Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1410: end

In mid-July of the Julian calendar, the three-way army of the United Nations of humanity gathered outside the city of Ryde, together with the volunteer army organized by the nobles of various liberated areas. The army of more than one million surrounded Ryder city from three sides, laying a net of heaven and earth.

The only place left the city of Ryder facing the west was the combined fleet of Ruman and the Elven Kingdom cruising back and forth.

The entire Ryder City is equivalent to saying that the besieged water is impenetrable and has become an isolated island.

The De Rossi Empire, which had just been glorious for a few months, fell into a precarious state. Like a candle in the residual wind, it may be extinguished at any time.

The Million Allied Forces, twenty miles away from Ryder City, formed a huge camp that was hundreds of miles long and several miles wide around Ryder City.

The huge camp is like a broad and majestic river, completely cutting the plain where Ryder City is located.

Within the range of sight, there were various camps, covering the earth like stars.

Countless flags were flying against the wind hunting, covering half of the sky.

In the camp, swords and swords are in the sea, spears are like forests, horns sound, and golden drums hum.

Soldiers in various costumes shuttled back and forth in the camp, and the densely packed heads were like water droplets in the river.

The evil spirit formed by the army of millions rushed straight into the sky, like a raging sea, extremely frightening.

The road from the east to Daying was also completely occupied by the supply convoy transporting supplies, and the civilians were like a group of industrious ants day and night.

From time to time, the war fort of Maple Leaf Danlin whizzed over Ryder City, and dropped bombs into Ryder City at a height of two to three hundred meters from the ground.

The war fortress of the undead can no longer be seen in the sky at this time.

Fengye Danlin completely dominated the sky.

They arrogantly hovered over Ryder City, aimed at the gorgeous palaces in the city, and even joked and bet each other to see who could blow up the beautiful palace.

They use powerful artillery fire. Vent the depression of passive challenge for a long time.

Although Ryder City is known as the capital of the De Rossi Empire, this empire was made in a hurry using paper. It only took a few months to establish and has no background at all. In the past, it was just a royal city in a small country. The wall is no more than a few feet high. The population is no more than 300,000 at most.

This ruined place couldn't build a magic tower at all, and because of the demon clan, naturally there was no magician to help.

In fact, it has no anti-aircraft firepower.

In front of Fengye Danlin people. It is as fresh and delicious as a naked little sheep.

In the east of the city is the camp of the Ruman Empire Expeditionary Army, and the handsome account of Archduke Julian is facing Ryder's city gate.

Lorraine and Leo, as well as Chairman Leo's most loyal brother Xiao Bai, squeezed into the dense crowd in front of the big tent.

When the people around saw Lord Lorraine and Chairman Leo, they screamed like a fan of an idol star. At the same time, rushed to greet Lord Lorraine enthusiastically.

Under their hospitality, Delorraine and Leo couldn't make any progress, but they had to greet them politely.

Now it has entered the hottest season of the year. Although Ryder is very close to the sea. The cool sea breeze is blowing from the west, but the temperature under the sun is still unbearable.

However, the people outside the tent of Grand Duke Julian did not seem to be afraid of the heat at all, standing outside against the scorching sun.

They are local volunteers who have followed the coalition forces all the way. The public statement is to help the people in the occupied areas who are still under the rule of the demons and live in dire life. They come voluntarily out of righteous indignation.

In fact, it was forced to come by Grand Duke Julian and Lorraine. Lord Lorraine used this trick to block them and prevent them from quickly regaining their power and status in the newly liberated area.

When the Mozu attacked, all of these grandsons were scared to pee, and then took their own gold and silver, and the big wife and the little lover slapped their **** and ran away. They completely abandoned their responsibility as aristocratic lords to protect and rule the people and land.

Later, Sir Alex led the army and the demons to start a **** fight. These puppies hid in the back, drunk and beauties all day long, ate Hesai, and called out, "The front is tight, the rear is tight." Then he smiled triumphantly: Let those silly 13 fight for themselves~!

That's all right.

The key is that after these grandsons had poured cat urine too much, they still learned how to make poems by the dead and the elders, and they were all elders. It also claims to be Gothic culture, representing the revival of classical decadence.

This is too much to ignore Luo Jueye, a great writer, philosopher, and thinker.

His Majesty Pope Silmelia was also furious immediately. He took a chance and was very excited about the text prison. After slaughtering a few dogs, they were a little more honest and stopped writing poems indiscriminately. .

Later, Lord Luo led the army to counterattack.

Under the iron hoof of the coalition forces, those territories were restored one by one.

As a result, the grandsons saw that it was cheap, and then ran over, yelling for Sir Alex to hand over the site where he had been shot down.

Erye Lei has a very similar evaluation of them: this is a group of silly people who have been caught by an eighty-ton iron gate with their small brains. 13~!

However, the coalition forces were very helpless to them, just like the Allied forces in the latter part of World War II were also very helpless to France's De Xiaole. After all, they are on their own side and can't deal with it ruthlessly. Otherwise, other allies will look at it, which is not conducive to unity.

