Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1412: Persuasive weapons of mass

When the Undead High Priest left, the atmosphere in Ryder City suddenly relaxed a lot. m Even the soldiers at the bottom felt that there was not so much tension in the air.

This feeling is as if high school seniors are pouting their butts, lying on the table desperately writing a mountain of homework. At this time, the head teacher suddenly left something. Although everyone was still studying with their heads down, the atmosphere was much more active.

At this time, the human artillery fire, which had been constantly roaring, also miraculously stopped.

The whole Ryder city was quiet.

Because they were accustomed to the roar of artillery, the roar of war fortresses, and bomb explosions, the soldiers were a little unaccustomed to this silence for a while.

After a while, they cautiously poked their heads out of their bunkers, sniffing the air like groundhogs, and as long as they detect the slightest danger, they immediately hide themselves again. .

But there was silence in the surroundings, and there was no danger at all.

Someone boldly crawled out of the bunker and walked slowly onto the broken street.

Under his lead, one, two, three... other soldiers also came to the street.

Because of hiding in the bunker for several days, the sun has not been seen. In addition, the food supply is severely inadequate, the soldiers are all a little malnourished, and even the strongest soldiers have lost a lot of weight.

Their originally fitted military uniforms were a bit wide at this time, and fluttered by the wind. From a distance, they are like a group of wandering spirits crawling out of the ground,

These soldiers all looked at the sky greedily-in front of the powerful human artillery fire, looking up at the sky has become a luxury for them. Only in the gap between the gunfire can they see the sky from the gap in the bunker.

Looking at the sky at this moment. They suddenly discovered that the moon in the sky that they often saw was so beautiful that it was thrilling and tearful.

On the other side of the battlefield. On the position of the first battalion of the Nian Skeleton Division, the soldiers did not have the petty bourgeois feelings of seeing the moon and homesick of the Semi people.

They all held guns and watched dumbfoundedly as a group of officers were busy on the forefront position.

This is an unprecedented sight.

In accordance with military regulations, on the front positions. Never allowed so many lieutenant-level officers to gather together. In fact, there are not many mid-level officers who can reach forward positions.

Not only that, but what surprised them the most was that those officers were all fresh faces, even the most knowledgeable machine gunner Keike had never seen. And their epaulettes are also very strange, something that looks like a morning glory.

If the other party hadn't been personally accompanied by their own officers, these soldiers might think that these people were posing as some Semitic people. Then he broke them with the gun.

A group of soldiers watched the officers busy there. There was a lot of discussion for a while.

I saw one after another huge things that looked like morning glory, and then a long thin thread was pulled on the back, and then another thing was connected. Various strings were thrown on the ground in a mess. , The fog that makes people look at.

A bold soldier saw a thread thrown by his feet and immediately reached out and touched it curiously. Then he let out a scream, and sat down on the ground.

He looked pale and looked at the thread. Cried out "What the **** is this...", like looking at a poisonous snake. Supporting the ground with both hands, he stepped back several steps.

The officer next to him looked at him and immediately sneered, and said, "There is a kind of, you dare to touch the wires casually."

While talking, he walked over, reached out and picked up the string, and shook it very badly at the soldiers.

The soldiers couldn't help but stepped back in shock.

The officer couldn't help but smiled triumphantly, but he didn't care about himself, picked up the thread and walked away.

Kike’s deputy Vail opened his mouth wide, looked at it for a long time, then swallowed, and asked Kike, "Boss, then... what is the wire?"

The soldiers next to him glanced at each other, and silently fell silent, quietly pricking their ears.

Keike smiled and said, "Do you know the bright lights on Nyan Center Street?"

Weir froze for a moment and said, "I know. Those lights are bright and bright. They are hundreds of times brighter than the candles in our village's landlord's house. At first I saw them. I thought they were gems. I was thinking about climbing. Going up and reaching out to touch it, I was caught by a fat aunt with a red hoop on her arm and fined me ten copper plates..."

Having said that, when I looked up and saw Kike's contemptuous gaze, he couldn't help but slapped haha ​​awkwardly, and then continued: "But then again, these lights have something to do with this line?"

Keike thought for a moment, and said, "I remember all the lights were connected with this kind of wire.

Wil's eyes lit up and he murmured: "So it's like this, boss, you know so much. But we don't have any lights here. What are they trying to do..."

Kik immediately blushed, and said helplessly: "I don't know the details, but it looks like it is a new weapon."

" weapons?" Weir was taken aback, then fixed his eyes on the things on the ground.

In his mind, the so-called weapons should be those large-caliber, heavy-weight cannons in the rear. They fired a shot, the sky broke and the ground broke, and the bombing enemy turned upside down. Or those huge rockets. Otherwise it's a solid bomb.

Therefore, in his understanding, the power of the weapon is directly proportional to his body shape.

