Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1409: Hurricane

With the first explosion, the courteous and respectful guests in the lower palace suddenly burst into chaos, the gorgeously dressed ladies screamed hysterically, and the men who were courteous and respectful gentlemen were Jumped up in a panic and avoided everywhere. m

The chair was kicked and the table was knocked over. The glasses piled high on the table all fell to the ground with a "crash" sound. There was a crisp sound of splashing water, and the red wine spilled all over the floor.

The nobles at the table were drenched in the liquor, all in a purple-red liquid poured on the ground, struggling awkwardly on the ground soaked in the liquor.

Just standing up, slipping or being pulled by someone, and falling to the ground funny, some people simply use their hands and feet together, crawling on the ground like an animal to escape.

Some people panicked and ran around, even bumped into each other, or stepped on the corners of women's long skirts, and then the men and women fell together screaming.

Those who were pulled down didn’t care about the messy hair, pulled their clothes desperately, trying to hide the torn chest, but the fat body wrapped in the long skirt was like a silkworm chrysalis, they had to resort to breastfeeding Only with the strength of his can barely get up.

I don't know who knocked the instrument down, and there was a harsh sound of gongs and drums colliding.

There was chaos in the lower palace.

At this time, the human war fortress in the sky is still throwing bombs downward. One after another bombs roared down from the air, exploding brilliant flames on the ground, and then soaring into the sky.

From a distance, it looks like an invisible flame giant walking on the ground. Every time you take a step, it will make a sound that shook the sky, soaring flames.

What frightened the nobles most was that the giant was approaching the lower palace step by step.

Seeing that the situation was urgent, they became even more flustered.

At this moment, there was a loud explosion, and a bomb exploded in the garden of the Lower Palace.

In the violent explosion. The ground under everyone's feet was shaking, and the mud was flying all over the sky, even hitting the guests in the garden.

Before they could react, the sharp whistling sound of another bomb hit the garden. Accompanied by the scream, a dark shadow flashed past, slammed into the garden of the lower palace, and then exploded violently.

Accompanied by the explosion. The gray-white smoke expanded and spread, and several human bodies flew into the air with a large piece of mud.

Seeing that scene, the fat aristocratic women screamed hoarsely.

Some people kept crossing their chests: "God, great God..."

I don't know. From the moment they took refuge in the Semitic, they had abandoned God and plunged into the arms of the Dark Demon God.

In the sound of prayer. The third bomb fell.

It exploded only twenty or thirty meters from the Lower Palace. Enveloping a large group of nobles who were too late to escape into the flames of the explosion...

When the first explosion sounded in the city, Emperor De Rossi was rushed all the way with his subordinates and rushed into the underground passage of the Lower Palace.

This **** kills his father and kills the king, but he has to admit that his brain is very flexible. Otherwise, this kind of high-risk and high-return thing would not be possible.

In the original human war fortress air raid on Ryde City. When the Semitic war fortress was blown up, he was fully aware of the power of this air strike.

Therefore, in the first time, I prepared a bomb shelter for myself. (In this sense, he was also the first person to systematically construct air-raid shelters in the history of war.)

In the relentless bombing of the human war fortress, the entire lower palace was trembling.

Although Emperor De Rossi was hiding in the deep tunnel, fine dust kept falling from the top of his head, which made people secretly alarmed, worried that the tunnel would suddenly collapse.

After the explosion sounded into the tunnel, it became extremely dull, banging on Emperor De Rossi's chest like a drumstick, making him very upset.

I don't know how long it took. Emperor De Rossi felt that it was a century long, and the explosion gradually became quieter and then stopped. The bombing stopped.

Emperor De Rossi and a group of nobles helped them onto the ground.

I saw the lower palace in front of me in a mess, the tall and towering palace was blown off by the waist, and there was smoke and sparks in the gap.

There were broken bricks and tiles everywhere, and the ground of the garden was like a pockmarked face, covered with big bullet holes, and blue smoke was still blowing.

Broken corpses lay on the ground, and the survivors with gun-smoke faces swayed among the corpses on the ground. Like a wandering soul without an owner.

