Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1413: Da Zhi Ruo Yu

When the guards came to the camp of General Melun, he was squatting by the fire, drooling, staring straight at the can of canned beef on the campfire. M.

If it was the way a former acquaintance looked at him, it would be impossible to connect this fellow like a migrant worker with the personable and courteous aristocratic youth.

The army, especially the army in war, is the place for training people.

It can easily turn a trash aristocrat who can only recite poems and make paintings, rich in clothes and jade food, and has to make a fuss for a long time with a long fleshy thorn in his hand, into a waste noble who can climb on ice, sleep in the snow, eat and sleep in the wind, and can be like a wild dog. People who can dig out food in the garbage dump.

Because the besieged water in Ryder City was unable to leak out and the city was short of materials, nearly 100,000 troops had already strictly restricted the supply of supplies.

All the materials are given priority to the front-line combat troops. Even so, they are extremely limited, and only half a catty of food a day.

And junk troops like the Caribbean Fourth Division naturally cut their quotas drastically. According to the official supply quota, they can barely survive every day.

But for the Caribbean Division, this is not a problem. Even though they are under heavy siege, they still have a way to get enough food for themselves. You can even eat canned beef that only the human Nian Army can eat.

This is entirely due to the strong commercial skills of the soldiers in the army. They used to be a bunch of professional smugglers, even if they weren't, their relatives in the family also depended on this to make a living.

In such a living environment, all the puppies have developed a good habit of not putting the law in their eyes.

Although the Semites and Humans were fighting fiercely, the defense lines of the two sides were intertwined and the defenses were tight, but for the moths in the army, that line of defense has been eroded by them. You can even shuttle back and forth, as if you were in no one.

This is not surprising. Although the Semitic and Human races are constantly fighting, they all have what the other side needs.

For example, the Semitic soldiers snatched a lot of gold and silver jewelry, but in the besieged city, these gold and silver jewelry could not be eaten as food.

On the human side, the soldiers are well fed, and they all want to vomit one by one from the allotted canned food. But they don't have much money in their hands.

Under this situation, with a thunderous sound between heaven and earth, the great soldiers of the Caribbean Fourth Division made their debut.

They risked themselves to cross the intersecting fronts, using their little savings to exchange canned food from the puppies of humans.

In the beginning, this is the most dangerous thing, because if you are not careful, you will be killed by the other party. But you know, these people have been driving boats frantically since their ancestors, fighting the wind and waves, and traveling between the two continents all their lives, creating a hugely profitable and promising smuggling trade.

They have never lacked adventurous spirit in their bones.

Although the Semites and Humans all claim that each other is the enemy of the world, there is not much hatred between soldiers and soldiers.

On the contrary, they have a common language. All of them were forced to come out to fight by officials, and they all missed the Erya at the head of the village and the old sow at home.

Especially when the other party came over with real money and bought the junk canned food that he looked disgusting at a price as high as twenty times. This kind of injustice can no longer be wronged, naturally, he was warmly welcomed by the human soldiers. Not to mention, they also claim to be Luo Jue's brother-in-law.

When the Caribbean turned their heads, naturally they brought a lot of food.

For the Semites who lack food, having a dried bun is equivalent to Chinese New Year. Now the Caribbean people actually take out these canned meat, there are a lot of bad wine, and the kind of magical thing called cigarettes that can refresh your mind and eliminate boring.

Although the asking price is a bit more expensive, for the precarious Semitic soldiers, being able to eat and eat is the greatest happiness. Who knows if tomorrow will be killed by a bomb falling from the sky?

Therefore, they look at the Caribs like they look at the legendary God of commerce Hermes.

In this way, the Caribs shuttled back and forth between the two sides, started buying and selling, and made a lot of money from the middle. It even formed a small black market.

The Caribbean Division all participated in it, and business was booming for a while. Moreover, it is getting more and more prosperous, and there is quite a pattern in which the business will not stop even if the war is not over.

As the commander of the Caribbean Division, General Melun naturally made money from the middle.

As a chief, although his material ration is sufficient, after tasting Nian’s canned meat a few days ago, he can no longer do without this industrially produced junk food. Every meal has to be served. tank.

The flame licked the bottom of the can, and the original bright iron bottom smoked a layer of pitch black. At the same time, the can also exudes bursts of meat.

As a conscientious capitalist, Lei Erye, in order to save costs, the industrialized canned meat is completely modeled on the Spam luncheon meat of the US military.

The ingredients inside, in addition to meat, water, starch, also added a lot of fat, in addition, there are a lot of animal offal, such as: liver, large intestine and so on. And nitrite, a strong carcinogen used for preservation.

