Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1401: The well-deserved Sir Alex

"Dang~!" A loud bell reverberated above Diekirch. The bell pierced the mist of spring morning and echoed in the city. M.

After the bell gradually dissipated, several more seconds passed before another bell sounded.

From the interval between the bells and the penetrating sound, it must be the big bell on the top of the church tower in the city.

With the slow ringing of bells, the city of Diekirch, who had just woken up from sleep, suddenly boiled.

Countless residents opened the door, calling for their friends, and rushing into the street loudly.

Looking from the sky, the ordinary people flow like a stream, pouring toward the main road in the center of the city. An empty and quiet street was left behind.

In just ten minutes, the main road in the city was already crowded with citizens.

Wearing their most beautiful clothes, they laughed loudly as if they were celebrating a festival, crowded, pushed, and noisy, craned their necks and looked towards the end of the road.

From time to time, there are vendors with baskets on their heads, yelling through the crowd.

Due to the cruel exploitation of the Semis, Dickich City is extremely scarce of materials. Therefore, the hawkers sell very crude things, just some flatbreads, jujubes, and the like.

But occasionally there are some vendors who have the means to get a lot of cans for Nian's military. At this time, those cans will be sold out by people who know the goods.

Those who bought the cans opened the cans Shi Shiran under the curious gaze of everyone.

At this time, he didn't eat it, but held it in his hand and kept showing it until the smell of meat in the can diffused into the nasal cells of everyone. When their gaze changed from surprise to envy, or even longing, at this time, they started to eat one bite at a time.

And when I eat, I have to be particular about it. I have to sigh every bite. Compliment the Naian people for their superb production of canned meat. Of course, if you can criticize the shortcomings of canned food a little bit, you will naturally be able to bring out your extraordinary insights and surprise the eyeballs of those turtles.

But at the same time, it will also cause other happy distress.

When they eat canned food, the smell of meat will attract a large group of cubs like evil wolves.

Those little hooligans are extremely brazen, drooling, and follow you behind you every step of the way.

The kind-hearted people looked at the children, only to endure the distress, then gritted their teeth, and used their fingers to dig out fingernail-sized pieces of meat from the can and stuff it into the child's mouth.

If one is divided, it will naturally be divided into the second.

After the children around him are finished, the cans will naturally see the bottom. At this time, the nasty little hooligans will leave in angrily, but they don't go far, but wander in the crowd.

They have a developed sense of smell like temple dogs, and they can easily find their next target in a crowded crowd.

If you meet a stingy host, I would rather eat the brows and drool, and never give it to others.

At this time, the greedy child will cry to the mother beside him. Then there will be a stern shout from the mother, a crackling spanking, and the child's hoarse cry after eating pain.

All these people of all kinds, and the noise and noise made the city full of a vague, chaotic noise. It was like the sound in the hall before the meeting.

Whether it's crying or yelling, people's faces are all swept away from the gloomy old days, and there is a bright and cheerful expression between the eyebrows and eyes-this kind of expression is only available when people are full of hope for the future.

After a while, the armored soldiers of the brigade appeared on the street.

They lined up two human walls along the street, blocking all the people from the human walls. This also made the streets more crowded on both sides, but the people did not complain, but were extremely cooperative.

‘When~~! When~~"When the bell rang again. The citizens who were standing on both sides of the street suddenly became excited.

They surged forward, and the soldiers who rushed to stop couldn't help backing away.

Some people even jumped up and down in the crowd, jumping up to see farther, while shouting loudly: "Are you here?"

"Come, here~!"

"Come here, everyone has everything ready."


Amidst their excited shouts, they heard a sound of chucking wheels. From the end of the long street, turn around a long dragon of vehicles.

There are iron cages on these simple carts, and there are three or four people squatting in each cage. They are all in shackles and cannot move.

All of his clothes were tattered, and strands were hanging down, and his body was covered with large and small scars, showing that the beating was not light.

"It's them~!" There was a roar from the crowd, "It's them~!"

"These scumbags, kill them~!" Diekirch citizens on both sides of the street shouted angrily at the prison car.

"These lowly things, the stinky pig who sold their souls for fifty copper plates~!"

"Damn scum. Traitor."

Then the insults became a common voice.

"Kill them, kill them~!" The people roared continuously.

The sound resounded over the city like thunder.

Almost everyone in Diekirch had relatives and friends who died at the hands of these people, and seeing them at this moment was naturally extremely jealous.

Everyone fully carried forward the spirit of killing dogs, shouting at them mightily and bravely, and making various mocking gestures with both hands.

