, what is the neighbor of Pluto, the sky is three feet high, and the ground is thin.

He didn't even take the opportunity to ask for a price, and he couldn't compare to a guard in the yamen.

Holtz leaned back and said, "Thank you, Marshal, we will go back and re-convene the political axe departments."

Lorraine nodded, and said, "The sooner the better, the baron will prepare as soon as possible, and report to me when it is done, and go with the army."

"Go out...Go out~!" Baron Holtz was dumbfounded immediately, and said in a panic: "I, we are the magistrates, go out, why go out?"

Lorraine glanced at him strangely, as if he was knowingly asking, and said: "According to regulations, local officials in the liberated areas must organize volunteer troops to accompany the army to the demons and fight for the restoration of the entire continent."

Baron Holtz asked blankly: "What rules, why don't I know?"

Lorraine sneered and said, "The UN has just been approved by unanimous votes. You don’t know yet. But it’s okay. You know now. Go and prepare. We will probably only stay here for a few days. At that time, no matter what you organize. No matter how much righteousness and bravery, they must go west with the army to conquer the dead high priest.

Holtz made frantic air gestures with both hands, almost speechless, and stammered: "But, we, we are local officials, we won't fight."

They abandoned the city and fled because they were afraid of fighting. When they came back, they found that they were hitting the gunpoint and had to go to the battlefield. They would all be scared to pee.

Lorraine narrowed his eyes and said in a bad tone: "Why, what the baron meant is that you are unwilling to execute the command of the theater command."

"I, we..." Baron Holtz said incoherently at the moment.

Lorraine snorted coldly: "If you don't want to, I can come here if you are willing. By the way, I remind you that before the end of the war, all areas will be under military control. During the military control period, the resistance...

The orcs roared, all raised their weapons and pointed at the group of nobles.

Holtz jumped up in shock, touched his neck with one hand, leaned back desperately, and said in horror: "No, I definitely didn't mean that, we, we... are civil servants~!"

He suddenly thought of an excuse, and said anxiously: "We are civil who don't know how to fight, we are afraid that we will miss the chance."

Lorraine touched the hard stubble on his chin, nodded, and said, "That's what I said, so let's stay behind and work together."

Holtz nodded quickly, and couldn't wait to repeat: "Yes, yes, yes."

Lorraine pulled out a document from the desk and photographed it in the arms of Baron Holtz, and said: "Then you can temporarily cooperate with the military control committee. This is a task entrusted to you.

Let me remind you first that this is a military order and must be completed before the specified date. You should be aware of the consequences of failure. "

Baron Holtz glanced at the file, finally couldn't help it, his eyes went dark, and he drew it over with a "hiccup".

The documents slowly fell, and the astronomical number of military supplies and war funds on it would be shocked to anyone who saw it.

Lorraine glanced at the documents on the ground, clapped his hands, and said, "Oh, I got it wrong, who put the annual statistics here."

(To be continued) q

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