But looking at the things like broken pieces of iron on the ground, they couldn't connect with the weapons in my mind.

He watched for a long time, and then quietly asked Kik, "Boss, what new weapon is this? Why can't I understand?"

Kike was stunned for a moment, and immediately said categorically, "Nonsense, new weapons are naturally very powerful. If someone like you who doesn't know a basket of words understands it, new weapons are still new!"

Will blushed immediately with shame and his neck was thick. But the soldiers next to him looked at each other and confirmed one thing-Kick couldn't understand this new weapon.

An officer next to them listened to their conversation, but stopped and then smiled. To everyone: "Everyone, don't guess. This is a large-scale persuasive weapon. It can be said...

He said this, deliberately paused, and then continued: "It can be said to be a forbidden curse."

"I'm silly."


"I heard it right."

"Forbidden curse. That old man is 13."

"The weapon of mass persuasion..."

"What is a mass persuasive weapon..."


The soldiers immediately exclaimed.

Forbidden curse, that thing is not something ordinary people can see.

A hundred years will not necessarily produce a Forbidden Magic Master.

It is said that the most recent forbidden curse was performed under the city of Maple Leaf Danlin a few years ago, when Almohad Guardsmen **** outside the villa of the Great Sorcerer Lester. The cautious old thing immediately flew into a rage, and then stretched out his hand to cast a forbidden curse-a thousand miles of ice.

Overnight, the snow under the Maple Leaf Danlin was several meters deep. And the snowflakes are as big as reed mats. The poor tens of thousands of Almohad's elite were all buried in the snow. When they were dug out, they were all frozen.

Later, everyone came to an important conclusion-you must not urinate and defecate anywhere in Fengye Danlin~!

So many houses there. Who knows which one belongs to Lester? In case if you pee outside of his house. Just wait to die.

But having said that, snowflakes as large as reeds, just a piece of it falling off is enough to kill a person. From this we can see how magnificent the landscape is when the forbidden curse is applied.

It's a pity that everyone wasn't in Fengye Danlin at the beginning, otherwise you could feast your eyes on it.

And now. This group of officers actually said that they can also cast the curse?

Having said that, can everyone have the honor to see the forbidden spell spell that has never been seen in a century?

All the soldiers immediately became energetic, their eyes widened, and they planned to take a good look at the power of this forbidden curse. When they return in the future, they can also brag to the buns in their hometown.

The officers had been busy for a while, and then stood up one after another.

The man who looked like a school official standing in the middle looked around and felt that he was ready. Then he looked down at the twenty-four K Rolex pure gold watch he was carrying, and said, "Okay, let's get started."

A young officer agreed, and then strode to the front of a table-the table was full of various instruments and equipment.

The soldiers suddenly became nervous, and some people whispered: "Don't talk, don't talk, it will begin immediately. The curse begins..."

The scene suddenly became quiet, and even the soldiers who were smoking cigarettes quietly threw their cigarette butts on the ground.

In the awe-inspiring gaze of the soldiers, the little officer let out a sigh of relief, then reached out and flipped a switch...

Suddenly, there was a loud, sharp sound of ‘squeak~~~~’.

The voice was like a magic sound piercing the brain, making teeth sore.

The soldiers all yelled involuntarily and covered their ears with their hands.

This forbidden curse is really powerful. As soon as it was used, the ears of those who were already shaking started to hurt.

But immediately, the little officer was sweating profusely. He tuned something in a hurry, and the magic sound of Guan Nao suddenly fell.

The little officer turned his head and apologized to everyone: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't adjust it just now. I'm sorry..."

The soldiers looked at each other and saw a few drops of sweat on each other's head.

At this time, the little officer picked up an object on the table and tapped it lightly with his fingers. Suddenly, there was a loud noise like drumming from the huge iron barrels like morning glory in front.

Everyone couldn't help but their eyes widened.

Although they could not read, they were not fools, and they could immediately see that the weird thing had amplified their voice a lot.

The junior officer came to the front and said loudly: "Hey, hello..."

The two sounds of the same ‘Hey Hey’ came from those iron cylinders. And it's extremely huge. Like thunder, it resounded throughout the battlefield.

If you listen carefully, you can faintly hear the echo from the broken wall in the distance-this thing is really amazing. It can make the sound so much louder all at once.

They all opened their mouths and stared at the weird thing. Then waited expectantly for Forbidden Curse to appear gorgeously.

At this time, the little officer picked up a notebook. Then he leaned to the side of the lantern, and said loudly: "Brothers of the Semi, brothers of the Semi. Hello, we are the Human Alliance. Here is the final announcement to you..."

In the silent night sky, the voice spread far away, clearly reaching the city. Into the ears of Semitic soldiers.

The soldiers were in an uproar first. Thought this was another human attack. Immediately he was about to run towards the bunker, but immediately found that there was no bomb falling in the sky. Only then did he slightly settle his mind.