Then he threw the dirt and rotten eggs in his hands at the criminals in the prison wagon.

Most of the prisoners had their heads buried, shivering with fright, and limp.

But there were also a few people, even in shackles, with unconvincing expressions on their faces. They raised their heads and looked arrogantly at the citizens on both sides angrily condemning them, showing a disdainful sneer.

Their expressions made the people full of bitter hatred even more angry. Some even rushed out of the crowd holding a dagger high, and rushed to the prison car.

The soldiers who maintained order by the roadside seemed to be very experienced in this situation. They weren't panicked. Instead, they stumbled very easily and knocked down the dagger-wielding guy.

Then he laughed and said: "The person our big boss is going to kill, you will get your hands on that round." He lifted him up like a chicken, kicked him a few times in the ass, and kicked him back into the crowd again.

The guys who dared to attack the line of defense and disturb the order were to be caught and closed for a few days. But Sir Alex found that he had to take care of their meals if he locked them up.

Therefore, there is no need to waste that time. If you catch it, just give it a shot and forget it.

The prison car drove a circle around Diekirch's main road, and after parading, finally came to the square in the center of the city and stopped.

There was a row of gallows erected on the square, the same ones as the previous two days, even the nooses were not changed.

Ironically, it was the prisoner in the prison cart who erected these gallows. Moreover, the executioner was still the original executioner.

The soldiers pulled the prisoners in the first few cars from their cages, and then escorted them to the gallows.

Each of these prisoners was pale, scared almost impossible to walk, and others had been trembling violently, and said in horror: "I don't want to die, no, I don't want to die."

The prisoner who was afraid of death suddenly broke out and slammed the soldiers on the left and right, trying to escape, but he only took one step and fell to the ground. The shackles on their feet were so short that they couldn't even take one step.

The soldier walked over slowly, kicked him a few times, with a scornful expression, and said, "I know I'm afraid of death, it's too late~!"

A dozen prisoners were pushed to the gallows and stood one by one.

The sanctioning officer of the Holy See inquisition in black appeared in the sight of everyone. Seeing his black uniform, everyone in the audience couldn't help feeling a chill.

The Holy See has ruled for a thousand years, and people's fear of the officials of the Inquisition has almost reached the bones.

The sanction officer stood on the stage, with a dead face that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, and his cold eyes swept across the prisoner. He snorted and said: "Sinner, prepare to be tortured by fire forever in hell."

The sanctioning officer turned to face the crowds on the square and said loudly: "In the name of the Gods of Light, we sentenced these people to death for betraying humanity. These sinners are Ryan, Rich, Peter..."

The sanctioning officer read out the names of more than a dozen people, stepped forward to verify their identities one by one, waved to the soldiers on the gallows, and said: "The inspection is correct and the execution is carried out."

The soldiers put the noose around their necks and then tightened the slip knot.

These prisoners were so frightened that they could not stand still. If they were not driven by soldiers, they would hang themselves first.

A prisoner suddenly burst into tears, snotting and tearing, and cried miserably: "I was forced to do it, I didn't mean it, I was forced by them..."

The soldiers on both sides grabbed him unceremoniously and pressed his shoulders tightly, making him immobile.

The soldiers under the gallows were excited, they kept squeezing forward, waving their fists and shouting loudly: "Hang them, hang them~!"

But the guards carrying out the death penalty caught the prisoner motionless, as if waiting for something.

It was not until a group of people walked out of the city guard mansion to watch the execution ground in front of the door, that the sanction officer nodded and raised his arms high.

The executioner took a step forward, grabbed the handle of the movable board, and looked at the sanction officer's gesture.

The sanction officer swung his arms high up and down, and the executioner immediately pulled the handle, and the movable board opened with a bang, and the prisoners on the gallows instantly fell by half.

When they fell from the air, the noose tightened instantly, and the noose tightened their necks tightly.

The prisoner's face immediately flushed, his feet trembling violently in the air, and the whole person struggled fiercely like a lobster out of the water.

In less than a minute, the prisoner gradually stopped struggling, and his legs and arms dropped weakly, seemingly dead.

"Okay~!" An excited cry came from the crowd.

"Long live the **** of light, long live the pope, and long live the marshal of Lorraine~!"

Someone raised their fists and shouted loudly. The enthusiastic citizens around followed and shouted in unison. The cheers were higher than the waves.

Lord Lorraine was standing in front of the gate of the city guard mansion, looking at the gallows not far away. He heard the cheers of the crowd on the square at the moment, and pouted his lips in disdain.

