Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1411: Gucheng

After days of bombing, the situation in the Ryder Palace was worse than that of the Lower Palace where Emperor De Rossi lived.

The people of Fengye Danlin knew that the undead high priest lived here, and they took care of the palace.

The pilots were all gangsters of menshao men.

And they all have self-knowledge, knowing that their qualifications are not comparable to those rich second-generation officials who have a good father.

In the future, after the war, when you go to the nightclub dance hall KTV or something to pick up girls, just rely on their looks and the few big hairs in their pockets, and those well-dressed, showing off Porsche, Ferrari, Bentley and other rich second-generation luxury cars. No way to compare.

But now God has given them an excellent opportunity.

At that time, when the rich second generations were showing off their sports cars, it only took ten seconds to accelerate from 100 kilometers, and the beautiful and charming people who were fans were staring at Venus, and among a group of people, they silently said, "Brother bombed the dead. High Priest".

That effect must kill those rich second generations.

Therefore, they played their lives and threw bombs into the palace.

In just half a month of continuous bombing, more than 10,000 bombs fell in the palace.

These powerful bombs completely blasted the vast palace to shreds, not even the small wooden houses and toilets where the gardeners put tools.

The Maple Leaf Danlin people completely destroyed all the ground buildings within their sight range, and then blasted the ruins to pieces, but they also knew that the undead high priests and liches were stiff like cockroaches, so they would definitely not be blown up. Everyone is more to let out a bad breath.

The emperor was left with rubble all over the floor and some half-person-high wall foundations, not even a little intact, and all the soil in the courtyard and garden was turned over.

Emperor De Rossi walked directly into the palace along the tunnel of two consecutive palaces, glanced at the tunnel exit of the palace, and sighed distressedly: He spent more money in the palace than in the lower palace.

If it weren't for spending huge sums of money to build a palace, he wouldn't even be unable to issue his weapons.

But now it's all reduced to rubble, just like his empire.

At this time. There was another rumble of cannons outside the city.

Since Grand Duke Julian put the camp outside the city of Ryde, the sound of artillery has not stopped in the past few days, and he has to greet the people in Ryde every day.

Sometimes it was before dawn, sometimes it was late at night, anyway, as long as Archduke Julian was happy, he ordered the artillery to fire a few shots in Ryde. However, due to range limitations, the artillery could not hit the inner city temporarily.

Emperor De Rossi came to the residence of the high priest at this moment, a basement buried deep underground.

The basement is less than six meters long and wide. At this moment, the lich was full of black clothes, there was no gap.

The undead high priest sits alone at the table, his face sinking like water, no emotions can be seen. Listening carefully to Herod's report beside him.

The Lich Herod was originally ordered to go to Ruman City to receive the commander of the Semitic North Road Expeditionary Force, Orlandini. He never thought that the war fortress was about to leave the battlefield when he was hit by an eagle that sprang out suddenly. Before the war fortress crashed, he escaped and returned unharmed, but Orlandini was not spared.

Calculated in this way, this war is extremely ominous for the commanders of the Semitic tribe.

Orlandini, the commander of the northern line, died in battle, the commander of the eastern line Maschinot was sniped, and his successor, Veraprani, surrendered. Abergren, the commander of the Western Front, died in battle, and Admiral Orgen was captured.

At this point, the five top commanders of the Semitic Expeditionary Army were killed and all were wiped out.

Throughout the history of world wars, this situation is also extremely rare.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that the position of Supreme Commander of the Semi is much more dangerous than the president of the country that is the most dangerous profession in the world-'Kimchi in the universe is ours'.

Seeing Emperor De Rossi coming in, Herod took a step back. Standing behind the high priest with hands down.

The liches turned sideways to make a way. Emperor De Rossi looked at the end of the road, and at the old man with white hair, his heart trembled slightly.

Although the appearance of the high priest seemed to be just a retired old teacher on the street, every time De Rossi met him, he felt a wave of heartbreaking cold, as if to freeze his soul.

If he could choose, he would rather go bankrupt and go to the streets to beg. He didn't want to stand in front of the high priest.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in his heart, and walked slowly to the high priest.

The undead high priest looked at Emperor De Rossi, who was pale and depressed, and was silent for a while, then calmly said: "Failure is only temporary. Our strength is still there. They can't beat us a thousand years ago. Now Too.

We can lie dormant for another thousand years, restore our strength, and expand our strength. At that time, I will bring you back. You are still the emperor of this land. "

As long as the undead high priest is still there, he can continue to create countless witches, and there are always many mages who greet eternal life.

Liches can bring out countless dark wizards, continue to firmly rule the Semites, and accumulate strength to fight again at any time.

Emperor De Rossi was stunned for a moment, then carefully considered the words, and said: "Your Majesty... is... are you going back?"

The Undead High Priest slowly nodded and said: "There is intelligence showing that humans are preparing to cross the sea to attack the Semitic homeland. I want to go back to stop the human conspiracy.