But for them, Sir Alex Ferguson will never let it go. Otherwise, Sir Alex Ferguson would be really stupid.

Under this situation, Sir Alex Ferguson immediately swiped his pen and learned the old tricks of the coalition forces against Dai Xiaole. He put them all on the front line and asked these noble lords to make their due contributions to the cause of human liberation. .

When the coalition forces shed blood and sacrifices to liberate their hometown, then they have no reason to refuse to fight for the coalition forces.

Although the nobles were very reluctant, they all knew very well that their territory was liberated by the coalition forces and the coalition forces were stationed above them.

In the face of the cruel and domineering Grand Duke Julian and the sinister and cunning Lorraine, he must not bow his head and obediently.

In the coalition field, you have to listen to the words of the coalition, especially the boss is a butcher general named Julian. It is said that the old gangster has 137 ways to make people die without knowing it.

Therefore, the leaders of these volunteers are all extremely dedicated, and every day they receive the support of Julian Grand Duke. You can't leave even if it's okay, you have to stay until noon.

After Lorraine and Leo struggling to rush out from the crowd of hundreds of nobles, most of their clothes were soaked in sweat, and the uncle Xiaobai was even more hot and sticking his tongue out. Glancing at the crowd behind him in horror, he won't suffer the crime next time he is killed.

Chairman Leo shook his sweat-soaked clothes, and muttered, "I don't know if I owe them money. These guys are really annoying."

Lord Lorraine shrugged. Said: "You can't let them go if you hate them."

"I understand, we rely on this one that squeezes their eggs." Chairman Leo said with a smile: "I won't be struggling with profits."

The two of them walked into the big tent, and they felt a moment of coolness and breathed comfortably.

In the corner of the big tent. A huge ice cube was placed to drive away the heat in the tent.

Xiao Bai screamed, rushed to the front and stuck his nose into the ice bucket. Comfortably hit smart. Simply leaning on the ice bucket and crawling on the ground, it seems that he is not ready to leave here.

At this moment, there was a low roar of artillery from outside the tent. Lorraine looked back and could only vaguely see a cloud of smoke. The artillery position was at least three or four miles away.

Grand Duke Julian held up his spectacles and observed carefully for a moment, then put down the binoculars and looked at Lorraine and said, "How do you think we will launch the general attack tomorrow?"

Lorraine was taken aback. He shook his head hurriedly and said, "Oh, it's okay, it's too urgent."

Archduke Julian pouted his lips and said, "There are only 50,000 or 60,000 Semitic troops left in the city, and we have a million allied troops. I think it is easy to win Ryder City."

Lorraine looked at the west, with a serious expression, and slowly said word by word: "There is still the undead high priest in the city."

Grand Duke Julian froze for a moment, patted his forehead, and murmured, "I almost forgot this guy."

Then he showed a distressed expression, the Duke was not afraid of the war, even if there were ten times more Semites on the opposite side, the Duke was confident that they could not stop him.

But for the undead high priest, the number one strong under the starry sky, Grand Duke Julian was helpless and didn't know how to deal with him, at least using soldiers to besieged him didn't work.

Even if his own soldiers attacked, maybe that guy would have any weird spells, and he would kill all his people in one move.

More terrifying, it is not impossible to turn them into zombie soldiers and then fight back.

Grand Duke Julian sighed, and said with extreme discomfort, "Could it be that just because of one person, our millions of troops are powerless."

Lorraine nodded heavily and said: "The undead high priest has this qualification."

The titles of the strongest under the stars and the closest to the gods are by no means in vain. No one knows how powerful the undead high priest is, but he can stop a million army but he is not fake at all.

The elders of the dragon clan once solemnly warned Lorraine that it was useless to rely on people to deal with the high priest.

Grand Duke Julian turned his head and glanced at Maris, who was sitting in the corner leisurely sipping iced wine, and said, "Aren't the masters you found no good?"

Grand Duke Julian was also very curious about the masters that Lorraine had found, but these people seemed to be very vigilant and rarely had contact with others.

The Grand Duke said that he knew only their performance on the battlefield, other than that, he knew almost nothing about these handsome messy young men.

Maris and the others hunted liches and used the phylactery of the liches in exchange for bonuses. They only knew it themselves and never mentioned it to outsiders.

Soldiers can see that their performance is to put a spell on the battlefield from time to time, blow the poison of the lich, or act as a scout.

Lorraine shook his head and said affirmatively: "They are not good either. Although these people are powerful, they are still far away from the high priest."

Grand Duke Julian frowned and said, "Then what shall we do?"

Lorraine flattened his mouth and shrugged, "I can only wait."

"If that guy doesn't leave all his life, let's wait here forever? Hundreds of thousands of people eat and drink, even Ruman can't afford it." Grand Duke Julian shook his head in distress and said, "You have the most ghost ideas, think of a way. ."

"The Semitic Continent is his foundation." Lorraine said: "I think he will always go back. He will be nailed here and not leave. Let's open up a second battlefield, kill the Semitic Continent, and break his roots.