He glanced at the City Lord Holz behind him, and saw a satisfied look on his face after he listened carefully, and he knew in his heart: the most joyous one must be the one that this guy found.

After the prisoner hung the noose for five minutes, the soldier stretched out his hand to open the slip knot tied to the post, and the prisoner's body fell to the ground with a puff.

A group of people went up and dragged their corpses out, and then stabbed them on their feet with red iron bars. With a piercing sound, a blue smoke came out, and at the same time there was a smell of burnt flesh.

The soldiers used this method to check whether the prisoners were really dead. Seeing that they really didn’t respond, they dragged the corpses to the side, and no one would dare to collect them for them. In the end, they probably dig a casually outside the city. The pit buried something.

The second group of prisoners were escorted up and pushed to the gallows.

The sanctioning officer read their names aloud, and Kanel's name came first.

The crowd onlookers erupted louder than before.

"Canel, you also have today~!"

"Kill him and avenge our family."

"Kill him, kill him~!"

The crowd was excited, everyone waved their fists, chanted slogans and hugged forward, rushing to stop their guards from retreating.

Soldiers from the back brigade hurried forward to support, and this prevented the crowds in front of the gallows.

After the sanctioning officer verified the body, the noose was put on the necks of the criminals.

Canel was not afraid, stood straight under the gallows, raised his head proudly, and looked at the contempt and ridicule of the crowd in front of the gallows. He suddenly said loudly, "Look at how you are, I have eaten and played. Sleeping with hundreds of you women, killing hundreds of you, this life is worth it~!

Come on, I've never been afraid of death when I came out at the age of twelve. "

The citizens under the gallows were irritated by his arrogant attitude and irritating words. They picked up the dirt and rubble and threw them at Carnell with everything they could find.

Seeing that the crowd was about to lose control, the officer blew a sharp whistle, and a whole group of soldiers ran from nearby to stop the excited citizens of Diekirch.

The sanctioning officer with a dead face suddenly smiled coldly, looked up and down at Carnell, and said with a slightly hoarse voice: "I have killed a lot of people, you are also a human being, but you are also called eating and playing. ?

What a poor frog.

Sitting in the well and looking at the big sky, I dare to say that I have seen it. Gee..."

The sanctioning officer sighed with emotion, then waved his hand and said, "Hang him."

The wooden board opened again with a squeak, and Carnell stared straight at the sanctioning officer and fell down. The rope was tightened instantly, and Carnell made a "ho-ho" sound in his throat, and his eyes quickly protruded from his eye sockets. The whole person struggled violently.

But after a few minutes, the neck won't move.

The soldiers dragged Carnell's body on the high platform. The executioner raised a large axe, smashed it down, and chopped off his head.

Then grabbed the head by the hair, picked it up, and showed it to the crowd in the audience.

The citizens cheered desperately as if they were crazy.

The executioner threw Carnell's head on the ground, then picked up the axe, chopped it down, and dismembered his body.

Lorraine frowned secretly as he watched, and said in his heart: This taste is too heavy.

But such a conviction here is what the local aristocratic officials strongly demanded. Sir Alex Ferguson was a bit disgusted, but he couldn't say anything.

Next to him, Baron Holtz was very excited. Every time the executioner cut his axe, he waved his hands and cheered.

Lord Lorraine came out just for a moment, to set an example for handling similar incidents after the recovery of the occupied areas in the future.

Sir Alex Ferguson was not at all interested in such mass executions. In fact, he didn't have much favor for hanging.

Like Napoleon and Napoleon, Sir Alex Ferguson admired the shooting, and the platoon shooting was clean and efficient.

The criminal was shot and let him buy five silver coins to buy bullets.

The common people felt fresh and exciting when they watched it, but they are still tired after watching it for a long time, especially after venting the hatred in their hearts.

The collective killing game on the square continues. Diekixi was only annihilated by the red-named people who killed nearly a thousand people. This efficient killing is estimated to continue for some time.

Baron Holtz returned to his temporary city lord mansion full of excitement. He gritted his teeth with hatred of Carnell's gang. Because he ran too hurriedly, his accumulated finances did not have time to take away, all of which were cheaper by the Semitic. With Canel and the others, they were squandered, it was really hard work for twenty years, and they returned to before liberation overnight.

Various departments of the political axe are also in this yard, but at the moment they have nothing to do. Most affairs are managed by the Military Control Commission.

Once he sat down, Baron Holtz's annoyance could not help but he glanced at the stack of documents on the table, then quickly moved his eyes away, showing a painful expression on his face.