Would you like to follow me now? "

Emperor De Rossi hesitated, and asked in a low voice, "Does the gods give up Ryder City?"

"No," the undead high priest affirmed: "We will do our best to hold Ryder and use it as a nail into the human body until he drains the last drop of blood in his body."

Emperor De Rossi shook his head slightly and said, "But there are millions of humans outside the city. I'm afraid Ryder City won't be easy to defend."

The Lich Herod snorted dissatisfiedly and said: "I and some masters will be stationed in Ryder City, even if it is a million army?

As long as we need, we can turn Ryder into a city of immortals that no creature can enter. "

Emperor De Rossi was shocked. He once heard this saying that once the city cannot be guarded, the liches can fill the whole city with poisonous gas and undead creatures. Any living creature will die immediately as long as it steps in. Become a part of this undead city.

But... but this is his Ryder City.

De Rossi killed his father and killed the king, then took refuge in the Semitic, and carried the eternal infamy of ‘human **** and scum.’ Isn't it just to have his own territory and be the boss.

This city is his foundation and his lifeblood.

Once turned into the city of the dead by the liches, his foundation was ruined.

The Undead High Priest saw his doubts and said, "Of course, this is only a last resort. We will continue to increase troops into Ryder through the teleportation array or put into operation. There are masters to help. It is not a problem to defend Ryder."

Although this is said, it also shows that this city is no longer the focus of the entire strategy. And this also represents the failure of this war.

Emperor De Rossi felt cold in his heart, and he found that this incident was irreversible. After all, the millions of soldiers outside the city are not eating dry food.

The reason why they have been slow to launch an attack. Just worried about the undead high priest alone. Fear that the strongest under the starry sky would use any powerful means that would cause them heavy casualties.

De Rossi lowered his head to think for a long time, and then said: "I want to stay here for now, can I, Your Majesty?"

He followed the high priest to the Semites. He was just a worthless emperor on other people's continents. He had no use value of a dime and was bound to be discriminated against for a long time. Maybe the undead high priest will forget him. At that time, even the beggar could spit on his face.

Instead of that, it is better to stay here and see some familiar people and things. At least, he still has some loyal servants here, so that he can continue to be his uncle here.

The undead high priest nodded and said flatly: "Well then. Whenever you want to go, just tell Herod that the teleportation formation is ready, and he will send you away at any time."

Emperor De Rossi opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but finally sighed and bowed: "Thank you for your care."

The undead high priest stood up and walked around the shoulder of De Rossi who was patted on the table. Gentlely said: "You don't have to be discouraged. I will make you the prince of the Semitic for the time being, and find you a wife worthy of your status in the Semitic.

In the future, you will be the emperor of the Semitic and human beings. This is my promise to you and a reward for loyalty to you. "

The high priest also figured out, since the Semitic nobles are not obedient, why not support an emperor who satisfies him.

De Rossi is a good guy. Full of vigor, ideals, daring to do, and loyal to him, respectful, apart from not being a Semitic, it really made the high priest very satisfied.

As for the question of ability... Emperor De Rossi's ability is indeed not strong, but it is what the high priest is satisfied with. What does he want someone with too strong to do?


The gangs of the Semi clan are pretty good, but those **** have dragged themselves down. The stronger the ability, the greater the ability to hold back.

So he urgently needs to support a truly obedient puppet.

However, due to his blood, it is difficult for De Rossi to be a Semitic emperor, but it is not impossible to find him a wife from a Semitic royal background and let his descendants become a Semitic emperor.

With tears in his eyes, De Rossi held the high priest's hand tightly with both hands, and bent over and said, "Thank the **** seat, even if I am crushed, I will follow the **** seat to the end."

The high priest smiled and nodded. De Rossi's loyalty was what satisfied him the most, and this kind of loyalty was something he hadn't encountered in anyone else.

What he saw in the Semites and Liches was more fear and obedience.

The high priest drew his hand, greeted the liches, walked out of the dark basement, circled the tunnel halfway, and came straight to a wide circular underground space.

It can be seen from the traces on the four walls that this place is obviously just built recently, and the faint light burns against the wall, illuminating the large underground space dimly.

On the ground, a magic circle with intricate and gorgeous patterns radiated a faint green light.

The high priest led several people into the circle and waved to Herod and De Rossi who stopped outside the circle.

The green light flashed suddenly, and the dazzling light made Emperor De Rossi unable to help but close his eyes. When he opened it again, his eyes had become empty, and only Herod and a group of liches were left beside him.

The Lich Herod nodded to Emperor De Rossi, flung his sleeves and turned and left the basement. He had to guard against the human army outside the city. He couldn't rely on the remaining tens of thousands of Semitic legions.

Emperor De Rossi walked out of the dull basement and took a breath in the hot and empty outdoors. Walk back to your lower palace.

In the basement of the Lower Palace, the emperor unexpectedly found a familiar figure, the commander of the Caribbean Fourth Division, General Melun.

It could be seen that General Melun was in a bad mood, frowning and feeling down.