Emperor De Rossi looked at the corpse and the wailing wounded in front of him, his face pale with anger, a fire in his chest but nowhere to go, he wanted to vomit blood uncomfortably.

While the guards and servants were busy rescuing the wounded, a lich appeared in front of Emperor De Rossi.

He swept the scene coldly, and then said rigidly: "Your Majesty the Emperor, Your Majesty the God's Seat is calling."

Emperor De Rossi was stunned for a moment, and then nodded hurriedly: "I'm going now, dare you ask the master, what's the matter?"

While talking, he stretched out his hand and took a small bag from the guard next to it, and then handed it over very skillfully.

The Lich looked at him with satisfaction, and then reached out to take it very skillfully, and then with a flick of his robe sleeves, the little bag disappeared without a trace.

For a long time, De Rossi spent a lot of money on the people around the undead high priest. Those liches are also extremely appreciative.

Otherwise, with the arrogance of the Lich, once he came up, he would not say "His Majesty the Emperor", but would just call his name unceremoniously. Come on, ‘that kid named De Rossi, your Majesty the Lord wants to see you, hurry over. ’

As for putting on a ‘sloppy face and business affairs’ appearance of an endocrine disorder, I have only learned to deal with humans a lot recently.

The more you put on the appearance of a public official, the more human beings will automatically give them gifts, and there is no need to ask for bribes like before.

After receiving the gift, although the Lich still had a cold face, his words were not so rigid.

He first glanced at the direction of the imperial palace, and said: "The **** seat just learned about the unfavorable news on the front line, so I am not in a good mood.

"Sneez..." Emperor De Rossi took a deep breath, suddenly feeling a mess in his heart. Although it was already blooming at this time, he felt a bit of cold all over his body...


More than one hundred Maple Leaf Fortresses dropped more than 3,000 bombs on the city of Ryder.

The dense bomb passed over the city.

Especially the imperial palace and the lower palace as key targets. More than half of the bombs were thrown in the two palace complexes. The main hall of the palace just built was hit by two bombs, and it collapsed in half.

The bombing did not cause many casualties, because there were not many people in the inner city. The most dead are the nobles who see the banquet in the lower palace garden.

But this will inevitably cause a sensation between the undead high priest and the De Rossi Empire.

This bombardment means that humans will no longer wait for the war fortress of the undead to kill the door, they will take the initiative to attack.

The initiative of the air battlefield will slowly be transferred to the hands of Fengye Danlin, and the entire war will also enter the human counterattack. The strategic counter-offensive stage of the undead defense.

Then, because of Mulhouse's defeat, Emperor De Rossi was reprimanded by the undead high priest and told him clearly. If he can't hold this line of defense, then the high priest will change to a Semitic general.

Emperor De Rossi had to go on a personal conquest again, leading the elite of the 100,000 De Rossi Empire near Ryder. Rush to the front line.

But this did not help.

In front of the coalition forces. The iron wall defense line organized by the De Rossi Empire, the so-called fortress town, is simply vulnerable.

Often before the coalition began a formal offensive, the soldiers of the De Rossi Empire in the city took the lead in uprising, opening the city gates and surrendering, offering a large number of celebrities' heads.

Lord Lorraine and Dean Wabador each kept a main force to respond, and dispersed the other troops to liberate the towns in the occupied area, or it would be more appropriate to receive them.

Some small places. Even before the united team arrived, they had rebelled anyway and replaced it with the banner of the Holy See.

In many cases, it is not that the local people are willing to do this, but that they have no choice but to do it.

Since humans turned to the counterattack, a large number of bounty hunters have moved like sharks smelling blood.

Those puppies wandered in groups in the enemy-occupied area, looking for those who were on the Vatican Red List. Cut their heads, explode their equipment, and steal their money.

This caused the security situation in the Semitic-occupied areas to deteriorate sharply.

In big cities, the bounty hunters dared not start easily because of the many escorts and guards around them. But small cities are different.

There are not many guards and garrisons in the area, and their strength is weak, so they have naturally become the focus of bounty hunters. Cut off the head of a city guard today, and kill an officer tomorrow.