Although we face the undead high priest can not attack. But he couldn't kill it either, so let it go slowly. "

Archduke Julian believed that Lorraine's words were very reasonable. The undead high priest was the high priest of the Semites, and there were nearly 100 million Semites under his rule. Only in the Semitic can he mobilize troops and build a fortress of war.

In the human continent, he is just a peerless master hiding in a turtle shell.

They can surround Ryder for a year or two, when the Semites in the city are starving to death. With only a group of liches, how big a wave can it make?

It's a big deal to find tens of thousands of priests stationed here, sing hymns around Ryder every day, and annoy the fellow high priest.

"As for the military expenses..." Lord Lorraine glanced at the volunteers outside the tent. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth that made people want to hold their wallet tightly, and said leisurely: "Let's liberate them and regain their territory. These guys also get a share of military expenses."

The leaders of the volunteer army outside the tent felt a cold wind blowing at the same time. I couldn't help but shudder, then looked at the sun above my head in confusion.

In such a poisonous sky, where did this gust of wind come from?


Emperor De Rossi walked alone in the dilapidated hall in a splendid suit. The long sword inlaid with jewels in his hand was dragged on the floor, making a "sharp" sound.

The palace he built with huge sums of money was devastated by the bombing.

All windows were shattered in the violent explosion, and glass shards spilled over the ground.

The roof was pierced by several bombs and half of it collapsed. The other half is also shaky.

The wall of the palace on one side had collapsed, leaving only a few pillars standing alone, and the marble floor was completely submerged by rubble.

However, the national emblem of the De Rossi Empire facing the main gate wall was still clean and intact.

Maybe another bomb will cause the palace to collapse.

Emperor De Rossi stood in the center of the former lively palace and looked around, recalling the scene of music, wine and guests in his mind, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

But a close explosion drove him back to reality, and there was no figure in the broken hall.

All the nobles who had surrounded him, flattered him, and praised him disappeared.

Long before Grand Duke Julian arrived, they all ran away, and they didn't say hello to the emperor. They said goodbye and ran away secretly.

Not only the nobles, but the court guards, servants, musicians, even cooks and gardeners, all disappeared.

Then his beautiful mistresses, the women who used to swear to each other, and the sweet talkers, all disappeared.

Along with them disappearing, there is also Emperor De Rossi's large gold jewelry.

The Semitic people now control Ryder's city defenses. They treat the nobles of human beings equally, and can leave the city at will as long as they give enough money.

Of course there are many small people, such as attendants and servants, they can't be as rich as aristocrats.

At this time, they just look for the small advertisement posted in the corner of the corner. They can always find someone who has a way, and a Semitic soldier is willing to provide this kind of service.

Spend a few gold coins, put on a set of Semitic uniforms, and followed a group of Semitic soldiers out of the city.

The Semitic soldiers are doing this kind of work, but they started this business first, and they have the best reputation and the highest market share. They are the Fourth Division of the Caribbean.

If you can't get out, they will refund the original price, very conscientious, and get praise from people in Ryder.

The feeling of being betrayed by the people at first made Emperor De Rossi very angry. He sent out his hand to hunt down these traitors, and then hanged the captured nobles in front of the lower palace, and laughed at their pleadings and cries before they died.

But Emperor De Rossi soon became numb, and the guards he sent out to arrest people also fled, returning less and less, so that the guards around him could not form a regiment until now.

Looking at the prosperity in front of him, Emperor De Rossi took a deep breath. Everything happened so fast that he still hadn't reacted in his heart.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty~!" An anxious cry came from the rear, and the emperor's loyal palace chief ran over, pulled up the emperor and ran to the tunnel, saying: "Danger, why did you come out alone."

Emperor De Rossi was dragged away by his supervisor like a puppet, and he smiled and said, "Don't be nervous. How many times has the emperor turned danger to a breeze, just a bomb."

At this time, there was a loud explosion from behind them, followed by the sound of the building collapsing, and the hall finally fell down without being able to support it.

The splashed bricks smashed down from the air, and fell cracklingly on the left and right sides of the two. Emperor De Rossi's complexion changed, and he accelerated suddenly, pulling his manager and rushing into the tunnel.

Several war fortresses floated slowly above the head of the lower like to check their results, and flew away in a few minutes.

After the bombing was over, Emperor De Rossi slapped the dust that fell from his body and walked out of the tunnel, his face calmly looked at the dust-shrouded hall, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

A lich walked over quickly, surrounded by war fortresses hovering over his head. Now they dare not fly around in the sky, they are likely to attract a group of priests to chase and kill.

He came to De Rossi, his hoarse voice said without any emotion: "Your Majesty the Emperor, Your Majesty the Lord is calling."

Emperor De Rossi reflexively waved back, but no one handed a small bag of high-quality magic crystals. He was taken aback for a moment, smiled awkwardly, and said without losing his demeanor: "Yes. Just go, dare to ask the master, what is it for?"

"You'll know when you go." The Lich had a harsh tone, turned and left.

Emperor De Rossi watched his black figure disappear and cursed in a low voice: "Feed the dog that is not familiar."

Then he trimmed his clothes and walked towards the palace.

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