And in order to increase the taste, a large amount of salt and various spices are also added.

In this way, all other flavors in the can are covered.

Once opened, it is naturally fragrant, making the index finger move and salivating.

Ordinary Semitic soldiers have seen this before. You must know that they have not even seen white noodles a few times, but now they have meat to eat, and it is melted in the mouth, delicious canned meat. Even the landlords and old wealthy people might have seen this kind of thing.

If they were not fighting now, they would all think they were in heaven.

As soon as the messenger entered Melun's camp, he was immediately attracted by the smell. He swallowed a sip of water, and then he saluted Melon and said, "My lord, General Merlot would like to please."

Melun couldn't help but stunned, and said in his heart: ‘It’s so late. It is rare that the enemy did not fire artillery and air strikes today. It's a good time to sleep peacefully. What is he please? ’

But I had to stagger to my feet and left immediately, but looked at my can, hesitated for a moment, then picked it up and said, "Lead the way ahead."

The guard was taken aback for a moment, and he was very impressed with Melun: They had also heard of the things that Uncle Melun had engaged in the black market in private. But this was to see the commander, so he dared to carry this can in such a bright manner.

This is really too arrogant.

However, as a small guard, he also knew how to measure. He just glanced at it briefly, and then looked away. Turned around and walked out.

Melan followed behind him, carrying the box of cans, swaying through the streets all the way, occasionally meeting acquaintances, and calling out loud greetings.

This situation is very ridiculous. The guard even gave birth to a trace of resentment in his heart. This is to go to the headquarters. Uncle, can you keep a low profile? If you let the Liches know that you are doing business in private, the entire senior Semitic will be implicated.

When Melan arrived at Merlot's headquarters, the big horn outside was still playing the saxophone.

It may be because of another unskilled player, or simply a novice, the saxophone played intermittently, not in tune at all. And the most frightening thing is that from time to time, a stern high pitch will be pulled out.

Beside, there is a guy who is desperately beating the gongs and drums, making a sound of "all bang..." as if it were a child... Uh, no, the two children are playing around with musical instruments. The noisy person has a terrible headache. , Can't sleep at all.

The atmosphere that had originally been petty-bourgeois was gone, and only a noise was left.

The soldiers who were planning to go to sleep were all so noisy that they couldn't sleep, and they all yelled at the direction of the distant sound.

Melan also frowned very much, and cursed a few times at the **** who made the noise in the distance. Then he walked into the headquarters.

When the door was closed, Melun was surprised to find that the soundproofing of the bunker was extremely poor. Even if I stand in the room, I can still clearly hear the noise coming from a distance.

Under the leadership of the guard, he passed through a large number of staff officers who were busy in front of the map.

Those people looked at the canned food in his hand, and they all cast a surprised look.

Due to the defense of the officers, the Caribbeans rarely sell these things to them, but these officers have also heard about this can. Occasionally, in private, I will try to get two. But this kind of thing has always been tacit, and it has not been broken.

Now Melun actually brought one over. He was thinking about it, wanting to expose his behavior of communicating with the enemy's smuggled materials in private?

At this moment, I saw that Melan came to Merlot's door. Before entering the door, he already shouted: "General Merlot, hello. What are you looking for?

What a coincidence, when my brother just fought, he seized a few cans of the enemy and brought them to you as a taster. Haha, hahahaha..."

While talking, walked into the room.

The officers looked at each other, and they all saw the admiration in each other's eyes: look at the general Melun, who deserves to be a general. This shamelessness is really shameless.

The Caribbean Division claimed to be the shame of the Flash Army, worthy of the name of the ‘five scum of war’, and it still hid behind, but Melon claimed to have seized enemy supplies.

This kind of story, told to an idiot, he would not believe it.

But he dared to say it shyly. I really don't want to admire the thickness of his face.

Melan came to the room, but saw General Merlot sitting at the other end of the table, holding a bowl of gruel, and carefully poking the rice in the bowl into the mouth.

He immediately threw the can in his hand to the table, then pushed it over, saying: "General, don't drink that stuff anymore. If you are not full, you will be gone as soon as you soak in the urine. Taste mine, oil It’s strong. There’s plenty of meat. It’s fragrant. One can last a day."

Melo stared at the can and was taken aback.

I saw a grinning and naive pig's head printed on the can—Lei Erye ordered that all the cans be punched out with a punching machine. Although this will increase costs, it is an important part of the brand strategy.

After people are familiar with and agree with this canned food brand, it is already extremely difficult for others to want to produce canned food and enter this market.