In this situation, the locals who had wanted to wait any longer found out that if they didn't do anything, the guys with red names would be robbed by the bounty hunters.

Therefore, they had to start in advance, uprising anyway, and then cut off the head of the famous celebrity, and then copied his family property.

Under this situation, good news comes every day, so that the people in the rear are numb to the news of the recovery of a certain city or the destruction of the enemy.

The common people even agreed that the eradication of the De Rossi empire's army is not considered eradication, but the eradication of authentic Semitic talents is considered a record. This makes Grandpa Wabador very angry, who is always reporting annihilation of tens of thousands of enemies.

With the rapid expansion of the liberated areas, there are more and more rapes to be tried by the Inquisition. Crosses are erected on both sides of the avenue with the bodies of the executed to alert the people passing by.

However, the court still has insufficient manpower. Often the city’s red name has not yet been reviewed, and another city in the West has recovered.

Therefore, the sanctioning officer of the court urge Lord Lorraine to slow down the attack temporarily. They have already held more than 20,000 people in their hands, and it takes a whole year for each trial.

In the future, it is estimated that red names several times this number will be arrested.

At the same time, Chairman Leo also sent a fiercely worded letter of protest to Lord Lorraine, accusing Lorraine of hitting so fast that there are too many fools and not enough liars.

There are too many countries and regions that need to sign a reconstruction agreement. Lei Erye flies up and down in the sky every day, his feet are not touching the ground, and the tired tongue is sticking out like a dog, but he is still too busy, even Xiaobai is thin. A few catties.

Occasionally, I will encounter the same trouble as a disobedient aunt who has been arguing for a coriander for a long time in the vegetable market.

Every time Lei Erye would like to take out his pistol and knock him out.

But in the end, after a cordial and friendly conversation, Lei Erye gave the other party an impossible condition to refuse. The contract was successfully signed.

There are too many contracts to sign, and he often encounters ahhhhhhh, so Chairman Leo is naturally a little too busy.

In this case, play slowly and take the time to hold the fruits of victory firmly in your hands.

And because of too much depth. The logistics is also a bit unable to keep up-after leaving the railway line, the transportation of shells and explosives becomes more and more troublesome.

Throughout May, the coalition forces slowed down the attack and began to systematically clean up the remaining problems in the rear. Capture the escaped red name, destroy the bandits and robbers, stabilize the place, and resume production.

of course. And more importantly, whenever there is a country that wants to rely on not signing a package of reconstruction assistance agreements-there are more and more countries like this recently.

The farther the country is from Ruman, the less likely it is to be controlled by Ruman, in their opinion. At most, let the common people have a hard time for two years. Their money was made back.

There is no need to sell your own territory to the Flying Eagle Group and let the Rumans pinch their eggs.

Then it's time for the coalition forces to go out, and the coalition forces will be drawn to this unruly king or the archduke city for training.

For example, blast a city wall, blast a city wall, or blast a city wall...

This kind of training action can greatly promote the process of mutual understanding between the negotiating parties. Basically, on the day of the bombing of the city wall, the agreement was successfully signed.

For this guy who doesn't see the coffin and doesn't shed tears, Lei Erye can only offer a pertinent comment that a **** is hypocritical.

Then he took out a small notebook with a black leather cover and gave him a lot of strokes. To settle accounts after the fall.

During the time when the ground offensive stopped, the air offensive led by Fengye Danlin was very fierce.

Maple Leaf Danlin’s flying troops attacked in an all-round way. Instead of passive defense in the past, they took the initiative to attack the undead war fortress in Ryder City, and implemented aggressive air combat for the purpose of destroying the enemy’s vital forces.

The large force pressured the undead to fight with them. Once the undead evaded the battle, they would bomb Ryder City or Emperor De Rossi's ground troops.

Just like two giants fighting with a knife in their hands, the Fengye Danlin people slowly bleed the undead race with one knife.

Every time the air battle does not require much results, the three or five war fortresses of the undead tribe were shot down and immediately withdrawn. Although they were fragmented, they could not bear the high frequency.