No wonder, Ren Sui was surrounded by hundreds of enemy troops in an isolated city, and he couldn't feel better. Maybe you won't see the sun the next day.

Seeing Emperor De Rossi, General Melun reluctantly smiled, and stepped forward and patted Emperor De Rossi's shoulder affectionately, and said: "There will be a meeting on the front line. I will ask your Majesty to go over."

De Rossi greeted Melun with a smile, agreed, and walked side by side with General Melun to the front command.

When the Semi generals in the command saw Emperor De Rossi, they all had no good expressions. They snorted with a good attitude. Those with a bad attitude spit on the ground, cursing, "What is it..."

Only General Melun took Emperor De Rossi to sit next to him, and was now stationed among the Semitic generals in Ryder. Only General Melun had a good attitude towards him.

Others are very disgusted with De Rossi, and the Semitic believe that it is the incompetence of this human emperor that led to their fiasco today.

What's even more hateful is that when the Semites on the front line needed support most, this De Rossi dragged off and crawled slowly like a tortoise, causing the main force on the Western Front to be surrounded by humans with superior forces. Forced to surrender.

It can be said that De Rossi is the enemy of their Semitic people, this kind of behavior can not kill him 10,000 times.

But what made the Semis hated and wanted to vomit blood was that the high priest actually trusted this guy completely. Instead of asking the crime, he sealed the land of Velaprani and rewarded it to Emperor De Rossi.

The reputation of the Broom Star of the Caribbean Division has also spread. Everyone dodges him, lest they get bad luck.

In this situation, the relationship between Melun and De Rossi, the two difficult brothers, is better.

General Melo of the Imperial Guards Division, sitting at the head, squinted. He looked at De Rossi with a dark face, and said: We are all here, let's start. "

At this moment, the Semitic Legion in the city was led by General Merlot of the Sixth Division of the Imperial Guard.

After the Allied forces of Wabador and Mareton defeated Abegren leading the Semites, the Sixth Division of the Imperial Guard at the South Camp of the Semitic Army bravely assumed the mission behind the palace at a critical moment to cover the South Camp. The other divisions retreated.

This noble behavior, which is close to suicide, won high praise from the generals, after retreating to Ryder. Merlot was elected as commander in chief.

General Merlot looked at Emperor De Rossi, and said: "Has your Majesty the God Seat left?

The **** seat told us a few days ago that he might return to the Semitic recently. "

Emperor De Rossi was stunned for a moment, nodded after thinking for a moment: "The God Seat has just left Ryder."

It's no secret, they can find out if they ask Herod.

The surrounding Semitic generals sighed at the same time, and the high priest really abandoned them, leaving them to guard this isolated city.

"The **** seat said to me that it would provide support," Emperor De Rossi said slowly: "In any case, you must defend Ryder City. This is a nail into the mainland and must not be lost."

Although he didn't like De Rossi, his words still refreshed the Semitic generals.

General Melo also showed an expression of excitement. He lifted his spirits and said: "The **** seat will not abandon us, you guys, we can't let the **** seat down. Next, no matter how much you pay, you will also defend Ryder City."

"Yes~!" the generals shouted in unison.

"I'll assign the task," General Melo turned around and pointed to the Ryder map, and said: "South of the city, guarded by the Fifth Guards Corps, west of the city, the Second Anteville Division is in charge, and the north is returned to the Fourth Antville Division, I will lead the Sixth Division to guard the East City. The Eleventh Division of Anteville and the Fourth Division of the Caribbean are on standby in the city as reserves."

The generals took their orders and cast admiring glances at General Melo, and said in their hearts: Melo is a loyal guy, and always leaves the most dangerous task to himself every time. There are not many heroes like this now.

Chengdong faced human attacks and shelling must be the most stressful place. Melo took the initiative, just like he was on the front line of Pade, so everyone willingly listened to his commands.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, your army," Melo looked at De Rossi and thought for a while: "I will be responsible for the security of the city for the time being."

There are almost no civilians in the city, and there is no need to maintain law and order, but it is a euphemism to dislike De Rossi.

Emperor De Rossi didn't care, he shrugged his shoulders and agreed, he didn't want to let himself only four or five thousand people go to the front line to fight, this was his last team.

After the meeting, General Melun enthusiastically took Emperor De Rossi to drink together. At this moment, everyone knew the virtues of his fourth division and did not hold any hope for the fourth division. In fact, he said it was a reserve team. Just don't have to do anything and eat dry rice on the side.

But having said that, the Fourth Division was too auspicious. In case he really got on the front line, then Bau Ba Xing would kill himself. So to be safe, let them stay behind.

General Melo watched everyone walking out of the command post, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, but when he saw General Melo from the back, Melo showed a strange expression and muttered in a low voice: "My brother-in-law or something, I hate it the most. ."


The green light of the teleportation array flashed suddenly and quickly dissipated. The undead high priest was taken aback after seeing the scene in front of him, and said calmly: "You betray me~!"

(To be continued)

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