He smiled bitterly, then reached out and picked up the can, and carefully weighed it in his hand. Said: "I've heard of this thing a long time ago, but unfortunately you **** sell it all over the street, but I have never seen it before."

General Melun couldn't help but halted, and then shouted: "My lord, don't wrong us. This is really what we captured from the enemy. There are more than 8,000 brothers in our division that can testify for me.

At that time, I fought the Terran soldier for 3,000 rounds, regardless of the outcome. Later, I used a trick monkey to steal the peach..."

While talking, he stretched out his hands and gestured.

Melo shuddered and hurriedly interrupted him, saying: "Mullen, we are all sensible people, in front of me, you should stop pretending to be foolish."

Melun stunned for a moment, and then ate and said: "Big...sir, I don't understand what you mean. I have always been loyal to the Semitic, and I have also made great contributions to the Semitic. This heart can express the truth..."

With that said, stand up and swear.

Melo ignored him, but stood up, walked to the door, opened the door, glanced vigilantly outside the door, made sure no one was eavesdropping, and walked back again.

Melan looked at his strange behavior, his eyes widened in surprise.

Merlot sighed and said: "General Melun, if we know that people don't talk secretly, I will tell the truth. Have you always been in contact with that side?"

Melan was about to shake his head like a rattle, and said: "No, absolutely no. How could I have contact with those people. No contact, no contact at all..."

Melo couldn't help sighing again, interrupted him, and whispered softly: "I plan to revolt."

The voice was not high, but Melun froze on the spot like being struck by lightning.

After a while, he eased his energy and said, "My lord, this... this is not a joke, maybe it is to beheaded. I will not hear what you said today. Let's If anything happens, continue tomorrow..."

As he spoke, he stood up in a panic, like a rabbit that only had to run away.

Melo realized that talking to Melun seemed to be very laborious, and he couldn't help sighing again, then gritted his teeth, and said, "Don't be afraid. To tell you the truth, I am a member of the black band."

Melan was startled and wondered: "What... what band?"

Merlot said every word: "Black Band."

Melun was stunned for a while, vaguely feeling that the name was very familiar, as if he had just heard it somewhere, but for a while, he couldn't remember it at all.

Merlot looked at Melun's strange face, and could not help but cursed inwardly: "This **** straw bag."

The Black Band is a secret organization that opposes the high priest within the Spirit Flash Army, and it has been constantly absorbing fresh blood and expanding its influence.

Young, passionate, and justice-filled Semitic officers are all proud of joining this organization.

General Melun actually scratched his head there. It can be seen that this guy has never heard of this organization before, that is to say, he is not favored at all.

Suddenly, Melo found that he didn't even have the strength to sigh.

He paused, and then said: "Look back, when your people are going to do smuggling business again, tell the soldiers on the other side that the black band is ready to move and ask them to cooperate."

Melun was stunned for a long time, and then said in a astringent voice: "My lord, since you are speaking to the bright side, let me say something too.

If, just if. Even if my hands were to engage in smuggling with Human Race, of course this is just a hypothetical situation, not true.

Even if my subordinates are smuggling with the human race, you don't even think about it. People may not understand it, maybe it will delay your major events. "

Melo looked at him with a faint smile. At this time, he finally determined that if this guy wasn't a real straw bag, it was a very smart guy.

He whispered: "General Melun, do you think that, with the name of the human Lorraine's flying eagle and war god, and the SS pervasive espionage system, will you be ignorant of such petty acts of yours? "

Merren suddenly froze.

He thought about it seriously, and then realized that, apart from the first contact, when the Caribs and Terran did business, it seemed that it was really going too smoothly.

No matter how much hard currency they took, Terran could easily eat them all. Sometimes they even generously allow them to owe credit.

For this matter, the Caribbeans often scold those human idiots secretly behind their Now it seems that the transaction is likely to be the use of human intelligence agencies to obtain all kinds of intelligence.

He couldn't help being startled in a cold sweat: This group of humans is really thoughtful and pervasive~! Losing himself is a real brother-in-law, otherwise he would not even know how to die.

Seeing the cold sweat on Melon's head, Melo couldn't help smiling: It seems that this guy is not too stupid.

At this moment, the noise from the loud speakers in the distance finally stopped, and then a voice said again: "Next, please let our black band play "Moonlight" for everyone."

Hearing that sound, Murren's mind suddenly flashed through like lightning, and suddenly brightened: the black band, yes, just now, before the huge sound made the scream, there was a black band playing. A very sad and literary piece. And now, it's the black band again.

And Melo also claims to be a black band, there must be some kind of ulterior ties in it~!

(To be continued) q

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