On average, the Maple Leaf Danlin Flying Troops visit the top of Ryder's head once every three days. In a month, they shot down more than forty war forts of the dead and dead.

Now the air combat has become the maple leaf Danlin people besieging the undead, and the undead being able to rise into the air less and less.

The Maple Leaf Danlin people estimate that there are only 120 seats left at most. It is estimated that only the Liches themselves know the exact figures.

The number of squadrons of Maple Leaf Danlin with 150 seats and 12 squadrons slightly exceeds their opponents.

The Eagle Flying Unit under the Flying Eagle Group watched Fengye Danlin's blood dripping from eating alone, and the commander of the flying unit jumped up and down like crazy, wanting to go to the front.

Even let out a big talk, as long as the eagle of their six squadrons can kill the war fortress of the undead race.

However, the short legs of the eagle restricted them to fight, and even the westernmost city that had just been recovered, the distance from Ryder exceeded the range of the eagle.

So far, more than 70 eagles can only be watched by Manchester City.

May passed quickly in such a slightly dull battle.

With the beginning of the fiery summer of June, the war has become hot, starring the first actor Archduke Julian and the Ruman Army under his command.

The Grand Duke led the elite Ruman Empire, who had just finished restoring and reorganizing, to break out of the border, almost straight to Ryder City along a straight line.

The soldiers of the Ruman Empire who had just finished fighting the civil war were like a group of sailors who had sailed non-stop at sea for two years, rushing into the brothel, and they were a mess.

In order to vent his depression of five months of defensive warfare, Archduke Julian attacked all the way, breaking the city when encountering the city, breaking the enemy when encountering the enemy, and there was no one under him.

Emperor De Rossi completely gave up his plan of frontal resistance after organizing two battles.

The first time his army was frightened before seeing the Ruman's shadow, the second time he finally saw the Ruman.

But as soon as the Ruman in the east beat the drum, the soldiers of the De Rossi Empire ran west like crazy.

Had it not been for Emperor De Rossi to run fast, he would have been killed by the routs before being caught by the Ruman.

After these two battles, Emperor De Rossi understood that he was a group of **** girls who could only play with their mouths.

If you want to block the Ruman, you can only rely on the regular Semitic army.

The Ruman Empire’s army was like an aphrodisiac, and ravaged the soldiers of the De Rossi empire crazily. Even Lorraine and Wabador were reduced to supporting roles on the battlefield, falling behind and slowly picking up territory.

Archduke Julian marched faster than the speed of message transmission. Before the soldiers of the De Rossi Empire heard the wind, the Ruman suddenly slammed into the city.

Use artillery bombardment in an elegant manner. If you run into a bad mood, you will pile tons of explosives directly under the city wall, blast the entire city wall up to the sky, and send the unresponsive De Rossi soldiers to sit for free. Earth plane.

Then the army marched into the city, rolled the valuables in the city and turned around. The grand duke threw a sentence "Lorraine if you have something to do" to the local people who looked forward to the king's master, and then proceeded westward without looking back.

The archduke Julian has a bad name, UU read www.uukānshu. com acts aggressively and brutally, every time it goes to the tiger's body shakes, domineering, of course, there are benefits.

No one dares not sign the package reconstruction assistance contract of the Flying Eagle Group.

Lei Erye only needs to slap the contract in front of the local nobleman and shout: "Sign it."

Whenever there was a little hesitation, the Grand Duke Julian behind Lei Erye coldly snorted, his face was a little stiff, and they immediately **** their pants in fright.

Lord Lorraine is a bit cruel with money, but he is still willing to reason with you. Grand Duke Julian has never reasoned with people. This old guy can really kill if he is upset.

Even if Lei Erye produced a death sentence, they would quickly sign their names.

After a whole month of hurricane advancement, the Ruman army led by Grand Duke Julian swept thousands of miles, pushing it back faster than the Semitic.

At the beginning of July, the army advanced to the core area of ​​the De Rossi Empire, only four hundred miles away from Ryder City. The war reached the final stage, and at this time Emperor De Rossi had no available soldiers.

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