When they discovered that it was a huge sound from a distance, they couldn't help but panic again.

Among their impressions, the voice will be loud enough only if the person is loud enough. And now. Hearing the sound from the human battlefield, they immediately formed a giant who was extremely tall and could stand shoulder to shoulder with the city wall in their minds. A single punch can destroy the legendary Wall of Maria.

just now. This giant is just talking, in case he kills...

Once this rich association unfolds, they cannot help but feel fear.

"Brothers from the Semi ethnic group, you also have parents and brothers in your family, as well as wives and children. They are waiting for you to go home. Don't give your life to those undead.

You are thousands of miles away, fighting meaninglessly for the dead. But your parents are at home. Can't eat and wear warm. Think about it, is it worth it?

Your life is more important to your parents and family.

Quickly put down the weapon in your hand and surrender...

We guarantee your personal safety.

If negative corners resist stubbornly, there is only one dead end.

Our army of millions has firmly surrounded you. There is no other way out except surrender...

Brothers, just put down your weapons, raise your hands and surrender. We have big white buns for you to eat.

Don't be stupid to sacrifice your life to those undead.


That huge voice kept echoing in the night sky, over and over again.

The Semi soldiers stood on the street, all looking at the sky, listening to human propaganda in silence. I don't know what they are thinking.

Unconsciously, someone cried lowly.

Immediately an officer discovered that something was wrong, and that voice had a great impact on the morale of the soldiers.

They immediately jumped out, yelling at a burst of abuse in the distance. But their voices were extremely weak compared to the Nian'an army, like a toad on the roaring plane, no one cared at all.

The officers immediately turned into anger, turned their heads, punched and kicked their soldiers, drove them back into the bunker, and then ordered them to cover their ears with their hands extremely arrogantly.

But the huge sound still passed through the bunker and entered the ears of the soldiers. The morale of the enticed soldiers fell for a while.

On the Terran position, a group of soldiers who were resting were also awakened by the loud sound.

However, because they were warned in advance, they did not panic. It's just that, just like the Semi people, they were also misled by inertial thinking, and they poked their heads out of the camp, looking in the direction of the sound, trying to see the giant who could make such a loud sound.

Sitting in his camp, Lorraine was startled when he suddenly heard the huge and familiar voice. Immediately reminded me of seeing those vendors screaming loudly on the street.

Among them, the one that impressed him most was the one who sold rat medicine with a big loudspeaker on his back: ‘The rat’s appointment, the rat’s appointment, the big mouse bounced three times after eating, the little mouse won’t move after eating...’

Grand Duke Julian listened in his camp, was taken aback, then smiled and shook his head. He only knew a thing or two about this weapon, but he didn't agree with the effect. It just felt that this was another weird thing Lorraine had two bad money and nowhere to spend.

In Leo's camp, he and Xiaobai were grabbing a large bowl of ice cream, and they were shocked when they heard this sound suddenly. Then there was golden light from his eyes, he jumped up and ran to the door.

But when he ran to the door, when he turned his head, he saw Xiaobai grinning, looking at the large bowl of ice cream with joy, without any preparation to move. Leo couldn't help being furious, stomped his feet and cursed loudly: "Xiao Bai, you're a foodie, you know how to eat all day long. Didn't you hear the outside sound?"

Xiaobai couldn't help but froze, then looked at Leo for unknown reasons.

Leo shouted: "Our chance to make big money is here again~! Quick, quick, quick. Stop eating. Come with me..."

With that, he rushed out the door.

Xiaobai looked down at the large bowl of ice cream in front of him, then looked at the door where Leo had disappeared, grinning, and ran out with a very tangled expression.

But after a second, it rushed back again, stuck its nose into the ice cream basin, took a deep breath, and sucked the basin to the bottom. Then it flung its tail with satisfaction and ran out. .

On the other side the General Command of the Semitic Army, General Merlot of the Sixth Division of the Imperial Guard heard that voice and couldn't help being silent for a while.

At this moment, I heard the huge voice: "Next, please listen to our famous black band Nyan's famous saxophone song "Homecoming" composed by the Earl of Lorraine himself. I hope you will all be able to safe trip home."

Then, a beeping musical instrument rang. But obviously the person playing is very unskilled, often in the middle, or out of tune.

Even so, it still reveals the melodious and slightly sad emotions in that song, so that when you hear it, you can't help but feel homesick.

Melo couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly: This Sir Alex is really versatile. No wonder so many girls can be soaked, even the first beauty of the Semi, Adeling, also eloped with him.

He was very suspicious, besides having a baby, what else could Lord Luo Jue do not have?

But in the next second, he stood up, and then shouted: "Guards, pass my order. Please come to my tent, the commander of the Caribbean Division, General Murren."

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