On the paper was a list of supplies handed to him by the coalition command and asked him to provide it to the coalition logistics department every month.

The items are very trivial, including cloth, bedding, horse material, wood and medicine, etc., and even 30 pigs.

These figures were calculated by the Andersen Accounting Firm, a subsidiary of the Flying Eagle Group, based on Diekirch’s population and production.

That is the most famous accounting firm in the world, the owner who catches a pound of toad can squeeze a couple of urine. They broke the shoes... Well, the internationally renowned companies that went bankrupt were not two companies.

Therefore, Baron Holtz knew that his future days would not be too good.

However, the status of military control and righteousness was pressured down, and Baron Holtz did not dare to resist. Not to mention, and the **** Dost was staring at his seat.

That **** was really lucky. He escaped from the gallows and got capital from now on. He always showed off in the hall and filled the old qualifications. Every time he talked about it, he was the undercover of the human race from the beginning, lurking in the city of Diekirch silently engaged in underground work. Made great contributions to the human counterattack.

As for the ugliness under the gallows at that time, Master Dorst also explained it as his own cleverness and wit. Even in the face of death, he was righteous and did not sell a shred of secret information.

The most irritating thing is that many people believe it and rush to hold his stinky feet. Nowadays, a lot of people are chanting for him, and they are not less obstructing the Lord Holtz.

But if he really turned in according to the list of supplies, he and the officials in the whole city would have to drink Northwest Wind. Only then did he know that Lord Lorraine was three feet tall in the sky, and his name was not for nothing. .

Just as he frowned and hesitated, the only son of the baron ran in excitedly and shouted: "Dad, Daddy, look, I am an official now."

Turning around in front of Baron Holtz, he showed off his beautiful military uniform.

Baron Holtz jumped up in shock, grabbed his son, and sternly asked: "What's going on? Lille, where did this dress come from?"

Lille was taken aback. He was already afraid of his father, so he shrank his neck and said timidly: "It's... it's done."

"Who gave it to you?" Baron Holtz shouted anxiously, but he alarmed his wife. The rich baroness walked out of the back room, frowning and said: "What's the matter? Screaming, son, why are you in a military uniform~!"

"I joined the army," Lille saw his mother's eyes light up, and the patron came, his mother had the highest authority in this family.

Lille's face flushed with excitement, and said proudly: "Today the staff of the United Nations are recruiting troops in the city, so I will sign up. Is everyone responsible for expelling the demons and defending the mainland?"

"You, you..." Baron Holtz felt his blood pressure rise like flying. He pointed to his son, shaking and said, "Why don't you discuss such a big matter with us."

Lille boldly said: "I only want to take my fame and fame right away. I don't want to be a dude who just eats and waits to die.

Lorraine was nothing more than a rundown noble back then, maybe I can have Lorraine's achievements in the future. "

On the face is the young man’s unique love of dreaming, a look of longing for success as long as he works hard.

"I heard that I was your son. The General Staff accepted me on the spot and appointed me as a trainee officer. Among the dozen people who went with me, I had the highest rank."

"Who else are the dozen people who went with him?" Baron Holtz grabbed his son's sleeve tightly and asked nervously.

Lille shook his head and said, "Oliver, Matthew, Luke and Larry, as well as several merchant children in the city."

"It's over~!" Baron Holtz slapped his forehead and slumped on the chair. These people are the sons of his chief officials.

"You kid killed me." Holtz wailed, grabbed his hat and jumped up and walked out.

Lille was puzzled: "Dad, what are you doing?"

Holtz gritted his teeth and said: "Go to Lorraine..."

Lille hugged his father and said anxiously: "You can't go. We are voluntary. If you don't let me go, how will I behave in the future? How can I raise my head in front of my friends."

"I'll let him send you to the death squad." Holtz glared at Lille fiercely, but in the end it turned into a helpless sigh, patted his son on the shoulder, and said: "Don't worry, I'll go find a job. A better position."

Then he shouted "Prepare the car", walked out the door quickly, and said in his heart: Lorraine must be deliberate.

It is really not a difficult task to flick a bunch of pure, passionate young nobles into the army. National justice, meritorious deeds, etc., are enough to instigate the surname words to make adolescents, like a cock-like young young man.

This trick caught the fate of their local nobles, but what else could he do?

I can only pat on Sir Alex Lorraine's flattery, find a way to place his son in the staff, and listen to Sir Sir Alex until the end of the war.

(To be continued) q

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